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  • A warning about trump to a cuban?

    I told a Cuban woman earlier last week... who was talking about Donald trump securing the border...

    I told her that she doesn't understand America, or American life...

    And hanging around only other Cubans is no way to learn...

    So here's the deal...

    The real Deal.

    This legal or illegal stuff, is just rhetoric.

    Rhetoric that appeals to haters.

    They don't give a f)uck if you're a brooklyn born Italian American.

    They hate everybody.


    And that's it.

    And they want to send you to Mexico, and calling it. "Send em back to mexico".

    And about securing the border....

    Donald trump and the GOP will do no such thing.

    Because it's illegal.

    That's discrimination.

    So you should rethink your ideas.

    Those are your people he wants to hurt, Cuban, or no cuban.


    Mental Health3 years ago
  • Explaining my dating life to my sister?

    I asked my sister this list of questions, when she asked me why I'm involving myself with latin women..

    1. Why would I involve myself in the life of a greedball who thinks she needs to be surrounded by close to a million dollars worth of things which may or may not even be very good things...

    in order to be "making it in life" ?

    2. Why would I involve myself with somebody with short hair, dressed in men's clothes or things that are easily confusable with men's clothes?

    3. Why would I involve myself with somebody taking birth control so that she can't reproduce at replacement levels or greater.... just so that she can line her pockets ?

    4. Why would I involve myself with somebody that is miserable, uneasy to please, impossible to satisfy, and worried so much about making her life, what some other country may, or may not even be saying we should do.

    5. Why would I involve myself with somebody whose housekeeping and home making skills are at an ALL TIME low to the point where she's unhealthy and would make me unhealthy with her ?

    6. Why would I involve myself with somebody that so f)ucking judgmental, that our relationship wouldn't last long No matter what ?

    Tell me.

    Because the women I'm with want love and happiness, and both are easily provided.

    That's what they want.

    The amusement park makes them happy.

    Sex makes them happy.

    Having a home makes them happy.

    Paying their bills makes them happy.

    Having kids makes them happy.

    Why would I want with a greedball?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Drug free= treatment free?

    People have arthritis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, disc problems, dental problems, broken bones, cancer,

    And nerve disorders and tmj..

    All cause pain.

    People have stress and anxiety, attention deficit problems and mood disorders.

    Cities, are simply not healthy environments to live in, or to be from, for many reasons.

    How many problems are we supposed to leave untreated..

    Because of a easily disprovable premise, and unattainable goal that is this...

    "Drug free" ?

    I'm tired of people, not being able to get what is needed, and sometimes even professionally reccomended...

    Because of this stupid *** "Drug free" idea.


    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Should there be a charity operated EMS and Rescue service, specializing in Opiate and drug overdoses ?

    Some lawmakers in Ohio are considering a 3 strikes law, where if you overdoses twice, you have to do community service to work off the cost of the Rescue service...

    OR they will not respond to your 3rd 911 call for Opiate overdose.

    In the case that such a lawyer is passed..

    Should there be a charity organization that does EMS and Fire/Rescue service, specializing ONLY in Opiate overdoses..

    Bypassing the monetary cost to the Government, and treating Opiate overdoses and getting the patients to the hospital ?

    4 AnswersMedicine3 years ago
  • The Freedom of Medication Act?

    I am having a civil rights attorney write a

    "Freedom of Medication Act".

    In the Freedom of Medication Act, there are several clauses.

    It Bans doctors from utilizing discretion when prescribing medications, it requires doctors to prescribe any medications that are necessary to treat any complaints of illness, injury or disease.

    It points out that somebody else's drug addiction, or a possible drug addiction is none of the doctor's business until it becomes a medical complaint from the patient.

    It Bans doctors from asking about a history of drug addiction, citing that it is none of the doctor's business, until it becomes a medical complaint from the patient.

    It puts patients in charge of the medications that are prescribed to them.

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles3 years ago
  • Should I have not eaten fajitas for dinner yesterday, and then finished the leftovers for lunch today before selling plasma?

    after I was hooked up to the machine and an intelligible amount of plasma was collected in the collection bag... about 50 to 70 milliliters...

    I asked nurse Hope "hey hope, how's the plasma looking"

    She looked at the plasma line and she said, in kind of a singy voice...

    "It's aaah litttttle and cloooudy"...

    and she did the finger sweeping gesture,

    and she asked me what I ate..

    I said "Fajitas".


    She said, that would be why.

    Should I avoid those kinds of foods when selling plasma ?

    3 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • Teaching manners in schools?

    I got a few teachers to experiment with teaching social skills, etiquette and manners and interaction skills from books as part of the curriculum when I told them this.

    These are big mistakes being made, by people with no socialization skills.

    They need to be taught now AT SCHOOL and graded, Both on their academics AND PRACTICE.

    The dog stuff back in the year 2000 or 2001...

    It died off almost as fast as it showed up because nobody was having it.

    And one-time somebody tried it with me, and punched him in the face, then bit him..

    And then I barked in his face.

    Then came along the punching people in the head.

    Nobody, but NOBODY, does that anymore, when The attackers DIED.

    Somebody tried it with me, when I was done with him, he was being put in a helicopter.

    Then the drink bleach stuff.

    Somebody tried to tell me to drink bleach..

    That smart mouth teenager drank some bleach, I poured it.

    That was the end of the drink bleach sh!t.

    Now apparently, nobody cares what I say..

    Well that is going to have somebody sucking me off in the middle of the street.

    So you need to teach something NOW.

    They got an experiment going with trying.


    6 AnswersEtiquette3 years ago
  • Nobody disrespects me and gets away with it?

    I spent 3 days in jail last month when somebody said that nobody gives a f)uck what have to say....

    So I beat him up...and contributed to beat him...

    Until he said he cares what I say...and that I'm the boss, and he'll do what I say too.

    I almost had him sucking me off, when the cops showed up.

    I spent 3 days in the can.

    I don't give a damn...nobody disrespects me and gets away with it.

    Abuse and Spam3 years ago
  • What to do with the latest school shooter?

    My sister's roommate asked me what I think should be done to the latest school shooter.

    So I asked him a bunch of questions as a response.

    Am I that guy's mommy or daddy ?


    Am I that guy's psychologist ?


    Am I that guy's priest ?


    Am I that guy's secret keeper ?


    Am I that guy's advocate or lawyer?


    Did that guy kill people ?


    So f)uck him.

    Fry him and forget about him just like the mere number he is at most to me.


    Abuse and Spam3 years ago
  • A funny Family counseling session?

    The counselor today asked one of my sister's friends from Mexico, how she rates me based on several criteria.

    1 star being the worst, 5 stars being the best.

    Love / Affection: 5 Stars

    Protection / Strength / Armor / Guarding : 5 Stars (jovially 12 stars, after I found out about how women are treated by the extremely poor people in mexico)

    Emotion : 3.5 Stars

    Empathy : 4 Stars

    Intelligence : 5 Stars

    She also described me as being "pet like" and always making jokes.


    She mentioned that one time we were in the car, and my sister pulled into the gas station, and I said...

    why buy gas ? I have it here for free, all natural, CNG, Compressed Natural Gas, right here !


    Why is it that people who know me, always have such things to say ?

    Polls & Surveys3 years ago
  • A question for people who hate mexico?

    I have a few questions for racists.

    1. How many more bridges would you like me to burn, because of me making the mistake of swallowing your pills whole ?

    2. Exactly how much different is a taco, or a burrito, or a tamale from a

    cheeseburger ?

    Both are nearly identical...

    Dietarily they are exactly the same.

    3. Europe ate chocolate for only a few hundred years..

    And that includes Latin Europe.

    Mexicans ate it for thousands of years before Spanish imperialism.

    How much different are we there ?

    4. Mexican military, police and prison guards use beretta rifles and guns..

    Beretta is westernized weaponry.

    Mexican society is technological, and they drive, operate trains and aircraft, all of western origin..

    The most popular police weapon in the USA is beretta.

    How much different are we there ?

