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  • Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny... Should I lie or tell the truth to my kids?

    My 6 year old daughter goes to a public school and there's a couple Muslim kids that are out to ruin everybody's fun. They constantly tell all the kids that Santa doesn't exist, the tooth fairy doesn't exist and pretty much every other cute childhood traditions.

    My dilemma is that one day my daughter will realize that I've been making all this stuff up and that the Muslim kid was right all along. My concern is that this might actually encourage kids to follow the Muslim kids because they were right all along. So they might be right about Allah or whatever gods they pray to.

    Any other parents out there dealing with similar issues?

    6 AnswersEaster7 years ago
  • Does iCade/Emulators work with jailbreak for ios7?

    I'd like to jailbreak my Ipad 2 and run emulators however I'm not sure if there are any of them out there that are compatible with IOS7.

    Please post any valuable links.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerPC7 years ago
  • Will the world end in 2012?

    From a recent news article..

    How should the international community respond?

    Continuing sanctions and condemnations of North Korea doesn’t work. And unlike 20 years ago, today North Korea has nuclear weapons. It has the ability to completely destroy the Earth. The international community should hold talks with North Korea. That’s what enemies do.

    Does this mean WW3?

    Is this what the prophets meant by the world ending in 2012?

    12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why do I get indigestion after eating Yogurt?

    At first I thought I had some sort of lactose intolerance but that didn't make sense since I eat a bowl of cereal with 2% milk every day, and sometimes before going to bed. I can eat all sorts of cheeses with no reactions.

    I get gassy/burning burps when I eat yogurt. I also get similar symptoms when I use cream in my coffee. Is yogurt that beneficial? or should I just drop it all together?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What about the Soviet Holocaust?

    I will probably get in some sort of trouble by posting this but I feel that it must be talked about!

    Why is it that our schools teach the history of WWII and the Holocaust and yet nobody dares to teach about the Soviet Holocaust that happened in 1917. When the Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia and murdered over 60 Mill...ion people. Most of them Christians. The only reason I came across this is that I was reading a book on Oriental Wealth and they brought it up!

    I am not an antisemitic individual, I'm just looking for answers

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Are women weaker than before?

    I'm wondering if women are weaker than before because now it seems that woman can't even handle having one child anymore. Before women had families of 8+kids and managed to raise them on their own with little help from their husbands. These days, women depend so much on their man to help out. And they can't even handle the pain of delivering!

    Example, I had to take 3 weeks off to take care of my 2 y/o daughter while she took care of our newborn. I cook every meal while I'm there and I basically have to fight just to be able to get out at night!

    She wants a 3rd one but I say HELL NO!

    I'd like to hear opinions from both sides!

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What would make a good part-time business?

    My current job is an office job and I have LOTS of spare time on my hands. I keep asking for more to do but there's just not enough work going around.

    I'm looking for a way to make some extra cash and kill time at the same time!


    4 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Will we ever see evidence that Man Actually landed on the moon?

    Today is the 40th year anniversary of the so called lunar landing.

    Shouldn't we have concrete evidence that Man landed on the moon by now? Perhaps some pictures from a space probe, Or even better, sending another man on the moon "or woman"

    14 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • why does yahoo Answers allow so many pointless questions?

    I'm wondering why this Yahoo Answers even exists. There are so many stupid questions constantly posted on this site! Is the world seriously becoming this stupid? The more I read on here the more it reminds of the movie idiocracy.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Anyone else disappointed with Fable 2?

    Wow, what a pile of unfinished repetition!

    I completed the game with most sub-quests in only a couple days, The multi-player feature isn't available yet, Tons of glitches to report.

    I purchased the collector's edition because I loved the first game. I can't believe I paid just to have HALO garbage included in a medieval time RPG. The final boss is a wuss and doesn't even put up a fight. There's just nothing to look forward to when playing this game. The only main difference is Part 2 has a dog and you can have a kid "both useless" part 2 is way less challenging and the Main story line is too short and sounds way too familiar.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • what happens when a bank goes bankrupt?

    What happens with your savings account and RRSPs if your bank goes bankrupt?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Why do movie producers ruin the original story?

    I went to see Dark Night last night and they fcked up the story!

    First of all Harvey Dent is suppose to be disfigured with Acid and not Fire, and they killed him off way too fast.

    Then there was that cheesy cameo apearence of scarecrow..

    Every super hero movies that come out are butchered by these so called movie producers!!

    Another good example is Dare Devil.. That guy is suppose to be a real bad *** that lost EVERYTHING because of King Pin. and he was dating a heroin addict stripper. But damn Holywood had to Muck that up too...

    Are they afraid to show the truth behind these characters??

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • When will we have usefull electric cars?

    I'm seeing a lot of hype on electric cars but there's nothing practical out there. Most of these cars can't even go at highway speeds. If so, the best ones only last for about 200KMs. Once the charge is gone, it takes hours to recharge.

    I'm certain that the technology for low energy loss circuitry and also quicker charging is available.

    If they put an alternator that generates power while rolling in series with a high output solar panel they'd be able to virtualy ride all day no?

    It seems that the government is too happy collecting fuel taxes to even give a damn about this technology. Our State/ Province made so much profit on fuel taxes that they're giving 36million back to the cities. I wish they'd give that money back to the people instead!!!

    9 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • Need career advice!?

    I'm hoping that someone can help me make a decision concerning my career…

    I was offered an opportunity that would make me move up in the company. However this opportunity isn't something that most people would see me do.

    I was asked to be an instructor for an IT security Awareness course that has to be given to

    More than 6000 people "not all at once".

    I know that I'm a very nervous person and I don't know how I would react in front of the board rooms.

    Basicaly I see this as the only opportunity for me to move up in the company however I'm not sure I can handle the stress of teaching Ministers and Directors and Admins and everyone else. On the other side, The job I have now is getting extremly borring and I'm not sure I like the way it's heading.

    Uugghhh…. Why can't life be easier! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Why must all the Oil from Alberta have to be sold to the US?

    Wouldn't it be much cheaper if we produced our own oil and gas than to sell it to the US to only buy it back from them?

    Same as Hydro, We produce Tons of hydro power but it all goes to the US and then we buy it back from them. What the hell is the deal with that?

    Quebec Generates their own power and they pay peanuts for hydro.

    I don't understand this logic.. someone please explain!!

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How can there be so much corruption in the US and yet nobody does anything?

    911, WW2, Pearl Harbor, JFK, Elections, War in Iraq.

    These are just a few of the major corruption topics of the US. How come other countries don't demand that the US be accountable for what it has been doing?

    It's so obvious that the US has superior military technology "Tanks, Boats, Jets" but they can't operate them without Oil.. So what do they do, Cause a catastrophy "911" to have an excuse to go to war and seize control of the oil in Iraq,

    Now, Canada is the largest producer of oil and not one drop of that oil stays in Canada. The US made a contract that they get all the oil.

    IT's pretty obvious that the US wants to be the super power of the world. When will the people revolt against these inhumane actions!! The Bush Party is as guilty as Sadam Hussein!!

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why Second Life?


    What is the purpose of this "Second Life"

    I don't understand how someone could spend time living a virtual life when they can use that energy to make their own REAL life better!!

    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why does the world hate Amercians...?

    I wanted the chance to get more opinions and give my own.

    After doing some reasearch I noticed it's quite obvious. Americans think that they are free to steal resources from any country such as Oil from the middle east, Trees from the rainforests and CANADA, Rice from China, Wheat and Corn from Mexico, Oil from CANADA, Fresh Water from Canada.

    Imagine what America will do to your country if you deny them these sources. I hope that the politicians will open their eyes some day and see that there will no longer be a planet to live on if we keep giving everything to the Americans.

    I hope The world will shut their gates to America and let them deal with their own problems.

    I'd like to hear other people's views on this subject!

    31 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What not to buy..?

    I just watched the movie Cloverfield.

    Oh my god what a terrible waist of time.

    It's basicaly a mini episode of Lost except with a handicam. Nothing original there. It's basicaly Godzilla meets Blair Witch.

    My question is who would actualy spend money on this??

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Custom Avatars???

    How does one add they're own avatar?

    I only had 3 options.

    1-no pictures

    2-yahoo 360 icon

    3-This lame Yahoo "create your own" Avatar

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago