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Lv 43,939 points

Stephanie Z

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  • Am I going to medical school for the right reasons?

    I am aiming to get into medical school next year but I am beginning to doubt if I am doing it for the right reasons. I don't want to focus on exclusively on patient care, I would rather be doing research. I don't think my qualifications will get me an MD/PhD slot so should I just go for the PhD instead of the MD? Can you choose to focus more on research if you have an MD or are you limited to patient care? I DO want to do patient care but not exclusively. Would I be better off going the route of a masters then a PhD?

  • Does neopentyl alcohol react via an E1 or E2 reaction?

    Primary alcohols react via E2, secondary and tertiary alcohols react via E1. Neopentyl alcohol is a primary alcohol yet my book shows an example where it reacts via E1. What gives? Does is react this way because it is bulky?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Do I have a chance of getting into med school?

    I didn't do all the things you are supposed to do. I didn't volunteer, I didn't work in a medical related field or shadow a doctor or do lab work. I always intended to but then I had my daughter and I barely have time now for school and her, let alone extras. I did get my EMT license, but never had a chance to use it. My GPA is a 3.7 in the sciences and across the board. I intend to study my *** off for the MCAT and keep up my GPA. Do I even have a chance? I really want to go and like to be optimistic but everyday I think about all the requirements that I just don't meet and it's hard to stay positive.

    Anyone have any inside knowledge of the selection process, or maybe went through the process before? I want honest opinions, not "Of course you can do anything if you set your mind to it!" And I don't really want to hear "Well, you still have time to do this and this..." I likely don't, as I am a senior now.


    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Are alkyl halides polar or not?

    My chemistry textbook says "Fluoromethane is highly polar" yet my instructor's notes say "organic halides have low solubility in water and are miscible with each other and other nonpolar solvents"

    Is it that the alkyl halides have a range of solubility with fluorine being the on the extreme end of the polar side?

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • How to do an anova test?

    I have to perform an anova test for 5 groups and record the results. I did the test with an online statistics calculator and it gave me mean, N, variance, etc. values for each group, but the table I need to record them on wants the P values for group comparisons, i.e. Group 1 vs Group 2 p-value, Group 3 vs Group 4 p-value, etc. It's been awhile since I took statistics and I don't remember how to do this, can anyone help?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • If you have an subsidized stafford loan and you go to grad school...?

    If you are an undergrad with an subsidized stafford loan and you go to grad school, or nursing or medical school immediately upon graduating, do you have to begin repaying it then, or does the deferrment period last until you finish grad school?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Newborn cries when she has to poop, is this normal and can I do anything to help her?

    She will get fussy and eventually begin to cry and show signs of distress right before she has a bowel movement and calms down when she is done. Is this normal or does it indicate a problem? Also, is there anything I can do to help her along? I've heard of rubbing the tummy and tucking the legs up to the chest, but this only seems to aggravate her more.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Car seat installation inspections?

    We installed our car seat into my back seat, and followed the manual correctly, but the leveling window suggests that the seat is at an improper angle. I wanted to go somewhere where they do carseat inspections to see if it's done correctly or to show me how to do it correctly, but every website I go to that is supposed to tell you where in your area such inspections are done is down or not working.

    Does anyone know an online or phone resource I could use to find a seat inspection station near me, or does anyone know where to get an inspection done in Louisiana, in the New Orleans area? I don't feel comfortable just calling random hospitals/police stations, but I guess I will if I have to.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Hypothetical question: Would you go to a male OB?

    I went for my (now weekly) appointment the other day. Since I am due in just a few weeks, I am now getting pelvic exams at every appointment. While waiting the nurse came in and informed me that my doctor was training someone today and would it be alright if they came in and observed. This is fairly normal with my doctor, and I've been asked this a few times before, and I'm okay with it usually. Then as the nurse was leaving she said that HE would be in with my doctor shortly. I kind of did a double-take and said "He?" I ended up opting out of it because I just didn't feel comfortable with a male doctor being in the room while I was getting a pelvic exam, but I felt bad about it because I imagine alot of women feel the way I do and if thats the case how will this guy ever learn?

    Anyway, I was just wondering if YOU would be comfortable having a male medical student in the room for observation, or if you would ever consider going to a male OB? Why or why not?

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do you know when you are contracting?

    I sometimes feel like I might be having a contraction, everything in my stomach gets tight and hard, the little flap of skin on my bellybutton that usually sticks out retracts and it lasts about 45 seconds. But I've had some people tell me that this could also be the baby stretching and pushing herself outward. And sometimes she does, because I'll look down and see that one entire side of my stomach is sticking out about a 2 inches more than the other. When she is just stretching, usually I only feel the tightness in one area, but still I have trouble distinguishing between this and what I think are the contractions.

    I'm 35 weeks and the only reason it even concerns me is because I have been told numerous times that if I have more than 4 of these "contractions" in an hour, I should call the hospital, trouble is I don't know when or even if I am having them. And my doctor is really no help, she just either says "Oh, thats all normal" or she insists that I will know for sure when I have a real contraction.

    I also seem to get them more often when I have to pee and am holding it (sometimes I have to do this for short periods at my job). Is that typical of contractions or what?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Blood spot in underwear, 32 weeks pregnant, do I need to go the hospital?

    I just got off the toilet and found a spot of red blood in my underwear. It's only about the size of a rice grain, but I'm worried, do you think I should go to the hospital? Should I wait to see if there is any more bleeding?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about due dates, and induction?

    I have heard that most first time moms tend to go past their due date, is this true? Does anyone have any experience with this, were you right on time, late, early, and did you have to be induced or not?

    I am asking because my due date puts me at exactly 40 weeks and I am so worried about going past this. Here's the reason: I am going back to college in the fall, and having my due date fall at 40 weeks gives me just a little over 7 weeks with my baby before I have to return to school. This would be perfect (though I wouldn't even mind the baby coming a couple weeks earlier on her own and giving me 9 weeks with her, but no earlier than 38 weeks obviously). But I am so scared that I will be one of those women who go all the way to 42 weeks and have to be induced, because that would give me only 5 weeks with her before school. Would most doctors be willing to induce a first time mom if she has made it to 40 weeks and the baby shows no signs of coming? And is that something I should even ask for? Thanks for your opinions.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of our baby girl's name?

    Our baby girl is due in July, and we have her name picked out already! It is not going to change, but I still wanna see what people think of it.

    Her name is Alexie Lynn S_____

    5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Baby wraps/slings/carriers?

    I really want some form of baby carrier. I like the idea better than having to manouver bulky strollers or carriers. But I don't know which type to get. Any suggestions? I've heard good things about the Moby wrap and the maya wrap. I've been warned to stay away from the baby bjorn but I still kind of like it. I want something comfortable and nondescript, nothing too brightly colored or patterned, nothing that screams neo-hippie earth goddess.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Balancing redox reactions?

    For the most part I get how to do this, but my teacher gave this example:

    Balance the oxidation of Fe^2+ to Fe^3+ by Cr2O7^2- in acid solution.

    Step 1. Write the unbalanced equation for the reaction in ionic form:

    Fe^2+ + Cr2O7^2- ---> Fe^3+ + Cr^3+

    And this is the part I don't get. How do you know, given just the fact that Cr2O7^2- oxidizes Fe^2+ to Fe^3+, that Cr^6+ becomes Cr^3+ on the right side of the equation?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Exhausted during the second trimester?

    All the books and websites I have read say "Now that your in your second trimester, you probably feel like a million bucks!" and it's frustrating because I feel like a walking zombie half the time. I am 5 monthes pregnant already and while the fatigue and nausea DID abate somewhat at the very beginning of the fourth month, the fatigue has definitely come back with a vengence. I can barely get through a 5 hour shift at work, and I can't concentrate on anything (trying to do a simple math fraction the other day left me staring blankly at the paper, wracking my brain like I was trying to solve a calculus problem). Did anyone else not really experience that 'boost' in the second trimester and if so how did you handle it?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong for wanting this?

    Me and my boyfriend are about to have our first baby, a girl, and the other night we were talking about the places we wanted to take her and the experiences we wanted to have with her, and Disneyworld naturally came up. I said we should take her when she is 3, but he said 5 because she would remember it more. I countered with the argument that we would probably have another child by the time she was 5 and that I wanted to go at least once just with the three of us before any brothers/sisters were born. He said that was just plain mean and selfish of me and that if I planned on doing that for her, than one day I would have to take the next one by himself/herself and leave her at home. I think he said this just to make a point, but it is really that unusual to want to make special memories with your first child? I'm not saying I would love her more than any subsequent children, but just that the family dynamic is different. We are a young family and I think once we start having more children, the family dynamic will be different (not better or worse), and you lose that quiet intimacy that comes with having a single child. No matter how many kids I have, I know my first will always hold a special place in my heart just because she is my first and her birth marks the transition from non-motherhood to motherhood in my life.

    So long story short, what I'm saying it, is it wrong for me to want to take my first born to disneyworld by herself before we have any more kids?

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do dog owners have any obligation to keep their pets quiet?

    At, say, 12, 2, 4 or 6 o'clock in the morning, when most people are sleeping, are dog owners under any obligation to keep their dogs from barking all night in the backyard? Our bedroom is right alongside their side yard and I work late and get up early for school so I value what little sleeping time I get. But they have this dog that will sometimes start barking at unholy hours of the night and not stop for hours. Should I say something to them, like, ask if they can keep their dog inside at night, or something? I don't want be a bad neighbor but it's getting ridiculous.

    15 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Do you find this rude or not? Would you do this if you were a customer?

    Do you think it is acceptable, as a bookstore customer, to unshelve a large number of books, sit down and read them somewhere, and then leave without putting them back, forcing the employees to reshelve them?

    1. Of course not, I don't expect other people to pick up my mess.

    2. I wouldn't do it, but it's not necessarily rude.

    3. Why not? It's the employees job.

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Did anyone have this experience: they tell you the baby is a boy/girl but it turns to be the other?

    I had my ultrasound at 19 weeks and I was told I was having a girl, so I'm ecstatic! But I still worry a little because I know that sometimes they will think it is one gender, but later on realize that it is the other. Has this happened to anyone? And does anyone know if it's more common for them to think it's a girl and it really turn out to be a boy, or to think it's a boy and have it turn out to be a girl? Thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago