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Could I be pregnant???
I am 5 days late. My period is always on time. I use the P tracker app to keep up with it. I've had a little cramping and some back pain as well as being very tired, but no period. I tested yesterday after I drank two bottles of water and it was negative.
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoWhat do you do???? Seriously?
I took a pregnancy test on monday because my period never came and got a positive. On tuesday morning i started spotting and then ended up bleeding pretty regular with little clots and tissue like material. Does that mean I miscarried?
1 AnswerPregnancy9 years agocan someone please give me your input?
I was suppose to start my period yesterday, but when it didn't come I took a test around 3pm and got a positive. My back was hurting all evening and then when I got up this morning I started spotting a little and then having some little round clots. Now I have a negative test result. Did I just have a miscarriage?
4 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoHow could it be possible?
My boyfriend and I have been having sex for about 2 months now but we use a condom. We've only had sex one time (on December 23rd) without a condom but he pulled out. I haven't had my period this month? Is there a chance I might be pregnant? Or do you think it's just late?
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoEverytime I have sex with my boyfriend I get a uti.?
We broke up and I was with this other guy for two years and it never happened, but as soon as I got back with him and had sex I got one immediately. Why is it I only get them with him?
3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years agoAnyone have the essay writing assignment for continental academy's English 4 class?
1 AnswerHome Schooling1 decade agoHad a classical c-section 4 months ago and... could it be?
I had a classical c-section 4 months ago.
My period has came regularly on time since, but this time I'm already 2 days late.
My stomach has been cramping and my back has been hurting for the past week, and my stomach has been kinda sore like around my lower scar.
Could it be my period coming on or possibly pregnant?
7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow to get him to understand?
I lost my baby girl 4 months ago, she was stillborn at 25 weeks.
I really want to try to have another baby, but my boyfriend doesn't.
What can I say or how can I go about getting him to understand and go for it?
Any tips or advice would be great!!!
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIs there anything you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant by precum?
Does anything make pre-*** more likely to get a girl pregnant?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAnyone have the questions for continental academy's Global Studies exam and ttr?
My disk isn't showing where you go to see what the questions are for exam and ttr.
I need the questions for Global Studies, Latin American History, Psychology 2, English 4, and Biology.
Someone pleaseeee help me!!!
1 AnswerHome Schooling1 decade agoWhere can i find cemetary statues on the internet?
I want something for a baby, like a lamb or something. I can't find anything does anyone else know?
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoHow soon after a classical c section have you gotten pregnant and had a succesful pregnancy?
A little over a month ago I had an emergency classical c section due to a placental abruption at 24 weeks. I was wondering how soon other people had gotten pregnant after their c-section?
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPregnant and really need advice on what this is?????
I will be 21 weeks pregnant Monday and today while I was in the shower I was washing my body and looked down and noticed this big gob hanging down from my vagina. It looked like snot and I had to pull it out kinda. It didn't have any blood in it. What could this be??? Do I need to be worried. I can still feel my baby moving so it seems to be okay, but my back is hurting now.
Any advice on what this is would be really appreciated.
7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDoes carrying high or low affect how you feel your baby move?
Does it affect how early you will feel it or anything?
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoSharp pains when I sneeze! Help!!!?
I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant and whenever I sneeze I get sharp pains in my lower tummy.
Is this okay?
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAnyone felt their baby moving at 15 weeks?
I'm 15 weeks, and I'm pretty sure I've felt it moving all day.
I'm smaller built 5'1 was 107lbs before i got pregnant.
Has anyone else experienced this?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat are some good baby names that go with Charles?
Charles being either the first or middle name.
12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoIs this normal & what's next?
I'm between 2 and 3 months pregnant and my back has been hurting on and off almost everyday, is this normal.
& I've went to the doctor and got a proof of pregnancy paper and prenatal vitamins, but that's all I've done so far, I found out 1 week ago. What do I do next?
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoHelllllllppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I'm thinking I may be pregnant.
I haven't had a period since Febuary.
I've had some stomach cramping, been very tired, headaches.
Here recently I've been getting sick to my stomach every morning and every night.
My boobs have grown and became very sore, they've been sore for a couple of weeks.
What do you all think.
Also how soon do you start to gain weight in pregnancy?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago