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  • What would you do? I m miserable?

    I m four years married have two children, my husband is ten years older but acts twenty. We never go out as a family he never plays with the kids. Everything is an issue if I try to talk to him he gets angry. He is obsessed with money and watches everything. He controls things too everything I suggest gets shot down. I stay at home with the kids he doesn t really work but has money he used to work abroad. I do absolutely everything he does nothing at at all. It s getting to the stage where I m starting to hate him but for some reason I m afraid to leave. Please help.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Has anyone gotten their child the flu jab?

    My son is 3 my other son is 20 months the doctor keeps saying I should get the flu vaccination but I'm afraid it will have bad side effects.

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases5 years ago
  • Has anyone ever taken the drug seraquil??

    I ve been on the drug about a month and it seems to be making my face swell my eye in particular. I take it for anxiety and to help me sleep. Can I just stop taking it? Does it have bad withdrawal symptoms? It s not working for anxiety but great for sleep.

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • Could it be cancer? My left nipple became inverted after my first baby I thought nothing of it.?

    After a time stuff started to come out of it and it smelled bad. I've been to the doctor and have to have a mammogram and ultrasound. I know I have to wait but I'm just wondering did anyone else ever have this and was it harmless or cancerous? Thank you.

    4 AnswersCancer6 years ago
  • Who is right and what do I do help!!!?

    My sister in law visits twice to three times a week with her two kids well they are teens. I have 3 young kids when they come to visit they stay a long time most times I don t mind but now my husband has told me he has a problem with it. He said it s too much and the kids are so hyped up when their here and that he can t even have his dinner in peace. Is he right or being controlling? How do I tell them this? The tension in the house is driving me mad. Help.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • can you get pregnant after tubal ligation/sterilisation?

    I had my tubs tied last November this month I m really tired and sick also my chest is bigger. I know its possible and it can be eptopic. Has this happened to anyone? I d be great full for some answers thank you.

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Best exercise to get rid of a muffin top/belly fat.?

    I'm tall and not over weight but I can't seem to get my hip fat to budge I also had two babies in a short space of time and have a flabby belly. Help please. I walk a lot but I know that won't change my belly.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Foods and drinks for energy!!!?

    I want to reduce my calorie I take within the healthy range but I walk a lot and find myself getting weak. Can anyone tell me the best foods/drinks to increase energy please.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Is this becoming a problem?

    I've always worried about my weight and when I was younger I used to make myself sick sometimes on and off. I have started doing it again and I've become obsessed with food weather it's eating it or not eating it! I lost weight after I had my babies but for some reason I can't seem to diet properly anymore. I'm 5ft 11" and ten and a half stone I know that's not over weight but I have an obsession with being thin. Is this out of control?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How could I work from home?

    I stay at home with my two boys my husband and I both agreed that is what is best for now. I'm just wondering does anyone have any suggestions of what I could do to work from home I am willing to do anything and would be greatfull for any advice.

    21 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Is it possible to get pregnant after sterilization?

    I've recently had the procedure and I'm nervous about having sex. I did ask the doctors they told me the percentage but just wondering has it happened to anyone and was it a normal pregnancy? I would appreciate if you could help thank you.

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Is there any way out?

    I'm a stay at home mum my husband is the sole earner we have 2 little boys 2 and six months old. If he was to leave how could I possibly survive if he stopped giving money? I know I could work but child care would take all I earned. He wouldn't go for full custody he wouldn't want the full time job of the kids plus I'd do everything in my power to keep them. I feel there's no way out ever. I'm not happy I adore my babies and I'm so happy with them but not with him. Does anyone have advise please?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • why dont i want sex with my husband?

    We are married 3 years have a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I don't mind looking after the kids and I'm not overly tired I just don't want sex with my husband!!! I do it out of duty he enjoys it I don't I really wouldn't be bothered if we never had sex again. Nothing about him turns me on I feel like I'm married 50 years. We get on well and I don't want to leave but surely its not normal is it?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • marraige break up and money situations?

    My husband pays me household money weekly I have no other income and two children. If we broke up would he still have to pay the money?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • how long after birth should i get my period?

    I had 1 day very light bleeding in june and two days of very dark discharge since then my baby is twelve weeks and im not breastfeeding I also did a pregnancy test last week and it was negative I knew it would be cause im safe but just wanted t rule it out. has anyone experienced this? thank you in advance

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • do straight men watch gay porn?

    I found some on my husbands laptop and just wana know do a lot of guys do it?

    13 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • what would you do if u found gay porn on your husbands laptop?

    I have found it and a site called boy cam when i clicked on it a young man was there topless waiting for a gay chat. plus gaytube with hardcore gay porn. the history goes back 3 weeks and its been looked up every week. i posted a question when i found it now im wondering what to do. we have two kids and i know lots of msrried men are gay.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • is my husband gay?

    I just found gay porn on my husbands laptop date back to 3 weeks ago 2 weeks ago and last week. first i thought ok maybe its just a fantasy that turns him on but then i found he had visited a live web chat with a 22 year old gay man hes 43 we have been married 2 years and have two baby boys

    is this in any way normal?

    10 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • can anyone tell me where i could get sterilized in ireland?

    Im finding the web very unhelpful in finding such information and would be very greatfull if somone could help me. thank you.

    2 AnswersParenting7 years ago

    I had my little boy on friday i was asking questions about going into labour making it to the hospital baby names and all that . I just wana thank everyone that answered me. hes happy healthy 7lb14oz and we called him jack😊😊😊

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago