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  • Would a tear from crying landing on a paper cut or any open wound make it burn more?

    Paper cuts as well as any open wound can be painful!

    I was wondering if a really bad paper cut or small open wound that causes one to cry and a tear, which has sodium (salt,) landed on it, would the paper cut begin to burn more??

    I know not all tears have the same amount of sodium, but my tears have always had a salty kick to them so I wanted to know if my tears ever got on a paper cut or for that matter, any open wound on my arm or hand, would it burn more??

    If it did, how much more would it burn? I'm assuming the amount of burning would depend just how much sodium was in my tears.

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • What does this dream I've had since childhood mean?

    I first had this dream when I was a little girl and it recurs every few years.

    I'm at my elementary school. I'm running and fall on the graveled pavement. When I look down, my kneecap is gone, replaced by a HUGE hole filled with gravel.

    Then, suddenly a spoon appears and I start to scoop the gravel out of the hole. As I'm scooping I'm also getting blood along with the gravel. Then, suddenly, the hole has no gravel. It's just a HUGE gaping red hole.

    Then, I wake up.

    Why have I had this dream since childhood and why does it come back every few years?

    Thanks to anyone who can offer an explanation.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • What do these three painful recurring dreams mean & how do I stop them?

    For the past month, I've had three recurring dreams.

    They all start out the same and when I wake up from all three, I can feel incredible pain for about 10 seconds.

    Dream 1: I'm hanging out with friends on the beach and, we're all having a great time. Then, suddenly, I'm in a large white room with a mirror. I walk over to it and at first glance, I look normal then one second later, my whole body is one big scab. I don't mean covered in scabs, one big scab. I open my mouth to scream and it causes the scab to crack, starting with my face. The scab painfully rips off my body and I can see and feel the blood rush down my face and into my eyes. Then, the scab continues to rip off all down my body and then I bleed. Through the pain, I somehow manage to look down and see that I am ankle deep in a huge puddle of blood with the scab pieces floating in it. The pain is staggering and I can feel the blood rush down my limbs and face. I then start to fall, probably from blood loss, but wake up right before I hit the floor. For about 10 seconds after I wake up I'm paralyzed because I can still feel the pain and the blood rushing down my cheeks.

    The other second version has my skin being peeled off and I can feel the blood rush down my limbs and the third is that I burst into flames and feel my skin being charred and feel the blood.

    What do these dreams mean and how can I stop them? I wake up crying from the pain.

    Thanks to anyone who can help!

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • How can a booger be covered in half dark red blood and light red blood?

    I just picked a booger out of my nose that it was half covered in dark red blood, which I know is arterial AND light red blood, which I know is venous.

    How could it be covered in both colors??

    Usually when I get a nose bleed, light red blood comes out.

    Last week, I accidentally picked a booger way back in my nose and a river of dark red, almost black looking blood, came rushing out of my nose. I was covered in blood and got so scared I called my doctor after it stopped because of the color AND the fact that the back of my nostril and that whole side of my face REALLY hurt after it stopped. I thought I could be having a stroke.

    She said I must have irritated the area since its very sensitive. She told me to put ice on it and the throbbing should subside and I shouldn't be alarmed.

    I forgot to ask her this question and figured someone on here could.

    Thanks to anyone who can explain how a booger can be two colors.

    2 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Can you be born without cuticles?

    I have a childhood friend who has always worn gloves. I just recently asked him why and he said he has to because he was born without cuticles so his hands are susceptible to infection if left uncovered. He did take his gloves off to show me and he did in fact have any cubicles that I could see and where the chronicles should have been looked irritated.

    I looked up cuticles online after this and read that the cuticle itself is dead cells but it protects the eponychium, which are living cells. I'm thinking wearing the gloves is to protect those living cells from getting infected.

    Is it possible to be born without cubicles??

    Thanks to anyone who replies.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • During a manicure, the manicurist removes your cuticle, isn't that dangerous?

    I was at my local hair salon a few days ago getting some highlights put into my hair. Nearby, there was a woman getting a manicure and the manicurist told her that she had to remove her cuticles.

    That didn't sound safe to me, even though I've never understood what cuticles are for. I've always thought of them like our appendix, its there but with no real purpose.

    So, I looked up 'cuticle' online. I read that its "the small band of epithelium that extends from the posterior nail wall onto the base of the nail...This layer of non-living, almost invisible skin is the cuticle that "rides out" on the surface of the nail plate. Together, the eponychium and the cuticle form a protective seal. The cuticle on the nail plate is dead cells and is often removed during manicure, but the eponychium is living cells and should not be touched."

    Okay, so if you're NOT supposed to touch the living cells under your cuticle, wouldn't removing it open you up to those living cells getting infected because they are now exposed?

    So, wouldn't getting a manicure be dangerous for hands in that those cells could get infected and your fingers messed up?

    Am I wrong?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • How do our eyelashes naturally curl?

    I know everyone's eyelashes don't curl a lot, but they all curl at least a little.

    How do they know to do this when other hair on our bodies doesn't?

    This has mystified me for years. Hopefully someone know they just automatically curl.

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Just scratched my right cheek but I also felt like I was scratching my right arm. WTF??

    I just scratched my right cheek but I also felt like I was also scratching a spot on my right arm.

    Has anyone else ever experienced this??

    I get that our bodies are full of nerve endings but can we scratch a spot on our bodies and feel it in a totally different spot??

    Thanks to anyone who replies.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Do you think a karmic sin in a past life could bring great sickness in your present life?

    A friend of mine I've know for about 20 years recently told me that she thinks the reason for all of her horrific health problems, including being misdiagnosed and ending up in a wheelchair when she was perfectly fine, is due to some karmic sin she committed in a past life of hers.

    She trusted me with this confession b/c we've known each other for so long and she knows I won't judge her or think she's nuts, which I don't.

    She wants to go to a hypnotist who does past life readings so maybe they can tell her what she might have done in a past life that she can try to make up for in this life and then her health problems will cease or at least get better.

    She feels so lost. She prays everyday but feels like she's being blocked from getting better b/c of this karmic sin.

    She asked G-d a while back if she'd done something to anger Him and had a dream where she was a serial killer in a past life on his way to his execution b/c he murdered children. She wants to see if the hypnotist corroborates this,

    Do you think it's possible that her health issues are b/c of her being a serial killer in a past life and now she's getting pay back?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Can you peel off too much sunburn?

    My aunt is obsessed with being tan and frequents tanning salons more than she should.

    My.uncle has tried to dissuade her from going to tanning beds so often by reminding of the possible skin cancer risk, but she refuses to listen.

    Yesterday, I went over their to hang out with my cousins and found my uncle peeling my aunt's back after she'd come back from another tanning bed session.

    He peeled straight across from her right shoulder to her left shoulder and down to the small of her back. So, he had peeled basically the size of a large sheet of paper of dead skin off her back.

    We were both understandably alarmed especially when she wanted him to.keep peeling. He told her then and there that she had to stop going to the tanning salons/beds because peeling that much off her back couldn't be healthy.

    He put the huge paper-sized piece of dead skin that'd peeled off in a plastic bag because he immediately made her an appointment with his dermatologist so he could tell her how dangerous tanning beds are and how dangerous peeling that much skin could be.

    I mean my uncle got really upset. The part of the dead skin facing him was coarse and faded while the part he'd peeled off that was attached to her back was shiny and smooth. He didn't know if this was normal, which freaked him.out even more. Is it normal?

    Their appointment isn't until Monday so he asked him to ask around if this sounds dangerous b/c He+s technically challenged when t comes to certain aspects of the Internet.

    Thanks to anyone who has some advice.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Can I still pass gas out of rectum with an ileostomy?

    I have an ileostomy but still have 90% of my colon. I won't get into why I have the ileostomy. I continuance ulcerative colitis or shut like that, it was given to me for another reason and will be reversed eventually.

    At certain times, I feel like I'm passing gas out of my rectum but am never in a place where I can put my hand back there to see if I feel any wind coming out.

    I don't smell anything when I feel like I'm passing gas. Would I?

    This has been bugging me for months and my GI doctor is taking his sweet time answering me since I asked him the same question a week ago.

    Thanks to anyone who knows if it's possible since I still have 3/4. of my colon?

    1 AnswerCancer7 years ago
  • Are eyelashes thinner/the same/or thicker as the hair on our head?

    I have really long eyelashes. Long enough to see them. This made me wonder if they are thinner or the same width as the hair on our heads?

    I have a friend who is going for eyelash implants, which is where they take hair from your scalp and transplant it onto your eyelids. Became it's hair from your head, It keeps growing so you have to trim it regularly.

    If the hair on our head is thicker than our eyelashes, won't my friend not be able too see if she doesn't trim them regularly???

    Thanks to anyone who answers.

    1 AnswerOptical7 years ago
  • Can scratching an itch during sex heighten an orgasm?

    During girl talk recently, a girlfriend of mine told me that when she has sex with her boyfriend, she gets the urge to scratch her back in one particular spot on her back. Since she was on top when this happens, she asks her boyfriend to scratch it.

    She said it feels so good when he starts to scratch it and continues to and when she has her orgasm its heightened.

    Is this possible? Did his scratching make her have an orgasm?

    Thanks to anyone who could tell me if this is possible.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why is my nail bed SOOO much more sensitive than any other skin on my hand?

    I won't get into how but the hyponychium of my nail got ripped off about a month ago ,

    That's the skin that forms a seal that protects the nail bed.

    So, now I could see under my nail bed under my nail plate.

    I tend to run my fingers through my long hair and when I did this yesterday and some strands of my hair got under my nail plate and grazed my nail bed, a sensation shot down my arm that I can't even articulate into words.

    I then took a single strand of my hair and brushed it across the top of my hand. I barely felt it, but when I brushed the single strand under my nail plate, across my nail bed, another sharp sensation cascaded down my arm,

    Why is the skin of my nail bed SOO much more sensitive than any other skin on my hand?

    Are there more/different nerves there?

    Thanks to anyone who answers.

    2 AnswersFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Why is your blood NOT hot to the touch when drawn when you have a high fever?

    Let's say you have a 104 fever. You get your blood drawn to rule out blood poisoning and to find out why you have such a high fever.

    Now, you are 104 degrees and the blood is in you so wouldn't any blood being drawn out of you be the same temperature?

    If so, why isn't the vial that the drawn blood would go in be hot to the touch, i.e. 104 degrees.

    This has boggled me for years.

    Hopefully someone here can tell me why the vial wouldn't be 104 degrees and thus too hot to handle.

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Could urine ever be acidic enough to burn through stuff?

    I saw this dumb physical comedy (b/c a good friend wanted to) recently where one of the characters urinated, it started to smoke and then his urine (supposedly) burned through whatever he urinated on because it was so acidic. It was like his weapon.

    Is this even possible?

    Wouldn't urine acidic enough to burn through something burn the inside of the person urinating thus creating an ulcer or worse?

    it's scenarios like this that make me despise nonsensical physical comedies.

    Thanks to anyone who can tell me if this is possible.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Why when you have a fever of 104 or higher & your blood is drawn, it isn't burning hot in the tube?

    If you have a fever of say 104 degrees or higher and your blood is drawn to determine what's wrong, why isn't the blood in the vial too hot to touch/

    The blood is inside you and your 104 degrees or higher. Wouldn't your blood be the same temp and the vial be hot or at least warm?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Peeling skin or peeling boogers?

    Okay, I pick my nose. In order for me to ask this I have to admit it.

    Lately, I've been peeling off stuff from the walls of my nose that's practically clear (see through,) paper thin and scaly.

    After I peel this stuff, my nose always bleeds and it hurts for like an hour after.

    Am I peeling dead skin out of my nose?

    Thanks to anyone who can answer.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago