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Is this a good antagonist death?
In my story, a character is being abused by another character over the span of years.
One night they are alone on the property, and the girl is avoiding the antagonist in the garden, until their parents come home for the night.
The antagonist tries to attack her, but she pushes him and he falls onto a sprinkler spike. He bleeds out and dies over the course of a few minutes.
I m not really sure if this is a good death for him. I want the death to be believable, as the main character is going to pass it off as an accident.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years agoWhy does my laptop volume go really quiet and then back to normal volume?
The past two days my HP laptop has been weird. The volume will be normal for a second, then fade to silence. It does this every few seconds, constantly.
I've powered it on and off, gone through my sound settings, but nothing changes it.
Is there any reason its doing this?
I got it in December of 2016, so its not that old.
My virus scanner on it says there are zero viruses,
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks3 years agoWhat are some of the best horror movies you must see?
I'm trying to make a list of iconic and hidden gem horror movies, and I'd like to see your opinion on it!
Please and thanks!
6 AnswersMovies3 years agoWhat is this vampire documentary/movie?
It was a documentary (or maybe a mocumentary) about a clan of vampires that are existing in our world.
They're in Britain or somewhere, and are basically telling them about their lifestyle. (Kinda shot like the office)
One scene had a young blonde vampire - who was very sarcastic and angry and not happy about being a vampire. At one point she poured gasoline on herself and lit herself on fire, but to no avail of killing herself.
Anyone know what the name of this is?
3 AnswersMovies3 years agoWhat does my dream meant? I was kidnapped.?
He was a big guy, with dark hair.
He had to take a phone call, and so I took that opportunity to run away.
I saw the door was open, so I quickly, and quietly walked out of his house.
I had managed to grab my phone, and had proceeded to call 911.
The lady on the other side asked if it wasnt an emergency, if I could hold.
I screamed at her that I was kidnapped, and i was on my road road, and i was running away.
She didn t really answer me, or she spoke really quiet.
I remember it took me a long time to clear his drive way, and to get to my house. (Though we were 2 houses away)
When I got home, I told them my family and friends happened, and mom didn t believe me.
Once I was questioned, when they asked me how I was kidnapped, I couldn t remember how I got there.
I didn t know the man who did it, either.
2 AnswersDream Interpretation3 years agoWhat does my dream mean?
They were forcing us to look for a white pebble in the pool/river. It would be perfectly white, and no imperfections.
They made a point about that.
Some people had taken off their clothing and some kept them on for the search.
Everyone was complaining that the water was very cold, murkey, and deep.
After people had tried to get it, I d looked over the edge into the pool, and saw thst it was only about 5 feet deep, with crystal clear water.
So I hopped in, helping the search. For some reason, I couldn t hold my breath very long.
I had eventually found it, along with some other stones that had stuck my fancy.
But after a few minutes of talking to my neighbor, who was sitting next to me, the pebble had fell from my hand and back into the water. Right as the leader came by to see if I d found it, I told him thst I d found it, but it fell back into the water, and I knew where it had fallen.
So I tried to search for it again, but no luck this time.
As I pulled myself onto the edge of the pool, I stared at something that was to the right of me. I can t remember what it was.
A Hispanic couple came up behind me, wading through the water and were holding their two children.
In their hand, they had a chocolate bar, and were trying to give it to me, perhaps as a "treat" for trying to find the pebble for their village.
Their kids obviously wanted it more than I did, so I gently handed it back to them, and let the kids have it. They seemed to be enjoying it more than I would.
2 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years agoHow many calories should i eat in a day to lose weight? Further details are provided~?
I am a 5 7 149 pound female. I work as a cashier, and generally in a day, depending on what my family wants to do, I burn anything from 100-300 calories just from walking. I know, that s not a lot. At my old job position, I would walk all day and burn anywhere from 400-900 calories (average day, about 600). I wasn t eating the correct amount of calories then, either.
But, I ve been changed to a cashier, so I really can t log in that may steps to burn the calories anymore. The past two weeks, my family and I have cleaned up our diet, (we generally eat very well, but every other month or so, we do a paleo sort of diet, to kind of get rid of any excess fat they may gain.)
I have lost about 5 pounds so fat just from clean eating, (before I started this two weeks ago, I ate poorly because of personal events, but am determined to change my lifestyle. Cliche, I know. But with my family helping me, I know this will be easier.)
About how many calories do you think I should eat to continue losing 1 - 2 pounds a week? I m just confused, because on the research I ve done, some people say that 1,200 calories will be fine, and others have said that I d need about 1,600 calories to lose weight. Or should I just wing it and keep eating how I am? (Plenty of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and carbs, and the occasional treat.) I know everyone is different, but depending on the information given, id just like a general number to follow.
Thank you to anyone that can help!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years agoWhat does my dream mean? Part 2 (continued) It was too long for the first one.?
A man comes into the room who is fully blind, and I know he is not my grandfather, and Is dangerous. I move, and he knows I'm there. Right as he finds me, I start to fight him off, and I find a wrench and start to bash his head in with it. I hit everywhere on his face and then start hitting his neck, and end up practically decapitating him.
I remember not feeling very phased by it, even though I know I should.
I try to go outside, but there is a man there with a child out front. The child (a boy) is in a red shirt and is just walking aimlessly into the tree that we have. The man sees me, and I instantly know that's hes very dangerous. I lock the door, and run to the room where I killed the old man. Before I lock that door, I see the dangerous man phase through the giant window that's next to the door, after he saw the door was locked.
I start crying and lock the door of the room im in, and try to call my boyfriend, but something is going on and he can't hear or understand me.
I try to call 911, but whenever I try to dial, I dial the numbers wrong.
Once I know the man is about to reach the door, I woke up.
Yesterday, something happened with my boyfriend and things were kinda tense between us, and I feel this has something to do with it.
1 AnswerDream Interpretation4 years agoWhat does my dream mean? I've I noticed a trend of murder.?
A guy is hitch hiking. He pull over near him for something; it's on a highway. There's a building nearby.
he starts harrassing a girl, and then I threatens him with my knife.
He has one too. And he challenged me, but he saw someone else, and directed his attention to them.
I open the car door, and find a gun in the door. I try to cock it and get it ready, but it's jammed.
I give it to my papa to have him fix it, but he peels off the cover and there's meat under it, and he can't fix it either.
The man then leaves us alone
Someone has been following us in the car, running after us, trying to tell us something. I always notice him, but think he'll just go away.
he finally catches up to us and he tells me that I left my cat in the last state, and that the cat has been following him too, and he's been following us for 3 States.
i look it up on my phone in my dream and it says something about it being mystical, or protector of sorts.
(something else happened in my grandfather's house before this, but I don't remember what)
I'm in my grandfather's old house.
I'm in the bed, and there's a lot of old dead bugs and lots of blankets. I'm looking for something, but can't find it. Iin real life I wear glasses, but in this dream, I am not wearing them, or at least they're very bad, and its hard to see.
1 AnswerDream Interpretation4 years agoWhat is the technical name of this hair condition?
Where the hair curls at the root and does like a loop kind of thing, like when you flip your hair to the other side.
Like what Rapunzel had in tangled.
Kinda like how likely Collins has with her bangs.
Thank you!
2 AnswersHair4 years agoPoll: Should I eat cereal?
It s 10:30 at night and I m debating sneaking through my dark house to get a bowl of cereal. Should I?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoIs this cheating?
So I have a predicament. I met two guys in one day. Earlier in the day, I was talking/flirting with some guys at work, but one stood out; and I felt that we both really like each other.
Later that day, a different guy who had confessed he liked me, asked if I wanted to go out some time, and I said sure.
If the first guy asks me out, and I say yes to a date, is that cheating?
I feel like I like the first guy more than the one who actually asked me out.
So basically - is going on a first date with one guy, and a first date with another guy cheating?
I personally don't think so, as we are not official in any relationship - but I don't want the Rumer mill at work saying that I'm a cheater, so I would like to know your guys opinion.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoHow do you organize your books/games?
I'm unboxing my books and xbox games and am torn between doing it alphabetically or by most favorite to least favorite.
Any suggestions?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoTips for a new cashier?
I got a job as a cashier, and I'm going to be starting in a few weeks. It's my first time being a cashier.
Do you have any tips, tricks, advice, or stories or anything that could help?
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years agoWhat was the hardest accomplishment of your life?
What was the hardest thing you've ever done?
Like, school, getting a job, etc...
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhy do the main characters get premonitions about the deaths in The final destination movies?
Do they ever explain it?
Are there any fan theories?
3 AnswersMovies5 years agoWould you rather...?
Be ugly, but have superpowers, or totally beautiful/attractive, but you have no powers whatsoever.
15 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhat is it called when you randomly lose your memory?
I knew a man where he had a condition which he randomly could lose his memory, up to a half hour. He has a note in his pocket about his info, and a guide dog that ha always has around, just in case it happens.
He doesn't remember anything about him, but he knows how to speak, walk, etc.
Does anyone know the name to this condition?
2 AnswersMedicine5 years agoWhat is this movie?
The trailer showed a black man that crashed in the rain, at night. He goes to a woman's house, and asks to use her phone, (she is cutting veggies, and has a toddler). She goes in to get it, and finds him in her room, playing with her kid. She then yells, "Put her down!"
Then it pretty much shows him stalking her in her house, him forcing her in the shower, and stuff like that. The woman is also black.
Does this movie sound familiar? I think it was made after 2009.
Movies5 years ago