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Lv 31,492 points

eric e

Favorite Answers8%
  • Vampire? I think?

    I woke up one day on the sidewalk (I don t drink or do drugs) I swear I went to sleep in the living room. Walked back went to the bathroom my eyes was shot. Red AF! Then I felt pain on my shoulder. Took my shirt off and looked. Two holes. I went to sleep. But I can t day 4. No food hardly too. Water is Minimum. Idk??

    I ve read if you think you ve been bitten don t give in to blood, that would change you. And if you make this public. Person who but you can feel it and heyehuf

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Is it right for an employer to say your hired and later say no.?

    I applied twice and both times they said "your hired". I went to the interviews and gave my information, but said sorry. I mean I have a clean driving record and don t do any form of drugs

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Background check question...?

    O.k. I am in the process of being hired for a job at a casino and I have to complete a background check. I was recently arrested for DUI, but the thing is that they released me two days later on "No Complaint". They gave me a court date, but when I went to court the receptionist told me that "since I was released on No Complaint I didn't have court and it was basically dropped. No papers and no case number. My question is that will this show up on my background check? and the employer told me to be truthful about any of my run-ins with the law and do not lie. I don't know if I should mention this, I really need the job.... Please help Thanx :)

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Youtube and Facebook?

    Recently Youtube kept saying "error try again later" every time I try to share/post a video from Youtube to Facebook. All Video's.... I don't know whats going on, can anyone help?

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • I downloaded a song from iTunes?

    ...and the song only shows up in my purchased history, but not in my library... Why?

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Final Fantasy XIV Question?

    I was just wondering if this game will work well on my Laptop? I have a Sony Vaio with Intel Core2 Duo CPU, T5800 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz, 4.00GB Ram, with a 64-bit Vista, and about 200GB of Hard Drive memory left? Thanx...

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Wii download Question?

    I was wondering if there is anyway to download classic games for the Wii from your laptop onto a SD card. Then later put the SD card into your Wii and play the downloaded game? (Wii does not have internet connection).

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • iTunes Problem...................................?

    Just recently my iTunes has been deleting my cover art automatically (not the song). But its been getting a little annoying. N~E~Ways... Does anyone know what could be happening? (oh and I ran my ani-virus three times and it didn't catch anything)..

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Does Rob (White) Zombie.....?

    Does he draw his own Artwork? Like in the White Zombie Album's and the little Cartoon/Music Video in 'Beavis and Butt Head do America...?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • making a short film.... at least 10-20 min?

    I was thinking on doing something like a "Blair Witch Project" 5. lol. Well I want it to be kind of funny, but more serious at the same time.....THE Question is I need a good ending. ANY ideas? Plus I want it different then the original... (its going to be in the forest).

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Accidently erased my iTunes Library! HELP!?

    Ok. Long story short... itunes library was erased and I tried looking for it in the recycle bin (nothing), looking for the folder (nothing), But I do still have the songs on my iPod. Also some songs are not from the iTunes store... and I did'nt back anything up.

    Is there a way to put the songs on my iPod back onto my iTunes?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Please! can someone send me some songs by SONNY MOORE.?

    like "Mora" (NOT the new one) "Signal" "Moth", and "Mortl".

    send to---

    bunch of points!

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • 4G ipod problem..Coverflow.?

    Ok when its in list view the songs and everything are in place, but when i turn it over to coverflow some of the songs show up in different albums.

    HELP. whats going on?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago