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How old do you have to be to rent a motel room in New York?
What if an 18 year old wants to rent a motel room?
What if it's an 18 year old and a younger sibling?
What if it's an 18 year old and just a younger person?
What if it's an 18 year old and an older person?
Do the younger people have to be with their parents? Or can they be with a sibling over the age of 18?
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years agobeautiful, slow, sad flute solos?
I want to play a song that conveys heartbreak, sadness and pain. Something like Chopin's "Nocturne" but less complicated and slower and only for the flute. I am intermediate but i learn quickly so, any song that comes to mind is great. Any suggestions? Thanks
5 AnswersClassical6 years agohow old do you have to be to get engaged?
I was just curious as to what the legal age in Quebec was to get engaged. I know the age to get married (16). But, surely, you can get engaged before then, right?
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce6 years agowill i fail 8th grade?
I am terrible at maths and I'm failing. It's the end of the year and I'm passing all of my other subjects. I'm an 80% average student in all other subjects but a 30% average in maths.... If I fail maths, will I fail my year or will I still go on to grade 9? (Where I am, 7th-11th grade is highschool)
If I fail the year but pass the exam, will I still fail the subject?
Thank you so much
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education6 years agomy brother is coming home from Mexico! what do i get him?
I want to get/make him something for when he comes home. He's been in Mexico for 6 months as a raft guide. I miss him so much and he's coming home in 10 days! I'm 14 and he's 21, if that helps. Last time we spoke on the phone, I started crying after he had told me that he misses me too.
I would prefer making a gift because we're kind of tight on money. I crocheted him a mini sombrero, but I don't know if he would like that. He HAS been in Mexico for the past 6 months. He's going back to Mexico in 6 months, so I want to make him something small and easily transportable to kind of remind him of home. I don't know, something sentimental. But I have no ideas. Please help. Thank you!
2 AnswersFamily6 years agoam i short for my age?
I am a 14 year old girl and I am 5'3 1/2" I am 130 lbs, but thin with a small muffintop (it's mostly muscle). All of my friends are taller than me, so I was wondering if I was too short. They tease me with the cliché nickname, "shorty", but it doesn't bother me that much. I'm not asking because I'm unhappy with my height, because I'm finally happy with the way I look 😊. I'm asking out of general curiosity. My ex-boyfriend is 5'10", but then again he *is* older than me. My closest friend is a whole head taller than me but is younger. So, am I short for my age?
2 AnswersOther - Health6 years agoi think i have a cavity. help!?
I have never had a cavity in my life. I am 14 years old and I take good care of my teeth and I don't like to eat sweets. I'll eat the odd candy once in a while but I don't really like sweets in general.
My tooth is number five on the top left side if my mouth. When I was in 4th grade, my tooth became loose. It never came out though and hardend back up. Again in 6th grade, it happened this time, it set farther into my mouth than my other teeth. Last night, however, it was extremely painful and I thought that I was going to throw up from the pain. I put ice on it and that seemed to do the trick, but it hurts again this morning. The gum is separated from the tooth and food can get stuck up there. If you look up between my gum and tooth, it is a dark colour. I don't know if that is blood or a cavity. It hurts all the way up to my cheek and in my ear. My parents are scheduling a dentist appointment, but I would just like to know beforehand if this is indeed what I have.
2 AnswersDental6 years agohow to be dominant while kissing if you're a girl?
My boyfriend and I are both submissive-ish people but we agreed that we would take turns being dominant. I'm a girl and he's the only guy that I've ever kissed. Don't say that he's a woose, or anything like that because he isn't. He just wants me to be more aggressive from time to time. How do I "dominate his mouth" as he puts it? I don't know what to do as I've only used tongue three times and every time was with him. Any kind, HELPFUL answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agohow to be dominant while kissing if you're a girl?
My boyfriend and I are both submissive-ish people but we agreed that we would take turns being dominant. I'm a girl and he's the only guy that I've ever kissed. Don't say that he's a woose, or anything like that because he isn't. He just wants me to be more aggressive from time to time. How do I "dominate his mouth" as he puts it? I don't know what to do as I've only used toung three times and every time was with him. Any kind, HELPFUL answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agohow to be dominant while kissing if you're a girl?
My boyfriend and I are both submissive-ish people but we agreed that we would take turns being dominant. I'm a girl and he's the only guy that I've ever kissed. Don't say that he's a woose, or anything like that because he isn't. He just wants me to be more aggressive from time to time. How do I "dominate his mouth" as he puts it? I don't know what to do as I've only used toung three times and every time was with him. Any kind, HELPFUL answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agohow to be dominant while kissing?
My boyfriend and I are both submissive-ish people but we agreed that we would take turns being dominant. I'm a girl and he's the only guy that I've ever kissed. Don't say that he's a woose, or anything like that because he isn't. He just wants me to be more aggressive from time to time. How do I "dominate his mouth" as he puts it? I don't know what to do as I've only used toung three times and every time was with him. Any kind, HELPFUL answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoi think i may be in the early stages of anorexia....?
I'm 5'3 1/2" i am 13 years old (turning 14 in 5 days. Yay!) I don’t know how much i weigh. But i do know that i am overweight. I wouldn't say that i am obese, but i would say that i am more that chubby, less than FAT. My tummy hangs low, although I can see the skin under it. I have large arms, large thighs, my "underwear area" sticks out and is pudgy and my back has fat rolls (not very large but very noticeable)
I do not eat breakfast (occasionally on weekends when my mom forces me to) i do not eat lunch and i hate eating in public because I'm afraid that people will think that I'm eating too much. i eat supper but i eat very little. I.e. my family eats a dinner bowl full, i eat a soup bowl half full. My dad has noticed that i barely eat and so has my sister. My mom just tells me that her sister used to fast and then diet and then eat a lot then diet again... etc.... she says that my aunt now has a f*ucked up metabolism and she doesn't want me to end up that way. Yet they do nothing to help me. I know that i have a problem, but i don't want to stop. I feel very tired all of the time and i faint during my period. My hair has started thinning out but i used to have VERY thick hair. I drink lots of water so i am not dehydrated. I feel bad when i eat. I feel like a monster is telling me to eat and then telling me to fast (MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!). I hate myself and i get agitated easily. Especially when people try to make me eat. I do have muscle though (I live on a farm). Help?
3 AnswersAdolescent7 years agoI believe that I have problem with my anatomy ( girls only )?
I have noticed that my period comes out from my "pee hole" (urethra) and my pee comes out of my "baby hole" (birth canal). I know that this isn't normal but my mom doesn't believe me. I'm really worried and I want to go to the doctor's. My dad believes me and offered to take me to the gyno. But my mom told him not to. I asked this question to have an answer and I am genuinely worried. I would like to know how to get my mom to believe me. I SWEAR, THIS IS NOT A TROLL! Please answer truthfully! P.S. I'm 13. Please help.
P.P.S. if you are not going to answer my question, then I suggest that you skip this question and not receive the measly two points that you do not deserve.
5 AnswersWomen's Health7 years agoI think that I have a problem with my anatomy (girls only)?
I have noticed that my period comes out from my "pee hole" and my pee comes out of my "baby hole" I know that this isn't normal but my mom doesn't believe me. I'm really worried and I want to go to the doctor's. I SWEAR, THIS IS NOT A TROLL! Please answer truthfully! P.S. I'm 13. Please help.
4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years agoI can't talk to my boyfriend?
So my boyfriend and I have been together for 4 months on the 4 of October. He is one year older than I am. His birthday is a week after mine so we will be the same age for one week and then he will turn 15. He is very shy but I'm not. He lives in Switzerland but I live in Canada. He was an exchange student at my school. He is Catholic but I am not very religious. We love each other to death but we don't talk about a wide diversity of things. We try to email each other every day, but sometimes he doesn't answer every day. I want to bring up the subject of sex but I'm afraid that if I do, he might just decide not to answer me. He's the type of person that will change topics very quickly when it gets awkward and I'm the type of person who doesn't really care. What I really want to know is what to say. Please do not tell me that I am too young for this. I simply want to talk about it as most couples do at this stage in the relationship. P.S. we had known each other for about a year before getting into the relationship.
P.P.S. he is a very intelligent person. He has already skipped a grade in Switzerland and graduated. (They graduate in grade 10 and if they want to go to university, stay in school until grade 12 in Switzerland.)
P.P.P.S. other than those few differences, we are extremely alike.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agomy boyfriend is shy?
So my boyfriend and I have been together for 4 months on the 4 of October. He is one year older than I am. His birthday is a week after mine so we will be the same age for one week and then he will turn 15. He is very shy but I'm not. He lives in Switzerland but I live in Canada. He was an exchange student at my school. I'm usually hornier than other girls my age but I don't know about him. He is Catholic but I am not very religious. We love each other to death but we don't talk about a wide diversity of things. We try to email each other every day, but sometimes he doesn't answer every day. I want to bring up the subject of sex but I'm afraid that if I do, he might just decide not to answer me. He's the type of person that will change topics very quickly when it gets awkward and I'm the type of person who doesn't really care. What I really want to know is what to say so that he kind of feels somewhat obligated to answer me but not directly obligated I want him to feel subconsciously obligated. Please do not tell me that I am too young for this. I simply want to talk about it as most couples do at this stage of the relationship.
P.S. he knows that I am a horny person and we had known each other for about a year before getting into the relationship.
P.P.S. he is a very intelligent person. He has already skipped a grade in Switzerland and graduated. (They graduate in grade 10 and if they want to go to university, stay in school until grade 12 in Switzerland.)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoimma girl. why am I so horny!?
I'm 13. And I'm the type of girl who wants to wait till I'm married but for about 1 week every month I am just so horny. I even sexted a guy! (No pics. I'm not stupid) but I have a boyfriend! I told him though. He forgave me. Anyway, usually I'm just really horny and want to sext someone, but this time I just really want someone to f*ck me. I know that the reason I'm so horny is because I'm ovulating, but im NEVER this horny. It literally hurts. Im at the point where I don't care who, when or where. I'm just so confused! I need help!
4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years agoany ideas on some subtly sexy songs?
I'm a girl in high School, and I want to sing a song at the talent show that has a subtle hint of sexy, but not so much that I won't be allowed to sing it. Like in the song ''all about that bass'' she says that she gotta boody and that she can shake it like she supposed to do. Something subtle like that. Just a subtle hint to make people wonder.
3 AnswersSinging7 years agoI have boyfriend and I think about blowing another guy?
So hi, I don't know why I think about this, it's not like I'm actually going to do it. But my boyfriend lives in Switzerland, and I love him so much, but I was talking with my friends cousin the other day, and he kept talk about ''d.icks and puss*es'' as he put it. And he kept talking about bjs and I don't know, I just started thinking about giving one to him, not thinking about fulfilling the action, but I just thought about it and I can't stop thinking about it. Can someone please help me and tell me how to stop? Please? And don't tell me that I don't love my boyfriend because I do. I'm asking for help on how to STOP thinking about another guy, not to tell me that I'm a slut, because I already feel like I'm cheating on him like this.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agohave a boyfriend, but I think about blowing another guy?
So hi,
I don't know why I think about this, it's not like I'm actually going to do it. But my boyfriend lives in Switzerland, and I love him so much, but I was talking with my friends cousin the other day, and he kept talk about ''d.icks and *******'' as he put it. And he kept talking about bjs and I don't know, I just started thinking about giving one to him-not fulfilling the action, but I just thought about it and I can't stop thinking about it. Can someone please help me and tell me how to stop? Please?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago