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Lv 44,151 points

Jay L

Favorite Answers14%
  • Model number of the fog machine...?

    There is a fog machine that suspends from the ceiling and has a train horn alarm when it blows and unloads a ton of fog/smoke in about 3 seconds and covers a lot of space. Does anyone know what the name, model number is?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • army of two ps3 cheat codes?

    how to activate cheats..???

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How can I get my money from him, he signed a notarized document saying he owes me, then skipped town.?

    So, I got an email today on Facebook from an old "friend". 2 years ago, he agreed to move in and wrote me a check for the rent, then another check for other stuff... they later bounced and I learned my lesson. He made up all kinds of stories about this that and the other thing... but, never actually paid me back. I did, however, manage to get him to sign a document that was a pay schedule with the amount owed when payment was due. It was notarized and dated and everything. He skipped town and I hadn't seen him since. I later came to discover that a $300 tool of mine had come up missing, seeing as how there was no one else there at the time, I can only assume he took it and sold it.

    What I would like to know, is how can I recover my $1000 that he owes me. Can the police do anything? City Attorney? Private lawyer? What are my options here.


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • The search feature in my firefox browser isn't pulling up actual answers, but spam sites instead... ?

    I keep getting bizrate and other weird sites as hosts for what I'm looking for. I've done 3 Norton Virus searches and nothing is coming up... anybody have a clue as to what is going on?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How many Republicans own a Subaru?

    Ok, so I just saw the latest Subaru commercial and it emphasizes everything that I hate about Subarus. I live in Boulder, Colorado, one of the most liberal towns in this fine country and Subarus are a plenty... believe me. The majority of them, much like the commercial, are plastered with hippie stickers... then to finish the commercial, they say they are going to donate to your charity of choice... yeah. So, needless to say, I will probably never buy a Subaru, but am wondering how many "non-bleeding heart" people out there have a Subaru.

    Wittiest comment back wins the best answer award. This isn't a serious question, rather a tongue in cheek type... have fun with it.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Any advice on a first timer in Las Vegas for Halloween?

    Got the airfare and hotels already booked, staying at Circus Circus. Flying in from Denver, leave there at 815am on a Thursday. Friday is Halloween and I already have a kickass Dr. Evil costume. I leave Sunday at 630pm local time.

    My question is this. What are some great things to do in Vegas on the cheap, outside of gambling... for example, I am going to the shark reef. $20 for 4 hours of walking around, works for me. What places should I hit up, see, do, whatever... also, it's my first time in Vegas and I am well over 21. So, skies the limit.

    I will add this too... no, not making a trip to the Bunny Ranch. Or the Chicken Ranch or any other ranch for that matter...

    5 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • Granite tile countertops in a kitchen...?

    Do you have to use backerboard when laying granite tile countertops in a kitchen?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • FCC just decided that Comcast Cable Co. violated rights. What do you think?

    FCC chief says Comcast violated Internet rules, so they want to impart sanctions and fine them... Which basically means Comcast will raise rates and through trickle down punishment, punish the consumers. I think they should make them cut rates to the customers for a year instead of making them pay the Government Millions of dollars... What do you think?

    Here's the full article.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • OC Register is now outsourced to India...?

    Now all the editing for the news will be checked by somebody halfway around the globe who barely speaks English... What's next? How about we outsource Congress while we're at it...

    Your thoughts...

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can you use cheaper gas in motorcycles?

    I have a 2000 Suzuki Katana and have never put anything less than 91 grade, or Super Premium for Colorado, in the tank. But, since gas is super high right now, does it hurt the engine to put lesser grade gas in the tank?

    6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Polycrylic to cover white paint on handrails?

    Ok, so I'm getting ready to sell my house and am painting all the trim in the house white. It currently is that late 70's early 80's dark stain. Too dark in my opinion. All the walls are fairly neutral colors, beiges and whatnot. So, I have these handrails which are wood and so far I have just left them. My neighbor painted his and they got all grubby looking after a short while. So, I was thinking about putting a Polycrylic coating on it, making it somewhat glassy. Has anyone else done this, what was your result. Thanks for the answers...

    Just to clarify... the handrails are 2"x6" and 6 feet long, and solid wood, there is a 1" gap where it is mounted as well, kind of a pain to clean too... But that's beside the point. So, solid handrails here...

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • If Hillary actually wins...?

    So, if Hillary actually wins, should members of the Bush administration take all the "W" keys from the keyboards like the former Clinton administration did? Just a thought...

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Pam Anderson, married again... why?

    So Pambo got married to the dude from the Paris Hilton video. Why would she do that? Do we even care anymore?

    7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Legally, what are my chances?

    I was arrested several months ago for telling a cop to go "F" himself. I continued walking away from him and his partner busted him out so they arrested me for Use of Fighting Words and obstructing a police officer. They were doing a dui and I walked by, no closer than 10 feet. The cop shined his light in my face and told me to cross the street, I said I had every right to sidewalk as he did, then he shined it back in my face at which point I said what I said...

    Yesterday, at a jury readiness conference, the prosecutor added resisting arrest to the charges. Apparently she thinks I tried to run, which I didn't, was all cocky in court yesterday. My lawyer said he is going to file a motion to dismiss the fighting words charge based on the constitutionality, and the police report is way different then what actually happened.

    The city attorney offered a plea, 3 times now. Is she bluffing? Or does she have a case?

    25 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Dimebag...?

    Ok, so I know everybody is all hyped about Dimebag and his murder is a shame. But, what I want to know is why everybody is so big on Pantera? Every year they seem to win the Super Bowl of Rock'n Roll. Beating out other, and in my opinion better, bands like Metallica, Godsmack, Alice In Chains, TOOL...etc. Pantera had a good run, but nothing that I would categorize as being the greatest ever. Why is everyone so hyped about them?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Movie Songs from Crocodile Dundee?

    During the scene where Mick is at the fancy NY party, right before he dumps the coke into the water..., there is a song playing in the background.

    "Hey there you with sad face, come up to my place, let's live it up" or something like that.

    Who sang it and what is it called?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Secret Shopper?

    Does anyone know of anybody that has been paid for the secret shopper program that is all over the internet?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Early 80's cartoon...?

    Does anyone know the name of a cartoon that had people kind of like birds, but in all different colors (single per person) and the bad guy sort of had like horns coming out of the side of his head? I'm not sure if it is Anime or what, but it was either late 70's or really early 80's.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago