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  • Difference between concourse and ground floor?

    At one of the mall that i usually go, it has this level called "concourse".So what is concourse level? Is it higher than ground floor? Or is it the first floor of a building?because the mall doesn't have 1st jumps straight to 2nd floor,then 3rd floor etc..

    Basically the highest floor at that mall is 3rd floor.

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • Is it okay/worth it to buy an iPhone 5s now?Need your opinion?

    So my friend here wants an iPhone real bad since the first time he saw my iPhone 4 (2010). So now he said he wanted to have the same phone as mine which is an iPhone 6.

    He's obsessed with iPhones so badly and i supported that.I let him play with my previous iPhones and sometimes let him borrow them.He has a phone which is a Samsung Galaxy S3.He just craving for an iPhone and nothing can change it.

    His mum allowed him to find a part time job and he got one and will start about weeks from now.So he wants to buy an iPhone but he said thay he didn't want to fork out THAT much money for iPhone 6.

    He said he just love the way an iPhone look,the simplicity,the style,glamorous and the way iOS looks.But he's afraid that he might kind of left out a bit since he's going to use iPhone 5s rather than 6.And it's almost September and probably a new iPhone will come out?

    So what say you?should he just buy the phone or just save up his salary to buy the 6?(or wait for the 6s or 7?)

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Is it okay/worth it to buy an iPhone 5s now?Need your opinion?

    So my friend here wants an iPhone real bad since the first time he saw my iPhone 4 (2010). So now he said he wanted to have the same phone as mine which is an iPhone 6.

    He's obsessed with iPhones so badly and i supported that.I let him play with my previous iPhones and sometimes let him borrow them.He has a phone which is a Samsung Galaxy S3.He just craving for an iPhone and nothing can change it.

    His mum allowed him to find a part time job and he got one and will start about weeks from now.So he wants to buy an iPhone but he said thay he didn't want to fork out THAT much money for iPhone 6.

    He said he just love the way an iPhone look,the simplicity,the style,glamorous and the way iOS looks.But he's afraid that he might kind of left out a bit since he's going to use iPhone 5s rather than 6.And it's almost September and probably a new iPhone will come out?

    So what say you?should he just buy the phone or just save up his salary to buy the 6?(or wait for the 6s or 7?)

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Poll : Would you mind giving up your virginity?

    To your bf or gf without intending to marry them?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How do i look?Am i okay?ugly?fat?help?

    I'm too curious to know...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Poll : Do you think suicide is the best option?

    Just a yes or a no.If you can, give reasons to support your answer.i just feeling curious about it.don't worry no one is going to die :)

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Why we shouldn't run upstairs when there's a burgler in our house?

    I read online that we shouldn't run upstairs when a burgler happens to invade our home and that many horro movies done this and it's wrong and dangerous.Can someone give some explanations on this?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Any funny stories that happened at your school,workplace,anywhere etc?

    I don't think i have much but I do have some awkward,funny things that happened.

    Like a year ago, me and my friends were watching porn in the class when one of us blasted the sound to full from my phone and leave it on the table.Everyone was like wtf and we were laughing our heads off hahahahaha

    One time when i still have clash of clans on my phone,a friend of mine played it and everyone started to crowd our table and the deputy head teacher came inside our class out of the blue and my phone got confiscated...

    I was about to wash my face in the bathroom when there were sounds of megafarts ( i think the kid inside the cubicle had a diarrhoea) like blrrrttt spshhhh boom.i can't hold my self up but to laught like a banshee there xD OMG

    This freshman just started his first day at our school.He was picked on by some seniors and got freaked out and crapped in his pants while running and crying.The turd were all over the follow and kinda looked like a poop trail.And i was standing there watching the whole scene laughing like a banshee hahahahahhahaha what the heck xD

    A student from the second class jacking off under his table and i guess his load was kinda huge and he couldn't control it that it hits a guy in front of him.And to his shock,someone videotapped it and posted it online.Both of them got suspended.

    I think that's it haha.Share me yours 😂

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles6 years ago
  • What are other methods that i can use when jerking off?

    Usually i will just do it normally with my left hand or I'll hump the bed but the process is quite longer and it's really tiring.I'll end up sweating all over my body

    I want something new.

    Can you share me your method(s)?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • To those who can speak Malay or a native malaysian, can you take a second and answer my questions please?

    Okay semalam ada citer pasal bola pemain nombor 7 lah bagai.since i mmg tak tengok bola haha so

    1) siapakah dia pemain nombor 7 tu??

    2) Eh bahasa brunei ngan singapore diorang ada dialect tak??slang ke apa??dah lama ah nak tahu

    3) betul ke bukit antarabangsa tu untuk orang kaya raya je?

    4) korang rasa lah kan, okay tak kalau pelajar sekolah pakai iPhone 6 Plus??sbb dak dak lain cam tak suka je

    Terina kasih bebanyakk sebab jawabb!! Seronok sangat dapat cakap Malay kat sini woohoo

    1 AnswerMalaysia6 years ago
  • Is one hour and five minutes is enough when connecting flights?

    I'm going to Dublin from Kuala Lumpur and will have to stop at Paris CDG for about one hour and five minutes for my next flight.I'll depart with the same airline to Dublin and from the same terminal which is Terminal 2E.

    Do i need to rush??will i make it??I'm 16 and travelling all by myself.

    1 AnswerAir Travel6 years ago
  • First time travelling with connecting flights.I need some help.?

    I'll be travelling to Dublin,Ireland from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Tuesday.I'll travel with Air France and I'll have to stop at Paris Charles de Gaulle for about one hour and 5 minutes.

    Since this is my first time having a connecting flights so I'm extremely nervous.

    I'll arrive from Kuala Lumpur at Terminal 2E and will depart to Dublin from the same terminal.

    What should i do??do i need to take my luggage??by the way I'll travel with the same flight company to Dublin.

    Maybe a step by step guide if you can??because I'm seriously nervous right now.

    1 AnswerAir Travel6 years ago
  • Is it okay for a parent to curse at their children?

    My mum always curses me and call me names when she is mad at me.She yells so loud you can hear it if you live 3 doors next to my house.She screams and yells and curse curse curse.I'm 16 and when i was little she used to beat me up with hangers,brooms and stuff.Now she just curse a lot at me.I always feel down and i don't think other parents do the same thing to their children..she is a single mum raising two boys,16 and 15.

    Is it okay??what do you think??i always thought of suicide..

    9 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • Is anyone here live or have lived at this place in California?

    So yesterday my uncle talked to me and said maybe later next year we are going to move to this place called Bel Air or Bell something in California.I was so pissed a bit because i have to move to a completely new country and sure gonna miss a lot of people.So maybe i need to know a bit about that place.Is it good or decent?or a have a nice community?what would my life be like there.I'm 16.

    Have you been living or currently living there?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Help! Why my mum always cursing and yelling at me a lot?

    Today i made a mistake that in my opinion is nothing big at all.She asked me to buy some groceries at the mall since since I'm out with friends today.And because I'm afraid that my friends will leave me since we're going there by motorcycle,i was in a rush when shopping until i suddenly picked up an expensive organic carrots ( 10$)

    At home i gave her the groceries and when she checked she was like WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE YOU BUYING THIS IT IS EXPENSIVE and she kept saying she's under budget.i understand that and i wanted to apologize but she kept cursing and blaming me and called me stupid,Fack,a$$holee,you're bastarde just like your dad.She's already divorced and is a single mother raising two sons.She was like shouted so loud.Another time i bought a wrong stuff and she also did the same cursing and yelling stuff.She doesn't have and want a friend.She is always at home.I always don't have a chance to tell the truth she just always jumps into conclusion.And when she's mad,she kept throwing stuff until they broke.She's like an insane woman.I hate her when she's like that.I always envy at people on my age that have better life,have better house and family,have all the stuff they want.And their parents are always good to them...She just always like that when she is mad at me but not at my stupid brother that she likes a lot..

    I need help..please..i'm begging you..

    She also said she should've killed me and throw me aways when i was a baby if she knew i wouod become like this

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Do i need to bring my birth certificate when travelling overseas?

    I've asked the same question about 2 hours ago and didn't get a satisfying answer so I'm gonna ask again but with more details.I got a message from my dad telling me that i should bring my birth certificate along with me when I'm flying to Ireland next month.I'm 16 and have a passport and all those requirements needed for my flight but does a birth certificate is necessary??My mum is being suspicious on him since both of them were already separated and i haven't met him since god knows when and she hates him a lot.He's the one who bought my flight ticket.He's living there with her wife and her children.My mum asked me why did i have to bring my birth certificate and are so furious like crazy about it.I haven't reply his message yet so what should i tell him without hurting his feeling?i need an explanation on this.Also I'm travelling with Air France alone from Kuala Lumpur to Ireland and there is a transit at Paris Charles de Gaulle for an hour.

    6 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • Do i need to bring my birth certificate when travelling overseas?

    I got a message from my dad telling me that i should bring my birth certificate along with me when I'm flying to Ireland next month.I'm 16 and have a passport and all those requirements needed for my flight but does a birth certificate is necessary??i need an explanation about this.Also I'm travelling alone from Kuala Lumpur to Ireland and there is a transit at Paris Charles de Gaulle for an hour.

    7 AnswersPacking & Preparation7 years ago
  • Can i bring my vaseline lotion on a plane?

    It's a 400ml bottle one.Also can i bring a mineral water/ a Ribena too?

    I read that there are stuff that you can put in your checked in bag if you're not allowed to bring them in your carry on that so??what are those stuff?

    And how can i make sure i won't lose my passport?since I'm travelling overseas alone so i get kinda nervous about this.It's a 13+ hours journey.I also planning to bring only 2 bags ( a carry on backpack and a small luggage ).can i put my backpack under my feet/seat when I'm on the plane?

    I will fly with Air France if it matters.

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation7 years ago
  • First time travelling alone overseas.Can you give me some advice and tips?

    So like next month I'm going to Ireland for a holiday with my father there.My mum is not coming with me so I'll have to travel there alone.I'll be flying with Air France.And i also have to go for a transit at Paris Charles de Gaulle.👈is this place great?

    My questions are

    1.How long will the transit be?

    2.Is there any wifi connection in the airplane?

    3.What should i do all the times?

    4.Can i might go out from the airport at France for a lil tour around?

    5.What can i do in the airplane?like maybe watch tv?or anything else?

    6.Is Air France a good airline company?

    Any advice for me like some tips or anything?I'm a 16 years old male who's going to travel alone.So when i arrive,what should i do??

    Thank you so much in advance 😁

    2 AnswersAir Travel7 years ago