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Merh, I like answering questions. I most probably live miles away from you. My age is irrelevant, I like books and movies and all that stuff in the middle.

  • I like someone but I don't know how to deal with it? (Sorta' long)?

    I'm sure other people feel this way too in different circumstances but here goes:

    I'm 16 going on 17 this year and he's nearly closing 19 I think. Anyway, we've been mates for about a year. He apparently was searching on Yahoo for something and my question came up, and at the time I had my msn email on my profile so he emailed me. Cutting it short, we're good friends. We never fell out, we have our good moments but there poses one problem:

    He lives several km away, and the only possible way for me to meet him would be when I reach uni age because I'm applying for uni in that city. Thing is, he's finishing up his uni next year, and most probably move back to where he used to live: In Dubai. There is no way I can afford Dubai, ever.

    I know this is long but I really like him, and I can't even guess if he does too because it's over the internet and I don't want to make things awkward between us. We text each other as well. I sadly sometimes feel like I'm just a pass time for him but I don't know, he doesn't seem to be that kind of person.

    In my situation what would you do? Wait until I start uni (which he would finish his uni at the exact same year) to see him or just let it go and move on that he may not be the person that I'm looking for because he lives so far away?

    Because he understands me 100% like nobody else, and I have that feeling that I doubt I'll have someone who'd understand me the same.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why do I never see my face in my dreams?

    Whenever I dream I know I'm there and I hear myself talking and everything but I never get to see my face, ever. How comes? Does this apply to everyone who dreams with themselves in it?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • If you had a million dollars...?

    What would the first thing you'd buy be?

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How many songs can 1GB hold?

    I want to download a lot of songs but I'm worried that 1GB might not fit the list of songs I want. I already have like 170 or something songs in my MP4, I'm just wondering how many songs I can actually fit in there without deleting the old ones.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Not sure how I should think about this and what to do about it? (Please read the whole thing)?

    I have this friend on Facebook who used to study with me when I was in year 7, Secondary school and year 8. He left in year 8 and I left in year 9 and now I'm ina different country and he's in London doing he's GCSE's and stuff.

    Anyway, I haven't spoken to him for ages, and then suddenly he talked to me yesterday night on FB Chat. What he said totally surprised me and I'm not sure how I should take it. He told me that he used to love me back when we studied together and we just got talking and it seems like he really likes me.

    Now I have never had a boyfriend neither have I had a guy who actually called me 'hot' before (He did) and it's been a while since we last spoken (Like, let's say, years?) so I'm not sure how I should take it.

    I'm going to London this summer and I'm planning to keep on talking to him on FB. I don't have any feelings for him (Yet) since I haven't spoken to him for a long time and I wasn't interested in guys at the time. Any ideas of what I should do?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What does it mean to be in a 'unit'?

    I was talking to an old school colleague on Facebook and he told me he's in a unit. I know that he did weed or something sometime ago if that helps?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why do I feel so hurt?

    My best friend (Who doesn't know I think of him as a best friend) and I are doing end-of-year exams which will take us to High School next year.

    Thing is, we've only really become close since the past month or two but every single time I think about how we're not going to be together in the same High School it hurts me. A lot. I don't know what I feel for him and he's not usually what I'd call my type in appearance (I'm not all appearances, it's just I'm surprised by how I'm attracted to him seeming that he is shorter and skinnier than I am)

    Why do I feel so hurt? We just got to know each other. We do walk home together sometimes but just as friends. Do you think I feel for him more than a friend? Because honestly, I'm so confused. I'm not sure if it's a crush, or if I like him, or if I really care about him or whatever. Help out please?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I don't understand this grammatical question in French? Please help?

    I don't usually misunderstand questions in French but I have to complete this French paper by tomorrow for exams and I really have no idea how to answer this one:

    Decoupez la phrase suivante en propositions. Donne la nature et la fonction de chacune d'elle:

    Je suis dans une voiture qui me procure une impression de force.

    BQ: If you could also help me on this one it'd be great? It's optional:


    Presse. ce conducteur a renverse un pieton ........... cette conductrice a .......... Un pieton.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What do you do when you like someone that you have no chances with whatsoever?

    I like this guy in class and we hang out quite a bit in school and sometimes we walk together home; sometimes with his friends and sometimes alone. Anyway, I know that there is absolutely no chance of me going out with him because I don't want my parents to find out and of course...he doesn't like me in that way (I think anyway).

    He's shorter than me, although I don't find that much of an issue, and we're both moving houses next year. He's going to live really far and I'll just move closer to my High School. We're both going to High School hopefully next year anyway...

    So, the question is: What do you do for you to get over someone that you like? Or not even get over him/her, but just to get closer?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Share your experiences about being a tomboy?

    I would really appreciate it if you girls could explain your experiences - good or bad - about being a tomboy. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to dress like a boy from head to toe but having the personality of one counts.

    I may not dress like one, but I am I guess. I found this hard in the UK because the guys in my school thought I was a lesbian and girls just found it awkward to talk to me because I didn't talk about make-up and dating and parties etc like most other girls do. I felt really lonely, but when I moved to Algeria it is totally different. The girls are always going to be more or less the same (The usual bitchiness) but the guys treat me as if I'm one of them and I really found my place. The girls don't like it but I don't care xD

    Any stories to tell?

    NOTE: I don't mean that all girls who aren't tomboys are bitches, I'm just stating the majority.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Will this be a problem in High School?

    I hang around a lot - and I mean A LOT - with guys. I'm really tomboyish in personality (although if you saw how I dress you probably would just say I'm ordinary) and I hang out with guys in my class especially two of whom I sit near in class and we walk a little bit together at home.

    Anyway, I'm hopefully going to High School next year and they're not going to be in the same school as I am. I'm a really confident and goofy and smiley person to hang around with but I'm not sure if other guys would see me the same as the guys in my school do. Do you think that this will be a problem? Because this will probably shatter me since I haven't had great people to hang out with for years and if it happens again I would be really bummed.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How can I get over my Adjustment Disorder?

    I haven't been diagnosed by a doctor but my mum and even myself know that I have AD (Adjustment Disorder) I've been reading on the internet about it so that I can help myself since my dad would never ever send me to a psychologist or any other kind of doctor who deals with this sort of thing.

    But the real question is that I've been having AD for more than 6 months, and when I read about it, it said that after 6 months it cannot be diagnosed as AD anymore? I've had it when I was 13 and stayed in Brazil for 6 months but the problem started when I came back to London from Brazil and I couldn't adjust myself properly back into school.

    My grades have dropped because the teachers thought that I couldn't keep up with my classmates when in fact my mum was homeschooling me while I was away.

    Then after the school year finished (I came back in December and ended in July) I moved to Algeria (Where I'm living at the moment) and we stayed in a different city with my whole Algerian family in one apartment near the beach. For 3 months I didn't have any problems since I wasn't studying etc etc and I was with my family.

    But then I started school and because of my language (I'm not really strong in Arabic, until now) I have been struggling to even be able to JUST pass the year. My cousins changed their behaviour with me and I felt so alone and I couldn't talk to anybody and I felt very stressed. I had no idea it could be linked to AD, and I was 14.

    Now I'm 15 and my grades are still a mess and I still have AD after a year. I went to London for 3 months during the summer 2010 and whenever I go back to London I feel OK again. But I have no passion in school or studying like I used to and this disturbs me. I used to read encyclopedias even when I wasn't studying but now I can't even read a book.

    I know this is one of the stressor symptoms but I really want to understand why I've had this for so long and how to conquer it? Sorry for the long question. (I reposted since people won't answer)

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Where are the people who sing on youtube?

    I've been searching for a long time for people who sing on youtube but I can't find any. I just found one from a subscriber AmberAdine but I don't know which category they are placed in?

    I want to know because I'm thinking of starting to sing on youtube but I need to know how other people do it first to know how to do it properly.

    Any advice on this and if you know anybody who sings on youtube could you give me a link please? Thanks.

    5 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • How can I make this embed youtube video play on my tumblr blog automatically?

    I have this embed of a youtube video, but I want to know how you can make it play automatically as soon as you click on my tumblr blog. The embed has been modified only by width and height but the rest is natural:

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="30" height="28" src=" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

    Help please?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • What did the reviewer mean?

    A writer reviewed on my story and said that I have a problem in dialogues between the past and the present (Which I understood) but my pacing was spot on.

    What does she mean by my pacing being spot on?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Have any of you met an online person irl?

    I haven't, and I'm wondering what you're experiences are if you have ever met someone really cool and been mates with for a long time and finally met up later in real life. How did you do it? Did you go with someone? Did you ever meet up again?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How can I stop my brother from being such a jerk?

    He is 14 years old, and I am 15. I'm a girl, if you can't recognise it. My brother is always being so stupid and annoying and immature. I don't mind someone having fun, because I like to have fun and laugh etc but his immaturity is not fun - it's utter stupidity.

    He is constantly, when I try to make a decent conversation, singing some sort of football song (Soccer, for Americans) and it is really annoying since I'm starting to hate him when he's my brother and I just want someone to talk to. I'm going through a lot right now with my family etc and I have nobody to talk to, and he's not exactly helping.

    That's not the only thing, he bosses me around, expecting me to follow his orders like a dog to his owner. He's such a dick. When I was younger I used to be quiet about it and did as he said as not to make any problems, but now I shout at him and I always end up in trouble.

    He does this in front of my dad, for example, my dad asks for a coffee and my brother is standing up, not doing anything and he goes: "Oh, and would you get me a glass of water please?" in this annoying 'oh-so brotherly' tone and in front of my dad, just to get at me without my dad knowing that he's annoying me.

    I am fed up, I keep on telling my mum about it but she's not really doing anything but shouting. Several times we've had big arguments with my dad about how we were arguing etc and my brother ALWAYS promises that he won't do it again but behind my dad's back he does. It's unfair.

    And my dad when he grounds us, he grounds my brother off let's say, the XBOX and me the computer but because my dad wants to play with the XBOX after 3 days my brother isn't grounded anymore and I have almost nothing to do and I'm still grounded.

    Any tips on how to make my brother to stop being such a prick? (Sorry for the length)

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • POLL: Is it possible that there could be another Earth out there?

    Me and my dad have been having a really good philosophical conversation about the universe in total. How the universe (The Milky Way) is kind of like a large room with several little dots in the air, and one of those dots is the solar system as we know it.

    But, there could be several other solar systems with planets orbiting around them but we cannot reach them because they are too many light years away (Maybe in the future we can but I'm talking about the present.)

    So I was thinking, if there are lots of other solar systems in The Milky Way is it possible for there to be lots of other planets like Earth? With oxygen, people etc? What do you think? There is no right or wrong answer, the best answer will be the one which has explained their theory in the best way possible.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What foods are rich in calcium?

    I'm lactose intolerant and so I need to find other ways to enrich myself with calcium which doesn't have any diary in them.

    So what other foods are rich in calcium?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago