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16 years old. Junior. Virgo. Taken.
My jeep won t start?
I have a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited and it won t start. My dad bought a jeep from this guy and it had just been sitting there. My dad has been charging the battery and he used a reader tool to see what else was wrong with the car. It had said crank sensor and cam sensor. My dad got the parts and hasn t put them in yet, what else could it be?
3 AnswersJeep5 years agoWoman question, please help?
I'm on birth control because my periods were very heavy and now that I'm on it I barely bleed. I bleed very very lightly and then I bleed dark brown and then i stops. I also get this light brown gooey discharge when I'm on my period for some reason. Anyone know why?
1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years agoI need boyfriend advice.?
He tells me that I'm not allowed to wear low cut shirts and when I say "why", he says "who you showin off to in school".
He also doesn't let me go to parties and he said if i go, that he'll ignore me because he's mad.
We're constantly disagreeing on things and idk I love him and care about him, just I'm tried of being sad all the time. Help.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agois it too soon?
my boyfriend said that he loved me a week into dating me. I ve known him for 5 months and we just started dating on halloween.
is it too early?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWhat should I do?
This guy that I've known for almost a year is idk distant? like when we started talking we would talk everyday and then in December, I guess he had a lot going on and his life was going downhill and he completely stopped talking to me. Then in March, he started again and wanted to talk on the phone. He explained that he wanted to get his life together before he started talking to me again. Like get a job and stuff. and then he moved to South Carolina to help his mom and siblings and he told me he loved me and I was shocked. I asked him how he could love someone he never met and he said that he loved me as much as he could for never meeting me. He moved back though and said he'll be seeing me real soon. Anyways. He always asks to hang out but it's whenever I'm busy and just idk what to do. I've known this kid for almost a year and I know almost everything about him and he knows me pretty well too. He was there when I was depressed and helped me love myself and he said that I've helped him too. just idk what to do. One minute he's all lovey and stuff and treats me like we're dating, then another minute he's busy with other stuff and stops talkig to me for like a week. advice?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoMy "boyfriend" cheated, what do I do.?
This guy named Kyle was in love with me and still is, but he got with this girl named Sam. They broke up because of issues and we started dating. Then we broke up and he was on and off with Sam until like last week and he messaged me trying to get me back. He said that he ****** up and that he loves me and much more. So I told him that we could get back together if he waited a month so I know that he won't break up with me and go back out with Sam. Well I saw him this past Saturday and the next day he slept with Sam. Technically we weren't together, but I still feel betrayed. He said things weren't "working out" on Monday and then told me that he cheated on Wednesday and showed such remorse. I don't know what to do. I barely see him and it's hard with the distance. Help!
5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoRelationship advice?
There's this guy named Kyle, that I dated in the fall. We have a history together. Last Spring, he fell in love with me. I on the other hand continuously pushed him away bc I was afraid that he'd be like all the other douche bags I dated and talked to, so kept telling him to leave me alone and that I didn't have feelings for him. Anyways he got with this girl named Sam. But Kyle and I started talking again and he fell in love with me again and he always told me that Sam was clingy and annoying and that she was controlling over what he did and who he talked to. So one night he called me when she was there and he said that he loved me and he loved her and he didn't know what to do. I told him to follow his heart and the next day Sam was pissing him off and he dumped her. Then we started going out. I was completely happy. He said the sweetest things and treated me the best. His mom hated me though. She really liked Sam and thought that she was the right girl for her son and when they broke up she instantly accused me of "stealing him away from Sam" and she didn't even want to meet me. But Kyle convinced her that I was great and that she'd like me. So I went to meet his family, I thought it went well, but apparently it didn't according to them. He was on and off with Sam until now. He recently messaged me and wants to get back together, bc he says that he ****** up and that his family didn't give me a chance and that he loves me and he's sorry, what should I do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoPiercing question? help?
Does the industrial piercing hurt, if so on a scale of 1-10. And does the upper cartilage hurt. thanks.
4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years agoResearch paper on a streetcar named desire? help!?
I'm writing a research paper on the Streetcar named Desire by Tennessee Williams and I need examples of racism from the play. I need quotes from Blanche to Stanley and other examples.
And toss in any other information you have thank you!
2 AnswersHomework Help6 years agoHow to roll a joint?
I'm a beginner and I don't really know how to. So step by step and what I'll need besides the bud of course.
1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years agoQuestions about weed?
I recently bought a few nugs off of my best friend for 40 bucks, it was pretty cheap and she's giving them to me tomorrow. I don't really have much experience in smoking bud. The first time I smoked was with an ex boyfriend of mine and he got everything together and we smoked. That's about it. I don't have a pipe yet, but I have to buy one, hopefully I be able to get one next week. I'm seeing my brother next week and he has a pipe that I could use, but I was wondering how I keep my weed good for a couple weeks, and the necessities that I need, like a grinder, what I do to clean the pipe etc. Thank you!
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care6 years agoHow do I tell my mom that I smoke?
I've been smoking pot for about three months now. It relieves a lot of stress in my life and I don't just do it because "I want to fit in" or "I think it makes me look cool." Two of my brothers know I do and so does my sister, plus a couple of my friends know. My parents are divorced, and both of my parents have smoked weed when they were in their 20's. My mom however is more understanding of my feelings and opinions, so I wanna tell my mom, because I'm kind of tired of keeping it from her. So how do I tell her?
3 AnswersAdolescent6 years agoShould she be able to control my life?
My dad's girlfriend seriously tries to control me. She thinks she's my mother and she takes my ****. Last night she came in and took my iPod, phone and tablet and went through my messages. This pisses me off because it's invasion of privacy. She also talks **** about me to her daughter whom I'm very close with and she tells me whenever she does. She's called my mother a whore, she's thrown my clothes out because "she didn't like them" and she's hit me etc. I'm seriously tired of this, and I'm going to confront her about it. The ipod, phone and tablet she didn't even buy. The tablet I bought with MY own money and the phone and Ipod my real mom bought me and I pay for my phone bill every month. This **** needs to stop, because I'm going to end up having a break down and I'm going to snap. Please help.
4 AnswersParenting6 years agoGive your opinions on my baby girl names and suggest middle names, beautiful and unique names.?
Ariella or Arielle
Thank youuu.
6 AnswersBaby Names6 years agoMiddle name for Emilia?
I love the name Emilia, I just don't know what middle name flows the best. Help?
11 AnswersBaby Names7 years agoFriendship/Relationship advice?
Hi, I'm 16 and my male best friend is 25 years old. We've known each other for 4 months and we have a mutual crush on each other. I know a lot of people would be like "Oh my god, that's so wrong." But as bad as it seems he's relatively harmless. We hang out at this roller skating place and I don't know we just get along really well. We like the same music, act the same, it's kind of scary, how similar we are. I guess the question is it wrong? My mom always tells me it is, but we're JUST FRIENDS. There's no romance going on, because he could get in trouble with the law if we were together. And we both know that. My best friend doesn't care that we talk, but is a little suspicious of him sometimes, just because of how old he is. When we're together, it just seems right, I don't know can I get some advice, maybe you can relate to my situation. Thank youuuu
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoPiercing and tattoo advice?
Hi, I'm 16 and when I'm 18 my mom told me she'll take me to get my first tattoo. I know what I want , but I was wondering what it feels me to get a tattoo on the wrist. I was thinking a dream catcher or infinity sign. But I don't know for sure. I'm also considering on getting my belly button pierced. Does it hurt? Be completely honest with me. I understand it depends on a persons pain tolerance but I just want the jist of it. And also include the places where it hurts the most and where it hurts less for a tattoo. Thank you!
3 AnswersTattoos7 years agoDetails on Sharon Tate's murder?
I have become very interested in Sharon Tate's murder. I would like to know what exactly was done to her. Because i here many different things. I've also heard that they cut Sharon's baby out and hung him on a wall. That's so sick omfg. Just please answer with full details on what happened. thank you.
2 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years agoHow exactly did Marilyn Monroe die?
I have become very interested in Marilyn Monroe. I know she was a huge sex symbol and an actress. I would like to know how she died and why she was a sex symbol. thank you c:
4 AnswersCelebrities8 years agoYour opinion on these names.?
These are the names I like. I would like your honest opinion on them. You can rate them too if you'd like. If you like it tell me why you like it. If you don't like the name tell me why you don't & make some suggestions.
-Heaven Claire
(Both Heaven & Claire are beautiful & I got many compliments on the combination)
-Marley Alexandra
( Marley after the Jamaican musician Bob Marley & Alexandra after my best friend)
-Hazel Amelia
( Just a elegant & cute name!)
-Autumn Rosalie
(my favorite season & Rosalie is a character in twilight. I just loved that name ever since.)
-Lailah Abigail. Or Layla/Laila
(Because its the angel that watches over childbirth & Abigail because that's one of my best friends!)
-Liam Daniel
(Daniel after my brothers middle name.)
-Noah Thomas
Thank you!
3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago