Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

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  • Was this girl wrong to block me on Facebook?

    This girl who is a friend of my friend was planning an outdoor event with friends of friends and even my friend invited me for her. He told me she knows I am coming so all I did was send her an innocent message and just said something normal like:” hi there, my friend told me about the event and he had said to contact you about it. I was wondering if you would like me to bring anything?” Then not only did she never respond, but she BLOCKED me all together on Facebook. It was very rude. I asked my friend about it and he just told me he didn’t want to get in the middle of it and now I feel awkward even wanting to come to the party now because she blocked me.

    Was she wrong here?

    1 AnswerEtiquette2 weeks ago
  • When a girl asks me to send her $200.00 to meet up with me, is that a scam?

    I keep getting these scams and profiles on Facebook who send me a friends request that look real but when they talk and message me, they say they want to date me but then start asking me for money to help out with their fare with wanting $200.00 if they met me in person. Is this def a scam and why is this not illegal of fraud?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Was the pizza delivery guy so rude in asking me for a tip?

    I ordered pizza and the total was $13.91 and I gave him a $20.00 and asked for change then he just said: “what you aren’t going to give a tip?” and I said: “I will but I need change first and have to take it out of there. Then he rudely snapped and said he doesn’t have change and told me I should tip anyway and that he will just keep that. He then left and said he didn’t want to deal with it or worry about getting it. I am thinking: “Jeez what idiot doesn’t carry change?” Was he being rude and in the wrong here? I mean I know it’s polite to tip but to put me on the spot with asking for a tip is just so rude and he was a foreign guy too so he probably didn’t know American etiquette.

    7 AnswersEtiquette2 weeks ago
  • Was this girl wrong to block me on Facebook?

    This girl who is a friend of my friend was planning an outdoor event with friends of friends and all my friend invited me for her. He told me she knows I am coming so all I did was send her an innocent message and just said something normal like:” hi there, my friend told me about the event and he had said to contact you about it. I was wondering if you would like me to bring anything?” Then not only did she never respond, but she BLOCKED me all together on Facebook. It was very rude. I asked my friend about it and he just told me he didn’t want to get in the middle of it and now I feel awkward even wanting to come to the party now because she blocked me.

    Was she wrong here?

    3 AnswersEtiquette2 weeks ago
  • Are Giant Eagle grocery stores still really planning to eliminate plastic bags?

    Before the pandemic, I have heard rumors about grocery store chains such as Giant Eagle eliminating plastic bags all together because of the environment and where everyone will have to bring their own bags from now on. Is this still happening? I know when the pandemic happened; they never followed through with this because they didn’t want people to bring their own bags due to Covid. If this does happen, what are people going to do if they don’t have their own bags and they really need plastic bags? I mean some people save plastic bags for garbage cans and use them a lot so how could they possibly eliminate them?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Why does this worker in the pizza in the pizza shop who doesn’t serve me always tell me to have a good night?

    Every time I pick up a pizza, there’s this one employee there who never waits on me. He is always cleaning. The one who waits on me tells me to have a good night which is completely normal and being friendly. But every time I am leaving with my pizza going about my business, the employee who is sweeping the rugs isn’t even at the door where I am walking out of keeps bothering me and always tells me: “Have a good night.” Sometimes I acknowledge him with telling him that back but other times it gets so annoying that I will ignore him or I will mention that the guy who waited on me already told me to have a good night then at one point I just told him to leave me alone and get back to work. Also, I will tell him that I am not leaving yet so I could trick him to make him stop saying that where it puts awkwardness in him like he wasted his breath.

    I mean he doesn’t do that to anyone else leaving but only says that to me like he wants to make conversation and I find it annoying. He’s not even cleaning by the front door where I am walking out of. Even that will be more natural for him to be friendly to say that but If he wants to tell me to have a good day then he should start learning how to use the register to work with customers. However, it’s not his place to go out of his way to wish me a good night. Why does this worker always have the need to talk to me with saying have a good night? I am just thinking why doesn’t he leave me alone so I have peace and quiet.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Why does this worker in the pizza in the pizza shop who doesn’t serve me always tell me to have a good night?

    Every time I pick up a pizza, there’s this one employee there who never waits on me. He is always cleaning. The one who waits on me tells me to have a good night which is completely normal and being friendly. But every time I am leaving with my pizza going about my business, the employee who is sweeping the rugs isn’t even at the door where I am walking out of keeps bothering me and always tells me: “Have a good night.” Sometimes I acknowledge him with telling him that back but other times it gets so annoying that I will ignore him or I will mention that the guy who waited on me already told me to have a good night then at one point I just told him to leave me alone and get back to work. Also, I will tell him that I am not leaving yet so I could trick him to make him stop saying that where it puts awkwardness in him like he wasted his breath. 

    I mean he doesn’t do that to anyone else leaving but only says that to me like he wants to make conversation and I find it annoying. He’s not even cleaning by the front door where I am walking out of. Even that will be more natural for him to be friendly to say that but If he wants to tell me to have a good day then he should start learning how to use the register to work with customers. However, it’s not his place to go out of his way to wish me a good night. Why does this worker always have the need to talk to me with saying have a good night? I am just thinking why doesn’t he leave me alone so I have peace and quiet. 


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • What if we are forced to eat with our masks on?

    What if the government makes it an order for everyone to keep their mask on while they are eating then what are we supposed to do? Super glue the masks to our face so they never come off and maybe cut a hole around the mouth so there is room to eat? LOL.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Is one good thing about wearing a mask is no one will notice stuff on your face?

    I been thinking that wearing a mask can have it’s good thing and benefits. One is that no one will notice stuff on my face like if I get ketchup on there or if I have a booger hanging out of my nose. Is that a good thing about wearing a mask is I could get away with having a booger hanging out of my nose and stuff on my face?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Why are girls so unfriendly and don’t say hi back?

    I get it that I may be a stranger but it’s common and normal for people to be friendly. Every time I walk by a girl near my college, I would just say hi because I am polite and being friendly but they never say hi back. The girl would just stare, ignore me, and give me a weird look. It’s like you can’t even say hi to a woman these days anymore without being accused of being a sex offender or hitting on them. Is it too much to ask for someone to be friendly and say hi back? It’s not I am asking to date them.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Why are girls so unfriendly and don’t say hi back?

    I get it that I may be a stranger but it’s common and normal for people to be friendly. Every time I walk by a girl near my college, I would just say hi because I am polite and being friendly but they never say hi back. The girl would just stare, ignore me, and give me a weird look. It’s like you can’t even say hi to a woman these days anymore without being accused of being a sex offender or hitting on them. Is it too much to ask for someone to be friendly and say hi back? It’s not I am asking to date them.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Do you ever get a song stuck in your head but have no idea who sings it?

    I have a song stuck in my head but I forget the lyrics how it goes and have no idea who sings it. Do you hate when this happens? It’s like I never had a chance to see who the artist was and I have an odd chance of finding it on the radio again if it isn’t played often and I will be lucky to hear it again on the radio. Does this happen to you?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • You won’t miss Yahoo! Answers limited questions, right?

    I been thinking, I know it is a shame that Yahoo! Answers will shut down but one thing I will not miss at all is the limited questions of only being able to ask 5 questions a day and losing points if you ask a question. Well on Quora or any other question and answer site, is there limited questions and do they have a point system on there? Will they also have a best answer awarded with using levels and the point system or is Yahoo! Answers the only site that did that?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Did you think the Election of 2020 was really fraud?

    I don’t even know what’s true anymore or not. Some media is saying the Election was fraud and others in the media saying it wasn’t. Do you think it was fraud where the Election got rigged with mail in ballots and was Trump right saying the Election was rigged and he got cheated?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 weeks ago
  • Do you credit Yahoo for giving notice about Yahoo! Answers shutting down?

    I don’t know about you but I give Yahoo lots of props and credit for giving us enough advanced notice and warning about Yahoo! Answers shutting down. They did the right thing announcing it and letting us know and we should be thankful they gave notice because most sites just shut down without notice and they don’t explain with any announcement. If they didn’t care somewhat, they would have just shut down without explaining anything. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Do you think Yahoo staff are watching us and moderating every question we ask?

    I bet yahoo moderators who created the Yahoo! Answers site are watching us and laughing at us for asking questions about why the site is shutting down. Do you think they are watching our questions? What do you think they are thinking about our questions about Yahoo! Answers shutting down and with everyone taking advantage before the last day it shuts down?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Will it make a difference if I just not close out my browser during the day Yahoo! Answers shuts down?

    If I keep my browser open for days after Yahoo! Answers shuts down and if I never close out of the Yahoo! Answers site, will that make a difference and at least keep the site up for me where I can always see it? What if I never close out of the browser on Yahoo! Answers for months anyway and not refresh it? Will that avoid the shutdown on my end and make history that I still see it existing on my end?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Will any other question and answer site have all the categories like on Yahoo! Answers and same features?

    Yahoo! Answers has the point system and has an option to award a best answer. They also have expanded categories. Will popular questions and answers sites like Quora also have the same features and same categories to browse through that I could categorize my category to post my question in?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Is it ok for your boss to touch your private area if you have been working with him for 20 years?

    This girl I know has been working with her boss for 20 years since their teenage days and they are close. However from what I heard, the supervisor is touching her private area and has an affection feeling for her because of working together that long so they aren’t keeping it professional. It’s like he has feelings for her but she is very uncomfortable no matter how long they known each other for. Is this ok?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Will it make a difference if I just not close out my browser during the day Yahoo! Answers shuts down?

    If I keep my browser open for days after Yahoo! Answers shuts down and if I never close out of the Yahoo! Answers tie, will that make a difference and at least keep the site up for me where I can always see it? What if I never close out of the browser on Yahoo! Answers for months anyway and not refresh it? Will that avoid the shutdown on my end and make history that I still see it existing on my end?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers3 weeks ago