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  • What breeds of dog is this mix puppy?

    I want to adopt a puppy. I saw this one at the shelter. I am not sure what breed is it. I live in Taiwan, so most like it is a Formosan Mountain Dog mix, but I do not know the both breed. I asked the person who works there and he was not sure. So, I am hoping someone here can help me.

    Here are some pictures of the puppy.

    Thanks for your help

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • gopro hero2 lcd + dive housing?

    Can you use the lcd bacpac with the optional gopro hero2 scuba diving housing?

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving7 years ago
  • Is legal to slant drill for oil on private property in Canada?

    I own land in Alberta I was told the company purchased land near it and has been doing slant drilling and extract oil from my property. I have never given the company any permission to do any drilling.I know we do not have the rights to oil or mineral on my property, but I have never given the company any permission to do any drilling on my land. Is it legal to do slant drilling in the province of Alberta? Is there anything I can do about this? If so, what?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can you install EA origin on a usb hard drive?

    I am living abroad and do not have a computer with me, but would like to play Battlefield 3 at an Internet cafe using my usb hard drive.I know this can be done with Steam, but I am not sure it can be done with EA Origin.


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Can a modded wii 4.1j play NTSC games from North America?

    I am living overseas in Taiwan and looking to purchase a modded Wii. It is version 4.1j. The advertisement is written in Chinese, but after having my gf read it she told me that the Wii is a Japanese version and is both hard and soft modded. It also comes with 'USB loader','wii flow', and 'ULoader.

    Can this version of the Wii play games from North America? If not, is there a way to change it play games from North America? Also can I update the wii since it has a mod chip installed?

    If anyone can provide me a link for more information, that would be great.

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii8 years ago
  • Do you need to submit a criminal record check to teach ESL in Taiwan?

    I am a Canadian and considering teaching ESL in Taiwan in the near future. I have been am teaching in Korea for a few years and had to submit a criminal record check to the Korean embassy in order to be granted a teaching visa. I am wondering if Taiwan requires the same. If so, does it need to be a finger printed check through the RCMP? I do not have any criminal charges on my record, but these things can take a while to obtain, so i would like to get all of my documents in order ASAP.

    3 AnswersTaiwan9 years ago
  • What does 2종보통 mean on a Korean driver's license?

    When I exchanged my driver's license in Korea someone pointed out it said I have a specific level licesne with restricitons. . Mine says 2종보통. there is also 1종보통. What kind of vehicle, size and type, am I permitted todrive legally. Also, does this level allow me to drive vehicles with both manual and automatic transmissions? I was told that it might be restricted to only automatics.

    2 AnswersKorea10 years ago
  • How is driving a manual tranmission in Seoul?

    I want to purchase a vehicle. I prefer manual transmissions over automatics. However, Seoul is a massively populated city and the side streets have a lot of inclines. Also, an over whelming majority of Korean cars are automatics. I am wondering if a manual is more of pain and if I should just use an automatic instead.

    3 AnswersKorea10 years ago
  • How much time does it take to probate a will in Alberta?

    I received notice that was named a beneficiary in a will. The will has been submitted to probate around a month, but I am not sure how long it will take to finish, Most of the estate is land. Perhaps that can affect the length of time it takes to go through probate.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is the law regarding oil on property in Alberta?

    If you have oil on your property in Alberta who own the rights to it? Does it belong to the government or are you allowed to sell it to a private company. Also, what are the regulations regarding drilling? Does the government need your approval prior to drilling?

    3 AnswersEdmonton1 decade ago
  • What does a bezel do on a digtial camera?

    I am interested in purchasing a canon g10. The price is cheap, however it is missing the bezel. What is a bezel used for on a camera? Is it cosmetic or does it actually have a function?

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Korean teaching phrases?

    Can someone help me translate some simple phrases to help teaching in the classroom?

    Open your books.

    Close your books.

    Here is your homework.

    Sit in a circle.

    Make two teams.

    Make a line.

    We will have a test tomorrow.

    Let's sing a song.

    Try again.

    Good job!

    Say it in English.

    Today's homework is from pages 13-15

    Student book

    Work book

    Put your chair under your desk.

    Clean up the room.

    Before you leave ......

    1 AnswerKorea1 decade ago
  • How do you play co-op Lego Star Wars DS?

    A friend and I have Lego Star Wars for the DS and we want to play together. However, we don't know how to do it. One hosts a game, but the other cannot join it. Can you play it from the DS machines communicating with each other? If so, how do you do it?

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • What does pounds of lift mean on a diving wing bladder bcd?

    I am looking at purchasing a wing bcd for diving. Some have 30 pounds of lift and some have 100 pounds of lift. What do these numbers mean and what kind of diving are they most suitable for.

    I weigh 160 lbs and qualified to dive 40 meters. However, in the future I would like to take up technical diving. What wing and pounds of lift would be best suited for me?

    4 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • How do you say " Happy Peppero Day" in Korean?

    I want to wish everyone a happy peppero day, but I don't know how to say it in Korean.

    3 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • what is 야동 (yadong)?

    My students ask if I like yadong. I have no idea what it is. However, I have a feeling it is something disgusting because they won't ask their Korean teacher the same question.

    I checked my dictionary on my phone and I cannot find it. What does it mean?

    11 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • Does Palin remind you of a female George Bush?

    Seriously. There is something about her, the way she acts and speaks actions reminds me so much of George Bush. Does anyone else see this?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is the Korean won dropping because of the falling American dollar?

    Both the won and the dollar are losing value drastically. Why is this happening?

    2 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • How will America's economic crisis effect Americans working in Korea? ?

    Their economy is crashing, but what effects can it have for foreigners working here in Korea?

    4 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • How do you say these in Korean?

    I am teaching my students about health and wellness. I would like to learn these words and phrases.

    I'm sick.

    What's the matter?

    I have a(n) .......

    head ache

    stomach ache.

    ear ache.

    sore throat

    runny nose



    tooth ache

    black eye

    broken leg

    That's too bad.

    7 AnswersKorea1 decade ago