    5. Do you understand the difference between poor because of a bad government...

    and NOT westernized ?

    6. There are good and bad in all.

    Do you understand that ?

    7. How many bad people from mexico do you want to create, because you hating them ?

    You created the bad black people...

    why haven't you learned anything ?

    8. The reason why im so big and strong, and so good at being bad sometimes is because of your hate...

    and I'm white, and from western europe.

    Although Mexicans are ALSO western european...



    When are you going to learn ?

    9. You can say what you like about Arkansas, but one thing it has taught me, is about Mexican people.

    Springdale is mostly Mexican people

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups3 years ago
  • Racists don't know what westernization is?

    On the bus today, I heard somebody say that he voted for Donald trump, because he wants to kick the Mexicans out and protect westernization.

    I walked up to him and I said, OK buddy..

    Do you know what westernization is ?

    He just looked at me.

    And I said...

    Let's start off, with the facts.

    Westernization began with the Greeks and the Roman Empire.

    The roman empire, that's Latin people.

    See that stop sign ?

    In Mexico, it says ALTO.

    Alto is Spanish for Stop.

    Spain was part of the Roman Empire that created westernization.

    Do you eat meat and dairy ?

    He said yes.

    You speak English right ?

    He says.. Yes sir I do.

    I told him that English is a combination of northern Germanic languages and Latin languages.

    The Germanic groups were westernized by the Roman Empire, who are Latin.

    I see you wear a tee shirt with the Eiffel tower on it.

    I'm half English and half French.

    French people are Latin.

    And here's something else..

    The Mexicans eat things like French toast, they eat things with sugar in it, they eat meat, in fact one way to p!ss a mexican off is to be cheap with the meat when serving them.

    And they use a lot of dairy products like cheese, milk, eggs, butter..

    Corn is one of their biggest staple foods.

    So what you are doing, is blind racism.

    Not protecting westernization.


    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • A real man?

    I was at my sister's job doing a counseling session.

    One of the teenagers said that the reason why he's so violent, is because that's how real men act.

    I brought him to a separate room and I told him that first of all, yes men are more aggressive than women.

    Men evolved to be the breadwinners, under conditions and in a lifestyle a lot more primitive than anything that you understand today.

    But if you want to be a real man, first of all, what you start being is honest and straight forward, that's where being a real man starts.

    Not with violent crime.

    Secondly, if you want to add a physical component to it beyond simply having a d!ck...

    How about you build yourself up.

    Then I picked up 250 pounds of weights on a dumbbell, and showed him my massive bicep muscles.

    and I said...

    That's a man.

    I took my boot off, and showed him the size marked on the inside of it...

    I said...

    These are USA size 13, Reebok Boots.

    13 boots, count.

    That's a man's foot.

    These feet coupled with these thick caterpillar tank tracked, waterproof, slip resistant, insulated, steel toe boots, keep me moving through anything..

    They carried me through ice storms without falling once.

    That's a man's boot.

    You know what men also do ?

    They take care of their kids.

    You know what idiot men do ?

    They get prison time.


    What do you think of what I did yesterday at my sister's job ?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture3 years ago
  • Should there be a law preventing doctors and lawyers from using courts, hospitals or clinics to prevent suicide attempts ?

    Should there be a law preventing doctors, lawyers, "behavioral health counselors" or clinics from preventing, or trying to prevent suicide...

    and to prevent doctors from treating the illnesses, or injuries of those who attempt suicide, as long as the injuries or illnesses are lethal...

    suggesting a desire to die ?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Books vs guns, same crime rate?

    I was asked why my cousin would live off of her mom, and then when she cant continue to do that...

    Why would she buy quote a stupid old mutt..

    Have it registered as a service dog illegally..

    And then doctor shop for a false diagnosis for a dibilitating immune system disease ?

    And what i said was....

    Thats the crimes of the suburbs.

    Instead of using guns, they use what they have at hand for them.

    Their books and their brain.

    Its no different than somebody doing a street mugging.

    Most people go to work....

    There, most go to school.

    But some there, use their environment to get a free ride.

    Just like anywhere else..

    Some places have guns in the streets to use illegally...

    Some places have good books to use equally illegally.

    It all depends on which flavor you are better off around.


    Philosophy3 years ago
  • Why are the oldest countries also the worst?

    Why is it, that the world's oldest existing countries...

    Egypt, china, iran and india....

    Are home to the world's strictest, and strangest regimes today?

    China - Communist dictatorship, and repeated human rights nightmares.

    Egypt - Islam

    Iran - Islam

    India - The caste system

    9 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Getting to the bottom of Entitlement?

    I asked a millennial these questions, and these were her answers...

    Can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell ?


    Are you legally blind ?


    Do any of your 5 senses hurt when you use them ?


    Are your 5 senses efficient and sufficient to use ?


    Can you move all of your voluntary muscles ?


    Does it hurt to move your body ?


    Can you lift 50 pounds or more ?


    As an adult over age 18, is your academic functioning, at 7th grade or less, which is three or more years below 10th grade, or GED ready ?


    Is your intelligence quotient score 75 or below ?


    Do you see things or hear things that are not there ?


    Do you believe that the Alien Lizard King sent you to earth from the planet RaxPax to rid Springfield of all the Lesbian Lizard Ghosts in human form ?


    When you watch Judge Judy, do you see a dill pickle wearing a judge's uniform ?


    Do you think that both a new sedan and a candy bar both cost $100 but yet are at the same time capable of telling me what the square root of 7.9461 is ?


    Can you breathe ?


    Do you feel tennis being played in your chest ?


    Then I said good...

    So now you can tell me what you are entitled to.


    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Cooperation vs learning?

    Human evolutionary society is based both on learning and cooperation.

    But human cultural societies differ between to each other in regards to which one they are more of.

    Compared to other societies....

    Is American society based more on cooperation, or individual learning ?

    3 AnswersAnthropology3 years ago
  • Should i go back to philly?

    Should i return to Philadelphia ?

    My niece called me up...

    And asked if i would return to philadelphia.

    when me and my cousin visited philadelphia last month...

    It was thr first time in 8 years that i been there...

    I made her get licensed to carry a FN Herstal pistol, an SOG Seal pup knife, a taser, police OC spray, and a police baton.

    I made sure that it was always me and, my wife Ginnie, and her sister who is my girlfriend Livi, who lives with us...

    Protecting her.

    Ginnie is as big and strong as an NFL football player, and so is Livi.

    Im also kind of big, and very strong.

    Ginnie was on the right side of my cousin, Livi was on the left, a paid guard was behind my cousin...

    And I stood out in front.

    4 AnswersPhiladelphia3 years ago
  • How strong is this?

    How strong is this ?

    Starting from youngest age at the first feat, to age in my life.

    At age 2, i fell out of a second story window and did not break a bone, and did not go unconscious either.

    That is roughly the same as an adult falling from a 10th story window with the same results.

    At age 5, i helped my dad remodel the house, by picking up a sledge hammer that weighs as much as i did and knocked down a brick wall.

    That is the same as an adult, picking up something that weighs 200 pounds, and knocking down a steel wall with it.

    At age 10, i defeated my first grown adult in a fight.

    Not even a mark on me, and i took hits.

    I also put my dad in the hospital by accident, playing stickball.

    At age 12, with one arm, i defeated two armed cheaters in arm wrestling, they were grown men with $500 at stake to make sure they were competitive.

    I was also hit by a pickup truck...

    I did not break any bones, and i took only minor scrapes.

    At age 14, i defeated my first grown adult male in a fight in the street.

    I was also suspended from school

    Because i went down into the school gym and lifted 400 pounds over my head.

    At age 16, i finally got the heart stand up to my dad, when his abuse became simply too much and too dangerous.

    I also tackled scott steiner in a game of football

    Also at age 16, i was rough housing, and i flipped and tossed a grown man, and took him down and picked him he was a toy.

    I messed around and i bit a bite meter and found that i bit 600 lbs

    3 AnswersMental Health3 years ago