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Favorite Answers11%
  • Do you have any photoshoot ideas?

    I am doing a photoshoot(as the photographer) with some friends of mine and I have thought of some ideas to do but I was also just looking for a few more.

    So far I have

    rock/punk style

    Vintage (each decade of the 20th cen)

    Have a certain colour as a theme

    The seasons



    Do you have any others?

    I have access to a big city, small town, meadow/field and a beach.

    I would really nothing not buy a lot of things and have it be more killer lighting and cool themes.

    So please any idea just to have a few more to pick through, cause some of the ones I have are not so good lol


    1 AnswerPhotography9 years ago
  • Themes for a photoshoot?

    I am doing a photoshoot (as the photographer )with a few friends of mine for an AP project and I have a few ideas in mind for the theme but I was wondering if had a few more.

    I have;


    vintage from all eras


    all colours


    I can get into a big city, a small down and a beach for locations.

    Please do not suggest an idea that is city specific (like someone once suggested on top of the empire state building with the look out ) but more general things.

    thank you so much :)

    1 AnswerPhotography9 years ago
  • Themes for a photoshoot?

    I am doing a photoshoot(as the photographer) with some friends of mine and I have thought of some ideas to do but I was also just looking for a few more.

    So far I have

    rock/punk style

    Vintage (each decade of the 20th cen)

    Have a certain colour as a theme

    The seasons


    Do you have any other?

    I have read some of the answers in others and since people wanted to know what sort of landscape one could get to, I shall tell you lol

    I have access to a big city, small town and beach look.

    I would really nothing not have to go buy a lot of things and have it be more homemade costumes with killer lighting and all.

    So please any idea just to have a few more to pick through, cause some of the ones I have are not so good lol


    4 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Which name do you like more?

    Colette, Cosette or Cassandra?

    For a story I am writing and cannot make my mind up, so which do you prefer?


    18 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • A name to match his sister?


    Ok so for my book I am having trouble coming up with names.

    It is for a boy who has two sisters names Sienna and Katherine.

    I do not really care for the origins of the name or anything about it so just list all the names that you care to list lol

    thank you so much :D

    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Help me title of my story?


    Ok so as one may tell, I am having a hard time coming up with a good title for a short story I am currently writing.

    It is set somewhere in the UK (never said and not that pertinent) about modern time

    It is about a MC(Hadley) talking back stage with a guitarist (Jamie)who is about to go on stage and the emotional abuse that Jamie gets from a drummer(Ben) in another band. Not really abuse but just meanly joking around. It all takes place backstage like I said at a community performance hall type place.

    Any titles would be much appreciated!


    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Which name do you like better?

    This is for a story I am writing and cannot decide between these two names for the main male protagonist.

    Jamie or Riley.

    Please do not give me a 'I do not like either of them' type of answer. If that is the case where you do not like either of them; then feel free to give suggestions but I am really trying to pick between the two I have now.


    14 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Jamie: girls or boys name?


    I am bored out of my mind and cannot sleep so while watching Billy Elliot (the movie) my mind stumbled across this question as the lead is Jamie Bell.

    So just you view Jamie as a girls name or a boys name?

    If you want to give me an explanation that would be fine lol if not...thats fine too


    26 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Research for a book: Ways of torture in 17th century?

    As you can see I am trying to do research for a book I am currently writing but the internet is not helpful. Normally I would go to a library but it is closed at the moment, so I was hoping that you could help me.

    The story takes place in 1644 Scotland, so some methods that would have possibly been used.

    I know the one where they crush your thumbs to stop the blood flow, but that is all I know.

    Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • How did working people dress in 1640s Scotland?

    Says it all pretty much.

    thanks! Any info at all would be great!

    2 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Ways to say 'I love you' in different languages?

    I am making a poster for my room and I want to have world languages of I love you

    Please do not put: Spanish, French, and of course English cause I know them.

    But different ones...even if the language is not widely spoken please tell me.

    Thanks so much!

    BA will go the person with the most votes....

    6 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Which poem do you like better?

    I am in a club at school and have no idea which poem I should have the other read and critique.

    Poem one- Broken

    The polished china doll, with pink ribbons

    Holds a mark of treacherous agonizing life

    Her smile covers the pain that spreads inside

    A crack, dashed over her pale sapphire eye

    Nurtured from controlling colliding ache

    Invisible to some but, known to those who mind

    The crack grows larger with each heartless day

    Slides over her insubstantial quivering body

    A feathers touch away from falling to slices

    Unable to lock the pain away, she shatters.

    Ripped from inside to out and smashed

    The taunting and teasing takes a deathlike toll

    Broken the doll quietly waits

    For someone to glue the broken pieces

    Poem two- Why is it only me?

    Do you see them?

    Melting plastic above the candle

    Fingers tapping the flickering flame

    Angles of the face pressed with sharp shadows

    Do you hear them?

    Their massive sprawling voices, echoing,

    Whispering in smoky cigarette tones

    Taunting, teasing, beckoning to me

    They limp a staggered line too close

    Scream and murmur into my ear!

    Why don’t you believe me?

    They are present in my midsts

    Walking by my side, a protecting shield

    Enclosing my body away from danger

    Why are you unable to see them?

    Drying my tears with soft laughter,

    They sing me to sleep, a hushed lullaby,

    Holding my hand when Fear laughs fully.

    Why can't you see their faces?

    Why can't you hear their malicious voices?

    Why is it only me?

    Which one do you think I should read to them?


    4 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Favourite quote about theatre?

    I am looking for a quote to put in a personal essay that is about the joys of theatre and doing it because you love it.

    so do you know any quotes of that fashion?

    and please put the person who said it if you know it...thanks! - Cait

    1 AnswerQuotations10 years ago
  • Russian names for a character?


    What are/were names popular in Russia around 1895(of course give or take a few years) for girls and guys?

    I have tried looking names up but most of them seem all too.... Anglicized so if you have any Russian names preferably that don't start with A you would be a life saver haha.

    Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Names for characters?

    It is for a story...

    girl and boy; unrequited love...I think that basically covers all you need for the story.

    I really like the name Saddie for the girl, I guess it just came to me lol, but I am having trouble picking a name for the boy that sounds good with Saddie.

    I was thinking Mason, Carter, Owen but nothing has really stuck to Saddie in my mind.

    So please tell me names to match Saddie...or if you have different suggestions for the girl other than Saddie I am open to them.

    I do not care that much for the origin/root of the names as long as they would be heard in an English speaking country and are not too far out there.

    Thanks so much

    4 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • WDYT of these combos of names?

    It is for a story...

    girl and boy; unrequited love...I think that basically covers all you need for the story.

    I really like the name Saddie for the girl, I guess it just came to me lol, but I am having trouble picking a name for the boy that sounds good with Saddie.

    I was thinking Mason, Carter, Owen but nothing has really stuck to Saddie in my mind.

    So please tell me names to match Saddie...or if you have different suggestions for the girl other than Saddie I am open to them.

    I do not care that much for the origin/root of the names as long as they would be heard in an English speaking country and are not too far out there.

    Thanks so much

    2 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Where would be the best place to stab? (not suicidal its for a story)?

    In the book I am writing this girl stabs herself in an attempt to kill herself, and I was wondering where would be the most effective place for her to stab herself.

    in her stomach/front side area close to the organs?

    Yeah i know its depressing...but...please help? thanks

    7 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Take a look at my poems?

    These are all the poems that I have cared to show the them please and tell me what you think...if you are going to say something negative dont say it in a f*ckers way but be nice about it.


    1 AnswerPoetry10 years ago
  • Help with names for my characters?

    Ok I am looking for a few names for my characters. I was thinking unique but not that unique (something like Pia- people know it and its heard but its not like Kate where there are a lot of them)

    I need names for two girls and three boys so I slew of names would be brilliant. I do not care that much for the root of the name as long as it doesnt sound too far out there and people would know how to pronounce it.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Which name do you like better for this character?

    Hi, so I have a few choices for this character.

    He is ex-boyfriend of the main girl (at the start of the book but about 10 pages after brining him in, she dumps him for valid reasons) so for the vast majority he is the ex. There are hard feelings but its nothing that makes him a f*cker or anything.

    I want to go with either an Irish or Scottish name- since it takes place in the uk but the exact location is never said since it not really important.

    My list:







    I was thinking any of them (leaning towards Cale or Miles) But if you have any suggestions please offer them I am still looking for names.


    10 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago