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Lv 42,570 points

Rob Kell

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  • Own home in NJ, renting in Philadelphia?

    Can I use the address for the house I own so I don t have to pay the city wage tax in Philly?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Purchase Agreement mistake - Real Estate?

    My community is divided into four HOAs; each homeowner is a member of two associations (a master association and one other, all managed by one property management company). Seems extremely inefficient to me, but that's another topic...

    My Purchase Agreement for my Condo signed in 2011 states that as long as I am a resident, I shall be a member of the Master Association and "sub-"association (nickname "Sub-Assoc1"). My Title and the HOA both claim that I am in Sub-Assoc2, not Sub-Assoc1. There are expenses on the Sub-Assoc2 financial statements that do not pertain to my type of unit; my concern is that I'm paying HOA fees for amenities that I do not utilize.

    Are there any remedies available to me for the discrepancy in the Purchase Agreement and Title? Also, the HOA manager referred me to the home builder to obtain copies of the HOA bylaws, which I still have yet to receive. I believe this is some type of "seller disclosure" issue; I would have never bought the property if I knew I would be subjected to the rules in the HOA bylaws and knew that I would incur a $200+ fee per month in ADDITION to my monthly mortgage payment.

    I believe this also significantly impacts the property value, which has declined by over 25% since 2011. Who would want to buy a two bedroom condo and pay an extra $200+/month to a money pit, aka HOA? Does the appointment to the wrong HOA potentially void the Purchase Agreement, since I did not have all information necessary to make an informed decision?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Old Pickup truck value?

    Just need to get a little perspective about a truck I'm considering purchasing... saw a 1992 Ford F150 Flareside for sale the other day. Haven't stopped by to look at it, but I did talk to the seller on the phone. Mechanic-owned and maintained, 192k miles, as far as I know, no major modifications from the factory condition (no lifts, exhaust, paint, etc). Asking price is $2,500. Is that way overpriced, or a pretty good deal. My plan is to sink some money into it to restore it (paint job, engine, chrome) but I just want to know if $2k - $2.5k is way to much to pay for an old pickup with 192k miles.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • What are the best stocks for a small portfolio?

    Just opened a brokerage account with $1,500 initial funding. What would be the best stock(s) to invest in from both a growth and dividend perspective? I don't expect to contribute much more than the $1,500 for a while, so I understand I can't buy 3 shares of Google or Apple; just looking for something that I can get as a small investment.

    3 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Help with Insurance Settlement offer?

    Finally received initial offer from the other party's insurance company for an auto accident in May 2011. Long story short, accident was 100% the other person's fault, injuries required 3 months of therapy, no permanent scarring, etc. The insurance company offered me 1.3x medical bills. This seems fair, but I'm inclined to believe they will go higher because (1) they completely ignored my initial settlement offer and (2) they're first offer is always a lowball figure, right???

    What are your thoughts Yahoo community? Should I take the 1.3x? I'm thinking my case is worth at least 2.0x or 2.5x.

    3 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Is this too much to ask for an insurance settlement?

    Wife and I were involved in a car accident a year ago -- received treatment and medical expenses totaling $10K. What are the chances I get a $30K settlement? The other driver was completely at fault (ran a stop sign), and admitted 100% fault at the scene. She was cited by the police officer and told him she was sleep-deprived from being up the night before. Will the adjuster be less sympathetic if I request $30K in my initial demand letter? I don't expect to actually get that much, but do I have the right to request whatever I want?


    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • State Farm Insurance settlement?

    My wife and I were involved in a auto accident in May of 2011. Long story short, the attorney we hired was a dud and didn't do anything for us for over a year. He is now out of the picture. How much can I reasonably expect to get from the insurance company without representation? See details/injuries below:

    -- Accident was 100% the State Farm insured's fault (cited and admitted fault at the scene)

    -- Accident occurred in SC; NJ resident (if that matters)

    -- No long-term injuries (Scrapes, bruises, back problems for the duration of 12 week treatment)

    -- Total medical expenses (ambulance to hospital, treatment at hospital, 12 weeks therapy treatment) -- about $9K.

    9 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Would an insurance company drag their feet in a personal injury claim?

    I am dealing with State Farm and they are claiming that they have not received a letter of representation from my attorney or any medical release forms. I have contacted them three times and told the lawyer that they have denied receipt and instructed him to resend. I did not hear anything from the lawyer or State Farm for months, and today State Farm tells me they STILL do not have the information. What should I do? Is my lawyer not sending the information? I don't want to get the lawyer angry with me, but I am one step away from asking for proof that it was actually sent. The lack of communication from this guy is unbelievable. Never returns phone calls/emails.

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Can I trade in my lease?

    My wife and I are having a baby next month and would like to get something bigger than the 2011 MINI Cooper we have (not enough space/safety). My question is whether a dealer will pay off the Cooper lease if the car I am buying at the new dealership is worth less than the Cooper?

    Example: If my Cooper is worth $20 (for simplicity's sake) and my lease payment is $2/month, will a dealer let me lease a car from their dealership that is worth $16 and the lease payment is $1.50/month? I am looking at a VW or Hyundai (something roomier but not more expensive), so I was wondering if this scenario is common.


    2 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Is my lawyer dragging his feet?

    Just want to know what the protocol is here... I hired a lawyer to represent me for a personal injury case (motor vehicle accident). The accident occurred in May of 2011. My wife and I stopped receiving treatment in August of 2011. I have emailed my lawyer 6 times (at least a month between each email) since August, and called once (when the insurance company/hospital called me and I wasn't sure if I could answer their questions) to get an update on the case, and he has responded once by email to say "No update" and called once to reassure me that it was insurance company's fault for the hold up (only after I threatened to fire him). Could it be possible that there really no update or developments for 8 months despite the hospitals/insurance companies/ambulance company contacting me multiple times for payment, or has he not done anything for there to BE an update.

    Also, I have read that it is proper etiquette to not email or call more than once a month since these things do take time. Is this true, or should I be following up a lot more because of the lack of activity?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Starting an investment club?

    I'm trying to get a few of my friends together to start an investment club for the purpose of generating passive income from stocks/bonds/real estate. Any tips or advice on how to make everything run smoothly and avoid conflict, besides the obvious "get everything in writing"?

    3 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Is the Insurance Company lying to me?

    I have had a bodily injury case from a car accident pending for 9 months since the accident. I spoke to the insurance company today to see what was holding the case up, and they claim they never received my attorney's LOR or Medical information release forms (that I sent to the lawyer 4 months ago). Is the lawyer lying (saying he sent them), or is the insurance company lying to get me to fire my lawyer so they can take me for a ride?! I hate LIERS!!!

    6 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Great intermediate classical piano solos?

    Hi All,

    I am trying to get back into playing the piano; I haven't consistently practiced or played for about 6-7 years. What are some good classical pieces to get warmed up with that are intermediate but not so familiar/played to death (i.e. Fur Elise, Claire de Lune, etc). I had taken lessons for about 10 years before I stopped playing, to give an idea of skill level.

    3 AnswersClassical9 years ago
  • Should I fire my lawyer?

    NJ resident involved in a motor vehicle accident in SC in May of 2011. I took someone's advice and met with a lawyer he knew. We received treatment through the summer and stopped treating in August of 2011. I've been getting calls and collections notices from the hospital and EMS service that we had to use to get to the hospital since around October.

    I have forwarded the information to my lawyer and contacted him multiple times requesting that he address the issue and provide a status on the case, now that we have finished treatment. Both of the email addresses he has provided recently returned "undeliverable" messages to me. Is there something going on? Phone calls are never answered either. The case is pretty simple, no long-term effects, the other party was 100% at fault; what more can I do to make this process speed up?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Do I need a contractor's license?

    Do I need to be a licensed general contractor to build foundations in Maryland? Or is there a special designation I would need for masonry?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Paying off a loan from my parents?

    Just want to see if anyone has any creative ideas about how to get out of this situation... I took a $12K loan from my parents to purchase a vehicle. I was making payments to them and everything was fine for a year and a half, and then the car was totaled by some idiot that ran a stop sign.

    I had to use another $3K from them to buy a beater, because I would be making 2 "car payments" if I were to finance a new/used car from a dealer. I used the money from the insurance to pay off all credit cards (rationale was that I was effectively paying 0% interest to my parents and an average of 15% to the credit card companies/school loans). So now, the balance is down to $13,000 and I'm paying my parents $300/month, but I'm driving a car that probably isn't even worth $3,000.

    Anyone have any solutions as far as how to get out of the loan from my parents? I want to repay them, but it's going to take me 3 1/2 years at this rate, and I don't think my current vehicle will last that long.

    2 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Babies R Us Coupons combinable?

    My wife has Babies R Us rewards from our registry. Can she combine them? There are 3 $5 rewards and 1 $4 reward.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Liquidating business/pending judgment?

    I've read that judgments are discharged in bankruptcy; a friend I have is being sued in MD for breach of contract, misrepresentation of warranties (was undergoing the process to renew contractor's license, and it expired during the time he was completing the work for the person suing him). Plaintiff is also alleging he was operating the business under the name of a business that was defunct, located over 100 miles away).

    My question is, if he liquidates his business before the judgment is made, will he still be required to pay the judgment?

    Going another route, if he can show that the judgment being sought is worth more than the net value of the business, can he argue that as well? For example, if the business is worth $100, and someone is suing the business (corporation) for $1,000, can he show that there is no way to pay it?

    1 AnswerCorporations9 years ago
  • Masonry/construction contract?

    A friend I have is being sued by someone who hired him to do masonry work (lay a foundation); at every turn of the project, the client found something very insignificant wrong with my friend's workmanship and demanded that the entire project be redone.

    After three or four attempts at the re-work and the same problem, the client told my friend to tear everything down completely. My friend told the client he no longer wanted to do the project for him, and cleared everything from the site. Is my friend legally responsible to return the money to the client and eat the cost of the materials, or is the client responsible for the cost of the materials since the client's grievances were not consistent with the reasonable person standard (his problems with the work were over minute details that would not affect the finished product)?

    The client had already paid in about 50% of the total cost of the project, if that matters, most of which was the cost of the concrete and brick.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago