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  • What is the worst tattoo you could give yourself?

    If you really hated yourself, and and wanted everyone to know exactly how you felt about yourself, what would you tattoo on yourself and where?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • What does this poem mean?

    the Rotten Hollow

    Hold it to me

    Hold it always

    Hold you at bay

    Nothing to say

    I must conceal it

    I won't reveal it

    No one else to blame

    Walk and hide the shame

    See me small talk

    See me smiling

    Just a decoy

    No hope, no joy

    Work the underhand

    You can't understand

    Mask the rot below

    Human undertow

    Every word the subterfuge - reflect, deflect, affect to hide the truth

    Peel me down, onion tears to find the heart of me and there's nothing left

    Surveill me and spy the mechanical sad routine that frames my life

    Pore over my words for a reason, all lies to hide the rotten core

    Truth is a lie and love is gone

    The thing inside lives, I am gone

    No one left here to embrace me

    Nothing left but to erase me

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • Are there any Indian women who would date or marry a white guy?

    I've noticed that traditionally, Indian women tend to date and marry Indian men only. As well, there is a cultural pressure to marry, and to marry before 30. I am attracted to women of all sorts of races, Indian women included, but there doesn't seem to be any place to meet one who would be interested in dating a white guy like me.

    I've considered overseas pen pals etc, but that to me is too wide a gap in experiences. I'd like to date an American girl who happens to be of Indian ethnicity. I realize that there are actually several nationalities that are similar. Is this just culturally too taboo for most Indian American women? Is there anything that might improve my chances to meet or be in social alignment to become a better prospect?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • What questions are you afraid to troll?

    There are certain question topics that seem to invite more than hyperbole and argument... trolls come out of the woodwork in droves for them. If you put the words, Bush, Obama, welfare, Zimmerman, etc., oh my. It gets hard to tell what's a real answer and what's just a rage-producing zinger. Don't even bother with feminism questions... nothing but flame bait.

    But I've noticed some stuff doesn't get trolled much. What do you think keeps the trolls away? Boring? Sad? Secret hole in their emotional armor? Give your thoughts.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Should a depressed guy start talking with his Ex?

    This is going to be a bit of a tricky question. Said ex-girlfriend is in the past, while said depressed guy still pines for his CURRENT ex-girlfriend (so an old ex, and a new ex). The problem is, the guy knows he's got to work on his issues that make him depressed and made these girlfriends into exes. And he wants his new ex, so going back with the old ex would pretty much end any chance of that happening.

    The old ex-gf is the one asking to get back together, and the depressed guy is lonely and sees comfort in this. Even writing this, it doesn't seem tricky at all. It's a mistake. But the chances of getting back with the new ex-gf is practically nil. It ended much more badly than the first relationship.

    Should the depressed guy:

    a) Work hard against all odds and make himself into the new and better man to win back his true(?) love?

    b) Realize that it's a pipe dream getting back with the new ex-girlfriend and see the love that's waiting for him and calling to him, letting happiness back into his life?

    c) Forget all relationships, start over, on himself and in life?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Did the 2013 UFO Disclosure Conference change your mind on UFOs?

    I won't tell you my own personal feelings on this (yet), but there was a group who very recently had a special press conference for 5 days in Washington DC to discuss their views on UFOs, aliens, and the government's probable knowledge. They urged the government to disclose what they know about UFOs.

    My questions to you are: did you hear about this? Did you view any of this on YouTube? Did you watch any witness's testimony all the way through? Did any of this make you research it on your own? Do you think ET is BS? Do you think this conference was BS? I'd love to make an actual poll for these, but I'll settle for your responses.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What are necessary addons for WoW?

    OK. I know you don't ABSOLUTELY have to use addons. I've spent most my time without using them. But I know a lot of people use threat meters and quest helpers and stuff like Atlas loot. I mainly DPS, and I know how to maintain my threat, so I don't much use threat meters, but I have recently downloaded Deadly Boss Mods. I know healers tend to use something that I think is called Healbot. What else would you recommend as "must have" to really help your game out?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Should I act on my urge to contact an ex?

    I can't get her out of my head. The sex was fulfilling, kinky, and exhilarating. However, it would only be for sex. I know that's bad, but it is like a crazy obsession. I sometimes catch myself pacing and enacting scenarios in my head where we "by chance" bump into each other, I mention how nice she looks, and then just let it out how I can't stop thinking about her. I fantasize constantly about times we had and times we could have. But there's no way a relationship could work between us. DAMN IT!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are some good night or graveyard shift jobs out there?

    I live in the San Francisco Bay area, and so far in my area, the most job postings are for the medical industry, and I'm a video game tester. I know I'll have to switch 'career track' to get something at night, but what's available out there?

    4 AnswersTechnology1 decade ago