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Lv 55,259 points

Valerie G

Favorite Answers17%

I'm a 21 yr old college kiddo; Almost done too! 2 more years and I'll have 2 degrees! one in communications and one in DANCE! so yea i answer questions when i am way too bored suckah!

  • HELP Abusive Stepfather?

    First off this will be long, but thank you for hearing me out.

    I'm 23, graduating with my Bachelors a week from now. I spent my college years living with my mom,and stepfather to save money by going to college locally. Unfortunately it was also very stressful, my stepfather is a Mexican immigrant with very different viewpoints and his beliefs on how to live life are very different from my mothers and my other relatives.

    My mom married him when I was 7. Ever since then I've lived walking on eggshells. He never tried to learn English, because he has hated the language, and the American culture his entire life. That lead for terrible communication between myself, him, and my younger brother from then til now (except now, thanks to my education I do know Spanish fluently).

    However, that didn't prevent me or my brother from understanding the hatred he had toward us, even as children. He would yell, cuss us at us ( a 7 yr old and a 3 yr old), get drunk, smoke, he was just awful.

    Things got progressively worse. Throughout my childhood I had to call the cops constantly, and cried myself to sleep so much. Once he even tried to run my mom over with his work truck and drive into the house.

    The thing I don't understand is my mom is a SUCCESSFUL and beautiful woman. She has a very important position for the state; and is educated. The man doesn't have a stable job, and never has. He works little side jobs putting down tile, and gets drunk every evening.

    However she WONT leave him. She says she feels sorry for him which I don't get! She says she can't just "kick someone out"

    And if he ended up in the street she could not live with herself.

    One of the reasons I didn't leave to go to college was that I was scared that something bad would happen to my younger brother or my mom. Once when my brother was 15 my stepdad tried to get him to "fight" him. Since then I've been scared that he would hurt him.

    Not too long ago my stepdad picked an argument with my brother and tried to intimidate him by getting into his face. I lost it completely out of fear something would happen to my brother. So my 5'3 120 lb self began swinging at my stepdad. I actually ended up hurting him, even though he's much bigger than me. Everyone is in shock, I don't even remember it happening, and I do regret it. It's so ugly that I did that! but I was so scared that something would happen to my brother.

    What made me SO angry is my mother got mad at me! He was going to hurt my 17 yr old brother and she got made at me for protecting him. I didn't understand her reasoning, the man has abused the family his whole life, and could've hurt her son, and she gets mad at me?

    So recently things have progressively become unbearable. His family leaches off my poor mom all the time, coming and going as they please, and he keeps trying to argue with me. He tells me I'm nothing but **** and won't amount to anything(even though I've worked several jobs and internships and have gone to college)

    He never has EVER helped me with anything financially and doesn't pay his way at home either. Waking up in the morning, I'm used to the thick air and awful Ora in the house. I've gone through depression, eating disorders, I've had a lot of personal problems throughout my life due to his ****.

    I truly believe he's only here because my mom takes care of him, and he probably is hoping to get something monetary if anything were to happen to her in the future.

    I've told her all of this and she still won't leave him. Anytime she's tried to, he BEGS to come back, and she falls for it.

    Now that I'm graduating, I'm excited to apply for all these amazing positions,but I'm scared too. My brother is 19, fresh outta high school and barely getting started. I'm considering moving, out of state, possibly far away just to get away from him.


    I'm scared that this asswhole will do something to my brother, or hurt my poor mom. My mom is always so stressed from work, my grandma is in the hospital, and this man makes it 10x worse. If she ever had a heart attack I know it be from the stress he causes.

    I'm completely caught in between. I want to leave- get away from this poisonous hell hole I have to call my home.

    At the same time I'm afraid of what will happen to my mom.

    How can I get her to leave him? Or what can I do? What about my brother?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Family help, Abusive Awful Stepfather?

    First off this will be long, but thank you for hearing me out.

    I'm 23, graduating with my Bachelors a week from now. I spent my college years living with my mom,and stepfather to save money by going to college locally. Unfortunately it was also very stressful, my stepfather is a Mexican immigrant with very different viewpoints and his beliefs on how to live life are very different from my mothers and my other relatives.

    My mom married him when I was 7. Ever since then I've lived walking on eggshells. He never tried to learn English, because he has hated the language, and the American culture his entire life. That lead for terrible communication between myself, him, and my younger brother from then til now (except now, thanks to my education I do know Spanish fluently).

    However, that didn't prevent me or my brother from understanding the hatred he had toward us, even as children. He would yell, cuss us at us ( a 7 yr old and a 3 yr old), get drunk, smoke, he was just awful.

    Things got progressively worse. Throughout my childhood I had to call the cops constantly, and cried myself to sleep so much. Once he even tried to run my mom over with his work truck and drive into the house.

    The thing I don't understand is my mom is a SUCCESSFUL and beautiful woman. She has a very important position for the state; and is educated. The man doesn't have a stable job, and never has. He works little side jobs putting down tile, and gets drunk every evening.

    However she WONT leave him. She says she feels sorry for him which I don't get! She says she can't just "kick someone out"

    And if he ended up in the street she could not live with herself.

    One of the reasons I didn't leave to go to college was that I was scared that something bad would happen to my younger brother or my mom. Once when my brother was 15 my stepdad tried to get him to "fight" him. Since then I've been scared that he would hurt him.

    Not too long ago my stepdad picked an argument with my brother and tried to intimidate him by getting into his face. I lost it completely out of fear something would happen to my brother. So my 5'3 120 lb self began swinging at my stepdad. I actually ended up hurting him, even though he's much bigger than me. Everyone is in shock, I don't even remember it happening, and I do regret it. It's so ugly that I did that! but I was so scared that something would happen to my brother.

    What made me SO angry is my mother got mad at me! He was going to hurt my 17 yr old brother and she got made at me for protecting him. I didn't understand her reasoning, the man has abused the family his whole life, and could've hurt her son, and she gets mad at me?

    So recently things have progressively become unbearable. His family leaches off my poor mom all the time, coming and going as they please, and he keeps trying to argue with me. He tells me I'm nothing but **** and won't amount to anything(even though I've worked several jobs and internships and have gone to college)

    He never has EVER helped me with anything financially and doesn't pay his way at home either. Waking up in the morning, I'm used to the thick air and awful Ora in the house. I've gone through depression, eating disorders, I've had a lot of personal problems throughout my life due to his ****.

    I truly believe he's only here because my mom takes care of him, and he probably is hoping to get something monetary if anything were to happen to her in the future.

    I've told her all of this and she still won't leave him. Anytime she's tried to, he BEGS to come back, and she falls for it.

    Now that I'm graduating, I'm excited to apply for all these amazing positions,but I'm scared too. My brother is 19, fresh outta high school and barely getting started. I'm considering moving, out of state, possibly far away just to get away from him.


    I'm scared that this asswhole will do something to my brother, or hurt my poor mom. My mom is always so stressed from work, my grandma is in the hospital, and this man makes it 10x worse. If she ever had a heart attack I know it be from the stress he causes.

    I'm completely caught in between. I want to leave- get away from this poisonous hell hole I have to call my home.

    At the same time I'm afraid of what will happen to my mom.

    How can I get her to leave him? Or what can I do? What about my brother?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Is it bad that I lost weight? ?

    Lately ive been really busy with work and school- ive also have been getting bad stomach pains on and off. I wasnt overweight at all- im a bit of a health freak; and in one week alone I lost 5 pounds. I have been eating sparatically compared to mt usual routine I had during the winter break- but im kinda small - is that a rapid enough weight loss to seea doctor?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago

    OK so I just brought a Beagle puppy into my home. I already have a Toy Poodle ( 12 years old); and my toy poodle hasn't ever done well with playing with other dogs ( she seems anti-social)? And here is my major dilema. I love the Beagle, she's been here with us for about a month now, but she forces on playing with my old poodle ( who doesn't have good teeth to defend herself, and has arthritis); and it turns into a brawl everyday. My poodle growls and snarls, and the puppy just wants to play.

    I've tried everything, trying to seperate them, putting them both in seperate kennels. I want to keep the Beagle because I want another dog, but I don't want my other dog constantly tormented. what do I do?

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I feel discouraged as a student!?

    I'm a senior in college, and I am entering basically my last few semesters, I'm 22 and at first I had a great outlook on the future but lately I feel very discouraged. I want to work hard and I love the field I'm entering ( journalism wanting to focus in on broadcast) ; but in school the past two semesters I've had nothing but professors who don't seem to care much, it's a pain in the butt going to class because I feel like they don't even care to educate us, and one of my professors in particular doesn't even show up to class and he grilled a few people for missing class one day; he curses in class and has a negative outlook and basically acts like he has no hope for any of us and this is a class for our major! He even told a friend of mine that he thought 80% of the class wouldn't get a good job because we were retarded! I want to love school again, I can't take that many more classes outside my major due to financial aid but I need motivation ( I know this sounds ridiculous! but I do) Does anyone have any advice?

  • If you keep having the same dream does it mean its true?

    I keep having a dream that my boyfriend is cheating on me. We currently are in a long distance relationship and honestly sometimes things he says are fishy and odd. Idk what are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Can you catch Hepatitis B from Kissing, making out with someone?

    I'm dating someone that informed be that he caught hepatitis B when he was little and has had it ever since, I read on wikepedia and in several journals that casual encounters like kissing and hugging don't spread it only blood to blood contact but then I read theres a small percentage that it can be transmitted through saliva? I know it sounds gross but kissing swaps saliva so I'm kinda flippin out a bit. Can someone answer my question? Also do the vaccinations help protect you from it even if you got them as a child?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • I just had an interview at MAC questions?

    Ok I'm super nervous, I know either way I either get a job or I don't but I really want to work here!

    So they lost my application, don't ask me why I felt that was a bad sign but it got me nervous so they had me fill out another one and they asked me to do a makeup demo that day also; I thought I was supposed to do the demo another day AFTER this interview if I got called back, so i didn't havea model. Makeup wise I think I did pretty good, I kept an eye on sanitation and I think overall I did good.

    Also I wasn't told to wear all black, I wore black slacks, black shoes, a black cardigan, and a brown shirt =/. I read online that it's a big deal if you don't wear all black so I got nervous about that. My makeup looked awesome I thought though and I was dressed to my own style which I read is a good thing.

    Does anyone work for MAC on here? Can you tell me what they look for in the interview process?

    2 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • Can someone please HELP?

    The distance, D in feet that an object has fallen after T seconds is given by D(T)=16t^2. Calculate the average rate of change of D frome 2 to 4 seconds, interpret the result.

    I think I may have gotten this wrong help!

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Halloween makeup creepy doll?

    I just made this tutorial what do you all think?

    3 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • Ripping off videos on youtube?

    Ok so I do youtube videos, and there is this girl on another channel who copies almost every video I do

    -_- like literally 3 days after I post a video, she will have the same titled video up! It's kinda annoying me but I don't want to say anything and risk people thinking I'm a hater or whatever because I'm not. What do you think?

    2 AnswersYouTube10 years ago
  • how did you move out?

    I feel like it's time for me to move out. I love my family, but sometimes I feel constricted like I'm stuck and almost like i'm my mom's secretary for anything that has to deal with the house; bills; etc.

    I am NOT financially stable yet, I'm a Junior/Senior in college ( will graduate in about 2 years); I had the oppourtunity to transfer out of town to a University about 1 1/2 hours away but I chose not to because I didn't want to be in even MORE debt when i graduate. Instead I will be going to school very close by, which I know it would make sense to stay home til I graduate but I really think I need my own privacy.

    So how did you move out at first? How did you make money? Any tips? I am currently a parttime sales associate but I want to start bartending at a nice restaurant to make more money and save to be able to afford my own apartment. What do you think?

    4 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Help with Synthetic Division problem?


    problem looks like




    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Word problem help, Percentages and dosage?

    A doctors prescripion requires 30mg of vitamin c and 10 mg of vitamin d; if the pharmacy stocks 2 possible compounds, one that contains 40% C and 10% d; and one that contains 40% c and 20 % d; how much of each compound is needed for the prescription?

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • PLEASE help me finish my Math Homework?

    x^3-7x^2+6x-42 Factor

    4x^4+19x^2-30 factor

    x^-6+16x^-7+63x^-8 factor

    solve for zero


    solve for zero


    solve for zero



    3 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Annoying word problem?

    The length or a rectangle is 2cm less than it's width what are the dimensions if the area is 143 square.

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • can x^2+6 be factored?

    ???? can it? im brain fried.

    4 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Can someone factor these for me?





    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Can someone factor these for me?




    16b^2- 1/9

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Need major homeowork help?

    3q^2-11q-4 5q^2+31q+6


    5q^2+36q+7 4-q

    This is multiplying rational fractions

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago