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Who is crazier, those who are putting an experimental vaccine in their arm or those who aren't? ?

87 Answers

  • Anonymous
    17 hours ago

    Reality check:  it's NOT experimental.

  • 18 hours ago

    Don’t you think it’s better to have *some* protection against coronavirus or none at all? Just think: all of 2020, there was nothing on earth that could save us from being infected. Now it’s 2021 and there are some vaccines that can protect us for at least 6 months.

    The vaccines are definitely not experimental. They have 95% effectiveness against COVID (no vaccine in history has ever been 100% effective).

  • 19 hours ago

    Why bother to ask a question whose answer you already think you know?

  • 19 hours ago

    Those who aren't. The vaccines used for coronavirus aren't experimental, you crazy anti-vaxxer. There was already a lot of research for SARS and MERS, two similar viruses.

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  • bluto
    Lv 4
    19 hours ago

    There is zero crazy about taking a vaccine that has been tested and found to be highly effective about stopping or reducing a virus thAt has killed half a million and more people in the United States and has a severe impact on the world.

    The person who refuses to do so for ANY OTHER REASON than severe risk of a complication (severe allergic reaction to any medicine in the vaccine), is not only bat shlt crazy but complicit in the deaths serious illness and the resulting mental health complications (1/3 of severe reactions To COVID  have mental heath issues and damage after) as well as the covid long haulers continued illness.

    Religion is not an excuse, politics is not an excuse, desire for getting pregnant is not only not an excuse but is dubunked completely as a risk, fear is not an excuse. 

  • Anonymous
    22 hours ago

    Those who aren't. idiot. when god distributed the brain some of you must have been hiding in the toilet. hence sh*t for brains. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Small pox and polio wouldn't have been eradicated without vaccines, idiot.

  • Ted K
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    The vaccines aren't "experimental," you doofus.  They work.  And they're as safe as any vaccine can be.

    One thing I won't miss about this site--the annoying persistance of stubborn, pig headed stupidity spewed by idiots on here. 

  • 2 days ago

    Who told you it was experimental?  It has been through the required protocols for use. While not focused on SARS-CoV-2 virus mRNA vaccine technology has been under development for over a decade.  

    Completed my Pfizer-BionTech vaccines Feb 8.  A sore arm for a day or so.  My shigella (shingles) vaccination had the same effect but even more intense and longer.  

  • ron h
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Ask Herman Caine what he's gonna do.  (He's tRump's "black friend." ) 

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