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Workout routine help.?
I work out 3 times a week. I run for 10 mins then workout right after. I want to lose about 5-ibs. I know I have gain weight in muscle but I would like to mostly burn fat in my stomach (i have a lil fat in my stomach). I started to drink alot of water. When I am at work sometimes i have to eat fast food bc I got nowhere else to eat. Is this workout good enough or should I increase the running to 20 mins?
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWLAN disabled, neep help!!!!!!!!?
I have and HP HDX 16 and I was online last night and the WLAN just disabled on its own. I did everything, I checked the modem, router nothing. My brother and sis have laptops and they get on wifi no probelm so its not the modem or router. I called HP and they told me to restore to factory settings and it still didnt work. I tried everything else like going to network device to enable, nothing. HP wireless assitants said its diabled and when I go into network device the only thing I can do is disable? I got this cpu in oct 08 is the card already going or is it the software?
3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoIs my girlfriend pregnant or something is wrong with her cycle?
My gf missed her period and she is on the pill. In May she took antibiotics bc she was sick but I am sure she took the ones where it didn't effect the pill. We had sex about a week or two later without protection. Its going to be about a month and she still has not had her period. now she gained about 5Ibs and her stomach is a lil bigger and hard. Could she be pregnant?
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoProblems with my ear. Need help.?
I got hit in the year yesterday and this morning I woke up and my ear hurts (kinda like a ear infection) There is a slight difference in sound. I also have a sore throat, headache and my ear hurts a little when I swallow. Is there something wrong?
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade agoHow do I get rid of a bronchitis cough?
I had bronchitis about 2 weeks ago and even though I am feeling better I cant get rid of the cough. I have been taking medicine and its not working. How do I get rid of it? I still have alot of phelm how do I get rid of that? Its annoying coughing it up, I would love to get rid of it. Thanks.
6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoNeed help toning my abs..?
I work out during the day doing a intense calastenics work out and plus I run about a mile and half sometimes more. I noticed my arms and legs are toning up but my stomach is still the same. I have like a mini gut that wont go away. I usually eat fatty foods but I wont have alot. I drink alot of soda but I also drink alot of water. Sometimes when I eat dinner I will go to sleep about 3 hrs later, I also eat alot of candy and junk food sometimes. Also if I eat a little in the morn I will come home and kinda have a big meal and then have dinner later. I know I am doing something wrong here, I want to lost my stomach and tone my abs, can anyone give me some advice.
8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoOh no! Blue Screen of Death, I need help!?
I started up my cpu this morning and it booted up fine as it ususally does. Then out of no where I get the blue screen that says "PAGE_FAULT_ON_NONPAGED_AREA"
What is wrong and what can I do to fix it?
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoSocial Security Employment Statement help.?
I need to get a SS statement for hiring at the NYPD but I never worked before. My investigator told me that I can get one but it will be blank. I called the SS office and they said that they cannot give a blank statement. What should I do? Can they write me a letter or just give me something?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoNYPD Hiring, family arrest record check, cleared question. Please help.?
I found out today that someone in my family got booked once for illegal gambling but they really werent gambling. They got it cleared, thats what the lawyer said, and I am wondering if they do a check on that person will the record even come up or will it come up saying it was cleared? I saw my investigator and told her that no one in my family was arrested. I
What do I do?
Is this going to affected me?
Now that I found out should I tell my investigator?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoIf you have your record cleared will it still come up if you do a background check?
I know someone who got booked once for illegal gambling but they really werent gambling. They got it cleared, and I am wondering if they do a check on that person will the record even come up or will it come up saying it was cleared?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoI think I my computer may have a trojan, please help.?
My computer has been acting funny lately. Sometimes I will get one pop up and even if I am not on a site, maybe like 3 times a week. Then once in awhile my cd-rom tray just opens on its own, sometimes it sounds like its going to open and the light goes on but it doesnt open. Sometimes my computer will freeze for a few seconds for no reason even if I am not on a site. I did a scan with AVG, Mcafee, Antivir, and nothing. I also scanned in safe mode and turn off system restore and nothing. I had something almost similar once and it was a trojan, found it, and deleted it and move on.
Do you think I have a trojan or something else? If I do what can I do to get it out bc the scans are not working.
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoI took the NYPD oral psych and I think I failed.?
This guy was asking me questions and I think he may of thought I was lieing. He said I put on the test I smoked weed and I said i didnt put that, maybe he was testing me. Did anyone have all these probelms and still pass? I am really worried.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoThe "if you love me" excuse" question.?
My gf who lives about two hours away complains saying I dont want to see her. I do love her with all my heart and its not that I dont want to see her but I am in college and I have work to do. I like to do my work on the weekend when I am off (fri-sun) bc thats when I have time. During the week I get out late and plus I am going through a police hiring process so I am busy. I usually see her about 2 out of three days on the weekend. Now that I have hw such as essays and I tell her I need to stay home and get work done she gets upset and says I dont love her and I am pushing her away. This is not an every weekend thing, its only sometimes when I got work and when school is around. In the summer I saw her during the week and weekends. I have fought with her for 3 days about this and its just started again today. She refuses to believe its about my hw. I am trying to get all my work done now so I can see her. Does it make me a bad guy for putting business 1st b4 pleasure? What can I do?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow can I obtain a court dispostion in NYC?
I got a summons a few years ago and I need a dipostion. I heard calling the court house but there not picking up. Can I just go down there and get it? Also I got another one on the subway in manhattan for using a HS metrocard. Would I have to contact the MTA or go to a court house. An nypd officer gave me one, not an mta officer.
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoHow can I do a good ab workout without putting a strain on my neck?
Every time I do crunches, sit-ups, etc.. it puts a strain on my neck. Then I really dont look forward to doing them. I also usually busy so its hard to do ab workouts. So how can I do an ab workout without hurting my neck and try to fit it in my schedule?
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agonypd oral psych failures.?
Did anyone ever fail it or know anyone who did? If so why? I am just curious because I have one coming up and I am kinda nervous thinking I am going to fail it. There probably going to say something like I cant handle stress ( I handle stress weel) or something else or think I am lying when I am not. I was very honest.
I also answered saying I like practical jokes and saying sometimes I wake up frighten in the middle of the night. (thats bc I am afraid of mosquitos in the middle of the night bc I am allergic.
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoNYPD Police Academy Questions.?
What are the physical requirements to pass the academy physical test? I know you have to do the JST again in 3:28. That was my time one the JST. But what requirments do they ask for in the physical stuff, such as how many push ups in a certain amout of time? If you cant do it do they pass you for really trying or thats it?
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoI am taking the NYPD JST tomorrow and I have a question.?
I never really prepared for it because I have been so busy with school and other things. I walk around alot though plus sometimes with book bag that can be heavy. Anyway since I never really trained do you think I can pass? I am concerned about my stamina, I can run a mile without a problem. My sister cant run up a flight of stairs w/o losing her breath. I am think 5'6 140 and my sister is about the same too.
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoNYPD officers with g/f's or wife, or wife and kids?
My gf keeps arguing with me about becoming a cop. She keeps saying that I am going to change and she is never going to see me. I take a train to see her so takes about 2 hours to get to her house. I tell her that it gets tiring going to travel. She says that she is not going to see bc the academy is alot of work and its going to keep me busy. Plus she has this girl she work with where she tell my gf that her bf is a p.o. and she never see's them. So I keep hearing this all the time, does anyone who is a p.o. or know a p.o. with a gf, wife, wife a kids, have any probelms with there spouse? Also she keeps using the high divorce rate on p.o.'s agains me. I know it will make her happy if I give it up. The only think I agree with is that she will worry about my life which is normal. She thinks its a wrong career move.
8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoAOL VR or AOL 9.0?
I have a dell Inspiron 5100 and my aol check up told me I should upgrade to aol vr. Would it work well with my cpu or just stick with 9.0?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago