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  • What kind of pan can I use for banana bread?

    I only have 1 loaf pan, and one hour, but I have to use up all 8 bananas so that means 2 batches. I don't want to make muffins, but I was wondering if I could use a 9x9 or a 9x13 pan or something like that.. Would it still turn out alright?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Parents who make your own baby food...?

    I am thinking about starting solids pretty soon for my daughter. She's 5 months and one week and she's starting to get mad at me when she sees me eating because she wants some lol. She opens her mouth when I do and watches my spoon go back and forth.

    But my question is, I fully intend on making all of her baby food at home (not buying jars or containers), and am not going to feed her "baby cereal." I was wondering what you would start out with for foods, or what you have started with.


    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What's the worst thing you've ever tasted?

    Mine would have to be deep-fried, breaded mushrooms - they get slimy and oily tasting and make me gag, blech! ...and Liver, oh gross!

    27 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What is your best LABOR memory, not including after your baby was delivered?

    Or for moms who had C-sections, did you have a best pre-op memory?

    To answer my own question, I remember at one point telling my midwife that I didn't think there was really a baby in there, that it was actually a rock or something and it was never going to come out - that was on day 2 of my 33 hour long active labor : )

    31 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did you know that "autism" was added as a side-effect for the DTaP vaccine "Tripedia"?

    Here's the link:

    It's on page 11, the paragraph is right after the bullets, or you can search the word "autism" at the top of the page.

    Will this change anyone's opinion on vaccinating? If you do vaccinate does this worry you, or do you consider it just the same?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Intact men: would you ever want to have your foreskin removed?

    This question in response to a Newborn & Baby question asking other parents their justifications on why they chose to circumcise.;_ylt=Atyc7...

    I'm just wondering, if the decision was left up to males of informed consent age, how many would actually prefer their foreskins to be removed? I don't think that many of you would, but enlighten me - is that the case?

    18 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • I bought hamburger from the store -sell by date of yesterday, brown outside and red inside now, is it safe?

    It's brown on the outside, but it's still bright red on the inside, if I cook it all the way up to temp, will it be alright to eat yet?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can you cook pasta without boiling it?

    Like by sticking it in a bowl of warm or hot water or something? It's super hot here and a noodle salad would be great but I don't want to boil the water!

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What do you do to keep your baby cool when it's sooo hot outside?

    The temperature here was technically 89 degrees, but weather said it felt like 98 degrees, but in the sun it was more like 105 degrees. Needless to say it was freakin hot outside! We were in the car too (no AC) because we had a play group date this morning. When I put her in her seat to go back home, I rubbed some water on her legs, arms, and face so that with the windows down it would cool her off a bit. Do you guys do this ever? What do you do to help keep cool when it's so dang hot?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • EDIT: Why did my dog die already?

    Aww, it's good that people love animals so much! I don't really have a dog, nonetheless a Rottweiler who died at 5 years old that I was breeding for fighting dogs. Glad to see that people are so passionate about keeping our animals safe too.

    So to make this confession a question: What is your happiest pet memory?

    To answer my own question: When I finally brought my kitten home is my best pet memory. He had an eye infection so he had to get treated before I could bring home and I had to wait like 3 extra weeks. He was so worth it though : )

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I am wondering how many parents looked at the ingredients in vaccines before they chose to vaccinate?

    Here's a website with the ingredients for vaccines.. how many people knew that there's HUMAN ABORTED FETAL TISSUE in some of the vaccines? How about monkey kidney cells?

    21 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are pro-choicers also for capital punishment?

    Do the two beliefs have any general correlation? Or does it differ? What do you believe with regards to abortion and the death penalty?

    To answer my own question:

    I am pro-life, and I don't believe in capital punishment (only because of the chance of a wrongful conviction... I do believe that some people do deserve to die for their crimes, but in the sake of preservation for the wrongfully convicted I am against it).

    19 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What's your guilty pleasure?

    Mine: hot wings, chocolate, coffee - my daughter has adverse reactions to these when I eat them (I nurse) so I rarely get to!!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are some things your doctor wanted to know at your first appointment with your baby?

    My daughter is 4 months old now, and I have her first doctor's appointment set for Thursday. I had her at home, so I don't really have medical records, but I do have information like weight, length, apgar scores and things like that which I can get from my midwife. My question is - what kinds of things did your doctor want to know on your first visit, or things that they have asked about up to about 4 months? I want to be ready for the appointment, and I'm terrible at remembering things when I'm put on the spot. Thanks for the help!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did you ever have someone try and tell you how you should do things and they were either wrong or ridiculous?

    For example: my daughter is pretty chunky. Almost 4 months and about 15-16 pounds and 25" long. She just started wearing size 3 diapers and they're a little big but I'd rather have a bigger diaper than risk explosions out of the smaller diapers!

    Anyway, my sister told me that I need to start watching what I eat because there must be too much fat in my breast milk and it's not healthy for her to be that big. I asked her if pasta and produce was so bad and she says - well you better cut out some of that pasta because there's too much fat in your milk. (Her son was born premature, about 4-5 months before my daughter so he's really skinny because he has problems putting on weight. He's about 7 months, 27" long and weighs 12-13lbs. He was fed with breast milk for about 3 months but switched to formula once she brought him home.)

    I thought it was totally inappropriate for her to be saying something like that to me, especially because it is totally wrong. I eat healthy, and I just have a chubby happy baby girl. Nothing wrong with that. Do you guys ever receive misguided "advice" from people? What kind?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are some weird things you ate as a kid... or that your kid likes?

    For example:

    I used to put the jumbo marshmallows in the microwave until they got real big and then take em out and eat em.. sometimes I would let them go extra long so they turned hard and crunchy instead too :)

    I also buttered a piece of bread and put it in the microwave so the butter melts and eat it.

    Make a piece of toast, push down the middle, and put an egg on top. Microwave and you get egg toast.

    Crunch up 4-6 regular honey graham crackers, add 2 crunched up saltines, a spoon of butter, a bit of sugar, and add hot water so you get mush. We called it cracker pop...

    I still eat all this stuff now, except for the marshmallow thing, but if I bought big marshmallows I probably still would =D

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Would you care to share an EASY home cooked meal with the rest of us?

    I like to make a lasagna. I use the no cooking required noodles.

    1. Thin layer of sauce (one jar of spaghetti sauce mixed with one pound cooked ground beef)

    2. Layer of noodles

    3. Spread cottage cheese (not too much) over the noodles (big curd works best)

    4. Spread sauce over the cottage cheese

    5. Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese over sauce

    6. Repeat steps 2-5

    7. Another layer of noodles

    8. Spread cottage cheese

    9. Sprinkle with Mozzarella

    10. Another layer of noodles

    11. Spread sauce

    12. Top with Mozzarella

    Cook at 350 degrees for half an hour (or until the cheese starts turning golden around the edges). Remove from the oven and let sit for 10-15 minutes before cutting. Buttered toast sprinkled with some onion salt and garlic powder makes easy garlic toast and sometimes I just buy the pre-made frozen loaf of garlic bread and stick it in the oven while the lasagna sets up.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What's your kid's most reactive tickle spot?

    My almost 4 month old daughter's is when I pinch her bum cheeks and say "cheeky cheeky cheeky" as I'm changing her diaper.

    My nephew (I watch him 5 days of the week) is his shoulder/neck area.

    Tickles are so great!!! Anyone have a kid that can turn off the tickle switch??

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Did you ever tell your kids that a food you were giving them was called something else so they would eat it?

    For example, my nephew says he HATES cheese and is mortified of eating it, but he eats pizza, cheeseburgers, cheese ravioli and a few other things with cheese. I gave him some string cheese cut the short way into little discs today and wouldn't tell him what it was, I just said it's good stuff. Now mind you when I offered him string cheese on a different day he refused to eat it. Today when I cut it and didn't give it a name he gobbled it up - it was the first thing gone off his plate. I just don't understand it.

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Question for nursing moms about pumping amounts?

    I've been nursing my darling since she was born - about 4 months. I was wondering if while pumping if you guys get the same amount from each breast? I usually get anywhere from .5-1.5 more ounces from my left than my right. It's been this way since the second month or so. My flow in the right is also a lot slower than in my left. I've never been able to equal them out since the way beginning. Do you guys have a faster flow boob, or one that produces more milk or are you pretty much equal?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago