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Wesley H 1980

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  • Excel Forumula to count unique numbers in 1 column that have specific data in a second column?

    I need an excel forumula that counts unique ( no duplicates and no blanks ) in Column A and that have a "1" in Column B. I found the below forumula online, but its returning a "#VALUE" when it should be returning a number

    =SUM( -- (FREQUENCY(IF(Calls1!B:B = "1",Calls1!A:A),Calls1!A:A)>0))

    If anyone can help please.

    1 AnswerSoftware4 years ago
  • Access Question - Form Design?

    Hi Everyone. I have a table, and I'd like to create a simple form that:

    Displays a text field of ONE of the fields.

    Below it, a datasheet view of the results that match that text. You select the entry, and below it are the rest of the fields for modification in form view. Possible? Running access 2007

  • How to create Access Database where 1 field within a record can be linked to multiple records in another table?

    Might sound like a noob Access question. . . but here it goes. . . I have a simple Access DB, and fairly new to Access.

    Table 1 = Names and Badge Numbers

    Table 2 = Incidents

    How do I create a relationship so that 1 incident number in table 2 can be linked to multiple badge numbers in table 1 ( for the firefighters who showed up )?

  • Good I.T. ticketing system?

    I need a ticketing system that has the ability to assign "tasks" within tickets. FOr example if ticket number 1 is assigned to a helpdesk technician, that technician should be able to assign a "task" to me without actually assigning the whole ticket to me, so the helpdesk technician can follow up if I haven't answered, or contact the user once the "task" is closed.

    4 AnswersSoftware5 years ago
  • Excel VBA template?

    OK, so I need some help here. I need to konw the VBA commands to:

    Dialogue box: Ask a Question, like "What month to modify", enter 1-12, prompt "Are you sure you want to modify (December)?" . . hit yes, then prompt to enter a number ( anywhere between 1-100, and then input this number in a cell next to the month specified ( static cell ).

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Block Email Forwarding Rule Outlook 2010?

    In our coporate environment, we use two emails. Exchange and POP3. Exchange can be easily configured to stop email forwarding rules. But I need a solution that will Block on the client side (Outlook 2010) so that it can apply to the POP3 account. Any suggestions?

    I've researched GPO options, to no avail. I can block RULES completely, but thats not an option.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Exchange Server 2010 help?

    Here is the situation. There is one domain ( for this case, we'll call it EXAMPLE.COM ). All users are added to it, and the exchange server provides email addresses to users in the format DOMAINUSERNAME@EXAMPLE.COM

    What I would like to do is create a subdomain, so that temporary workers ( which are in a seperate OU ) will be given DOMAINUSERNAME@CONTRACTOR.EXAMPLE.COM.

    What are the specific steps needed to accomplish this on both the domain controller, and the exchange server?

    More info : Exchange 2010, DC = WIndows Server 2003.

    Thank you for any assistance you can provide. :)

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Excel formatting / windows variables?

    I need some technical assistance regarding Microsoft Excel. Its somewhat advanced, so I'll try to be as detailed as I can.

    I need to input a field, whereas someone checks a tickbox, and it displays their windows username and the time. So for example, I have a list of new hires at our company, and for each step required, ( COMPUTER CONFIGURED, VPN ACCOUNT CREATED, etc ) I would like a tick box, and when I for example check it off, it will insert a timestamp and windows variable ( %USERNAME% ).

    Is this at all possible? If not excel, maybe access??

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • missing httpd.conf file?

    So, I work in a company that is upgrading an Exchange server. In the event that something goes terribly wrong, I wanted to set up a very simple site to guide users on what needs to be done on their end.

    I followed directions at: and was able to quickly set up an Ubuntu server. Works great! I just modified the /var/www/index.html to display what I want, and done! With a quick entry in the company DNS server, my site SystemStatus now works and everyone sees my page.

    The problem is now that other sites (satelitte offices) liked the idea, and wanted to add their info to this intranet site. So I simply created links to http://(sitename)/site2.html and put the site2.html in the /var/www folder. Didn't work. After some research, I found that you have to change the DocumentRoot. But the httpd.conf file is nowhere to be found. I"m at a loss. Every possible location this dumb file is suppsed to be ( according to web site searching ) its not.

    The site is up perfectly. I just want to add some links. Is there a way to view the DOcumentROot from the command line? ANy ideas on what needs to be done?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Assistance completing a VB Script?

    Hello. First and foremost, I would like to provide some information. I am a system admin, with 10 years of experience, but very limited VB.

    I found the code pasted below from a google search that is supposed to work, but it does not because it is incomplete, from what I can tell.

    What I'm looking for: I'm looking to run a code that will detect a POP3 account being used within Outlook. Depending on whether one exists, I would need the VBS to output something AND create a file ( for example c:\notexist.txt or c:\exist.txt ) that way I can push a GPO and search for people who DO NOT have it setup. Every user in the building should have BOTH exchange and POP3, however some delete the POP3. I'm looking at detecting these users.

    I found this code, but as I said it is incomplete, and I have no idea how to complete it. Any assistance would help: If you want the source as to where I found it, please let me know and I can provide. Thanks again!

    Function ForceEmailcheck() as boolean

    '------------ Set up the Variables / Objects

    Dim oCtl As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarControl

    Dim oPop As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarPopup

    Dim oCB As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar

    'Use the Send/Receive on All Accounts action in the Tools

    'menu to send the items from the Outbox, and receive new items for my specific account

    oCB = objOutlook.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars("Menu Bar")

    oPop = oCB.Controls("Tools")

    oPop = oPop.Controls("Send/Receive")

    oCtl = oPop.Controls.Item(6) '----- Please see below why this is a #6 (*)


    '------ return something but not needed to work

    ForceEmailCheck = True

    End Function

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • How to Lock down Outlook 2003 functions using Group Policy (GPO) on Windows 2003 R2?

    I specifically need two functions. Whether it is done via GPO or registry hack is regardless ( because I can push the reg edit through a batch file ).

    Overview : 800 users in a building. All using Outlook 2003. Some with 2010. All connected to Win Server 2003 R2 Domain Controller(s).

    I need to accomplish two things:

    1) I need to lock the ability to add/remove accounts in Exchange, but I need this to be turned on and off, because I will obviously need to be able to change this myself.

    2) I need the ability to check to see if a user has an existing POP3 account added in addition to the exchange account. .

    Is there any way to do this quickly? I have an idea or two, but would like second/third opinions from professionals. Thanks!

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Some Advanced Help With Microsoft Access (2007 Asset Tracking Template) is appreciated. :)?

    To date, I have currently been using Excel to track assets within my company, and I have decided to move to Access for a number of reasons ( ability to add comments to an asset for history, etc )

    I'm not very familiar with MS Access, and I've run into the following two walls when using the Asset Tracking TEmplate for 2007.

    1) I've deleted many of the collumns that I did not need, however now when I add a new collumn or make any other change it constantly tells me that it "Can not find the field "Acquired From" even though I deleted that collumn from Asset table, and the Asset List Form. Is there something else I'm missing?

    2) Collumns that I've added do show up in the table, but they are not in the Form. . . How do I add these?

    3) And finally, how do I go about creating a dialogue box when the database is first opened that asks me something like "Add New Asset, Find Existing Asset, Run Report on Assets in Storage Room, etc.

    Just to clarify, I'm a network administrator that's unfortunately gotten this burden dropped on me after some major layoffs in my company. I have never used Access, and I can't find what I need on google. Even though its a pain, I figured if I'm going to do something, I might as well do it correctly and the best I can.

    THank you, and your help is greatly appreciated

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Dental Insurance that has a high Max Annual Benefit?

    Looking online, I see that most Dental Insurance "Max Annual Benefit" is typically 1500 per year. I recently was told that I may need some dental surgery that will cost an upward of 6000. Since Dental bills are so outrageous, are the any dental plans that cover a procedure of this magnitude, or are most people stuck with paying most of the bill out of pocket? I've never had dental insurance, so please excuse the ignorance. Thanks :)

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Slight Weight Loss + Muscle Building = how?

    Ok, I am looking to lose a little weight in the stomache area, and furthermore build muscle in chest arms legs, and most importantly abs

    So, I have done some internet research and there is some conflicting results. Some sites say to keep the fat intake very low to lose the weight ( only need to lose about 20 pounds ) and other sites say that fat intake is NECESSARY for muscle building. So what to do if you want to do both?

    A little background info to be helpful: I'm 30 years old, 5 9, and 180. I've gained about 50 pounds in 4 years ( from going from firefighting to computer technician, lol ). I used to be OVERLY skinny, but I had a little six pack going on. Now, its a keg. Not fat, just a few extra pounds hiding it.

    I have pretty muscular legs ( from firefighting and running ) but upper body is lacking.

    Eventualy goal = lose the extra weight around the abs, gain the six pack back, build upper body muscle, and most importantly = FIND A DIET that can work with what I am trying to do.

    ANy help is appreciated. . . thanks!

    23 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Some assistance with child proofing the internet for a youngster?

    I have a little project that I have an idea how I'm going to do, but would like some other suggestions and a second set of eyes to look from all my great fellow Answer-ers here that I've come to know over the past couple of months.

    Very shortly, I will be moving in with my girlfriend, who has a 6 year old. 6 going on 14, and loves to mess around on the computer. I am looking to block certain websites. I have multiple PC's in the house, and already have one set up for her. I was thinking about using one of the PC's I have as a Proxy server for the rest, and using software such as WebSense or something similar to filter out certain content. This is going to be a pain in the butt, and time consuming. Any suggestions otherwise? I have not seen a decent filter out that is installed on a home PC. I've used WebSense on a larger domain, and it works wonders, giving me the initial idea. I definitely want to block certain keywords and sites that a child should not see.

    Please note, that I am completely against spy software. Please do not suggest this. I find it obtrusive, and invasive. She should have her privacy to a certain extent, but filtering is the way I want to go.

    I'm a Senior Helpdesk Analyst, and have been in the field since I was 22. Currently 28, so no need to use laymens terms. :)

    Thanks in advance!!!

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • WHere to identify certain Constellations?

    Over my house in New Jersey, I see some very interesting constellations every night. I would love to be able to identify them. Is there somplace where I can view the constellations currently over a certain area?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago