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Lady Emily Reed
Life is nothing but questions
Peeing right after sex? How long can you wait?
I know you re supposed to pee after sex (I m a girl) so that you don t have the risk of a UTI. I drink some water before me and my boyfriend have sex, but I don t have to pee all the time after.
I don t like to drink a lot before, because then he s pushing on my bladder and that ruins the mood.
So, if I can t pee RIGHT after sex, what would be the max of time before a UTI could set in? Saying, I can t pee for like an hour after? Would that be bad?
Sorry if this doesn t make sense.
3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years agoShould I tell my parents (or at least my mom) that I m having sex?
I m not asking on how. I m asking if I should. I m 18 (19 in August), so I m an adult, but I still live with them until I finish uni. I m on the pill and were using condoms.
Because I m not some silly high-school teenager, and an actual adult, I don t feel like I have to. But some of my friends told their parents. (They were 17 at the time though).
I honestly don t think they need to know, but what s your opinion? Believe me - were very careful on not getting caught.
2 AnswersFamily6 years agoI lied to my parents about how much I've saved? :(?
I've been working for almost a year now. And unfortunately I got a rough patch and spent almost all of it...
The other day my parents were asking me how much money I have saved because they want me to get a new car. They said they'd pay but I'd pay monthly (I'm not quite sure what it is or whatever). I told them where I should be at. But I'm not there.
I try to avoid the topic and I've been stealing all my statements. But now it's making me feel sick and disrupting my sleep because I'm so worried. I'm almost 19 and that's the sad thing. :(
What should I do?
1 AnswerFamily6 years agoMac has blue and yellow lines on screen?
(The picture is only of some of it) Back in the fall we bought a brand new Mac and I was using for school and it was great. No problems.
I then downloaded a few games on there (the sims 3/4) and was playing them all the time (sometimes leaving the game open on the screen until I could get back to play).
After awhile I started noticing these lines appearing and discolouring everything on the screen - as well, when the screen shut off, it was the lines except they were everywhere and I couldn't do anything to get them off but to shut off the screen and restart it.
I've deleted the games and all their files. But the lines are still there, and the lock screen still turns to sh*it with them.
Any help? Or does anyone know what's happening? It's a brand new Mac and it was expensive, so I'm worried that I wrecked it.
2 AnswersComputer Networking6 years agoIs hypochondria a mental illness?
I know that it's a form of anxiety. And I know that anxiety is a form of mental illness, so does that mean hypchondria is? I've looked everywhere and can't find a straight up answer - always info saying its a form of anxiety.
4 AnswersMental Health6 years agoSore breast/armpit pain?
If it helps to know, I'm 18 years old. I'm just finishing my period. But for the week before, during, and now (a few days before it ends) my breasts have been unbearably sore. My period was a week late as well. But with the pain, on the left side, it's also radiating into my armpit a bit. I know the breast tissue extends there. But it feels like a sore pulled muscle.
A month or so ago, I went for a physical and my doctor felt my breasts and armpit. She said I have overly fibrous breasts, but didn't say that she felt anything wrong. I even went for blood work.
My period is now almost over but there are still parts in the boob that hurt, and it's still a bit in my armpit.
I'm a hypochondriac so I'm inrvitably thinking the worst.... I don't know what it could be. If it will go away. Or it's just something to worry about. It's just my left breast/armpit.
Any help would be great.
Women's Health6 years agoSleeping with my boyfriend on my period?
No. I don't mean sex. I mean legit sleeping.
My boyfriend is coming to stay over this coming weekend (and then I'm going to stay at his place a week after) but I'm starting my period soon. I don't want it to be awkward since I have a very heavy flow.
What should I do? I don't want to soak my bed/pants. Or even him, since we'll be cuddling/spooning. I'm not really into sleeping with a tampon in, but I will if I have to.
Also, I'm starting my Yaz BC pills the first day of my period (first time ever taking BC - and my doctor told me to take them on the first day) so I'm wondering if they'll kick in fast enough to lighten them up?
Any advice on what to do/make it less awkward? I love him, and I know he loves me and wouldn't embarrass me - but I still get embarrassed so easily.
Any help would be great. :)
4 AnswersWomen's Health6 years agoI can't swallow pills?
I'm an 18 year old (kind of pathetic, given the age) girl and all my life I haven't been able to swallow pills. If they're small enough, it really depends. Otherwise, I chew them or open the capsules and mix the powder with water.
I am being treated for strep right now and I'm taking clarithromycin and I definitely can't swallow them. I tried chewing... They tasted like **** and I almost threw them back up. And then I ground them and mixed them in yogurt. And this time, I actually threw them up. The taste was so bad.
What do I do? At this rate, I'll never get better. :(
5 AnswersMedicine6 years agoI can't swallow pills?
I'm an 18 year old (kind of pathetic, given the age) girl and all my life I haven't been able to swallow pills. If they're small enough, it really depends. Otherwise, I chew them or open the capsules and mix the powder with water.
I am being treated for strep right now and I'm taking clarithromycin and I definitely can't swallow them. I tried chewing... They tasted like **** and I almost threw them back up. And then I ground them and mixed them in yogurt. And this time, I actually threw them up. The taste was so bad.
What do I do? At this rate, I'll never get better. :(
1 AnswerMedicine6 years agoGood surname for a girl named Robin? (Character for a story)?
I'm writing a story that is to be published in our uni writing journal. My main character is named Robin - I just can't think of a surname that sounds good/fits.
Hopefully some of the info helps:
She's an agent for an assassination agency. (-_- Some weirdo in class picked the topic, lol)
She has strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes.
She's 23.
She is ver vengeful, and is overly heartless when it comes to her missions. She is very kind/caring and respectful when it comes to her family and friends/peers.
I'm just stuck on the surname - any help would be great!
Also, if you have any ideas for a middle-name, I would like to hear them! So far I've thought of May; Robin May
4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years agoMy friends never want to go out? (Please read whole description. Sorry it's so long.)?
Me and all my friends are 18 going on 19 and in university. I want to go out and do different things, but my friends never want to. Now, I'm not saying that we have to go out to a bar and drink all the time, but sometimes I do want to go to a club or something and they never want to. I'm almost 19 and feel like I didn't get to live up my first year of being legal. And it's not even things like that! I really want to go to events like music festivals or dances, and such, and they won't! They say they are too scared or have 'anxiety' or they don't want to spend money.
I'm having a real hard time making friends in university, so making new friends really isn't an option. Which is also a huge problem - I feel so lonely. I just feel like I'm not getting out and doing new things enough. Please don't say that I should do them alone! I'd rather not go to a bar or party alone - Especially in this messed up world. I love my friends, but I'm also starting to resent them because of this...I know it's bad, but it's true.
My one friend says she has anxiety so all she ver wants to do is go for walks. She doesn't want to ever go out - refuses to go see a movie since theatres give her anxiety. And never wants to spend money. I'm not saying she has to... but a few bucks to go do something fun isn't a hug deal.
Please don't think I'm not considering how my friends feel and their anxiety...It just sucks.
(PS, sometimes when we do go out, they just aren't fun. Want to sit there and that's it) :(
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoGTA V Credit Songs (Option C)?
I finished playing the game with Option C. Thank god ;) I know the first song that plays, which is crazy and amazing. I was wondering about the others that play after it. I never got their names, and I really like them. I've looked every where, but all I can find is the radio station and the songs off of them. This is all for Option C because I know the songs for the other Options. Thanks a bunch :D
P.S. Trevor Philips is a babe.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years agoiPhone 4S messages glitching?
So, I have had messages on my phone all the way from July. I decided to finally start deleting some. All of sudden, my messages from today, began freezing, and dissapeared. I reset the app (Lock button is broken so I can't shut off the phone, or reset it) and it was still frozen and showing zero messages. Now only a few have come back, and yet, when I click on them, it still freezes. Any help?
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years agoPlease help! Dropped iPhone 4S, won't turn on!?
Dropped iPhone 4s, won't turn on?
I dropped my iPhone 4s face down onto my tile floor. The phone won't turn on, even when I plug it into charge. I can't reset it, since the lock screen is broken (has been for months) is there anything I can do, without having to go to the apple store?
3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans7 years agoHelp with steps to do this certain updo?
Here's the link for a picture of the hairdo I'm looking at:
I have a school event on Friday... I know it's such short notice, but my mom decided that spending money on hair at a salon would be too expensive, so I've been left with nothing but attempting this at home. I'm terrible with doing my own hair, so my mom probably will do it for me, lol. Does anyone know the steps/instructions/tips we'll need to follow/do to get this specific hairdo? Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
1 AnswerHair8 years agoHow to repair a photo?
Looking for advice, not ridicule on a mistake I made when I was young.
When I was younger (This was probably about 11 years ago) I used to dance competitively. So I was used to getting single and group photos. One year, I got a group photo and for some reason, afterwards I put a scratch through everyone except me and my close friend, destroying the picture. Now everyone one else in the photo has a long, thin scratch going through them. Which makes the picture have white lines going down it.
Just recently I found the photo again. I am very angry with myself for once doing this, and feel really bad. Is there a way I can fix the actual photo? It’s a paper photograph, and I was about 6 when it was taken. I feel really bad about doing that in the past, and would rather just have the picture as good as new again. Does anyone know how I can do this? Any advice would be great.
3 AnswersPhotography8 years agoDid I damage my vocal cords?
Me and my friends went to a Halloween park last Friday (About 4 days ago) and we screamed quite a bit, but nothing too serious. My throat was achy afterwards but now it's really sore. To talk, swallow, etc. Almost like a cold sore-throat, though I'm sure I'm not sick. (Though, because my sinuses are all connected, it hurts my ear to swallow) :P
This has happened to me before at concerts, but I'm pretty sure it did not last this long.
1. Will it go away soon? What are some remedies? I've been using tea (Doesn't seem to help, and throat lozenges)
2. Did I damage my vocal cords?
3. Will it have a long-term affect on my voice/throat/singing/vocals etc.
Thanks - Hope that was enough information.
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years agoPain in the back of head?
I'm a 16 year old girl and what I can tell, I'm in pretty good health. Tonight, while laying down in bed I felt really dizzy. So I decided to sit up and try to sleep that way. As I was moving my hair out of the way, my hand brushed over a really sensitive spot on the back of my head. (lower left side, almost near neck) I thought that it was sore because my hair had been up.
I brushed over it again and it hurt. Again. The spot is sort of big, really sensitive to touch (just leaning on my pillow hurts) and it's rather hard.
I decided to look it up an found out that it could be my lymph nodes. And I guess I could believe that, from the location and I can feel the nerves twitch when I press, but the sites were saying that, swollen nodes in that place usually mean my bodies fighting off infection.
From what I can tell, I'm in pretty good health. I've been having allergies because of grass and such, and a cavity that I'm getting filled in a few days, but other than that, I seem to be ok.
What could this pain be from? What should I do? Should I be worried? I'm sort of scared and can't really sleep, thanks to being a self diagnoser and always finding the worst. :P I would appreciate the help. :)
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago16 year old girl, breast pain?
Alright. So I read that breast cancer rarely happens in young girls. But am still frwaking out. I was laying in bed texting when I first started to feel a very painful burning on the right side of my right breast. Near my arm. I looked up the symptoms of breast cancer and was called down. I went to sleep (Now this might sous crazy, and nothing to do with it at all, but I had a dream that a family friend contracted an illness and died) I woke up at around 4 something in the morning, with the pain back. I started Lookin on google again and found Infamatory Brest Cancer. It can happen in young girls, it can form over night, it kills patients more rapidly than others. I lifted my arm and began feelinnmy breats for lumps, findig a small one that was very painful to touch, and i believe it is the source of the pain And yet, eshides the pain, my breast looks Absolutley fine. It dosent look off like they do in breast cancer patients. So is it inflammatory teat cancer or mabey just a pulled muscle? It's still early morning here. Eveyones asleep and I'm laying one basically freakinh out and shaking. Please have sincere answers. I don't want jokes or rude thugs. I'm taking this seriously no matter how stupi it is. Thank you :)
3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoSome one who can translate Hungarian to English?
This is the site I need translated
I just need to know the basic info. Like her parents, siblings and so and so. It's cause I know her brother, but I can't read what it says :) thanks :)
2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago