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  • What kind of doctor would I need to see for my Haglund's Deformity?

    I'm 40 and have had Haglund's Deformity for about a year & a half. I was diagnosed last year. It's getting worse. I have never worn high heels, so I'm guessing it happened from wearing tighter gym shoes all the time. It's so bad now, that the ONLY thing that helps is Vicoden. I take one every other day or couple of days. I don't take it constantly. But nothing else helps. Not Aleve, not ibuprofen, not asprin, not icing it or heat, or even biofreeze! What kind of doctor would I have to see? I've been trying to avoid a dr, but it's to the point now where i'm in excruciating pain, and my ankles are killing me now, and then it goes to my whole foot. I have HD on both heels, but my left leg is so much worse! Do I see a podiatrist? A bone & joint dr? A surgeon? I have no clue...I just know I'm sick of being in pain 24/7 from this damn thing. Any advice or insight would be great! And I have a desk job, so i'm not on my feet a lot. but when I am, it's torture!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Check Enforcement Program?

    My friend at work has a husband with a gambling addiction. He wrote several checks to a casino and they all bounced to the tune of $3,000! She is TERRIFED! Her name is the first one on the checking acct & all the letters from the State's Attorney are coming to HER!

    They have no money to pay the whole thing at once. What are the chances of her hubby getting off with probation if he goes to gamblers anon and pays the fines? Or could he do jail time? Do you think the judge will be lenient?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • just started amoxicillian and have pain?

    Last night i went to the minute clinic for my sinus pain. the NP felt my lymph nodes and said they're VERY swollen. no duh! the right side under my ear is KILLING me! you know that bump at the base of your skull that's there normally? well the one on the right side hurts 24/7! i've taken ibuprofen, tylenol...ugh! nothing is helping the pain. then, i have a horribly swollen middle finger on my right hand. (what is it with my right side??) i think i pulled a hangnail off last week. now, the finger is SO swollen on the one side and deep red/purple color and hurts! it's hot & is throbbing. is the amoxicillian i'm on for the sinus infection going to help the finger? also, how long is it gonna take for the antibiotic to kick in? i think she said no later than early next week. my finger also feels like i have a bandaid wrapped VERY tightly around it, but i have nothing on it. i was soaking it in a disposable shot glass full of hydrogen peroxide. omg, my finger & head hurt sooo bad! what can i do for the pain???? should i go to the ER?? thanks.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • If you're on Requip (Ropinirole HCL) do you have...?

    side effects? I have to get ready for work & don't have time now to research, but figured I'd ask here...

    I've been on this drug for about 5-6 months now. I've noticed I have a HORRIBLE rash on my torso & lower abdomen, and as far as I can figure, it could be possibly caused by this drug. I was on Lamictal & thought it was that drug causing this horrible rash, but my psychiatrist took me off it almost 2 weeks ago, and it's STILL as bad as ever. If the Lamictal caused the rash, it should have cleared up by now.

    I also get the yawns, and when I take this drug, I have to take it RIGHT before bed, because I get soooo sick to my stomach & I also feel like my throat is closing up.

    I'm going to call my dr when her office opens, and tell her I want to stop taking this horrible drug. It's doing NOTHING for my RLS, and it SEEMS to be making it WORSE, if that's possible.

    My poor husband hasn't slept in MONTHS! He's pretty much taken up residence on the couch in the living room.

    I need to know if anyone else has gotten a horrible rash from this drug and if they feel like their throat is closing, or if they feel like something is stuck in their throat after taking this.


    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • anyone have these side effects of Requip?

    I'm going to call my dr in the morning, but I wanted to find out if anyone had the same type of side effects.

    I've been on requip (the generic) for about 5 months now. I am on 2mg of Requip now, and just in the last few weeks, maybe month & a half, when I take it, I get a lump in my throat, i get really nauseous and i yawn every 2 seconds. the nausea is so bad that i have to take the requip right before bed, because i have to lay down right after i take it.

    it wasn't like this when i was first on it. it's weird! you're supposed to take it 1-3 hours before bed, but i can't. i have to take it RIGHT before bed and then i have to lay down because it makes me feel so crappy. and the worst part? My RLS is worse!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • friend has bipolar & suicidal thoughts?

    He told me that taking a whole bottle (approx 60 pills) of blood pressure pills will kill you. He threatens to do it all the time. He's tried it before, but not with a lot. His mom found him & called 911 and they pumped his stomach. THIS time.

    I'm currently trying to get him help. Is his statement true? Can you die from too many blood pressure pills?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone have crawling legs worse after stopping Requip?

    OMG my legs are WORSE now that I've stopped taking this. My dr said that my RLS is caused by my sleep apnea. I have a sleep study this weekend & they're going to adjust the pressure of my cpap machine. He told me to stop taking Requip. I've only been on it a couple months, and I was up to 3mg and STILL having jerking legs all night long. Now, the last 2 nights I have NOT been able to sleep because of my stupid legs! Last night they were jerking involuntarily and I had to sleep on the couch so I wouldn't wake my husband. Then tonight, it feels like I need to move & I can NOT get comfortable, which is why I'm up at 1:15 on YA!

    What can I do to stop this feeling? I'm not sleeping & I'm way crabby!

    Anyone have worse RLS symptoms after stopping Requip? My legs are way worse now. Sigh!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • 2 deaths in my family from non-smoker lung cancer?

    My mom had chronic bronchitis for YEARS! she never smoked or lived with a smoker. that's why we were SHOCKED when she was diagnosed almost a year ago with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer.

    Sadly, she passed away July 24th. Her maternal aunt also didn't smoke or live with a smoker, and she passed away from lung cancer on June 14th! My question is (and yes, I have asked my dr, but she didn't really seem all that concerned, which irritates me!) should I be worried? I get chest colds a LOT! and from the research i have done lately, it would seem that a chest cold is really acute bronchitis. My mom having chronic bronchitis didn't phase us. We thought she just had a crappy immune system and got sick a lot. turns out, that's a pre-cursor to lung cancer more often than not.

    Should I insist on a chest X-ray? People say that lung cancer isn't genetic, but it's just odd to me how TWO PEOPLE in my family died from it, and they never smoked. my sister & i are ex-smokers, so that probably increases OUR chances of getting it...but now today i woke up AGAIN with a chest cold and have some pressure. i am in the process of finding a new dr. one that will CARE about this sort of stuff, but in the meantime...not sure if i should worry. am I just being paranoid?

    9 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Jardine DV830W 4 in 1 crib to toddler bed?

    My parents bought us a crib for our daughter. It's a Jardine DV830W in white. They also bought us the rails for when she's old enough for a toddler bed. The instructions that came with the rails are a joke! It's one small piece of paper, and it says you can make it for a twin size or full size.

    If I have this bed, and I take the crib apart to make the bed (daughter is 2 1/2 years old and has begun to climb INTO the crib and attempted to climb out), will her crib mattress fit? Or do we have to buy a whole new mattress in twin size or full size?

    I've been on the Jardine Enterprises website & can't find anything. I even googled it, and can't seem to find any instructions or answers.


    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does Mirapex have a generic?

    I know Requip does, but I haven't seen anything on Mirapex. I have RLS, and I'm on the generic for Requip, but if that doesn't work, my dr will switch me to Mirapex, and the generic will be MUCH cheaper.


    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Ever since mom passed, I've had chills

    My mom passed away on July 24th, 2008 at 9:45pm. Every day since she passed, I have had the chills. It feels almost like the chills you get with the flu, but I'm not sick.

    Also...yesterday at work someone whispered my name. I turned around & NO ONE was close enough to have done it, and the one girl who's done it before, was working on her computer & couldn't have turned back quickly enough if she was being funny.

    anyone else experience this?

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Anyone have odd side effects from Strattera?

    I've been on it almost 3 weeks. i started off at 40mg, then 60, now 80. i can't fall asleep, i can't stay asleep, i toss & turn all night long and have odd dreams. i almost hate going to bed at night, because i know i won't get any sleep. i can't get comfortable.

    anyone else have weird side effects from this drug?

    i've tried to google stories from other people, but never found any on the whole sleep/odd dream thing.

    Mental Health1 decade ago
  • Looking for an address for the district manager for a Kindercare in my state

    I need to write to the directors' boss, because I'm so disgusted. I've looked online for an hour now, and can't find anything that would be an address/email address for the district manager for an IL kindercare.

    any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Question about post-mortem organ removal?

    My mom passed away last night at 9:45pm of NSCLC, and she never smoked or lived with a smoker. I think she was an organ donor. My question is this...would they take her organs out anyway and toss them, since they're obviously no good because of the cancer & chemo she underwent. Or would they just leave them in her? I guess the more info I have, the better I can deal with this huge hole in my heart that she left.

    I appreciate the answers.

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • I need a free site for downloading the Lucida Fax font?

    I've been on google for over an HOUR trying to find a FREE downloadable Lucida Fax font. I've tried all the major sites, plus I did a search on here and tried the links, but I can't find it anywhere without paying for it.

    Does anyone have a website they use that has this font for FREE on it? Thanks!

    Software1 decade ago
  • hospice question?

    My mom is only expected to live another couple weeks, per her oncologist. She was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer (she never smoked) in October of 2007. Chemo did nothing for her, and they're only doing radiation to help her excruciating pain, and today is her last treatment ever.

    Tomorrow she comes home & dad has set up hospice for her at home.

    Dad thinks once she's home, she'll pass pretty quickly.

    What's been your experience. I know every person is different, and some people last months with hospice, and some last days or weeks.

    But what's been your experience with hospice and how long did your loved one last with hospice?

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Garmin GPS takes FOREVER to find satellites?

    I have this GPS:

    When I first got it, it found the satellites VERY quickly. I've had it almost 2 years, and will take upwards of TEN MINUTES to find the satellites! VERY frustrating! I mean, by the time the dumb thing finds the satellites, I could have been there with google maps directions!

    And the suction cup mount sucks! My gps unit keeps falling off the window, and landing either on the car floor or the dashboard. could a lot of drops on hard surfaces cause slowness in finding satellites?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Email addresses for AMC & OLTL?

    I'm trying to contact someone at AMC and OLTL regarding getting an autographed picture of Susan Lucci & Erika Slezak for my mom, who is terminal. I have googled until I am BLUE in the I've come up with nothing. I've tried and everything! does anyone have an email addy either for the stars or the studios?


    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Mom has stage 4 lung cancer...question...?

    My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer in October of 2007. She's tried chemo, and nothing has worked. She has tumors all up & down her spine that seemed to have come out of nowhere. The cancer is metasticized to her bones & lymph nodes. She's got 2 huge tumors on her spine. One in the lumbar region and one in the thorasic region. She's been on dilauded (sp?) since she's been in the hospital this last time, which was 4 weeks ago yesterday. Now, she's hallucinating from the dilauded, but last night my sister went to see her & she said it was like being with an alzheimer's patient. She made ZERO sense when she spoke, and she said it was different that her just hallucinating from the dilauded. She & I both think the cancer is in her brain. They did a CT scan, but the results won't be back for a while. How do you know if how she's acting is from the meds or the cancer going to her brain? And how much time does one have if they have cancer in the brain?

    11 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Question about pain & swelling in feet...not gout, could it be from chemo?

    My mom is currently going thru chemo for stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer that has metasticized to her bones & lymph nodes. she is a non-smoker. about 3 weeks ago she started to have swelling and pain in both legs & feet. she saw her oncologist who diagnosed cellulitis. put her on Cipro. 3 days went by...nothing. still painful & swollen, my dad took her to the ER on Easter morning. THEY said gout. put her on something else. nothing happened! THEN they said it was BOTH! omg, this is sooo frustrating! they admitted her to the hospital for 4 days to administer IV antibiotics. it helped a little bit. now, the pain & swelling is back, and they're stumped. they have NO CLUE what it is! she's seeing her primary dr today, and her oncologist today, later on in the afternoon.

    does anyone know what this could possibly be?? i'm scratching my head on this one.

    13 AnswersCancer1 decade ago