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  • my baby is getting into this weird habit ....?

    my baby is getting into this weird habit when she plays with her toys or looks at her feet she makes this weird grunting noise. like she is annoyed or something. shouldn't she be smiling or laughing?

    when i put her down she cries and scratches her face and pinch and grab her ears really hard, leaving scratches. when i put mittens on her she would rub her skin really hard and that leaves a burning mark. we hydrate her skin really well with aveeno and vaseline and it works. we dont have family here so i look after her 24/7. my husband helps too when he comes home from work.

    when she plays with us she is happy and smiling though. everything else is fine.

    any advices?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby girl is crying for attention to be held and waled around all day.?


    I have a 5 month old girl and she constantly cries for attention. When i pick her up she stops, but i have to walk around the house. Even if i sit on the sofa and hold her she cries. When i leave her on the swing she cries and scratches face really hard, sometimes leaving bad cuts and cries. I have tried leaving her but if i leave her for 1hour she would cry for 1 hour, so she just cries until i pick her up. I don't know what to do at times it drives me crazy. I cant do any housework and i don't want to hold her all day long or she might become attached. I am only 22 and i am very inexperienced , Does anyone have any tips?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago