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Lv 43,371 points

Anthony Luciani

Favorite Answers15%

I do manual labor for right now. I hope to be a great writer and all around creative person some day. I have a bachelor's degree in Creative Writing.

  • I'm trying to figure out a good name for a demon. Can you help me?

    I'm in the middle of writing a story set in a magical medieval country filled with talking animals. I've had this idea ever since I was a kid and only until recently did I decide to start giving my characters more original names.

    In the story the villain is this snake who is king of his own country. He rules over a number of evil creatures and things. Among them are demons. My villain's second in command is this demon who basically acts as the commander of the villain's demonic army as well as his herald and messenger.

    For the longest time I've been calling my demon character Evil Demon and, quite frankly, its not that imaginative. I've been trying to come up with a new name for the character but am having trouble with it. If you have any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it.

    I'd like the name to be something that would fit in with legends and folk tales.As much as i like the sound of Asmodeus and a few other demonic names I've found in the demonology books, I feel like I'd like to find a more original name.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Is anything here about this friendship salvageable or is this just going to be another acquaintanceship?

    For a long time I've been kind of confused about one particular friendship I have. It started in the summer of 2012 when this ice couple moved into an apartment in our complex. We were both down at the pool and the lady of the couple started talking to me. I met her boyfriend and we all kind of hit it off. By the end of the night I had her phone umber and she had mine. I also had her on Facebook eventually.

    I wasn't employed so I had a lot of free time on my hands. She wasn't working much so she had free time on her hands. Her boyfriend usually goes to California or Florida for a few months out of the year to work on this guy's fishing boat or something so he didn't have anything to do either. For much of the summer we hung out. It was great. They'd call me or text me and I'd go down to the pool with them. They'd invite me up to their apartment and I'd play chess with the guy. (We started at the pool one rainy afternoon.) They even gave me an old bathing suit they weren't using. Things seemed great. I got out of the house finally and I didn't feel so alone.

    Then things seemed to change. The guy left for his job. After he got back we talked about doing something one weekend or another or the next day. The lady told me she wants to tell me something and she'd call later or tomorrow and nothing really comes of our plans because she'd be too sick or too busy with other things and she'd have to cancel or something. Also, at some point near the end of the summer of '12 this couple moved in from another part of the complex. They were down at the pool one night and my friends started talking to them as well. (Which is fine. Just because I'm friends with them it doesn't mean they can't have other friends.) Eventually, the calls and texts stopped coming. (Don't think I didn't do anything like call or text. I did. Eventually I kind of stopped calling and texting because every time I did to make plans they'd be too busy or she'd be sick. I didn't want to bother them.) The only time I got to see any of them was when they were out going somewhere or coming home from something. Sometime the lady had a hair appointment with us because she was a sort of freelance part-time stylist.

    The lady eventually went to school for nursing. They got even more busy. I eventually stopped calling or talking to them. We'd see each other say hi but that was it. I no longer feel any connection to them. I no longer do anything with them. I haven't called any of them mostly because I don't want to bother them. Like I said they're busy. I'm wondering if I should just delete them from my phone or not or if this friendship is salvageable. It feels a lot like we've drifted apart since last year. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Looking for a snake king?

    In the novel I'm writing my villain is going to be snake. I'm looking to figure out a name for him. One of the characters, the father to the hero, is descended from the fox in the story of Renard the Fox. I wanted my villain to be descended from a legendary snake who is also evil. If you could give me a few legends that have evil snakes and their names I'd appreciate it.

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • I'm currently writing a fantasy novel. Need help with a tiny part of it?

    One of my characters is talking about a dream he had. He tells another character that he saw a Native American Chief in the dream. Its not one from a specific tribe. He's just a nondescript chief who could be from any tribe in North America (since this is more of a telling pert of the story I really don't feel that I'd need to describe every last detail about the guy). This character lives in a completely different world separate from the human world (that's the best way of putting it) but he is aware of what and who lives in the human world since the two are pretty much connected. Anyway, this is the sentence I use:

    "An Indian chief was sitting in the center of the disk tanning hides."

    Do you have any suggestions? If I can, I'd like to see if there is a way to say what I have above without using the word "Indian".

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • how do you completely get rid of spam?

    Ever since I posted an ad on Craig's list I have been getting spam for some kind of sex website. I blocked the email addresses on yahoo but the emails have actually multiplied. They are from completely different fake email addresses. I'm tired of getting them. I need help. also the canadian pills for erection spam is getting annoying too. Is there some kind of list I have to get taken off of? I really don't want to open a new email account.

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years ago
  • I need some info on a celebrity?

    Alright. I have a serious crush on Holly Madison and I need to get over her. I'd like it if anyone in the online community who is kind of close to her or who has even met her a couple of times (preferably enough to be an acquaintance) to tell me any and all bad things you know about her so I can find her completely disgusting and turn away.

    I already know about her relationship with Hugh Hefner and Criss Angel. While the second one is kind of gross to me I have no problem with the relationships. That's in her past and I don't care.

    I also know about her plastic surgery. She didn't over do it and I'm fine with it.

    I know that she is intelligent as well so don't say anything about her being some kind of a bimbo or being stupid. I don't believe that's the case.

    I need something that would make her seem like some kind of stuck up **** or some other thing that I would hate. Tell me of any meeting you've had where she was completely rude to you or where she showed her true colors in some way. Maybe tell me of a time where she was nice to some people only because she wanted to impress them but completely mean to coworkers or some other thing. I really don't care. I need some kind of dose of reality. If you have something that isn't a personal story please site your resources so I can see for myself.

    Just in case this doesn't work maybe make some suggestions to help me get over her. I'm looking for anything right now. Please and thank you.

    2 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Writing addiction. Ever heard of it?

    I have the weirdest addiction and I think it's ruining my life. I basically am addicted to writing. You might think it's not a bad thing but after a while it gets to you. Especially because I'm not that good at it. (This is me on a good day.) It's partly because of the rush of seeing something good on a page that I was able to put together and wishing I could always have that feeling. When I can't recreate that I get really frustrated and depressed and, despite being that way, I continue to do it. the other part is how discouraging it is to get back rejections from literary magazines I've sent finished works to. Yet I continue to send my stuff out. I know I'm a terrible (or at least mediocre) writer and yet I still send things out. Also, lately, I haven't been hearing back from many of the places I've sent things to. That's kind of bumming me out. I'm feeling less confident about my abilities, I think I need help.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • problems with a website?

    I recently got this spam e-mail from a website I'm not even a member of and never wish to be a member of:

    You are a past or current member of one of our AdultNetwork Sister sites. So We have decided To GIVE you

    A Free Membership to our F****Book Adult Dating Website.

    This is a Site That Can Get you Laid Every day of the week with Different HOT F*** Buddy!

    Ladies are also Able to take Advantage Of Our Service in order to be Serviced on the daily by **** ****.

    So Guys, Take Advantage Of our No Cost OFFER Right Now And Meet A **** Who is only On our site in order to get

    Laid, JUST LIKE YOU!

    Click This Link Now And Find Yourself A F***Buddy RIGHT NOW!

    If Your Not Interested In Free Sex And Want to Opt Out Click Below

    I'm pretty sure this is going to give me problems in the future since I've heard things about them stealing people's phone numbers and identities and all that stuff. I've also heard that they make unauthorized charges on people's credit cards. I do not want anything like that to happen to me. It says I can opt out of it but I'm afraid that if I click that link, they might do something like charge me or steal something of mine that I don't want stolen. I also don't want to delete the e-mail and leave this thing alone. Otherwise bigger problems might happen. I need to know what kind of things I can do. I don't want my identity stolen and I don't want people charging my credit card as I have enough problems with student loans and paying off what I already owe on my credit card. It would be appreciated if someone can help me. I also don't want have sex with any random stranger. My social life might not be good if they find out I have some kind of account on that site. I cleaned the e-mail up a little but left the first letter of the site name so people will know what I'm talking about.

    3 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Best matches based on Astrology?

    Here's what I know:

    I was born on March 16,1984

    My birthplace was Secaucus, New Jersey

    I'm don't know what time I was born

    My sun sign is Pisces

    My moon sign is Virgo

    (From research) my Venus is Pisces as well.

    What would be my best matches astrologically?

    P.S. Please no Astrology bashing. I'm just curious.

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Quarter-life crisis seems to have gotten serious what do I do?

    It has been 2 years since my last job. I have a degree in Creative Writing. I can't go back to college because I don't have the money and I don't want to take out any more loans since I have around 10,000 dollars already to pay off. I've been trying to get a job within the 2 years I've moved here. I've gotten only interviews. I feel lost and alone. I do have friends and family but no girlfriend. My luck seems to be whenever I even become interested in a girl, they are already taken. Not to mention I have to face the fact I have to give up on a stupid crush on someone completely unattainable because she's in a relationship. (Not that I think having a girlfriend will make me completely happy. I just want that kind of emotional support. Thankfully, I have my family.) I've been trying to think of other possible career choices based on things I like. Unfortunately, most of those choices are going to put me in the same situation. I tried to send work out to be published. Every single thing I've sent out has been rejected so far. I know I have to work. I know I need as much money as I possibly can get but it is extremely hard. I have things I want to do but can't because I need money. There are times where I've had a complete emotional breakdown. No suicidal thoughts yet but I feel like almost giving up on everything and just running away to live on the street because that seems to be where I'm going anyway. I feel like I'm stuck in this one spot and I can't get out of it. I feel like I have hit a wall that is preventing me from turning my dreams into a reality. I hate it and I think I need help. I know what many of you will probably say. You'll probably tell me to grow up and get a job or some other thing like that. I already know I need to get a job. Please don't say anything like that. Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • I have testicular pain. What should I do?

    I have a very personal problem and probably should talk to a doctor about this, or, at least, someone from my family. I have been feeling dull pain in my left testicle. It usually becomes more prominent during and a little after masturbation. Usually it seems to go away after a while. When I check myself I don't feel lumps or anything like that. The testicle, however, seems to be more firm than the right one. The pain is not debilitating at this moment. It's more of an annoyance that causes me concern. I have also recently noticed this foul odor when I am done. I should also say that lately I have been masturbating a lot. It happens at least once a night. Is there any advice you can give? I don't have any money to go to a doctor for a check up and I also don't have medical insurance.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago