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How come girls say it's bad for a guy look young?
So how come it's ok for a girl to look less of the age she is and not a guy I don't get it. I hope I look Hella young when I get old but I don't think that should be seen as a bad thing. I really don't get it.
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoHow do you go about feeling worthless ?
Ok i know this is going to be kind of a rant but this is how i feel. Like it bothers me every single day when i go to school and see other people who are happy and content with there lives like they don't even have to try to be happy they just are , and then thers me the fat dude in the corner with the sad looking face. I just wish i could be a different person . I wih that i can have confidence in myself and actually be goodlooking and walk around and not think that everyone is judging me. It's like i have constant paranoia . I keep telling myself that soon school will be over and i can be a hermit in my house which i know is not the right route to go but its like evrytime i go outside i lower myself down to everyone . Does anyone have any advice on about how to go about feeling worthless.
4 AnswersFriends9 years agoHow do you go about feeling worthless ?
Ok i know this is going to be kind of a rant but this is how i feel. Like it bothers me every single day when i go to school and see other people who are happy and content with there lives like they don't even have to try to be happy they just are , and then thers me the fat dude in the corner with the sad looking face. I just wish i could be a different person . I wih that i can have confidence in myself and actually be goodlooking and walk around and not think that everyone is judging me. It's like i have constant paranoia . I keep telling myself that soon school will be over and i can be a hermit in my house which i know is not the right route to go but its like evrytime i go outside i lower myself down to everyone . Does anyone have any advice on about how to go about feeling worthless.
1 AnswerOther - Social Science9 years agoHey ladies would you stay in this relationship (guys can answer to )?
Ok so this is about my friend. Now I known her for a very long time so were really close, i'm just worried about her relationship with this guy. They have now been going out for almost two years and during those two years she's been calling me and coming to my house in tears about him. Especially in the beggining she told me stuff like how he shoved her in front of his friends and she fell on the ground and they all laughed at her. Now that pissed me off and apprently he acts like that twards her a lot and calls her stupid and makes her feel stupid and stuff. She wasn't even allowed to have facebook because he was worried that she would talk to other guys, the only guy shes allowed to hang out with is me and guys that are in his family basically. She even deleted her facebook for him and I told her like thats not right you should be allowed to have a facebook. One time she did break up with him for a couple months and I was really proud of her but.............. she got back with him of course because I guess he was "sweet" to her. Another thing is well she lost her v card to him so she probably feels really close to him and stuff and I know she loves him and every time I try and tell her sometimes love ain't enough or sometimes the bad outweighs the good. She keeps on saying to me that she getting stronger and stronger to break up with him but that turned into two years so I don't know. I'mtrying not to overstep as a friend because she can do what wants its her life not mine but now its gotton to the point where her mother is starting to see the way he treats her and is trying to get involved and I even talked to her about it and we both agree. Another thing is that he pays for absoulutly nothing yet she will spend like 300 $$ on him and he complains when she won't pay for him. Now me personally I don't think money should matter but I mean he could at least pay for half of something right ? Also shes told me that anytime she thretans to break up with him hee says that he'll hurt himself like cut himself or something and I actually whitnessed him hit his own head on a metal fence when they wer fighting while he was crying. I don't know what do you guys think? Ladies would you stay in theis relashionship? Guys you can answer to.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoFacebook timeline ??
Ok first of all I didn't even like fb in the first place but everyone left myspace so ................ I come in my room after watching American Idol and all the sudden I have a timeline as a profile. Wtf ?? I didn't even click on a preview or anything I hate this timeline. It says I go live on April 19th but I don't want to go live I don't want timeline is there absoulutley any way to get this off ?? I already know about the changing view on computer thing but is there anything else? PLEASE HELP ME !!!
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agoThe Hunger Games cast ?
ok so I don't know if this is gonna sound weird but I didn't even know what the Hunger Games was but I decided to read it and it was honestly addicing I was reading at 3 in the morning anyways the only part of the cast i knew was Josh Hutcherson and Liam whatever and at the beginning it describes Gale as having black hair so I automatically thought of Josh as Gale and later on thought of Liam as Petta and now imma be all confused when I watch this movie.Do you think they did the casting right I mean to me they got the male roles backwards , I don't know about Jennifer Lawrence I have to watch and see about her.
4 AnswersMovies9 years agowhy were songs longer back then ?
so when I listen to the songs of today there usually 3 to 4 minutes but I also listen to some old music like the songs they play on 92.5 old school I think from the 80s and the songs are noticilbly longer like 5 to 6 minutes I just find that very weird does anybody know why this is ?
4 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoYo techies would this work ?
Ok so right now i have an unloked ipone 3g and am on a prepaid plan. When i get a job i will be able to get the 50$ a month plan with unlimited internet . So my question is if i buy a bluetooth radio thing for my laptop and use the my iphones tethering ( i found a way to do it without jailbreaking ) could i use my phone to get intenet on my laptop using bluetooth ?
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agoHave you seen the new LMFAO music video (sorry for party rocking )?
it's so stupid .I like the song and everything I do even though it's part of the "new phaze of pop music " but the music video just makes no sence whatsoever and is just stupid .I can't believe my genration has come to this and music has come to this .I just had to get that out haha .
3 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoIs the ipod touch the best portable music player ?
So the usuale questions are do you think the iphone is the best phone ? Or android vs iphone . But here's a new one do you think the ipod touch is the best portable music player ?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years agoI have a question about stagevu ?
Ok so today i actually pressed the download button on stagevu and the online movie i wanted to watch started playing in windows media player . My qusetion is by watching the movie in windows media player am i actually downloading the movie file or can i just watch It in my player ??? I really don't want to download anything because i barly got my computer and i dont want to mess it up .
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agowhy do people pay for stuff ?
I don't pay for music( I legally download )
I don't pay for movies ( I legally watch them online )
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoAre any other Disney fans upset ?
Ok so basically i'm really sad . I'm a 17 year old senior guy (yes I know a 17 year old guy watching Disney Channel , go ahead and make fun of me I don't care ) .I'm just sad because the tv show Wizards Of Waverly Place is ending tomrrow and it's the last show out of the early 200's renaissance that is well was on Disney that is actually good .I been Watching Disney ever since I can remember . I even have old recorded vhs taps of the old show Dinosaurs about a family of Dinosaurs that lived in a volcano or something and then on the commercil was the movie surfers interviewing Linsey Lohan about the parent trap which had just came out (i know right ) . I don't know it's just sad . I think i'm going to stop watching Disney after tomrrow because part of me wants to grow up and then the other part is scared to .I want to be a kid again but I guess I have to take the high rode and graduate school , get a job and alll that good stuff . But I woul still like to know is anyone else a Disney fan that is up ?
4 AnswersOther - Television9 years agowhat are your favorite songs of 2011 ?
Hi guys well i'm making a list of my ten favorite songs of 2011 here are the top 4
1. look at me know = chris brown
2 party rockers= lmfao
3 someone like you = adele
4 for the love of a daughter = demi lovato
what are your favorite songs of 2011 ??
7 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years agoI am 17 and confused HEEELP?
I am a depressed 17 year old on the verge to giving up. I honestly don't know how i have the strengnth to get up and go to school everyday and deal with idiots . I'm a senior and i'm gonna be graduating in a couple months (hopefully) and after that i just don't know what's gonna happen. I was gonna go to college but let's just say 11th grade wasn't my finest hour and had an affect on my grades , now i'm going to be 18 soon and out of high school not knowing what to do . I obveously have to try and find any job i can to try and make some money i'll probably end up doing that for the rest of my life . I'm so confused and sad right now and i feel like giving up it's just so hard . I even tried fiding a job last summer and i got absoulutly nothing like there are no jobs where i live if i do find one it will probably be like an hour away or something . Dealing with all this plus just trying to get passing gradss and it being the holiday season i am just sad :( can anyone offer me any advice ?
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoIs electronic dance music occuring in other genras of music ? ?
Hi well i have noticed recently that there has been in increase of electronic dance music among genras such as pop r&b and even some hip hop songs . This is what i mostly listen to so i want to know about other genras . I personally do not like todays music i perfer the music played in the 90's when i was like 5 because that music had more meaning . This new music yes i can listen and dance to but it has nothing to do with emotional feelings or anything . So depending on what music you genra you listen to please tell me what it is and is there an increase of electronic dance music
1 AnswerR&B & Soul9 years agoHow do you go about feeling worthless ?
Ok i know this is going to be kind of a rant but this is how i feel. Like it bothers me every single day when i go to school and see other peoe who are happy and content with there lives like they don't even have to try to be happy they just are , and then thers me the fat dude in the corner with the sad looking face. I just wish i could be a different person . I wih that i can have confidence in myself and actually be goodlooking and walk around and not think that everyone is judging me. It's like i have constant paranoia . I keep telling myself that soon school will be over and i can be a hermit in my house which i know is not the right route to go but its like evrytime i go outside i lower myself down to everyone . Does anyone have any advice on about how to go about feeling worthless.
1 AnswerPsychology9 years agoDo you miss the 90's ?
Cause i know i do . Almost everything about today's world pisses me off from the music to tv to the world actually . I am a 90's kide and i remeber all the great tv we had some like bear in the big blue house ,rocket power , pb&j otter yes kide shows but very good shows and now we have yo gabba gabba . Really ??? And the music today is just crap all i here is techno when i listen to the radio which yes you can dance to but it has no meaning . I'm trying to listen to real music that came out when i was like 5 like Aaleyah , missey elliot , classic ludahris. In my opinion that music that i herd when i was a kid was better . And also as a 90's kide disney channel was very popular to me and i watch it now and all i see is crap . Ant farm .really??? I mean are you kidding me i remeber zoog disney and the famous jet jackson and so weird and dinosaurs my god it was great !!!!! So does anyone else miss the 90's ???
12 AnswersComedy10 years agoDo you think black people are loosing there culture ?
The only reason I ask this is because I herd David Banner speaking about it on bet and it got me thinking , is he actually right ?? I mean if you think about it there was a time when black people were on top I mean we had shows like a diffrent world, the cosby show , good times , living single , etc .The black shows now such as house of payne and others don't really show who we are as black people back then we made a statement about who we were and we made movies about how rough life was for us and we made music purly for the love of music not for money not for commercial and not about drinking and clubbing . So do you think black people are loosing there culture ?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years ago