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  • Who’s the biggest douchebag(s) of New Jersey?

    Who’s the biggest douchebag (or douchebags) of New Jersey?? It could be a politician? a celebrity from NJ? A certain region of NJ? Or your next door neighbor etc.

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 year ago
  • What do you think of TamiyaUSA new website? Hint it’s suxs big time!?

    Since a year or so Tamiya USA relaunch it’s website. Ever since then it’s down the drain due to it’s hard to navigate while it’s old site was easy. Who ever redesign it is a douchebag! Do you agree?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • What's does the City of San Francisco and the Iranian Government have in common? They want to band fruitcake for crazy reasons!?

    The holidays are coming up, this legendary holiday treat, in which is the most hated: Fruitcake. Guess what the City of San Francisco and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to ban the sale and possession this (dreadful) holiday desert fruitcake for crazy reasons.

    City of San Francisco the Liberal nutjob city want to ban fruitcake, say it's "offensive and demeaning towards the LGBT's " While the religious crazies of Iran want to ban fruitcake, calling " a desert of blasphemy and meal promoting homosexuality " Are they reasonable? or Just attention seeking douche bags? What's your reaction to it?

    3 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Domino s has drop the ball big time!?

    This week it was impossible to order Domino s on-line. It s site down or crashed? If so? Why Domino s is covering up? Well Domino s you guys drop the ball and thanks of being a douche bags!

    3 AnswersFast Food3 years ago
  • Social Justice Warriors are planning a take protest over of Arlington National Cemetery. With help of allies of the Westboro Baptist Church?

    With the recent shootings of unarmed African Americans by the police, social justice warriors first target the National Anthem at NFL and sporting events. Second they targeted 9/11 Memorial events. Now third now targeting Arlington National Cemetery America ultimate hallow ground. That's right Social Justice Warriors are targeting Arlington National Centenary on Nov. 11thin the name of stopping police violence and as an Antiwar protest. Who is joining them? The Westboro Baptist Church along with members of NFL to WBA to Occupy Wall Street. You have a right to protest but protesting on the grounds on Arlington National Cemetery is sick minded and not social justice. If it's happens Social Justice is another word for Westboro and Vladimir Putin especially their toile bowl!

    1 AnswerGovernment5 years ago
  • Black lives matter are going to picket the police officer funeral who was killed in the Planned Parenthood's Colorado shooting. Is that sick?

    Since the one cop killed and 5 cops wounded at shoot out the Colorado Plan Parenthood shoot. Now Black lives matter are going to picket the cop funeral along with picketing the hospitals where the 5 injured cops are being taken care of. Even the deranged members of Black Lives Matter praised Planned Parenthood shooter. Has Black Lives mater cross the line?or not. Personally I found it sick!

    13 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • Neo-Nazis, KKK, Holocaust deniers and other Hate groups are celebrating Obama Iran Nuclear Deal?

    Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal has pass with flying colors and won over with unlikely (or un-holy) allies of the deal. Who are they? They are Neo-Nazis, The KKK, Holocaust deniers of Castle Hill Publishers to Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, Westboro Baptist Church, The New Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam. Unconfirmed reports that Maryland Chapter of Loyal White Knights of KKK are going to make Obama an honorary member while burning a Cross at the Israeli Embassy. Neo-Nazis of America and Germany are going to hold a victory rock concert celebration in downtown Tehran. The Committee for Open debate On the Holocaust is going to hold a conference at Washington D.C. and invited Obama to the conference. Do you think the Anti-War Movement and Obama sold-out to Hate Groups for political capital gain on the Iran Nuclear Deal? or Are hate groups exploiting Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal?

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • The KKK is going to have a Cross burning at the Israeli embassy in DC and in Teheran in support of The Iran Nuclear deal.?

    A Maryland and the Gaza Strip chapters of the KKK is holding a cross burning at the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. in support of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Also fellow Klansmen are doing a first time cross burning in Teheran Iran near the former US Embassy. The KKK and other hate groups are supporting the Iran Nuclear deal while parsing Obama and even a Neo-Nazi Skinheads made Obama an honoree member. Will the hate groups help win or sink the Nuclear Deal? Has Obama and Anti-War Movement sold out to the Neo-Nazis, KKK and other hate groups?

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Racists are hoping for joy The Iran Nuclear Deal and parsing Obama?

    Racists are celebrating the historical Iran Nuclear deal. Racists from Neo-Nazis, KKK, New Black Panthers and Nation of Islam, David Duke to Louis Farrakhan praise the deal. Even the members of the Maryland KKK are going to have a Israeli Flag burning to add to their cross burring. Has Obama became the First Anti-Jewish and Anti- Israel President? Or he just sold out to the anti-Jewish groups for their votes and to help Hilary win ?

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Domestic Anti-American Eric Sheppard has issue another challenge: Stomped the American Flag at Arlington National Cemetery On Memorial Day?

    MADDNESS AT A NEW LEVEL Eric Sheppard an domestic Anti-American has started a social media trend to stomp on the American Flag. Now he issuing another challenge: Stomp the American Flag at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. Is that sick yes? YES! Also he is calling doing the stomping at Veterans and Service members funerals too. Another also he is reaching out to the Westboro Baptist Church to join him on Memorial Day. Time to stop this madness now!

    2 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Does the Westboro Baptist Church exploits a divided America under partisan lines?

    The Westboro Baptist Church a gay hating fetish cult has exploited a very divvied country of the USA. let's take a look how WBC exploits a very divided nation and how they used divide and conquered starting with the hardline bases of the GOP and Democrats. Even the hardline bases would make alliances with WBC. For example The Hardline base of the GOP will ally with WBC due to it's equal rights for the LGBTs. As for the hardline base of the Democrats, they ally with WBC due to it's domestic Anti-Americanism to hating America's Military. WBC has made in roads with Occupy Wall St, the environmentalist groups and made alliances with Vladimir Putin, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Even Brack Obama is very friendly to WBC. Today WBC is allies with the hardline bases of GOP and Democrats who are dividing this great nation of ours while the two parties are no longer loyal Americans and this nation needs a new Third Party that is Pro-American!

    4 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Anti-Semitism under Obama has grown epically in the USA since the Bibi and Obama rift.?

    Since Obama was in office Anti-Semitism is on the rise especially due to the Israel and Obama rift. Or could it be Howard Dean's 2004-06 win the Far-Right over to the Dems Strategy? Now Holocaust deniers to factions of Neo-Nazis and the KKK are parsing Obama stance against Israel even Institute for Historical Review and Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust made Obama honoree member. Yesterday Neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers along with factions of the KKK use to hate Obama, today they love and praise him. Has this tainted the legacy of Obama and Dems?

    5 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Obama is popular with Neo-Nazis and other hate groups since his rift with Netayahu and Israel?

    Since Obama enter office in 2008, their is very deep rift with Israel, now it got deeper with Netayahu speech coming up next week. While this happening Neo-Nazis and other Far-Right hate groups and Anti-Jewish groups are rallying behind Obama and even defending him. The Aryan brotherhood made a honory member along with the fable ODESSA. Also shocking about 60% Neo-Nazi and Far-Right voted for Obama in 2012. Has Obama indifference and hostility towards Israel and Jews in general has embodied Neo-Nazis and Anti-Jewish groups?

    8 AnswersIsrael6 years ago
  • Democrats are the New Anti-Semites and still the Party of Domestic Anti-Americanism?

    Since the controversy of Netayahu's bat time speech for March to 2003 Iraq war, Anti-Semitism was once dominated by the Far-right of the GOP and others are now being taken over by Liberals and Democrats. How did the Democrats friends of the Jews became that? It was the 2004 to 2008 Howard Dean strategy to win over the disgruntled white Far-right wingers who hate the mainstream GOP and GOP friendly towards the Jews. Also the Democrats are reattaching up it's Domestic Anti-Americanism mantra, since the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War Dems blamed Lincoln for the war and America should have be two nations. No wonder Democrats along with their fellow Nut Jobers GOP are Crazy!

    2 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • ISIS=The KKK, The Nazis and The Manson Family?

    ISIS is brutal mass murder cult along being terrorists. The committing very sick acts since 2013 and getting brutal. ISIS is the rebirth of the infamous and has been terrorist group the KKK along with the Nazis and Charles Manson and Family. If America and World doesn't stop ISIS, we are going to have an army of serial killers of Charles Manson caliber to fanatical and hate mongers of the Nazis and the KKK. Agree that ISIS is the New KKK, The New Nazis and the New Manson Family. This would make Jack the Riper proud of them.

    5 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Would the American people prefer to using La Cosa Nostra, the American Mafia, Street and Biker Gangs against ISIS instead US ground forces?

    Past months ISIS committed the worst and outrageous acts against humanity ranging from beheading American Journalist Foley to burning of the Jordanian fighter pilot to brutal mass murders of LGBTs to Coptic Christians even burning of children along with sick acts. America and the world are outraged and demand action. But American people are against committing US ground forces to stop ISIS. For the American people who oppose the use of US Ground forces would you prefer to use the La Cosa Nostra, the American Mafia, Street Gangs, Biker Gangs along emptying US Prisons to fight ISIS? A Good ideal? or Very Bad Ideal.

    79 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Conspiracy theorists saying the two Slain NYPD were victims of a false flag operation or a sinister conspiracy.?

    Here we go again with the Conspiracy theorists, this time they said the slain two NYPD offices were victims of a false flag to something sinster or Ismaaiyl Brinsley didn't acted alone. 9/11 Truthers to the garden variety conspiracy theorists to Alex Jones conspiracy. Here is the list of conspiracy theorists are saying

    1) The Illuminati was behind the slaying

    2) Ismaaily Brinsley was a Russian GRU or FSB agent that gone rouge and did Putin known about it or not? Or green light it?

    3) It was an ISIS attack?

    4) Ismaaily Brinsley was a test subject of MK Ultra or a rouge version of it?

    5) Occupy Wall St. test run for insurrection?

    6) Ferguson Action test run for insurrection?

    7) Koch Brothers or George Soros rouge operation?

    8) Tea Party test run

    9) Elizabeth Warner's rough operation

    many more

    Do you think the Conspiracy theorist are right? or just attention seeking whores?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation6 years ago
  • I lost my holiday spirit do to douche bags.?

    I lost my holiday spirit due to douche bags in the family to douche bags in general and not having someone in the holidays. Now it's dead to me unless a holiday miracle changes it. Anyway advice :-( ?

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation6 years ago
  • Protest extremists of the Justice League of NYC and the Westboro are going to picket the funerals of the two slain NYPD officers etc.?

    Just now extremist protesters of Justice League of NYC (lead by Julianne Hoffenberg) and The Westboro Baptist Church (Lead by Fred Phelps Jr.) are going to picketing the funerals of the two slain NYPD Officers along with the two Service members of Spc.Wyatt J. Martian and Sgt. 1st Class Ramon S. Morris who where killed in Afghanistan on Dec.12th. In spite of their political differences this unholy alliance is going to commit this sick protest act unless we call on the Patriot Guard and Anti-Westboro groups to put a stop of it. Are the protesters morally wrong? or right? Spread the word

    2 AnswersCivic Participation6 years ago
  • North Korea and the Westboro Baptist Church are cheering the deaths of the two NYPD officers.?

    Here we go again two lowlifes, North Korea and the Westboro Baptist Church, now they are cheering the deaths of the two NYPD officers. Now Westboro and Guardians of Peace (North Korea Proxies) are going to picket the funerals of the NYPD officers. It's time for American to come together and block them from picketing their funerals.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events6 years ago