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Would the American people prefer to using La Cosa Nostra, the American Mafia, Street and Biker Gangs against ISIS instead US ground forces?

Past months ISIS committed the worst and outrageous acts against humanity ranging from beheading American Journalist Foley to burning of the Jordanian fighter pilot to brutal mass murders of LGBTs to Coptic Christians even burning of children along with sick acts. America and the world are outraged and demand action. But American people are against committing US ground forces to stop ISIS. For the American people who oppose the use of US Ground forces would you prefer to use the La Cosa Nostra, the American Mafia, Street Gangs, Biker Gangs along emptying US Prisons to fight ISIS? A Good ideal? or Very Bad Ideal.

79 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    I can understand why you'd say that, but it does not add up to much well. These are all career, criminals. They honor nothing. They respect nothing. Actually, God forbid, it would be strikingly like trading one terrorist group for another. The mafia, in all it's branches, different nations and creeds, has no honor. None. They will exploit anything they see. What you'd have in the Middle East would only be more drug trafficking, slavery, sex trafficking and worst of all - who's to stop them from joining ISIS if they threw enough money their way.

    The mafia is no good. The biker gangs are no good as they are often employed or affiliated with the mafia.

    President Obama did the right thing. ISIS can not take on the military power of the whole world (under God). We're fine where we be.

  • 6 years ago

    La Cosa Nostra, the American Mafia, Street Gangs, Biker Gangs emptying US Prisons to fight ISIS? They would only go if there was something in it for themselves. Therefore you'd have to give them tanks, artillery, RPG's, and other expensive weapons in abundance so they would not only have enough to use but also to sell on the international arms market. We already tried that with the crooks in Iraq and Egypt.

  • Rafa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    l could write a book on my answer to this, but, mainly, as a 3rd generation Australian veteran, l was drafted for Nam, l have even joked about this very topic. The best thing for this Planet , is that the USA packs up & goes home. You should make Ron Paul your president. From 9/11 onwards, the world has been destroyed, countries in ruins, and as a veteran it sickens me to see the injuries to soldiers and children. For the death of 3000 people , what is the cost now. The joke among veterans is that you fight your wars like a Gridiron game, l was even embarrassed to see over 40 countries parading around about pulling out of Afghanistan, including Aust. You could not beat a bunch of blokes on camels & motorbikes. So.. from the start after 9/11, no rules of contact, no prisoners, one squadron of SAS with it own support units, would have cleaned up Afghanistan in 3 months. In Iraq & Syria, the same, except that would be over in a month. So, paying gangs to go there is nearly ok, it ain't so dumb. Whatever happens, it is too big an industry, making war, but everyone should go home, especially USA, & look after your own first, charity starts at home.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    l could write a book on my answer to this, but, mainly, as a 3rd generation Australian veteran, l was drafted for Nam, l have even joked about this very topic. The best thing for this Planet , is that the USA packs up & goes home. You should make Ron Paul your president. From 9/11 onwards, the world has been destroyed, countries in ruins, and as a veteran it sickens me to see the injuries to soldiers and children. For the death of 3000 people , what is the cost now. The joke among veterans is that you fight your wars like a Gridiron game, l was even embarrassed to see over 40 countries parading around about pulling out of Afghanistan, including Aust. You could not beat a bunch of blokes on camels & motorbikes. So.. from the start after 9/11, no rules of contact, no prisoners, one squadron of SAS with it own support units, would have cleaned up Afghanistan in 3 months. In Iraq & Syria, the same, except that would be over in a month. So, paying gangs to go there is nearly ok, it ain't so dumb. Whatever happens, it is too big an industry, making war, but everyone should go home, especially USA, & look after your own first, charity starts at home.

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  • Goal
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    My first thought was, Uhh... isn't Anonymous already attacking ISIS? That said, it's fighting fire with fire, eventually you have a conflagration and still have to put it out. Remember how sudden and surprising it was when Obama found Osama? I'd say this process is already on its way, we just don't know about it because we're not supposed to. ISIS will probably die a sudden death just like all enemies of the USA, eventually. Give it time, the difficult we do immediately, the impossible may take a short time. Or something like that.

  • 6 years ago

    What i would rather do is let them take over Iraq, write everyone in Iraq off as an enemy combatants then turn the entire country into a large pile of ash and green glass. We really can't selectively fight an enemy that does not wear a uniform and attacks then goes home to his family and pretends to be a citizen. We need to simply nuke them back to camel jockey and move on. Nothing else will fix this problem. The only other thing that will stop them is when Jesus comes back and throws them all into hell, but the Islamist wont be alone there.

  • 6 years ago

    President Obama quietly and steadfastly worked behind the scenes to forge a powerful 60-nation coalition which the U.S. leads to stand up against ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant), and this coalition includes our traditional allies as well as the United Arab Emirate, Turkey, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia (who has agreed to fund the movement and to train Syrian freedom fighters after first vetting them to weed out any al-Qaeda-affiliated insurgents). Although Libya is in a transitional government and somewhat disorganized, the Libyan leader has agreed to help work to keep ISIL from advancing. Jordan has now sent some of its own forces to protect the borders after the Jordanian pilot was burned alive, and these ground troops will supplement others from the nations of the Levant to prevent ISIL from spreading its cancerous villainy.

    The U.S. is in a leadership role, but the goal was to have the Middle East nations take responsibility for their own defense from the Baghdadi-led ruthless ISIL group. There may be some intelligence operatives on the ground, but for now there is an ongoing effort to "trust but verify" that the nations under siege should take on the responsibility of their own defense and work with other nations to "degrade and destroy" the threat posed by ISIL. No U.S. ground forces other than trainers, logistical specialists, or intelligence are needed.

  • 6 years ago

    IS, ISIS,ISIL will go the way of Al-Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah. Crooks and gangsters are just that wherever they are. Wickedness is wickedness wherever it is. God will not allow it to completely take over. God always steps in. He has throughout history and He will today. Peace will come when Christ returns. Repent, America, get your hearts right with the Lord. Pray for our nation. Watch and pray that you will escape all these horrors that are coming on the world and that you can stand before the Son of God. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and support the Jewish people. The word of God, the Holy Bible has never been wrong. God tells us what to do in these latter days. Jesus said it will be as it was in the Days of Noah. Wickedness in demonic form is trying to mingle with all people. The Occult is responsible for much of it. The New Age Movement is bringing damnable wickedness by spiritual beings getting invited into the lives of Americans. If you feel a darkness surrounding you, cast it out in the name of Jesus. Read the Holy Bible in its presence and it will leave you. It is time to stand against the wiles of the devil because he is deceiving the entire world.

  • Honest
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    No. I've been paid to run my latex covered fingers up anus

    of La Cosa Nostra, American Mafia, Street and Biker Gangs.

    Yes, they all bent and spread cheeks for me. Tell us again

    what opened anus is taking the place of US Armed Forces?

    It's better to deliver Dubya & Crew to a World Court for War

    Crimes. Show Islam who the good people are in our USA.

    Yes, I'm a Liberal.

  • 6 years ago

    the whole mafia, biker gang idea is a bit ridiculous since i doubt any of those guys would be willing to put their lives on the line for the fight against isis. a much better solution would be to launch some patriot missiles at isis or a tactical nuke. The tactical nuke is a good idea since it's like a nuke just "lesser"

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