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  • Should I or should I not pay my rent due to the situation?

    We had gotten a lot of snow last week and when it started to melt I got a leak in my ceiling due to damage to the roof. My landlord is trying to get around fixing it. When I first showed him the leak he told me it would take a really long time to fix and that mold would not grow. Since then he has not been answering my calls or texts. We are planning to move in early March even before the leak happened but I'm hesitant to pay my rent. We are suppose to get snow again this week and I'm afraid the damage will get worse and we can no longer stay due to damage ( I have a 6 month old) I want to make sure I'm prepared. I just feel bad because we have paid rent late numerous times because of my medical issues. I plan on paying him rent at the end of feburary if I'm able to stay.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • How can I get my 5 month old to sleep in his room?

    My 5 month old would sleep in our room in his own crib ( no co sleeping) since he was 2 months olds. We decided he was ready to sleep in his own room since he is now sleeping through the night. The first night was awful. I rocked him to sleep and put on some white noise and he just screamed as soon as I laid him in the crib. After about 5 minutes of fighting his sleep he finally fell asleep but woke up every 2 hours. The next day he would not let us put him down. It was like he had separation anxiety. He was so cranky and cried most of the day. He has been getting better the last couple days but he still has a hard time falling asleep. Any suggestions on transitioning would be great!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • 5 month old constantly fights sleep?

    Every time my child gets tired he screams bloody murder and will cry for hours. The only way we can get him to sleep is my walking around the house bouncing him. I've tried letting him cry it out but I don't like to do it for more than 15 minutes and when he screams I feel like he's in pain so I pick him up and rock him until he falls asleep. It getting to me and my husband because sometimes this will last for hours and after we get him to sleep we are so tired. It concerns me how much it takes for us to get him to sleep. This happens every day. Im just asking for tips.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • Can tonsillitus cause your gums to swell and change color?

    I recently went to the doctor and was told I had tonsillitus and given antibiotics but my gums and teeth hurt more than anything else. I have white spots on my gums and they are so swollen. I can only eat mashed potatoes or jello because it hurts to chew to the point that I'm almost in tears. I asked the doctor if it's normal for my gums and teeth to hurt and she said its possible. Is it normal to have the teeth and gum pain as well?

    1 AnswerDental5 years ago
  • Can a 3 month old get pneumonia?

    My mother in law didn't tell me that her husband and her daughter had pneumonia and she had been watching my son. Is it contagious and is he too young to catch it?

    6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases5 years ago
  • My son is three months and still doesn't lift his head or roll over? Is this normal?

    His doctor doesn't seem concerned with it but I notice other babies his age can lift their head, roll and play with toys. I don't mean to compare him with other babies but as a first time mom its easy to notice. I try tummy time and putting him in his bumbo seat but hes still having trouble. Any advice would be great!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • Putting rice cereal in a 2 month olds bottle?

    My son normally ate 4 oz and every 5 hours but recently its been 2 oz every 2 hours. Its been a problem for about a week and my mom said to put rice cereal in his bottle but I have seen babies around 6 months do this not 2 months. I plan on speaking to his doctor about it but I wanted to try.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • My newborns face is breaking out?

    My one month olds face is breaking out. Is this normal or could something be causing it. It seems to be getting worse.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • How long does oxycodone stay in your system?

    I have to take a drug test for a CNA job next week and i take oxycodone because i had a c-section. I would rather not have it show up even though its proscribed so how long will it take to get out of my system?

    3 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • When my son spits up it comes out of his nose?

    Very rarely when my 6 weeks old son spits up it will come out of his nose and mouth. Is this normal?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • What is thr recovery time for a c section?

    I have my 6 week check up next week and im nervous the doctor will not release me to go back to work. I had preeclampsia when I was pregnant and my blood pressure is still high to the point my doctor had to send me to the hospital the first week I was home from having my baby. Im afraid that will keep me from going back to work. I know my health is more important but i have an interview for a dream job this week. Would i have to wait 8 weeks or 6? Also my bills are coming in and i dont think i can wait to work.

    5 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • How can I get my son on a schedule to sleep?

    My son is one month and is starting to sleep more during the day and wants to stay up during the night. I really want to get him on some sort of schedule because im going back to work soon. How can I keep him up more during the day? He doesnt need to sleep all night obviously but when hes done eating do go back to sleep like he is during the day.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Is it normal to feel numbness about your c section incision?

    I had my son 5 weeks ago. In some spots around my incision i cant feel my hands touching my skin. I will pinch my skin ( not hard) and i cant feel anything at all. I just wanted to know if this is normal and if it will go away. I have my six weeks about in a week so I will ask my doctor about this. Just want to know if this happened to anyone else.

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Is it normal to feel overwhelmed with a newborn baby?

    Im 19 years old and my husband ( been with for 6 years) (he is 23) and I just had our first child. Hes a month old and he was born at 35 weeks due to my preeclampsia. I'm home all day with my son while my husband works. I have had no help with him since we brought him home. I'm feeling very overwhelmed and I feel like an awful mom. My husband doesnt really help out unless I ask him to but if I dont its all me. Family members have offered to help but i dont want to pin my child on anyone. When my child is fussy or things just are not going right I just want to cry and be alone. I love my son so much and hate asking for help because thats my job. My doctor thinks im stressed because recently I have been hospitalized for high blood pressure and my medicine is not working. Is this normal or should I talk to my doctor?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Does nystatin make babies sleepy?

    My son is 3 weeks old and has thrush. Doctor proscribed nystatin and I've noticed hes been sleeping more than usual. Im giving him 1ml in each check 4 times a day as told to do by my doctor. I did some research and its not listed as a symptom but i wanted to ask other moms experience thanks!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Babies face turns red while in his carseat.?

    I have a 1 week old and because he was born early i have to take him to doctors appointments almost every day and i notice he gets really red in his face and he grunts alot. Iv tried everything loosed straps repositioning and he passed his stress test in a car seat at the hospital. I habe a preemie car seat aswell.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Advice on early birth?

    Im 33 weeks and 3 days. I had a doctors appointment and i gained 5 pounds in two weeks so my doctor ordered an ultrasound to see the baby's weight. I have gestational diabetes but my sugar has been in range so they are confused on my weight gain. I wanted to know if anyone else experienced this and what was the outcome. Im really nervous that they will want to take him out early at 37 weeks. This is my first baby.

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • 32 weeks/ how can I reduce swelling in my feet?

    My feet are always swollen from the time i wake up till i go to bed and its painful. My husband tries to rub my feet but it hurts. How can I keep them from swelling or reduce it. ( yes i know to watch sodium)

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • When should I go on maturity leave?

    Im having trouble deciding when I should take time off of work to have my baby and I wanted opinions. Im a cna for a in home care company and my only complaint is that I feel achy and im getting tired. My doctor says they can put me on leave at 37 weeks or if i wanted to keep working they would have restrictions set. I feel like i could keep working but i honestly hate my job and i plan on quiting and going into assisted living ( what iv always wanted to do) just looking for advice and experience. Im 32 weeks.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago