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i've recently become a mummy to little girl number 3. brittney is 9, amber is 8 and danni is 2 months. I am a childcare worker, i love to read when i have the time. i've been with my partner matt for 11 years and will be getting married mid year.

  • i'm looking for ways to help my 17 month old sleep through.?

    i've tried cry it out, cutting down day sleeps, putting her to bed later, we have always used the same routine and she know's it well. she used to sleep through until around 7 months ago she started this waking up at 2 am thing. any suggestions on bedtime would be appreciated to help a tired mummy and daddy get some sleep.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • is this normal? (Ladies issue)?

    i had my baby 8 weeks ago and finally got my real period but it is heavier than i have ever had before. is it normal to have a real heavy flow for the first one after pregnancy and if so, will it go back to normal eventually. sorry if it's gross but i'm curious

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • my 7 week old has a sore throat, what can i do to help her?

    she has had infant panadol but has kept me up for 3 nights now. i need to get her well so i can sleep

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how early did you put bub on solids?

    and what kind of solids,

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my 2 week old has bad constipation. ?

    she's not drinking the amount she should be and i put that down to the constipation. she's on coloxol drops and brown sugar in her bottles but she still has hard poo's and only once at night. could it be the formula is wrong for her? she also holds wind real bad too.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what to do???????????????????????

    hubby keeps complaining he wants bub to hurry up but refuses to have sex with me to try bring it on. what else can i do seeing as he won't touch me until after bubs born? I am due by the way so not an early induction at all.

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • is mum in the wrong?If not, what should she do?

    about a year and a half ago, mum was in the process of putting up a new fence. during the time the old fence was down, a boy came in her yard and mum had her dog tied up on a short rope on the back verandah. The boy wanted to play with a bike that was near the dog and mum said to the boy, please stay away from the dog, he might bite as he doesn't know you. The kid went for the bike anyway and got bitten. It had not ever bitten before. Mum took the dog straight away and got it put down after notifying the boys parents and driving them to the hospital as they didn't have transport. From that day on, the mother has been harrassing my mum, yelling abuse and threats and now after a year and a half, they want to sue her. the letter said the boy was severely maimed which is not the case, he has a small scar and that's it. The childs parents didn't even know where he was that day as they were too off their heads to care. What should mum do about this legal matter?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • i want to change hospitals to be closer to home?

    i'm booked into a hospital 1/2 hour away as i had complications but seeing as i'm fine now i want to go to the one closer to home. the hospital said in order to change over i have to see the one doctor in town who delivers babies and i can't get in until tuesday. i'm due that following saturday so if i went into labor before my appointment with the doctor, would they still let me go to the hospital closer to home or would i have to go to the one half an hour away?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • is it normal for your breasts to be sore near the end of pregnancy?

    they're sore and feel a bit lumpy. i'm not used to having breasts, i'm usually pretty flat when not pregnant. i'm 38 weeks 3 days and they have been tender for about a week

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is this common in pregnancy?

    this is baby 3 for me and with my other pregnancy's i never got blood noses. i'm 38 weeks 3 days and twice this week i've woken up and my nose has gushed blood. Anyone else had this?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is it still safe to have sex when you are dilated?

    i'm 37 weeks and 1 cm but still wanted to make sure just in case.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what are your thoughts????????????

    i am ready to have my 3rd baby which is great but i think my foster brother who is 8 feels this baby might be pushing him out of the family. i want him to be involved with my baby too as an uncle figure but i won't change nappies or bath baby in front of him as he came from a sexually abusive back ground. My foster brother seems to be lying alot lately about everything and anything, i'm wondering might that be a cover up for what he feels about this new addition to the family? Your thoughts appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • if i asked the hospital to induce me do you think they would?

    i have high blood pressure and have been to hospital twice this week because of it. when i say high, i mean like 147/99. I have pre eclampsia and i'm 37 weeks. it's been so bad that hubby had to take a week off work to look after me and our other 2 children. all they do is monitor me then send me home once it goes down. they didn't give me blood pressure medication or anything. thanks for answering.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how can i lower my blood pressure?

    i have pre eclampsia and my b.p was 145/99 the other day so went to hospital and they said keep an eye on it. it's up in the high 80's again today.

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • why would the hospital say this?

    my friend went into labor the other night at 34 weeks, they gave her steroids to stop it then found out the baby is breach. they said they'd rather her have the baby breach than have a c-section. At that particular hospital they don't have the facilities for a c-section and wouldn't you think they'd recommend her go to another hospital to have the baby that has the facilities just in case something goes wrong?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how can i stop the dog eating my chooks?

    thismorning mum found a dead, featherless chicken on the kitchen floor so threw it in the bin, later it vanished but when i went and counted the chickens, they were all there except the 2 baby bantems. her cattle dog was running around with one in it's mouth and the dead one on the floor looked too big to be the other one but i still can't find the other baby bantem. She says it must have been her maltese ****-su that killed it but i'm possitive it was the cattle dog pup because she's the trouble maker of the two. how can i protect the chickens and convince mum that the pup was more likely to be the culprit.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago