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Lv 2286 points


Favorite Answers28%
  • Is this really unhealthy?

    So everyday I have loads of calories left, an I eat pretty healthy throughout the day-

    Breakfast- toast with peanut butter and a yoghurt or muesli and a yoghurt

    Lunch-nothing or a turkey sandwich

    Snack- muesli and fruit with yoghurt

    Dinner- today was a sweet chilli chicken noodle salad

    I was wondering if it would be bad for me to have a cadburys chocolate pudding with custard as my kind of treat, I've had something bad like apple pie and custard and choclate puddings a lot lately and I was wondering if it's gonna be really bad for me? Im 14, 5'5 and 101 pounds and female

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Urgent help with calories!?

    I was wondering whether I should be looking at my overall calories or my net calories- I'm 14, 5'5 and weigh 100-101 pounds, I have eaten 1892 calories today and burned 614 with leaves me with 1278 net according to my fitness pal. I want to know whether I should bump my calories at just stay with what I'm doing? Thankyou! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can this do me a lot of harm?

    I was just wondering if, eating breakfast, skipping lunch and snacking and eating dinner will do me a lot of harm?

    I hate eating at school, my friends don't, so I feel fat if I do. But sometimes, when I get home, I start shaking and if I find out I have to wait for my dinner or if something goes wrong with me food or even just if I take a bite, I shake and feel like I'm going to cry, or I get agitated. I eat about 1400-1800 calories a day, and I excersize 40 mins with an excersize DVD and walk 40-80 minutes everyday, and do 30 mins on a crosstrainer on top of that every two days.

    I'm 14, 5'5 and 100 pounds.

    I would appreciate any advice thanks!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • My friends are leaving me all the time?

    My best friend has a boyfriend, and we use to hang out all the time, and now we never go anywhere without her boyfriend, I'm sick of standing there like a lemon. It wast too bad until my second best friend started going out with her boyfriends best friend. Now we never go anywhere without those two. And I hate going places now, I'm sick of being left out so I started saying I wasn't going when it was just the two lads and my two friends because of course I didn't want to be a kind of tag-along. I never ever said they shouldn't go places with them, I just didn't want to tag along on a double date. They just get up and leave me a school, and sit with them two, if I don't go somewhere then they shout at me and say I'm perthetic, and they never ever leave me out, and I'm like "I don't mind if you go, I just don't want to go" and they just get angry with me, I didn't make a fuss about it, and now whenever we arrange a girly day, or shopping trip, they just invite the two lads without even asking me. It's not like they invite me and we talk, they just walk off with their boyfriends and I'm on my own. I'm sick of it, they just get angry and shout if I ever said anything. I don't know what to do, I'm 14 by the way :) please help me!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • My friends are bringing me down?

    This might be long but please read.

    My best friend has gotten a lot closer to my other friend, and they do loads of stuff without me and leave me all the time. It's just the three of us in lessons, but i always get left out and I'm so brought down that I'm just sad a lot of the time an just thinking "what's the point in doing anything" both of their boyfriends are best friends so they go on double dates and get up and leave me all the time. Like they just stand up. And go, without saying a word. And it's all break and all lunch. I'm left on my own and they don't even care.

    I walk to lessons with them, and I'm standing waiting for them, and they see me waiting but they don't care and they carry on chatting to their boyfriends. And thi is after the bell goes, so we get told off for being late. And if I don't wait then they shout at me for leaving them. I'm just sick of being left like a loner everyday. It brings me down so much.

    She also never eats lunch and is obsessed with her weight. If I eat she watches me or laughs or something, and I'm getting over an eating disorder and she makes me upset and I don't want to eat at school anymore, my other friend does that too.

    Do you think I should find other friends to hang round with? I'm always like the loose lemon. It just upsets me when they leave me all the time. When I say leave I mean they literally, get up and walk away from me. And when it's only us 3 sat there it's kind of awkward. And I just never see them. My best friends still says I'm her best friend but I'm starting to doubt it because her and my other friend spend allllllll of their time together.

    What should I do? :/

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What do you think I should do? Please help me!?

    I do calorie count, and I'm not really sure whether I should eat dinner or not, I had scrambled eggs and an apple at 9 this morning, and then I had a rusk and a tiny bowl of muesli at 11. Then I had a really late lunch at 3:30 because my mam was late making it, It was a chicken and leek thing with potatoes. With a low fat custard pot. This all came to 1200 calories, and I was wondering if it would be pointless to eat dinner, which would be asda fresh tastes chicken chow mein, (315 calories).

    I burned 860 calories today aswell, with excersize. And I'm 14, 5'4 and 101 pounds.

    I'm really just wondering if you think I should have it, :) Thankyou!

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • I feel so guilty! Any advice!?

    I'm 14 year old girl, 5 foot 4 and 100-101 pounds (changes a lot) and I recently lost 2 stone.

    Today I had-

    Breakfast- 2 eggs on one slice of wholemeal toast and a fat free yoghurt

    Lunch- nothing, my friends never do so I feel like **** if I do.

    Snack- I had a rusk and a big apple when I got home because I went out walking.

    Dinner- a couple of chicken dippers and rice

    Desert- a cadburys caramel pudding with some custard

    Pre-workout snack- small bowl of muesli with a small glass of choclate milk

    I feel so crap! I ate a lot in my opinion. Can you give me any advice or anything? :(

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Please help me! What is wrong with me?

    I've been feeling irritated, tired, anxious, sad, angry and like I want to cry all the time. I've been getting headaches and I feel sick a lot of the time.

    I'm 14, 5 foot 4 and 100 pounds, I've lost a lot of weight recently (28 pounds) and I lost my period, which I still haven't regained.

    I eat 1300-1800 calories in a day but I excersize a lot of it off, so it's really about 900-1200.

    I cry a lot for no reason, and sometimes I get shaky and dizzy, and become close to fainting.

    Please help me! What can I do?

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • What is wrong with me! Please please help me!?

    I've been feeling irritated, tired, anxious, sad, angry and like I want to cry all the time. I've been getting headaches and I feel sick a lot of the time.

    I'm 14, 5 foot 4 and 100 pounds, I've lost a lot of weight recently (28 pounds) and I lost my period, which I still haven't regained.

    I eat 1300-1800 calories in a day but I excersize a lot of it off, so it's really about 900-1200.

    I cry a lot for no reason, and sometimes I get shaky and dizzy, and become close to fainting.

    Please help me! What can I do?

    3 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • How to feel better about eating in front of my friends?

    I have 3 bestfriends, my absolute best friends never ever eats at school or when we are in town, she never buys anything from the movies, she won't even buy anything if we go to like Blackpool or somewhere. She just won't eat. She tells me she pigs out when he gets home, but I don't believe her, she's losing weight, but she's already skinny.

    My second friend tells usage has an ED. she says she makes herself sick, and she like to see bone, but she takes people's food and eats biscuits and stuff. But, she never ever eats at school, in town, the movies. Shes heavier than me- I'm 5'4 and 100 pounds.

    My third friend is getting annoyed at them too, she eats and stuff, but she's quite chubby.

    I'm just sick to death of feeling fat and disgusting when I'm with them, and if I get hungry they look at me in disgust. I can't talk to them about it, they snap at me if I do. They always tell me I eat like a pig and that makes me feel horrible.

    What do you think I should do?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Please please help me! My friend has an eating disorder and I don't know what to do?

    My friend, she's like one of my best friends. Recently she lost loads of weight. This was back in like may, then we all saw she was getting ill and she said she didn't really want to eat at all, but we helped her, and she "apparently" got better in the holidays. Since we have been back at school, she doesn't eat at all, she was living off a cereal bar, then a tiny portion of dinner. Nothing else. She was terrified to eat Infront of anyone. She thought she looked fat and getting fat or putting on any weight, reduced her to tears and physically frightened her.

    I went through a stage like this in June, and I'm still kind of having those thoughts but I know I'm strong enough to deal with it and I helped myself.

    Because of what happened to me, she confides in me, she tells certain things to my two other best friends. She recently told me, while crying that she makes herself sick because he feels guilty after she eats, so she sticks her fingers down her throat and purges. She told me that she feels bad before she does it, but happy afterwards, her mam noticed she wasnt eating at lunch do she took her to the doctors, who told her she had an eating disorder but it was nothing serious.

    Later she told me she didnt tell the doctor or her mam about purging. And feeling scared and fat. I dot know what to do, I need to tell someone, but she begs me not to, while crying,

    When she talks about it, it's like she doesnt get how serious it is, she thinks it's a joke.

    Now I don't know whether to tell anyone, she told me a few minutes ago that she feels happy when she looks in the mirror and sees bone.But she said she won't make herself sick. I think she's lying to get us to leave her alone.

    What would you do? Would you tell her mam? Or would you just support her and be there for her? I'm literally crying I don't know what to do.

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • How many calories would you estimate are in this?

    Its a wrap, with chicken korma in it, but obviously no rice. The wrap is really small it's like 4" long I think.

    How many calories would you estimate it at? Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Whats a Better lunch choice?

    Bachelors macaroni cheese -396 calories

    Asda good for you pasta carbonara- 460 calories

    Mild curry Micro noodles- 492 calories

    In your opinion

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Breakfast question! 10 points best answer!?

    Right, in sorry I've done a lot of these recently but you know.

    My first choice is a bagel with Philadelphia light- 250 calories

    My second choice is 50g of Shreddies with semi skim milk- 260 calories

    Yeah, really just those. I want to know which would be better for the morning, because really, I will probably eat the other as my pre- workout snack,

    Which would be better for getting me through school an stuff :)

    Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • What's better for breakfast?

    Choice 1- 30g Kellogg's bran flakes with semi skim milk

    Choice 2- 45g alpen original muesli with semi skim milk

    Choice 3- 2 weetabix with semi skim milk and a teaspoon of sugar

    In terms of nutrients and overall, what's better to have? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • please help! is this overeating!?

    breakfast- 2 weetabix with semi skimmed milk and a teaspoon of sugar

    lunch- a couple of grapes (there were no sandwiches left, my school sucks)

    snack- apple and some yoghurt

    dinner- bowl of spaghetti bolognaise and a peice of garlic bread

    snack before workout- bagel with philly light

    snack after workout- 2 eggs and peanut butter on a slice of toast.

    im worried im overeatiing, i tried to make up for my lack of lunch with more snacks than usual.

    im 14, 5'4 and 101 pounds :)

    Diet & Fitness9 years ago
  • how many calories would you say are in this!?

    its a muller peach and apricot corner yoghurt, but i dont eat the peach and apricot part, i just eat the original yoghurt, i know its weird, but can you please tell me how many calories you reckon is in the yoghurt part of it? :)

    any answers are appreciated! (unless you are a troll :3)

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • please help! net-calorie question?

    i usually eat around 1300-1600 calories a day, im 14, 5 foot 4 and weigh 101 pounds, i excersize loads, and today i went on a 90 minute walk, spent 30 mins doing an excersize dvd and 30 mins on the crosstrainer, burnt about 500 calories, my net calories is usually about 1000. i dont understand whether this is bad for me or not? like i know women shouldnt go below 1200 calories a day but i dont know whether it means net-calories.

    im so confused, i dont want to lose weight, i want to be healthy. what is a good goal for net-calories?

    any advice is appreciated, thanks! :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What would you choose out of these for breakfast! :)?

    I was thinking of what would be better for breakfast

    First choice- plain bagel with Philadelphia light

    Second choice- 2 scrambled eggs on one wholemeal peice of toast

    Both around the same number of calories, but I'm worried about the egg yolks, apparently they are terrible for you. But the bagel has no iron or vitamins in it, what would you go for? Thanks :)

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Which one is healthier?

    Right so im 14, and I realise that neither one is healthy at all. But I want one of them do I just needy know which is healthier :)

    First choice- bachelors macaroni cheese

    Second- chicken super noodles

    Third- I might make pasta with a cheesy sauce

    Thankyou! :)

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago