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  • Two questions; help please? :)?

    My first question is what's your opinion on what's best to use on a baby with a sore bottom? My son is 6 almost seven months old and has a red/raw bottom. I've been putting Desitin cream on it today with every diaper change but so far it doesn't seem to be working that much. If it doesn't get better by this weekend I plan on going out and getting some Butt Paste like his pediatrician recommended...

    Also, how do you know if your baby is teething? For the past few days I've been feeling on his gums and the top has had change while the bottom hasn't but both sides of the back of his gums on the top there are these two bumpy areas and now the front of his gums on top have gotten more ridgey I guess? He's also been drooling a ton even though he's been eating as much as he always has but I just want to know if you think it sounds like he's trying to teeth because it confuses me because I've always heard it only takes like 2-3 days for the teeth to pop through... Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Was I having contractions?

    This whole entire pregnancy I've been wondering what a contraction feels like. Well, earlier-on and off for about an hour-in my left side I kept getting a pain that kept irregularly coming and going. I mean the pain would totally disappear and come back pretty strong. I had one REALLY strong one that I could kind of feel in my right side that spread down the left side of my belly that left me almost gasping for breath, maybe two medium ones, and like three small ones. If they were contractions though they were irregular and haven't come back but I can't stop thinking about them. I'm uncomfortable and can't sleep and my back just feels sore right now. Is it possible for contractions to start up kind of high up and spread down, especially in the back, on the one side more than the other? :/ I'm 35 weeks by the way...


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gestational diabetes testing...?

    What can I expect? I'm getting tested on the 28th of December and am more scared of the results than the actual test. What happens during the test though? And if I fail the test, what happens then? I am 21 weeks and 5 days w/ my first. :)

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else going through this? :(?

    I am 20 weeks 1 day pregnant with my first, a baby boy. Anyway on Tuesday night I got a really bad headache that reminded me of the kind you get when you sleep on the wrong side of the bed and you wake up and your neck is really stiff and every time you stand you get a horrible pounding. It just suddenly hit me but eventually after sleeping long enough into Wednesday morning it went away, but I was really run down with like aching joints and muscles and the headache eventually came back later into the day. I tried taking tylenol extra strength and it helped my muscles and joints and still does but the headache can only be temporarily relieved by heat. When I woke up this morning I called my mom because I felt really bad again but once again the headache isn't that bad right now like it is at night and she told me to go to the er. She had me soo worried I wasn't eating enough, and besides that I was really nervous it was something about high blood pressure. Anyway! I went to the er and had normal blood pressure and everything and was told I'm having normal pregnancy pains and was told certain things I could do to try and make it better for me throughout the day because this all has to do with like an extreme build up of tension in my muscles as well as the fact that I need to just take it easy and drink plenty of fluids still because I've probably got a small cold. I didn't know pregnancy pains could be so bad and worrisome. Sorry it's so long but is anyone else going (or has gone) through this?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you first hear your baby's heartbeat?

    Today was the first time I've ever heard it. The doctor held the thing up to my belly and easily found it. I was so nervous because I have a crappy doppler and have only been able to hear maybe some activity on it. I was really worried nothing was gonna be there. But the heartbeat is strong and it was so funny because the baby kept moving and he had to keep finding it again. You could also hear the baby kicking the doppler, and that made me smile. :)

    So when did you first hear the heartbeat? I'm going to be 18 weeks tomorrow. My boyfriend was in the room with me. The most amazing thing though was seeing his face light up; I almost cried. <3

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I feeling the baby kick?

    I am 17 weeks 5 days pregnant and for the past couple of days I've been getting this sensation that something's poking me on the inside. It's down low and isn't always in the same place. Sometimes it's really light but today was the strongest it's ever been. When I first started to feel it today I told my boyfriend to come and put his hand on the area and he felt it too! It was pretty cool because it was pretty strong today. I only feel it on occasion but when I do it makes me feel better that everything's alright with the baby. Could this be the baby? It's my first... :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like?

    Are they really painful? Last night I felt this horrible pain twice. Both times though all it took was a little laying still and they eased. The first time was really bad. It felt like a hand was squeezing all the muscles on the right side of my abdomen and back; I think the pain even woke me up because as soon as I opened my eyes that pain was there. I laid still the first time and flipped over-mistakenly-onto my right side and the pain was back there again but it wasn't as bad as the first time. It only happened two times and after I munched on a rice krispie I felt a lot better so... Maybe the pains weren't contractions but just really bad hunger pains? I haven't had the pain again but I've also never felt anything like it before. I am 16 weeks and the baby is usually on the right side of my abdomen so that's probably why the pain was there.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby prefers right side to left?

    I am 15 weeks-going to be 16 tomorrow-and I've noticed that the baby really likes the right side of my uterus to the left. I'll press down on my abdomen on the left side and it won't be hard that much at all and then I'll press down on the right and it'll be really hard. If that happens usually I have a big lump beside my belly button and can press down all around and feel this strange feeling like something's wiggling around in there. I felt my first movements at 11 weeks-nearly 12-and they stopped for a long time, but it was three times in one day, and it was also on the right side. Yesterday I had a ton of flutters and today I feel as though I've been experiencing light flutters, and they're all on the right side. Is it normal for baby to like one side more than the other?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can your bladder cause your uterus to move?

    I'm 15 weeks and just woke up from my nap and had to go to the bathroom but what stopped me is that my uterus was REALLY high up like near my belly button at the bottom and it looked like I was starting to finally show but then I went to the bathroom...and it moved back down?? Is this normal? It's never moved like that before. Usually it just becomes swollen in its usual place when I have to go but today I woke up and it was really high up... Should I be worried? =/ Thanks for the help...

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Midwife or regular ob?

    I'm 15 weeks and am really interested in having a midwife but my friend says it isn't a good idea. But the other day I went to an open house and it seemed cool and I like the fact that a midwife is mostly always there when you give birth. I just like the closeness of a midwife compared to a regular ob I guess. And even then if I needed a c section there will always be an ob on call in case of complications like that. Anyway, I was wondering which do you think is better? Midwife or regular ob? I'm really interesting in having a midwife though... :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What're you craving today? :)?

    I ask because I'm curious and usually crave a lot of different things. Ever since last night it's been a turkey sandwich slathered in mayo and cherry kool aid. =D I've wanted turkey for a while now but never with mayo until last night. xD It's so bad I even smell it and it smells delicious. <3 Too bad we don't have anything for this except bread in the house and I can't get anything until the man gets :/ i'm in my second trimester and have recently started to feel better but my cravings are still very much there. ;)

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do you unlock Toadette in Mario Kart Wii?

    I love Toadette. :) Anyway, I heard that all you have to do is finish all the time trials on Mario Kart Wii. Well I DID finish all the time trials and NOTHING happened. Why? Do you have to keep using the same person when your ghost gets created? And do you have to race another ghost and not just do solo time trials? Please help; I spent all morning doing those time trials, and was so disappointed when nothing happened. :(

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What do you crave? :)?

    I crave many, many things, but for the past three days it's sausage and french fries. Right now I also crave oranges as :)

    Before it was a lot of ice cream; I still love it, but now I'm on to sausage, french fries, and oranges, even though the oranges are just recurring from the beginning of my pregnancy, when I was always drinking orange juice. I also want mashed potatoes. <3

    What are you preggies craving? :D


    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why would I suddenly vomit?

    I was munching on some lucky charms in milk and suddenly threw them back up. I was standing in front of the fridge because I was going to start cleaning it out and just suddenly started dry heaving, bent down, and threw up all over the floor. It was so quick after eating that the vomit was still cold from the milk. Is this normal? All this morning I've been trying to eat but nothing has really tasted good. Also, there was little bits of bloody mucus in the vomit...I think. The last time I threw up was like two weeks ago in the morning from an empty stomach. Do you think something's wrong, or I just ate too fast? Thanks... :(

    ... I'm 14 weeks.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am so emotional! :(?

    Stuff like this only happened in the beginning of my pregnancy but I'm nearly 14 weeks now and this morning when I was getting ready for school I sat down and had it on discovery health and birth day was on and I couldn't stop crying! It was that loud, pathetic crying too that makes you kind of glad you're the only one around when you do it. Then when I had thought I calmed down I changed the channel and a woman was crying on that channel and I started crying all over again and changed the channel and even just thinking about it made me wanna cry even harder! THEN I told my boyfriend I was crying and he text back lol and I started crying...again. I think it's passed for now but now I have a major headache. Do you think there was any particular reason I was crying or was it just my hormones? :/ I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow...

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the name of the desktop toy in Pepper Pott's office?

    It's been a while since I've seen Iron Man 2-I plan on getting the DVD eventually-but I was just reading up on it and was reminded of the very interesting thing that I couldn't stop staring at on her desk. I can't remember what it looks like but I think Tony keeps messing with it and it may be in the scene where he brings her the strawberries? It anybody has a name and picture of it I'd be really happy because I remember that when I watched it the first time too I wanted one of those things too.LOL

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    My boyfriend and I haven't found out the gender yet. I'm 13 weeks and if it's a girl I really really like the name Kailei Simone. What do you think? :)

    12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Fetal movement at around 11 weeks?

    I'm hoping this is what happened. I should be a little over 11 weeks from the dating of my last ultrasound.

    Anyway, I was just sitting there and all of the sudden I get this very strange feeling kind of like vibrations but also like little rapid flutters on the right side of my uterus. They started out kind of soft and got a little stronger before finally going away. The second time it wasn't that strong but it was still there. I felt it a third time but this was the weakest and was when I stood up to go to the bathroom.

    At my last ultrasound-dating 10 weeks & 2 days-the baby was very active and twirling and flipping and doing all of this other happy movement. Everybody I've asked has said it sounds a lot like fetal movement. Any ideas? I know it wasn't a muscle spasm because I've gotten those before and this was just somehow...different.

    Help? I'm kind of worried but everybody says it sounds really normal and a lot like fetal movement. I'm also in no pain except the usual that I've felt throughout my normal pregnancy-so far-and have had no bleeding.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do I look really big?

    I am only 10 weeks and everybody I know that has had kids say that I am already bigger than they were at 10 weeks. I had a flat stomach before I got pregnant but weigh mostly the same amount-130-if not actually a little bit less than what I used to. I eat a lot though if I don't eat at least every two hours I dry heave when before I got pregnant I could go with barely anything for two days and be fine. Anyway I had a lot of bloat at the beginning but that died down and that's when I started getting ligament pain which I know that's what it is because I got it in my hips even before pregnancy and my tummy ballooned to this. I know the ballooning has just begun though.LOL What do you think? They only found one baby on my 10 week ultrasound btw.LOL

    People say I look farther along than what I am. I'm like gee thanks.LOL

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Blood and tissue in stool?

    Ok, this is kind of gross, but I'm kind of worried. I'm 6 weeks and two days pregnant and I just went to the bathroom and took a number two and had a tiny bit of blood and some tissue on my stool. I think the tissue has happened before, and I've also had a little blood, but there was more blood this time, even though it was still a small amount. I keep thinking you can miscarry by Can anybody tell me what this is so my mind will be more at easy? It didn't hurt that much. My mom says I'm just constipated...

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago