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Jawbone and Fitbit cross-platform sharing?
Hello all. I just purchased a Fitbit Charge HR, only to find out that the fitness band my best friend owns is a Jawbone Up 24.I highly doubt we can compete using the apps that come with the bands, but is there a way to compete through a third party app or something? He moved away for grad school, and it would be nice to do even something virtual with him.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoGreen juice recipes?
Short question: Do you prefer juices or smoothies, and what is your ratio of fruits-greens-boosts (like herbs, powders, seeds, etc.)?
Long question: A new juice bar opened up by work, and after spending $5 on 8 oz of green juice, I decided to make my own. I got $8 worth of ingredients and was able to make 2-4 cups of juice a day for four days (with leftover lemons, limes, beets ginger, and parsley.)
My question is, am I supposed to be adding more fruit? My recipe is basically several cups of greens, a few stalks of celery, a handful of fresh herbs, half a lemon or lime with the peel, and a knob of ginger (with lemon) or 1/4 jalapeno (with lime.) Occasionally I'll add a beet to sweeten it.
My sister juices, and my mom makes green smoothies. They both use about 60% fruit and 40% greens, if that. Is it just a matter of taste, or is there a bigger reason to use more fruit?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoHow long did it take you to conceive the first time?
BQ: How old were you? Were there any special circumstances?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoVote for best answer?
Does Y!A still have users vote for best answers, or is that feature gone? I use the mobile site and can't find it.
7 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years agoHow often do you eat meat?
I'm helping my boyfriend learn to cook, but I'm a vegan and he eats meat. We've found a bunch of great, easy recipes for him, but once we get some basics down we'll need to get into meal planning. The thing is, I'm not sure how often "normal" healthy people eat meat. So, my question has two parts:
Would you consider yourself a healthy eater?
How often do you have meat for breakfast?
For lunch?
Thanks a bunch, guys!
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoWhat weird food combos do you really enjoy?
I like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, lemonade with cheese (or vegan cheese, now), and salsa on just about any type of potato (especially tater tots, hash browns, and mashed potatoes.) I also like putting popcorn on my soup. That's considered weird here, but it's normal in Ecuador, where I picked up the habit. How about you?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoChinese white sauce recipe?
I am going to attempt to make Chinese food at home, but the sauce recipe is frustratingly vague. I've figured out that when it asks for "wine" I should use Shao Hsing. Does anyone know what type of onion I should use? Red onion? White? Scallion? Shallot?
Here is the recipe:
If you have a better one, feel free to share. I'm making mixed veggies and tofu in white sauce.
2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine7 years agoIs Sam Adams "quality" beer?
I'm not a big fan of beer, but my boyfriend's family is full of beer snobs. The two of us have been trying to find some beers we like in order to join their very interesting (albeit hipster-ish) discussions on craft beer. I'm really more of a wine or whiskey girl, but I have found that I enjoy every Sam Adams beer I try (including their offshoot brand, Angry Orchard.) I'm not going to stop drinking a beer I enjoy because it isn't cool or craft enough. I just want to know, am I going to embarrass myself by speaking Sam Adams' praises in front of a bunch of beer snobs?
Also, any recommendations?
9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years agoWhat's your favorite vegan wine?
Yes, there are plenty of non-vegan wines.
5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years agoHow do o turn of auto rotation on the Pinterest app?
I have the function turned off on my phone as a whole (Galaxy S3) but I can't get it to turn off when using the Pinterest app. Does anyone have a similar problem? Is there a way to fix it?
3 AnswersOther - Computers7 years agoWhat's your favorite meal?
30 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoHow many days after your missed period did you get a positive pregnancy test result?
Or how many days before?
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive7 years agoWhat's the earliest "morning" sickness can begin?
I just ovulated on the 27th, but I am having the most extreme nausea. I was gagging at the smell of coffee and almost puked when I saw cream cheese danishes. Is there any way this is morning sickness, or would it be way too early for that?
BQ: How old is "old enough" to have a baby, in your opinion?
3 AnswersPregnancy7 years agoPaying off credit cards?
I have two credit cards. One I've had for six years, and one I've had for two or three years. I know it's really bad, but they're both maxed out (there were emergencies. No lectures please.) I've paid one down to 30% of the balance. Now, which would improve my credit score more quickly: paying off one card 100% and the other so it's at about 60% of its limit, or paying them both down to 30% now? I would of course spend the next few weeks paying them both down to 10% or hopefully even 0%, but for now would it be better to get them both to 30% or pay one off completely?
2 AnswersCredit7 years agoIs it unprofessional to go to a job interview wearing no makeup at all?
I'm about to get my undergrad degree, and as such I'm applying for several "big girl" jobs. I have a professional wardrobe, but I'm a little concerned about makeup. I never wear makeup for several reasons, but it seems that many employers might find it unprofessional to arrive with a "naked" face. Would you (if you're a woman) ever do an interview without makeup or hire a woman who wore no makeup?
5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years agoWhy aren't my questions appearing?
They're not listed in "My Activities" or in the sections to which I submit them. Any ideas?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years agoSuggestions for sites like Y!A?
I used to use Y!A to kill a few hours when I couldn't sleep, but the new layout in honestly so awful I can barely use the site. Can anyone suggest a similar site with a usable format? Thanks! :)
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment7 years agoHow can I contact Y!A administrators?
I'd like to provide feedback on the new layout, but I can't find any contact information.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years agoHow far does the "in-law" title go?
My sister's husband's sister has a daughter who calls me her aunt. I don't think my brother-in-law's sister would be considered my sister-in-law, would she? Also, is there even such a thing as a niece-in-law? If I had kids, would she be their cousin-in-law, or is this where the whole second cousin thing comes in? I'm not going to tell her I'm not really her aunt, because she is freaking adorable and I love her. I'm just curious.
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoWhat's the best way to start a blog?
Hello. In an attempt to get myself back into the habit of creative writing, I'd like to attempt to start a blog. I follow a few blogs, but I'm not super familiar with the actual process of blogging. I guess the first and most important question I have is how do I set it up? In your opinion, as a blogger or a blog follower, is it better to use a blogging site such as Blogger or Word Press, or is is better to create one's own site? Thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago