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Favorite Answers28%
  • **Washington State Firearms purchace question**?

    I know that I can buy more than one rifle or shotgun per month but my question pertains to whether or not I can buy more than one pistol per month with a Concealed weapons permit in Washington state if not what could I do to build my collection in a lesser time than 5 years. My intentions are to possibly gain my wanted collection in less than 5 years but to stay in the bounds of the law of the US so as to be able to keep collecting.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Computer Slowing down and it makes no sence?

    OK built a new machine and its running slower now here are the specs(the ones i can remember):

    AMD mother board don't remember specs exept for its AMD 3+ socket

    CPU: AMD FX-9590 4.7GHz 8 Core

    GPU: PNY GTX 770 4GB GDDR5

    RAM: 32GB

    HDD: 7200RPM Seagate 4TB SATA

    power supply: 750 Watt EVGA

    OS: Win7 Ultimate

    Virus Scanner / Internet / Email Protection: Vipre

    I don't know why my Computer is bogging down now I ran Diagnostics and the hardware is fine but somehow executable apps run pretty slow now and some stuff loads up slow IExplorer, Firefox, ect.. My RAM and CPU havent reached their max cappacity The only time iv seen the CPU and RAM reach close to MAX is when i Play Battlefeild 4.

    If anyone knows or can tell me what is causing this it would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • how to find out my actual birth year?

    Ok my situation is that I have my old birth certificate which has 1992 as birth year and a copy from the hospital because we thought we lost the first that has the birth year 1993. Well my father say I was born in 1992 and my mother says 1993, my problem is I don't know who is wrong and which birth certificate is wrong. I don't care to be one year older or younger I would rather know whether I was born in '92 or '93 and where the foul up was made. I would really like to know so that I can be sure Because this has bothered me since I was 5.

    please don't send me to sights that are like because I don't need to pay to find out that I maybe related to some random person I don't care about.

    please don't comment with other annoyances,

    thank you for your time

    7 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Zippo not holding fluid?

    ok I add fluid to my zippo and a few minutes later try to light it I tried as little as five drops and are much as 20 and no matter the amount the zippo wont light and the cotton is dry can someone tell me what is wrong. Side note it wasn't cheap it was 15 or 20 dollars if forget because I got it a year ago.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Experimental Firearms Registration?

    What type of registration would I need for experimental firearms? I have diagrams for 26 different firearms that would possibly be concidered Any Other Weapon or Experimental due to no other weapons that are even similar to the designs i have

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • how to play xbox 360 games on pc?

    I was wondering if any one knew how to run or reverse engineer a game building program to allow game play of 360 games on a pc. I know that in some way that wether emulation or reverse engineering a program that a 360 game should be playable on a pc because the games are built on the pc in the first place. Please not spamming comments of no such thing and please don't leave links to places that are the viruses that say they are xbox emulators i have already torn them down to see how they work and they don't have protocol sets to run anything but sending you to a website for surveys for "bios"

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • how to make a file inaccessable but readable by the computer?

    my question maybe confusing but, i want to make a script file that can be read or executed by a computer and computer software. I just don't want to make the script to be able to be accessed by win word, notepad, or any other software capable of displaying the characters used in the script file. if this is possible then can you give me instructions.

  • Washington State Resident Answers only please.?

    Does the I-502 measurement allow 3 grams or 1 ounce of useable(smoke-able) cannabis in the possession of a person at or above 21 years. I ask because I hear random amounts any thing from 3 grams to 1 ounce or even 1.4356664 ounces which makes no sense and I'd rather know before because ignorance is no excuse.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Why are felons called artists?

    I saw an article about a 18 year old tagging and getting shot with a stun-gun who latter died the articles had quotes about the tagging being artistic. All I know is that tagging is felony vandalism not art so why are they called artists?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Any one know of any highly interactive 3D computer games?

    I'm looking for a list of games that are highly interactive as in manipulating environmental objects such as doors, storage items, lights, and destructive environmental items like in metro last light but the ability to free roam instead of linear game play. I don't care if the games are limited on the environmental destruction.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Is there a difference between a remington 870 and remington 11-87 stock mount?

    I was asked to install a pistol grip for a Remington 870 on a Remington 11-87 because the guy couldn't find one for and 11-87 I am yet to see an 11-87 torn down but, I'm just wondering if the mounts are the same or if this will work. For those who want to comment on my lack of Remington 11-87 experience I have 10 years of firearms experience (shooting, modifying, and repair), firearm manufacturing, and am licensed for manufacture, sells, and purchase of firearms up to class III firearms. Pleas don't give me crap I would prefer an answer from people with experience with the 11-87. I haven't removed the stock because the customer doesn't want to pay for shop time. Thank you in advanced for good answers.

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Torrent Client stops internet connection?

    I have files downloading at between 500 Kb/s to 2.0 Mb/s and if the bit torrent client runs for more than 15 to 20 minutes then my internet connection through my computer stops. I use the diagnose tool and it ends up disabling the Modem Port (D-link), when I try to reconnect/reenable the Local Area Connection then it shows the enabling window and then does nothing I've had this window up the first time for about 8 hours and still nothing. I would appreciate if someone could tell me what to do to stop the disconnection.

    If it helps I run:

    ASUS Essentio series (has been upgraded)

    Intel core-i7 3.6 GHz CPU

    2 SLI linked ASUS GTX 550 Ti Graphics chips

    16 GB of RAM

    and Windows 7 ultimate edition OS

    my network is routed through a d-link DIR-827 model router

    3 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • How to get rid of random ads on bing page?

    I have random ads at the top of bing search page any one know how to get rid of them

    1 AnswerGoogle8 years ago
  • How much blood loss causes dizziness fatigue and lack of fine motor skills?

    I was wondering how much blood an average human has to loos to feel:



    Have Lack of Fine Motor Skill

    3 AnswersDiabetes8 years ago
  • Are Cigars from the 40's ok to smoke?

    My uncle had gone through some of his storage and found some Cigars and Cigarillos that are from the 1940's. I was wondering if they are ok to smoke as in would they taste ok they are still in the sealed humidor. Preferred Answer from a fellow Cigar Smoker or anyone who IS NOT a fanatical against Tobacco use or smoking in general. Thank-you for any Use full info.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago