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  • Renters rights on a foreclosed home?

    This question is on the behalf of one of my employee who approached me with this problem.

    Apperhently my employee paid a home owner the first and last months rent as well as an additional rental deposit on a rental home. When he arrived home last night he found a notice on his door that the home he is renting will be auctioned off July 16, 2008 because it is in forclosure. The mortgage has not been paid in over a year. Further, the man who rented the home to my employee is not the actual owner. The owner is in fact the landlords father and mother in law.

    What rights does he have? This is taking place in Bakersfield, Ca. Anyone who has any ideas or directions on who and what to do for this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Renters rights on a foreclosed home?

    This question is on the behalf of one of my employee who approached me with this problem.

    Apperhently my employee paid a home owner the first and last months rent as well as an additional rental deposit on a rental home. When he arrived home last night he found a notice on his door that the home he is renting will be auctioned off July 16, 2008 because it is in forclosure. The mortgage has not been paid in over a year. Further, the man who rented the home to my employee is not the actual owner. The owner is in fact the landlords father and mother in law.

    What rights does he have? This is taking place in Bakersfield, Ca. Anyone who has any ideas or directions on who and what to do for this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Renters rights on a foreclosed home?

    This question is on the behalf of one of my employee who approached me with this problem.

    Apperhently my employee paid a home owner the first and last months rent as well as an additional rental deposit on a rental home. When he arrived home last night he found a notice on his door that the home he is renting will be auctioned off July 16, 2008 because it is in forclosure. The mortgage has not been paid in over a year. Further, the man who rented the home to my employee is not the actual owner. The owner is in fact the landlords father and mother in law.

    What rights does he have? This is taking place in Bakersfield, Ca. Anyone who has any ideas or directions on who and what to do for this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Renters rights on a foreclosed home?

    This question is on the behalf of one of my employee who approached me with this problem.

    Apperhently my employee paid a home owner the first and last months rent as well as an additional rental deposit on a rental home. When he arrived home last night he found a notice on his door that the home he is renting will be auctioned off July 16, 2008 because it is in forclosure. The mortgage has not been paid in over a year. Further, the man who rented the home to my employee is not the actual owner. The owner is in fact the landlords father and mother in law.

    What rights does he have? This is taking place in Bakersfield, Ca. Anyone who has any ideas or directions on who and what to do for this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What software is available to retrieve data from a damaged cd?

    I have a few cd's that seem to be damaged that I need to try to get the data off of. The files are .Tiff files that were burned with an old version of PaperPort. I haven't tried PaperPort yet but my pc will not see files on the disk. In other words it thinks the disk is blank, yet it shows that there is only a small amount of few space. I have already tried a disk repair kit which on made it worse.

    Some of the disks I can see file folders but now files. I want to find a software that might be able to extract the data. Any help would be great.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • California child custody laws. I have been told that at age 12 they child can decide who to live with?

    My 12 year old son is ready to move from his mothers to live with me. I am wondering if she refuses what my rights are. Will I have to go through a court battle? I have been told that at age 12 they child can decide who to live with without a huge court battle. True or not? My hope is that his mother just lets it fly without a fight. The problem is he is a paycheck for her. She still will have his 10 year old brother at home because he is not ready for that sort of step. Obviously she will still get a little support because of the age of my younger son but right now I pay $905 per month for both children and it will go down a few houndred bucks if my older boy makes the move. This is something he is doing on his own, I didn't coach him in his choice. I just don't want to drag my boy through a court battle.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago