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  • Child issues...need to make a hug decision.?

    I have one daughter who has always lived with me. My husband has two sons ages 21 and 16 years old who has never lived with him (just weekend visits). My husband accepts my daughter as his own which I appreciate and I accept his sons but there is a problem that I need help with. His 16yr old wants to come live with us and I'm against it solely because my husband has ALWAYS paid child support on his sons (still paying for the 16yr old) and he told me if his son comes to live with us the mother may not want to terminate child support. If she doesn't we will have to pay his private school tuition and the monthly child support.

    This isn't fair to me and my daughter even my husband. It would be our household paying out child support (really my husband paying ) plus his son's private school tuition.That's taking from our home and that's not ok in my opinion.

    To me its either going to be that his son lives with us but the child support payments stop or his son does not live with us at all.

    Am I wrong here?

    Please advise

  • I recently got married?

    I have one daughter who has always lived with me. My husband has two sons ages 21 and 16 years old who has never lived with him (just weekend visits). My husband accepts my daughter as his own which I appreciate and I accept his sons but there is a problem that I need help with. His 16yr old wants to come live with us and I'm against it solely because my husband has ALWAYS paid child support on his sons (still paying for the 16yr old) and he told me if his son comes to live with us the mother may not want to terminate child support. If she doesn't we will have to pay his private school tuition and the monthly child support.

    This isn't fair to me and my daughter even my husband. That's taking from our home and that's not ok.

    To me its either going to be that his son lives with us but the child support payments stop or his son does not live with us at all.

    Am I wrong here?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Something seems wrong in my opinion, please advise?

    Not until I turned 32 did I consider marriage. Since 32 I've seen three guys, I'm now 36.I've prayed asking God to send me the right guy because I'm tired of meeting the wrong guys and being hurt. I was single for almost 2 yrs when a woman at my job introduced me to a pastor friend of her and her husband. He and I got to know each other, speeding up the story we became exclusive after 1 mth, we dated a total of 3 mths. I'm very calm tempered and do not like drama I noticed his controlling ways, the way he tried to change me. his trust issues and his obvious insecurities. He admitted he tried to change me but we worked through that together. I love, loving my man so although we were not intimate we hugged, held hands and shared kisses that was it. I was attentive cooking for him, making sure he was comfortable. I prayed constantly in our relationship, keeping our relationship before the Lord. I asked the Lord to show me if this guy was the one, and to show me myself in this relationship as well as for the Lord to show the guy himself in our relationship. The Lord showed me he was going to lose his job and he did, the Lord showed me the control in this guy so I was calm to respond to him all the time. I wouldn't say a lot because I didn't want to argue. The Lord showed me the masturbation spirit in this man.

    His parents were rooting for us but his control got the best of our relationship.

    Well we got into a huge disagreement so I broke up with him. I miss him. Am I wrong?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago

    Ive been in the same career 5 1/2 years. During this time I've soared in my career and have become an expert in my role.Ive been given additional responsibilities, training, expanding my knowledge throughout the dept. and now I believe it's time for an promotion Ive discussed and submitted to my mgr my consideration in writing to become an Analyst for the dept (back in 04/2016) My mgr was excited that I submitted my consideration and told me some time after my letter was reviewed with the Sr.Mgr I would get the promotion I would just have to hold tight until the fiscal year which was 07/01/16.

    I waited and expected my mgr would revisit the conversation but she didn't so I asked for a brief meeting with her.She then told me it wasn't going to happen.I didn't show it but inside I was disappointed. As she talked,I continued to smile and knod through the lies. I'm not a very impulsive person and I like to think through things and weigh my options. I cannot expect n e one to give to me what I believe I deserve so her news didn't stop me.Ive sought other opportunities w/in the company however I believe she's blocked those possible opportunities TWICE!My employer gives the same merit increase to everyone throughout the dept.My issue is given I work this hard and we have lackadaisical employees our merit increase is the same,thats not cool so Ive began to seek new career opportunities.I feel as though my employer is handling me. SUGGESTIONS??

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • What does my dream mean?

    I was in a very nice home which I was the owner of. I was in the living room with my two older sisters.My sisters and I were talking.The front door was open but the other door (storm/screen door) was all glass and I saw a man (whom I do not know) standing on my porch looking at me through this all glass door.He never moved, never tried to come in or never tried to hurt me.

    End of dream.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Advice to a weird situation?

    I was in a solid two year relationship with my ex until I found that he was cheating on me so we broke up.

    8 months went by and I met someone new.

    Moving on getting to know this new guy we developed a good relationship so we became a couple within 4 months. Everything was right, we had a great connection in conversation. We had fun together, it was effortless, not forced at all.

    I met his friends, family and colleagues. We discussed marriage and made plans for our future.

    Long-short of it we broke up b/c the distance was getting to both of us (he's military). We flew to see each other when we could. Our careers were also in the was of our progress.

    He contacted me last month and we talked as if nothing ever happened between us. We laughed, talked about our breakup and he even wants to give us another shot.

    He invited me to his company event and we had a blast. EVERYONE there is married and they remember me from last year so it was great. Odd though, a lot of his colleagues were asking us when are we getting married and when will I be relocating there. I allowed him to answer the questions he replied "she'll be moving here soon." I smiled it off.

    Well guess what, my first ex contacted me today (out of the blue) saying he wants to see me and he misses me. I'm not with either of these guys and I DO REALLY like the other guy, not my first ex.

    How should I handle this? Any suggestions please and thanks

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • A little clarification please...Thank you?

    My boyfriend and I had a huge disagreement and it lead to us ending things.

    I got a text from him and this is what he said;...

    "I don't want to be done with us but I definitely can't deal with some of the things that I've allowed to happen."

    Is there chance that he may want to make things work?

    Is he saying he don't want to be done with us, but since we've encountered some issues in our relationship, this is why he is willing to let things go?

    Is he saying he wants to let things go or mend things?

    I don't want to over/under think what he said.

    We're not teenagers, we're both in our mid 30's

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • So can a GUY tell me what this means?

    My boyfriend and I had a huge disagreement and it lead to us ending things.

    Well I got a text from him 3 days later and this is what he said;...

    "I don't want to be done with us but I definitely can't deal with some of the things that I've allowed to happen."

    Is there chance that he may want to make things work?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago