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Why would my ex girlfriend do this?
She posted this quote on her wall "do not lose hope in love just because of your bad experiences. You are yet to meet the person who will truly "love" you rather than just lure you with their words and leave". Now sure, it's just a relationship quote, but this statement is exactly what she did to me. She claimed She loved me, then left. Why or how could she post this? We dated for a year, she broke up with me two months ago.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoShe's going crazy on Facebook. Why?
Basically, she's become really needy and insecure. She's constantly posting quotes about relationships and finding the perfect person and about forgetting the past. She nominated herself for the ice bucket challenge, just so she could post a video on Facebook. She hypes up everything she does, even if it's really really boring. She was never like this. We dated for a year and she broke up with me because she got cold feet before moving in with me. She's made it very clear that she wants no communication with me. Why is she blowing up Facebook? Is she trying to convince herself and her friends that she's happy and that she made the right choice? I've lost weight, accomplished goals, and have had fun since we broke up. I posted these things on Facebook and I believe that she is forcing happiness as a response to mine. She really doesn't do anything that fun, so she goes crazy about posting when she can. Why is she acting like this?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoEx girlfriend blowing up Facebook. Why is she doing this?
Basically, she's become really needy and insecure. She's constantly posting quotes about relationships and finding the perfect person and about forgetting the past. She nominated herself for the ice bucket challenge, just so she could post a video on Facebook. She hypes up everything she does, even if it's really really boring. She was never like this. We dated for a year and she broke up with me because she got cold feet before moving in with me. She's made it very clear that she wants no communication with me. Why is she blowing up Facebook? Is she trying to convince herself and her friends that she's happy and that she made the right choice? I've lost weight, accomplished goals, and have had fun since we broke up. I posted these things on Facebook and I believe that she is forcing happiness as a response to mine. She really doesn't do anything that fun, so she goes crazy about posting when she can. Why is she acting like this?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat's the best way to make an ex regret dumping you?
We were super close and we dated for one year. She broke it off right before we were going to move together. Now she's blowing up Facebook and I'm just chilling. She posts quotes about relationships and everything. I post fun things that I'm doing. What's the best way to make her jealous? I feel like making posts about fun things I do would be good. I still love her and want her back, but she's made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to me. We had a very close connection, what do I have to do to make her realize and regret her decision to dump me?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoDoes she want something from me? It seems clear that she doesn't, but Facebook is really confusing me.?
She was my best friend for a long time then turned into my girlfirned. We were about to move in together, then she broke up with me. Now she's doing some weird things on Facebook. I would like to clarify that she had made it very clear that she wants nothing to do with me. If I contact her for any reason, she gets upset. Even if her pet died and I apologized for her loss, still mad about it. She's never been active on Facebook, especially while we dated, but now, she's going crazy. She is constantly posting quotes and pictures of quotes about relationships. She posts links about how you know if you're in a good relationship and how to know if your boyfriend is a real man, stuff like that. Also, she's deleted a few photos of us, but not all of them. It's been really bizzare. Her friends on Facebook deleted me, but she hasn't. She is trying WAY WAY WAY too hard to make it look like she's happy on Facebook. She went out with her friends last night, nothing really that interesting, just eating a a bar. She posted like three pictures of the same thing, just claiming that she was so happy and having so much fun. It's so obvious that she's trying to make me jealous about her having fun, but it isn't working at all. It's actually making me think she's really unhappy and pathetic. Why would she be acting this way on Facebook? I'd like to say once again that she has made it very clear that she wasn't no contact from me. Why is she so obviously trying to make me jealous?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhy is she acting this way on facebook?
She was my best friend for a long time then turned into my girlfirned. We were about to move in together, then she broke up with me. Now she's doing some weird things on Facebook. I would like to clarify that she had made it very clear that she wants nothing to do with me. If I contact her for any reason, she gets upset. Even if her pet died and I apologized for her loss, still mad about it. She's never been active on Facebook, especially while we dated, but now, she's going crazy. She is constantly posting quotes and pictures of quotes about relationships. She posts links about how you know if you're in a good relationship and how to know if your boyfriend is a real man, stuff like that. Also, she's deleted a few photos of us, but not all of them. It's been really bizzare. Her friends on Facebook deleted me, but she hasn't. She is trying WAY WAY WAY too hard to make it look like she's happy on Facebook. She went out with her friends last night, nothing really that interesting, just eating a a bar. She posted like three pictures of the same thing, just claiming that she was so happy and having so much fun. It's so obvious that she's trying to make me jealous about her having fun, but it isn't working at all. It's actually making me think she's really unhappy and pathetic. Why would she be acting this way on Facebook? I'd like to say once again that she has made it very clear that she wasn't no contact from me. Why is she so obviously trying to make me jealous?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow can I move on? She treated me like poop, but I stills are about her.?
She was my best friend and became my girlfriend for a year. Then she broke up with me right before we were going to live together. She's totally abandoned the relationship and the friendship. I tried to console her after her pet died and she actually got mad at me for it. This was after months of no communication. I didn't think a human could be angered by a friend apologizing for their pet dying. Now she's blowing up Facebook, I mean blowing it up with relationship quotes and quotes about life and pictures. She's trying to make it look like she's extremely happy, but she's trying so hard, it's apparent that she is hurt. I want to move on and forget everything, but we were just so close. We grew insanely close and promised that we would never leave eachother and stuff like that. Then she hurt me. She's treated me like a piece of garbage and I've done nothing wrong. Problem is, I'm still attracted to her even though she treats me so badly. How can I move on?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow can I move on from this terrible friendship/relationship?
My best friend of 10 years turned into my girlfriend for one. We were about to move in together, but she broke it off right before that. She's been treating me like garbage and I did nothing wrong. I still don't know why she broke up with me. I want to move on, but I'm still in love with her. I don't know why, because she's treated me so horribly. She basically kicked me and our friendship to the curb. Based on the way she's acting towards me, you'd think I cheated on her and killed her dog in the same day. The only thing I did wrong was get too close to her. She broke my heart and for some reason I still love her. I know she's having trouble with everything too. Facebook tells everything with all these relationship quotes she's posting. She can't look me in the eyes anymore because of how she treated me. Her pet died and I sent her a text about it. Apologizing for her loss. She actually got mad at me for texting her claiming that I was scratching a scab. I didn't respond because I was so shocked she would respond negatively. She's bad news and I see that, but I've had such a close connection with her, that I still have feelings for her. Is she feeling as badly as I am, or was she just able to walk away and forget everything? Please help me escape this nightmare.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat should I do, I really want an animal, but my parents don't want me to get one.?
I live at school. I have my own house which allows pets. I really want a cat. One that's declawed. I just want a friend really. My parents don't want me to, because the cat would have to live with them for the summer when I come back from school. It's not so much the fact that the cat would be troublesome, we have a dog. The dog is super kind, but you never know how they would interact. I'm thinking about adopting a cat this fall when I go back, then telling my parents later. What should I do here?
4 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoWhat reply to her text would burn the most?
We dated for a year, she's been my ex for two months, we've been best friends for 8 years. She broke up with me and treat me horrible since the break up.
Her pet died, I apologized for her loss, and she got mad about it claiming that I scratched at the scab over the wound. Whatever.... Her last text was this after I said that this was a friend of 8 years trying to be kind. "Yeah but I know he was sick and I had to put him down myself. I had to make the decision. I am finally coming to terms with it and don't need you to tell me you're sorry. That's the last thing I need. I asked the same thing of everyone. But they knew without me telling them. I was finally feeling alright about it. It's been almost a week and a half. "
Should I reply "thank you, I needed this". Then when she said what I'll tell her that I just verified that my best friend of 8 years is gone.
Or, should I not text back?
What would make her wonder/hurt the most. I don't want to get nasty though.
6 AnswersFriends7 years agoNeed a response to this text quick!?
I apologized for her pet dying and she got mad at me. She broke up with me two months ago. I just said that I was sorry and she got mad claiming that she didn't need that because she had to put him down. Either way, the pet died and I said that I was sorry for her loss. This was her last message to me after I said that "this was a friend of 8 years trying to be kind, but I guess I was wrong in sending that".
I know. But I don't need that. Especially this long after. It was like scratching a scab that had started to heal.
I need something to reply to make her feel bad for treating me like crap.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoDo I need to contact her or leave her alone?
She broke up with me two months ago, now things on Facebook are getting weird. She keeps posting and liking photos of quotes about relationships and what the perfect one entails. All things that related back to our relationship. It gets weirder. We had photos together. She went through and deleted one of them, not all of them, only one. I'm pretty confused and I don't know if she's trying to get my attention. What should I do? I still love her and we had a very very very close connection. Almost too close. What is she doing? Side: she was the one that broke up with me. We were about to move in together and she got scared. Do I need to text her and ask anything? Or just let it be?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat the HELL is going on with my ex.?
She broke up with me two months ago, now things on Facebook are getting weird. She keeps posting and liking photos of quotes about relationships and what the perfect one entails. All things that related back to our relationship. It gets weirder. We had photos together. She went through and deleted one of them, not all of them, only one. I'm pretty confused and I don't know if she's trying to get my attention. What should I do? I still love her and we had a very very very close connection. Almost too close. What is she doing? Side: she was the one that broke up with me. We were about tools in together and she got scared.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoMy ex posted this on Facebook. I think it's about me.?
Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?
What should I do? I want her back, she wlbroke up with me months ago.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoDo you think my ex is/will be jealous?
Ex of one year broke up with me for silly reasons. We were going to move in together and I think she got scared about leaving her friends and job. So she decided to dump me. Blaming everything on lame reasons like that I cared about her too much and it wasn't healthy. Now she's alone in her town and I'm in mine. Since she broke up with me, I've lost weight and gained muscle. I'm much more attractive than when I was with her. She sees my profile, do you think she is or will be at all jealous? I still love her and hope she will realize she shouldn't have run from me and come back. We were so close, she was my best friend for 8 years. Now we are nothing, she won't and doesn't want to speak to me. She claims that it hurts her too much to see my face. I always do interesting fun things and i post to Facebook about it. She's been doing a whole lot of nothing and posting about it. She posts photos that relate to me, funny quotes about things that I used to do. Things like "if she calls you an idiot, she loves you". Photos like that, but all are things she said to me or I said to her. It's weird. I haven't contacted her at all since the break up and recently her dog died. I posted something about him on her facebook, but that was it. Anyone think she will get jealous and realize that she lost something great? She always used to tell me how lucky she was and how she didn't deserve a guy as nice as me. Then she dumps me.... What do you think?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoIs this a game? Please help me figure out my ex.?
Alright. So here's the short story. We dated for a year and she broke up with me a month before we were going to move in together. Now she will be paying rent but living elsewhere. I still love her and am confused as to why she broke up with me. I'm using the no contact rule, not talking to her at all. I'm trying to move on actually because I don't think she will try to fix things. Anyways, whenever I post something on Facebook, anything, she will, within an hour, have something posted on hers too. If I share something, she will too, if I post a status, bang, she has a new one. If I post a picture, 20 minutes later, she has a new one up. It's really bizzare. Also, she keeps liking these photos that used to describe her and me. Like those "you know it's love when she calls you an idiot" photos. She posts them and it's weird because it's all stuff that I used to do to her or she used to do to me. I'm holding my ground and not contacting her, but I kinda feel like she's trying to get my attention. Side: I don't talk to her at all, after she ended the relationship, she went completely cold. It was crazy. Why would she be doing this? Is this a stupid game I can win?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoOkay to skip the condom?
My girlfriend has been on the pill for around two years. She considers herself a perfect user. Is it alright to not wear a condom? She claims that she has been doing it for two years and that it isn't an issue. I worry a lot, so of course I am worried about this. Over this weekend, we had sex twice without condoms and twice with. Should I be worried about this?
Is it alright to skip the condom? For some reason, I just feel that she is going to get pregnant...
10 AnswersAdolescent8 years agoProtein powder. Beneficial?
Hello, I am a 20 year old male.
I would like to know if its alright for me to be taking protein powder. Back at college I was taking it after going to the gym. Not when running, but after lifting weights. I noticed some great results while using it, but I stopped taking it because my mom thought it was "bad".
I am active every day. I go to the gym and lift weights about 6 days a week. Different muscles every day of course. I also bike just about every day, so I consider myself very active. I don't have the best diet and should probably eat more than I do. In college, when I was taking the powder, I wouldn't get hungry as much and wouldn't crave junk food. Now, I crave it like crazy. Because of this, I haven't been noticing as good of results as in college.
Should I start taking it again?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoSocial host question.?
I am a college student living with three other roommates in a house. We rent the house and have each signed individual leases. My roommate is turning 21 soon and is planning on throwing a massive party at our new house a week before school starts. I think it's a terrible idea, but he won't listen to what I think.
I am convinced that they are going to get busted by the cops, gut feeling. My question is, if they do get busted, will I be held responsible for his actions? I feel that if I wasn't there at the time, I wouldn't be able to
get in any trouble. Worst case scenario, they just start handing out minors to everybody.
Can anybody tell me how this works? Will he be in trouble, or will it reach me somehow. I'm 20 and wouldn't like to get in any trouble with the law. He thinks that because "I'm 21 now, they can't do ****." Pretty dumb, I know. My other roommate is also worried about this because he would not like to get in trouble either.
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police8 years agoCan I swim with this tattoo now?
I got a tattoo two weeks ago yesterday. The tattoo artist said two weeks, but I've read online that it should be longer. I have a hot tub that I would like to go in. The tattoo is large, so covering it would be pointless and ineffective.
Can I sit in the hot tub now? It's a salt water based tub, so there aren't too many chemicals. The tattoo is on my back, so I can't be in the tub without getting it wet.
Also, the tattoo never scabbed, peeled for a few days, and now appears to be healed. It hasn't itched in days and looks pretty good. I know that it's still healing below the skin surface though.
Should I wait longer, or am I good to go?
2 AnswersTattoos8 years ago