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  • How do I get a schnauzer never around children to not be jealous over lap space when it comes time for baby?

    I have a 2 yr old schnauzer who has never lived with children and usually barks at them if walks past a child. She gets very jealous (visibly grumpy) if I dogsit and one of them is in my lap. My lap is her space but now my husband and I decided to have a human baby. I don't want to het rid of her she is like a child to me I love her so. How do I get the two to coexist when the time comes?

    8 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • Same Conflicts Round and Round?

    I've been happily for a year, my husband and I are both Christians and for the most part don't have conflicts. And when we do it gets settled fairly quickly. Except for two of them that we go round and round about. First, I work from home and he takes the car for work when the weekend comes I want to go out and do something together as it doesn't seem fun without him and he wants nothing more than to play video games. I get bored and restless staying home with him but he is adamant about staying home or if we do go do something then coming home as soon as possible. i don't really have friends other than him. Second one, I feel a need to find a church we both like and want to go regularly but my husband always says every church we visit isn't it for him and wants to stay home. Is it wrong to just go without him? Any advice about both of these conflicts?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Glue sticks for 3D printing beds?

    My husband is into 3D printing, which one of the steps is laying down a layer of glue stick on the printing bed. The printer came with a UHU Solvent Free stick. Now that it is used up and craft glues other than wood glue really isn't sold in our area. Does anyone know what would be a good alternative or where they sell the UHU ones in bulk?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts7 years ago
  • My husband gets sick every major temperature change?

    Where we live the weather changes continuously in the fall and spring. We can have temperatures in the 80's for a week or less then it can drop to 50's and 40's. But every time the we come out of or into a cold snap or it warms up my husband gets migraines and stomachaches severe enough he can't work and passes out for up 14 hours at a time. He has a low grade fever but it's the migraines and upset stomach to keep him down and can't eat more than a couple of bites of anything and only a little water. Any advice?

    2 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • Having strange symptoms?

    I'm on birth control and have never missed a day and just started a new pack from the 7 days placebo "period". My husband and I never have sex when I'm on the placebos. But lately I've been fatigued and frustrated over little things and just want the world to go away. My tolerance for the grease in hamburger and sausage is low and I usually want to throw up or do throw up between 1-3 hours of having eaten it. The oil from french fries does the same thing. i end up being starving or nauseous after eating. I"m continuing to take the bc pills. Is this just a phase or something else?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Constantly getting the script is too busy or unresponsive box then freezes?

    I don't know anything about computers but for the past week I'm constantly getting the script is busy or unresponsive notification then my computer freezes. This happens several times a day when I'm online. The computer isn't even a year old and it's a Toshiba laptop if that helps. Any advice?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Fearful of People?

    My 10 month old Min Pin is a neurotic mess. I got him from a good friend who got him from a pet store. He's a cuddler, my baby. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's clingy to my husband and I, but me especially. Everything, the dark, pieces of wood or debris, dumpsters etc. is the Bogeyman. He runs away and wants held. He's friendly to people and other dogs when I take him to the vet, Petsmart and to obedience class but when we have guests over or when the maintenance techs for our building he cowers in crate barking and growling. I hate seeing my fur baby is such a state of panic and I fear we're due to get reported to the building admin or have someone start saying he's vicious. Especially because I just started a side business in my house. Any similar situations or advice?

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Husband always complains about something?

    It seems like my husband of 1 1/2 months always finds something small to complain about. I put the wrong kind of chips in his lunch, I didn't fix him enough for breakfast, I didn't hang the dishcloth on the center of the sink, the dog shouldn't smell like a dog and I need to give him a bath more often, I need to clean the shelves in the refrigerator, he doesn't like desserts I make, I need to make side dishes, I need to do the dishes more often even though I do them 2-3 times a day and he won't do them. Usually the complaints are two or three at a time and within 12 hours of each other. He says he is capable of doing those things himself but he doesn't. He just makes me feel like crap when he says that since I'm out of a job right now. He feels like he is either helping or I should take the criticism and do better. Instead it makes me upset and not want him around. Any advice?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Aggressive Angels?

    I bought a 10 gallon tank, stand, food, heater, pump and 2 4" angelfish with a full grown bristlenose pleco for $30 on Craigslist. The marble angel has bites out of it's fins and seems to instigate fights with the striped one who finishes it. The only other tank I have big enough to separate them has African cichlids in it. What do i do about the fighting?

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Is there any marriage support options when starting out?

    My fiance and I have been together for a year and are getting married at the end of May. We can solve most issues by talking it out but we have two issues we can't: money management and how much influence his parents' advice has and his consulting them on everything make me mad. I feel like he does whatever they tell him out of respect and I feel like he needs to grow up (we're both 20) and I'm the one he needs to consult with. Their opinions don't matter much to me. We were raised very differently on parental involvement. Mine raised me to make my own decisions early thus to be independent and his to obey the Bible respect thy mother and father. Which he interprets into they express the wish we do something; we do it.

    This issue causes me to resent him and them and have anger issues. We don't resolve it but call a temporary truce. I want our marriage to get off and stay strong. I've been searching the Internet and all the options seem to be if your marriage is on it's way to divorce. We're not that bad, just one or two issues. Our parents are of course not neutral and I don't want to talk to the pastor of our tiny church who likes us both. I don't want to ruin his good opinion of us and I don't want any verses on showing respect to parents (not the issue) and how he is the head of the house (it's equal partnership or I'm out of there). There don't seem to be any good resources for young couples who just need some guidance getting started on being married. Help? Advice?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Possible for older puppy to be house trained?

    A guy from my fiance's work gave us a 6 month old Min Pin puppy he bought five months old from a pet store. It's been living at my mom's for the past couple of months until my fiance and I move into a pet friendly place at the end of May. It hasn't made any obvious progress being house trained and my mom is concerned that the puppy was too old when purchased to ever be house trained. Any advice?

    8 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • On a different schedule for sex?

    We're both 20 years old and newly married. I'm finding out that we both get frisky and want sex rarely at the same time. We both love it when we do it, but I want it in the evening and at night when he wants to sit there and watch TV or socialize and he wants really early in the morning before he goes to work. I don't want to because I'm usually either still asleep or only half awake when he starts signaling he wants to and has bad dragon morning breath. I'm thinking about either trying to catch a bit more sleep, what I need to do that day or I know it will be quick sex and therefore I'd rather it lasted longer with more foreplay than time allows. With this situation, there's not a lot of sex happening when we both want it. Any advice?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • First Sergeant not telling us Air Force requirements?

    My fiance is in the Air Force and our wedding is May 31st. When we first got engaged in January, we were told he had to meet with his First Sergeant to be told what he needed to do to get me on his medical and arrange for BAH 60 days before the wedding. He met with the Sergeant today and only got a letter giving him permission to move out of the dorms on base. This doesn't help us since the house we will be renting won't be available until May 28th. He said he doesn't want to mess with the paperwork regarding our marriage until the end of the month. He didn't tell my fiance what process we need to go through to arrange for medical, housing allowance or the subsidy he is supposed to get because of me. This isn't helpful since we don't know what documents we may need to produce or if there is any kind of counseling we need to have or if there are any kind of spouse benefits I need to apply for. Please help, I don't want this to effect and slow down us being able to be recognized as married by the military and not get housing or medical.

    6 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Roommates invited themselves to my wedding?

    Back in November, I found three roommates on Craigslist. They've been nice to but when I got engaged and told them I was leaving after the wedding. They automatically assumed they were invited! Every time I do something wedding related they start hinting for an invite. I'm not sure if they would get along with my very conservative future in laws and I think it's really rude of them assuming they are coming when I never even hinted they were.

    8 AnswersWeddings7 years ago