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I'm 40 years old, never married, & have no children. I have 118 college credits from AP Exams in English & Writing, Treasure Valley Community College (Ontario, OR), San Diego State University, and U.S. Academy of Heath Sciences (U.S. Army). I have majored in Art, Medicine, & Computer Networking.

  • Someone very close to me keeps on thinking that I am going around talking bad about them. I am not talking bad about them, at all - ??

    This person is my wife. She has a very long history of severe abuse from her parents, where she was run down and talked bad about on a regular basis. Now, even though this is not how I am acting, she thinks that this is all I am doing - running her down.

    She has a history of mental illness issues, and paranoia. It's beginning to take a serious toll on our relationship, and I am not sure what to do about it. We are going to some counseling together, so I guess I need to bring it up in that context.

    It's just making our relationship completely miserable, on a regular, on-going basis. Being constantly accused of running her down, when I'm doing no such thing. Then she gets mad at me for not agreeing with her point of view and says I don't believe her and that I'm calling her crazy. I don't tell her so, but it is totally Bat-**** Crazy.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • I started my Truck (1991 Ford F-150) at the bank today and it seems like my starter stayed stuck in the "on" position. What do I do now?

    I drove home, about 1 mile, because I didn't want to be stuck away from home & my tools. When I got home, I turned off the motor but the starter kept turning over. I had to disconnect the battery cable - but by that time I think the battery was just about dead.

    I'll check the wires around the starter once it cools down. Is this a fried wire or is the starter stuck "on" permanently & I need to just buy a new starter?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • How can I find out the strut bolt torque specifications for my 1990 Nissan Axxess?

    I have an owner's manual but the bolt torque specs are not in it. I'm wanting to replace my struts tomorrow but I don't have the torque specs and don't want to have to buy a book just to find them out. Anybody know of a site I can find out the specifics for different torque specs on my car?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • How can I stop telemarketers from harassing me?

    I'm already registered on the National Do Not Contact registry. I applied for some online college info about 2 years ago and the same phone #'s keep calling me. I have them marked as contacts: "Solicitor 1, Solicitor 2, Solicitor 3, and Solicitor 4." I just hang up on them. About a year ago I tried talking to their call-center manager and insisting they stop harassing me, that I did not want to hear from them (or anyone related to them), and that I wanted them to remove my phone number from their entire system and leave me alone. No luck yet. My phone company, Sprint, is not helpful with this at all - so far. Is there something I need to say to my phone company? I have heard of people successfully suing telemarketers for harassment. What SPECIFIC steps do I need to take in order to go after their pocketbook and sue them? Maybe that will make them stop harassing me?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why don't ANY of the videos on FoxNews.Com ever work right for me?

    Any time I go to watch videos on their web-site they produce little black boxes that have no interactions whatsoever. All the flash-video ads play and work fine. My Flash and all video codecs are up to date, nothing is blocked on my Firewall, router, or anti-virus software. Why are FoxNews videos so lame? Do they have some kind of extra tracking and other B.S. that is interfering with the video-players' ability to work properly?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Where can I get a computer for my dad's 1986 Nissan pickup?

    I need to find a computer for a 1986 Nissan pickup (I'm not sure what model of pickup it is...) - my dad is too busy at the moment and his mechanic is apparently having trouble tracking one down. They are no longer manufactured anywhere, I think - so does anyone know how to go about finding this part? Some good parts web-sites and junk-yards, etc. would be helpful - or, if you happen to know where one is!!!

    4 AnswersNissan7 years ago
  • Serious question for a Mormon: What is with the references to "The Priesthood of Malchizedek?"?

    I recently attended the funeral of a mormon acquaintance of mine. At the graveside service there seemed to be some religious ritual or rite which made references to the Holy Priesthood of Malchizedek. I think it's mentioned somewhere in the Bible, but I was wondering what is the significance of making this reference at a funeral, and what is the basic teaching or doctrine associated with this Priesthood?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Any advice for me upon turning 40?

    I suppose I should be more "worried" or having a mid-life crisis right about now, but this is turning-out to be a complete "non-event" for me. I'd like to hear something funny, interesting, or good advice for a guy who has never married or had any kids....

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Anyone have experience with adding an electric motor to your bicycle?

    I have an old trike frame and want to add on an electric motor. This will be my main form of transportation for about 3/4 of the year, and I only need to cover short distances (5-10 miles at the most), but it would be cool if I could go farther!

    I will have to rebuild the 3-speed hub, the pedals drive the back axle, and I am wanting to add one of those electric motors that fits *inside* the front wheel hub.

    Of course, I'm on a budget, so cost is a big factor. The electric motor and batteries will be the main costs. I am considering using 2 car batteries, 24 volts, and want to add on a small 5 or 10-watt solar battery charger.

    I'm not the most mechanically inclined person, but I know enough to find my way around doing a basic engine tune-up on a car, and I have built a lot of desktop computers. I don't figure it will be beyond my capabilities to figure this job out, but I know I'll need to have a good web-site and advice to do it properly.

    Anybody with any experience with this kind of project, links to good web-sites, etc. is highly appreciated for leaving a response.

    2 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles8 years ago
  • Why do so many forum-trolls hang out in the Religion & Spirituality section?

    I would have thought that "modern, civilized people" were more polite and respectful towards each other than to post such silly and intentionally provocative questions as are found here on Yahoo Answers, in the Religion & Spirituality section.

    Some people run through stupid question after stupid question, obviously making a concerted effort to p!$$ off people who hold religious beliefs in high regard. I don't understand why people who obviously have no belief in God are so actively engaged in trying to discredit, argue against, and belittle something which they have no concept of.

    I'm not very good at mathematics, and I don't pretend to be, but I'm not going to go on a forum with a bunch of people discussing theoretical calculus & run all over the place posting stupidity and nonsense. There's just not any point in doing so. I have no idea what these people are talking about, and I know I will never have any use for higher mathematical concepts in my everyday life. That is ok with me, and just fine - if people want to sit around talking about nonsense of a mathematical sort, I don't care.

    So, what is it about people who would like to have a serious discussion about Biblical, Religious, or Spiritual doctrines which seems to attract the peanut gallery? Why are people SO antagonistic in this section of the forums?

    I see this kind of idiocy over in the "feminism vs. patriarchal societies/ gender studies" section of the forums, and understand the whole "battle of the sexes" thing. What I don't really understand is why would an Atheist, who says they have no belief in God, spend so much time trying to convince everybody that they are right - and everyone who believes in anything else is wrong?

    Am I missing something, or is there entirely too much protest coming out of the mouths of people who say they don't believe there is a "god?" Doesn't the fact that people spend so much time raging against gods & religions speak to the fact that maybe there's something more to this whole thing than Atheists are willing to let themselves acknowledge?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Beginner tips for buying silver as a hedge against the failing U.S. dollar?

    I have been concerned lately about the state of the U.S. economy & the apparent decline of the U.S. dollar. India is trading gold for Iranian oil (no U.S. dollars involved), China & Japan recently signed the largest trade agreement in the history of the world (no U.S. dollars involved), and Saudi Arabia is in the process of building the worlds largest oil refinery inside of China (no U.S. dollars involved).

    The credit rating of the United States was recently downgraded.

    Congress has not been able to pass a regular budget for the last 3 years, and is not likely to be able to do so any time soon.

    The U.S. government started on a spending-spree several decades ago, and they have never looked back. I don't see the govt. being able to reign-in its terrible spending habits.

    The Federal Reserve Bank is printing dollars like they are going out of style - as if that is somehow going to "help" anything?!?!

    I don't have much extra income, but common sense tells me to invest what I can in precious metals like silver and gold, because it has always been used as "money" since the beginning of time. I know that due to certain laws, any gold coins minted before 1933 are the way to go when buying gold, because there are certain tax benefits in doing so. Are there any tips out there on buying silver?

    Small denominations of easily recognizable coins seems to make the most sense to me, as they may actually become useful for "spending" at some point in time. If/when gold goes up to several thousand $$$ per ounce, or more, where could you actually spend a gold coin & then get "change" back for your transaction? So, I'm looking at silver coins: 1932-1964 silver dimes, 1 oz. silver coins, Amex 1 oz. silver coins, and other easily-recognizable silver coins.

    Anyone experienced in precious metals and coins out there? Have some advice for someone in my situation?

    6 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • What shall American citizens do about our government defrauding us?

    (Please do not post an answer here if you do not watch the 2 videos posted below.)

    This is NOT a stupid attempt to attract views to a video that I or a friend has posted. I have never personally posted any videos on YouTube.

    This is simply too mind-blowing for many Americans to even begin to consider, but we need to start thinking with more clarity than we ever have before...

    Major General Albert Stubblebine III, former officer in charge of all U.S. Army intelligence services:

    Dr. Alan Sabrosky, U.S. Vietnam War Veteran, former Ivy-League college professor, former instructor at the U.S. Army War College in West Point: v=BjJFHZ10C5I

    One-liners and stupid conspiracy theorist comments are not wanted, not necessary, and highly discouraged.

    This is a discussion for people who already know that the "official version" given by the media on 9-11 was seriously flawed, at best. A working knowledge of The Bilderberger Group is highly prerequisite.

    Americans have some tough decisions to make about the direction of our country as we go forward. We are living in "interesting times," and this is generally not considered to be a good thing. However, I believe that there are now enough Americans out there who are either "awake" or starting to wake up that it is high time we began to discuss the 4th branch of our government: "We The People." The Congress is out of control and left on a massive spending spree starting at right around WWII - and they have never looked back. The executive branch of govt. has continually over-stepped it's Constitutional authority by waging several illegal wars without congressional approval. The Supreme Court has systematically waged a culture-war on the rights, families, and lives of the American people over the last several decades. Our government is clearly broken and dysfunctional, corrupted and not representing the interests of the American People.

    If there were going to be a successful popular movement to take back our government, and bring it back into line with it's originally intended Constitutional mandates and functions, how do we begin to contend with a press where the major media outlets are no longer free?

    The "Tea Party" is a good initial attempt, but it was quickly marginalized by the major media. Anyone that understands reality gets branded as a "conspiracy theorist" or a "terrorist." So, how do we begin to change the public consciousness of what is going on without alienating the majority of the masses, who generally lack the time & ability that it takes to think for themselves, without the ability to exercise their God-given reasoning and critical-thinking abilities?

    (I am 40-years-old, a former Republican-turned-Libertarian, a veteran of the U.S. Army [Medical Laboratory Technology], and have nearly 2 years of college-level education with past majors in Graphic Design, Pre-Med., and Computer Networking. I am not Anti-Semetic, Anti-American, or a "conspiracy theorist.")

    4 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • How difficult is it to create new objects for use in a 3D printer?

    I have seen 3D printers in ads and news stories lately - they actually melt plastic or epoxy, then "build" a 3-dimensional object from something like an ink-jet nozzle? Does anyone know how difficult they are to use? I'm sure they use a form of Autocad and / or other 3D modeling programs, and that there are pre-made object files you can download off of the internet.

    Basically, I'm just curious about them because I often find that I need a custom-sized part or piece of something when I am at work doing various computer, remodeling, or building projects. How expensive are they? How easy are these programs to use? How difficult is it to design your own, custom parts to fit an at-home tinkering project?

    I often find that I don't quite have the right sized screw, adapter, board, dowel, tile, or thing-a-ma-jig to do what I want to do. So, how practical would one of these machines be for occasional home-use?

    And, any idea when the costs of these things will start to come down? And, what might their costs come down to?

    3 AnswersPrinters8 years ago
  • I'm trying to get in contact with Electronic Arts, but can't locate a working email address.?

    I am trying to get in touch with Electronic Arts and am having a difficult time reaching them. All links on their website are to their affiliates, and nothing seems to go directly to them.

    I am being harassed by one of their affiliate companies, BioWare, specifically from some of their forum moderators for their FaceBook game called, Super-Hero City. The harassment is in the form of being attacked verbally, within their forums, being threatened with a "ban," being attacked in the game itself, and also having someone from their company disable my accounts' ability to submit a proper support ticket to report the bullying behavior.

    The fact that it is coming from one of their "affiliates," and not EA itself, seems to indicate they are removed from the situation. However, this game is owned by EA, ultimately. Having my ability to report official misconduct surreptitiously disabled is even more reason why they need to be notified of the situation.

    If anyone knows how to get a working email address with someone at Electronic Arts who may be able to help with this situation, it would be much appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Are there really any good work-at-home jobs available?

    I have good typing skills, know a lot about computer hardware & applications, and have good communication skills.

    But, every "work-at-home opportunity" seems to be nothing but a scam to get you to pay for something, or to get you to give away your personal information so that companies can send you endless spam and other advertising.

    I've looked at several sites, over a long period of time, but I haven't found any REAL job-opportunities that allow you to work from home and actually make a decent wage.

    Please don't send me advertisements, links to more data-mining sites, or other junk. Please only answer this if you have actually made money working from home as somebody else's "employee." I don't want to be an entreprenuer, salesman, MLM'er, or anything like that - just a typing job, tech-support call job, etc.

    5 AnswersTechnology9 years ago
  • I can not run ANY .exe file on my computer, so I can't reinstall any of the "fixes" for my problem. Why?

    I uninstalled a bunch of programs last night that I thought were extraneous. Apparently, something REALLY fouled up my whole windows setup. A very few programs still work properly - thank goodness I still have internet access! I can find all kinds of "fixes" for my computer online, but nothing can install to my computer - NOTHING! I can run Firefox, but not Windows Help. I can't run anything like "regedit" or "msconfig" but I can get into all of my file-systems and explore them just fine. Lot's of the regular windows programs are not working, but some are. It's "hit & miss" with about 90% missing. Most of my icons are also missing, but a few of them remain (like My Computer, Recycle Bin, and My Documents).

    4 AnswersSoftware10 years ago