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Lv 31,461 points

angela t

Favorite Answers16%
  • who originally sang happiness which is now covered by alex jordan?

    hi...i heard this song years ago, but i cant seem to remember or find who the orginal artist was/is.

    deadmau5 keeps coming up in the google search but im sure it wasnt them..any ideas anyone..


    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • does anyone know slimming world password w/c 28 June 2010?

    I have just left group, and forgot to make a note of the password, tried texting my group leader, no reply..ggrrrrr, i desperately need to look up the syn value for something, somebody pls help..thankyou.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • apple iphone 8gb help?

    Hi, someone pls help, My boyfriend and me split up some 6 mths ago, he left his apple iphone around my house and hasnt asked or come back around for it since. Anyway cut a long story short, I broke my phone and this iphone is simply lying around it has a charger and a small dock it sits it, but when i try to switch it on after charging its just dont give me the option, all it has on the front is the charger showing plugged in, i cant even read up on how to work these phones as i have no manual, could it be it needs unblocking?, its a brilliant phone, I would love to know how to use it and seeing he has asked for it and infact left to go travelling for 2 yrs, he obviously dont want it..pls someone help.


    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • has anyone been to a womens refuge?

    Im in a very violent relationship, I have been married 11 years and my husband has gradually got worse with the control and he uses both emotional and physical violence, my only option is a womens refuge, but Im very frightened as I just dont know what to expect,I will have to leave my local town where I have lived all my life and take my children with me, some one who has had a similar experience pls help.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why do I need Windows XP?


    This may seem a really thick question but its genunie. I have today purchase a minilaptop and it just has the basics on it which is great fo rme as Im a complete novice at anythng to do with technology.

    However, I have been browsing and noticed some mention about windows XP and Vista, pls tell me what is this and do I need it?


    6 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Can anyone recommend a good home microdermabrasion kit.?

    I have tried oil of olay, to be honest not to pleased, and also tried ROC again good kit but results are not very pls someone suggest a good home kit, where I can get salon results instead of me wasting my money on products that really are not very good.

    Thanyou all in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • pls pls pls help rundll message?? what is this!!!?

    somebody pls help, im not up with computers, I have recently purchased a laptop, dv200 and its great, however, I dont know if i have accidently deleted something but everytime I log in I get this message

    error loading C:windows/system32/yxwnorob.dll the speicified module could not be found

    OMG, what the hell is this, is it a virus, I have paid loads for an anti virus.which includeds everything..

    Pls someone help, how do I get rid of this, make it really simple cus Im really not clued up with any of this computer stuff

    Thanking you in advance.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Somebody pls help codec question.?


    Somebody pls help Im tearing my hair out.

    Ok well, I have codec 2.3.4 installed, and its been working perfectly for the past year, however I came to watch a film on my laptop yesterday and can only hear and not see it, this is not a new film in fact its been on my laptop for a year..its just stopped working.

    I have recently installed avi to dvd maker, do you think that may have caused this.

    somebody pls help im so frustrated..and pls make it straight forward as Im really not to clued up when it comes to technology.

    Thankyou all.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • how do i copy a movie to a dvd?

    somebody pls help, i need answer in plain english as Im really not clued up when it comes to anything to do with technology

    ok firstly, i have a hp dv2000 which has built in rewriter and dvd.

    I have manged to d.load a movie and its saved in my ares folder where i d.loaded it from , but im trying to copy it to a disc, when i try with windows it doesnt allow me to do so.

    can somebody pls tell me do i need to install something to enable me to do this, and secondly if i do pls pls pls can the instructions be straight forward

    thankyou all so much

    im very frustrated at the mo. been trying all sorts of stuff just nothing works.

    Kind regards

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Microdermabrasion, pls help?

    I yesterday purchased a microdermabrasion kit from Boots, its Olay and was 19.99. I also used it last night, how long and how many times will I have to use the kit before I see any visible results. My skin is ok, few scars around the chin area but I seem to have lots of tiny spots under my skin. Ive asked several beauticians what this may be and they all have come up with different answers..any one have any ideas what these tiny spots are..and if Im doing the right thing by using the microdermabrasion method on my face to get rid of these spots..thankyou all.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Mobile phones pls pls pls help UK only?

    My contract with 3 is shortly due to expire, Im due for an upgrade and really like the spec of samsung f300 (beyonce phone) however, 3 do not supply this handset, can somebody pls tell me a similar phone i can get with 3 as I do wish to stay with them. I do not wish to exceed 25.35.00 per month. This question will only apply to ppl within the UK.


    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • upgrade due shortly.?

    can anybody pls help, im due for an upgrade very shortly, i quite like the spec of an samsung f300 - beyonce phone, however, i cannot find anythign remotely similar on contract from 3...does anyone know of any phones which match the spec and i can get on contract from 3..

    ps...i dont want to spend more than 35.00 a months..


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • what is cashback?

    Ive recently opened a bank account and whenever I use my debit card the store assistant always asks would you like cashback..I always reply NO, simply cus i feel to dumb to ask her/he what it is..

    Sorry, I know this is a pretty stupid question..

    10 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Im 5ft 3 and weigh 11 stones?

    Im a female who weighs 11st. however, my dress size is still 12..which is pretty average her in the uk, infact its below question is, why is it my pal weighs 10 st and is also a 12...its confusing me, her vital statistics are the same as mine.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Anti Virus software?

    My subscription for mccaffe is shortly due to expire, however, prior to me having mccaffe I was using Norton. Personally, I wouldnt rate either. Anyone know of any good Anti Virus software thats cheap or better still FREE..

    Thanks yaallll

    14 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Does peeing mean your losing weight?

    Somebody pls help

    I have recently started a new healthy eating plan, where I am eating lots of fruit veg pasta white meat, generally a healthier diet to what I was previously. However, I have not increased my water intake or any other fluid intake, but I am peeing more frequently then before...could I be losing weight through peeing? I know this is a very strange question but I just cant understand why I am..

    19 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • was this an out of body experience?

    I not long had my first child who was roughly 4wks at the time, I put her to have her mid day nap, in her moses basket as I watched her sleeping I also felt very tired so I lay down on the bed, and fell asleep, I must of only just fell asleep and I felt myself drift out of my body and I was on the ceiling looking at myself on the bed and looking around the room, as I did, I seen my sister who had died appx 15yrs previously of cancer appear, she walked into my bedroom looked around seen me on the bed, went to where my daughter was sleeping, then opened my wardrobe had a look at my clothes closed the wardrobe doors looked around the bedroom one more time and disapear out of the door she came in..she spoke no words, no expression on her face...after she had gone, I felt my presence come back into where I was lying on the bed..when i reamerged I felt every emotion and remembered ever detail..somebody pls tell me what was this, my health is very good, I was not ill...but this was so vivid.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • slimming world?

    i have recently joined slimming world, does anyone know why i have the urge to pee more often, im not drinking more fluid same as i was prior to me joining slimming world..i have previously joined and this was the same..any explanations.

    thanks in advance..

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • you tube keeps stopping?

    somebody pls help.

    can anyone shed any light as to why, im on you tube, and watching a video it keeps stopping, my internet speed is very fast...if also you can tell me how i can get around this as its driving me mad.

    thanks in advance

    11 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago