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  • Sherlock Holmes stories with a similar theme to "A Scandal In Bohemia"?

    I need to find two Sherlock Holmes stories that's under 20 pages (shorter is preferable) for an essay I'm writing. The essay is on the theme of the stories, so I need two with a theme in common. I'm considering "A Scandal In Bohemia" as one of them, because I know that BBC Sherlock's "A Scandal In Belgravia" is based off of that story, and I absolutely adore that show. I haven't read the original story yet, though, so I need to make sure it's school-appropriate first (for 8th grade).

    So I need a second story. With a theme in common with "A Scandal In Bohemia". I have no idea which one to use, as there are so many of them and I don't have time to read every one of them to see which is best to use. If it is a story also used in BBC Sherlock, that is preferable. Anyone have any ideas?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do you think Sherlock (BBC) faked his death?

    Bonus question: How do you think he will return to John? How do you think John will react?

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • Is it harmful to use this handmade lotion as lubricant for female masturbation?

    It contains:

    Shea butter

    Cocconut oil

    Almond oil

    Vitamin e

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Is it harmful to use this handmade lotion as lubricant for female masturbation?

    It contains:

    Shea butter

    Vitamin e

    Cocconut oil

    Almond oil

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • What law related jobs can I get at 14 in NJ?

    Here in New Jersey, we are able to get working papers at age 14. Many companies won't hire people until 16 or 18, but there are a handful that do hire at 14. I've already applied for two jobs at the mall, but those would just be something I'd do for now. In the future, I'd like to have a career either in law or politics. I'm very interested in law and government, but, as far as I know, I can't get a political job until I'm old enough to vote.

    Am I stuck having to do a job that I'll never go anywhere with until I'm 16 or 18, or is there some sort of job I can get now?

    I can't really be an intern or anything like that at the moment, because I really need the money.

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • What political or computer related jobs can I get in NJ at 14?

    Here in New Jersey, we are able to get working papers at age 14. Many companies won't hire people until 16 or 18, but there are a handful that do hire at 14. I've already applied for two jobs at the mall, but those would just be something I'd do for now. In the future, I'd like to have a career either in law/politics or computer related things.

    I'd love to have a job helping people fix their computer problems, but I'm pretty sure you need some sort of degree for that. Like, the 'Geek Squad' at Best Buy, or the Apple help desk. I'm very good with computers, and end up fixing all my friends, family, and neighbors' computers and iPods when there's an issue. I'd love to make money doing this, as I love to do it. I want to do something involved with politics as well, as I'm very interested in law and government, but, as far as I know, I can't get a political job until I'm old enough to vote.

    Am I stuck having to do a job that I'll never go anywhere with until I'm 16 or 18, or is there some sort of job I can get now?

    I can't really be an intern or anything like that at the moment, because I really need the money.

    3 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit8 years ago
  • How do I get a shy, Asian boy to like me?

    He doesn't have a phone and is rarely on Facebook, but I see him in school at lunch sometimes and sit with him and our friend. We're sort of friends, but he doesn't really talk much.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • How to get a shy, asian boy to like me?

    He doesn't have a phone and is rarely on Facebook, but I see him in school at lunch sometimes and sit with him and our friend. We're sort of friends, but he doesn't really talk much.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How much money should I give the guy I like for his birthday?

    I'm friends with him, but not very close friends. I want to give him enough to seem really generous, but not so much to seem weird.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How to get a shy, asian boy to like me?

    He doesn't really seem to like me :/

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My best friend is a whore and it's starting to affect my relationships with other friends?

    Okay, so, it's her own business if she has sex or not. I mean, we're 14 and she's done things with at least 5 or 6 guys, and I think that's a bit much...But that's not my business. My problem is that she decides to do things like this either with my friends, or friends of my friends.

    She'll have a boyfriend, then get naked on webcam for all these other guys, while she has a boyfriend. Then, he'll find out, and get mad at her and break up with her. Sometimes she also cheats on people who she's with, but then she seriously freaks out when they LOOK at another girl.

    I was her girlfriend at a point, and when she started cheating on me with my best friend, she claimed that she had decided she preferred being with guys because of sexual reasons. But then, he broke up with her, and she tried to make me pick sides. They had went out for a month, and she acted like they had been going out for years. She would just complain and complain to me about him, then continue to force him to talk to her. (Threatening to kill herself, etc.) While they were together, their whole relationship was based on s*x. They'd do it every single day, and she'd get mad if he was busy.

    She stopped being friends with my one friend because he got a girlfriend, and she liked him, so she decided that now she'd hate him. So, if I even mention his name, she goes off on me.

    She was sexting my other friend's boyfriend and got really angry at me when I took the other friend's side (since she basically forced me into taking sides again). She refused to hang out with me a couple of times because the friend who's boyfriend she did this to was there with me.

    Her and my other friend had oral s*x in a dressing room at the mall the first time they met. They were never in a relationship, and my friend made that quite clear to him, but she freaked out when he spoke to one of her female friends because she thought he was cheating, even though she had cheated on him many times. Now, even though he did nothing, she hates him and won't talk to him.

    She tried to get a 20 year old to have s*x with her at a party, and she was flirting with my 18 year old friend who has a girlfriend and keeps sending him sexual pictures even though he told her to stop.

    Two days ago, I was at a friend's house with her, and I was sitting between her and this other guy. She kept making suggestive comments to him and letting her chest show (like, her shirt "falling down" "by accident".) And eventually, knowing this guy had a girlfriend, she leaned over me and started making out with him. He said to her "I have a girlfriend", and she tried to get him to cheat. He ended up doing just that, so it was partly his fault, but she shouldn't have tried. The girlfriend is one of her friends. He told her "we're not going out, this was just a one time thing", and she flipped out. Right in front of me and three of our other friends (before he told her they weren't going out), she started rubbing his thighs and his crotch, before giving him oral s*x after me and one of the three friends left (I know this because she admitted it after the other two friends told me). Now she's trying to get me mad at him for not wanting to be with her.

    Through all of this happening, she had a girlfriend who thought she was not cheating.

    Now, if all of this were to happen and I were not involved, it would be none of my business. But she's hurting my friends, and making me choose sides. And when I don't choose her side, she sighs, rolls her eyes, mumbles "whatever", then refuses to say a word to me for a long time....until she needs something or has something else to complain about.

    She's been my best friend since I was 10, but I'm really getting sick of her.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What should I give my friend for Chinese New Year?

    He's been talking about how excited he is for Chinese New Year lately, and it seems like a pretty important holiday to him, so I want to get him something for it. We're pretty close, but I don't really know what he's interested in, because he rarely talks about himself. I know he likes food and money and tea, but I can't really give that to him without it being kind of weird. I just want to give him a small thing so I don't creep him out, since I like him. Maybe something I could make or get without going to a store and buying it? It doesn't have to be anything relating to Chinese New Year, just a nice little present.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What should I give my friend for Chinese New Year?

    He's been talking about how excited he is for Chinese New Year lately, and it seems like a pretty important holiday to him, so I want to get him something for it. We're pretty close, but I don't really know what he's interested in, because he rarely talks about himself. I know he likes food and money and tea, but I can't really give that to him without it being kind of weird. I just want to give him a small thing so I don't creep him out, since I like him. Maybe something I could make or get without going to a store and buying it?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Sometimes I hear barely audible screaming in my head when I am trying to go to sleep?

    I'll be laying down, thinking, and I hear quiet, non stop screaming. I don't notice it at first, but once I notice it, it sounds louder than before then goes away. It happens a lot. Or I'll hear people talking in my head, but be fully aware that it's in my head and no one is talking. It's really unusual. Whenever I hear things, I'm conscious of the fact that it is indeed in my head.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • This guy I like talked to me a lot for a few days, then started to barely speak to me?

    This guy goes to my school, but I first started talking to him on Facebook. I basically messaged him, joking around about how he looked like a character from a show I watched, and we started talking. Usually we'd each send one message per day, sort of in a continuous conversation. Then one day, we finally had an actual, consistent conversation. It seemed like we were getting along well, and we talked for hours and hours. We did the same thing the next two nights. After that, though, it went back to him responding once every day. So, I figured it was because I hadn't been online from my laptop, just my phone, so it would show me as offline to him when I wasn't. I sent him "Oh, just letting you know, even if Facebook says "offline", I'm probably not, and I'll answer you whenever you happen to message me." The next day, he messaged back saying "Not going to be online that much. Too busy. I'm not a person who uses Facebook alot..". And continued answering me once every day or so. But lately, he's been answering me maybe once a week. Whenever I happen to see he's online and message him, he talks to me for maybe 5 minutes before saying he'll be back in a minute and never coming back.

    In school, he kind of ignores me, but it doesn't seem to be purposely. I sit with him and a group of people who are friends with both of us at lunch most days, except for when he's not at school or has work to make up during lunch. He's a bit socially awkward and quiet at times, so I try not to take it personally. I've asked him if he was alright before while sitting with him alone at lunch (our friends had gotten themselves lunch detentions for not doing homework) and he said "Yeah, I'm just usually really quiet.". Around his friends, though, he's not quite as quiet. He's still kind of quiet, but not as much so as he is when he's talking to me. He avoids looking me in the eyes, though I don't know if it's purposely or not. People have spread rumors that I like him, but I'm not sure if they've gotten to him or not.

    Why is he acting like this?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • This guy I like talked to me a lot for a few days, then started to barely speak to me?

    This guy goes to my school, but I first started talking to him on Facebook. I basically messaged him, joking around about how he looked like a character from a show I watched, and we started talking. Usually we'd each send one message per day, sort of in a continuous conversation. Then one day, we finally had an actual, consistent conversation. It seemed like we were getting along well, and we talked for hours and hours. We did the same thing the next two nights. After that, though, it went back to him responding once every day. So, I figured it was because I hadn't been online from my laptop, just my phone, so it would show me as offline to him when I wasn't. I sent him "Oh, just letting you know, even if Facebook says "offline", I'm probably not, and I'll answer you whenever you happen to message me." The next day, he messaged back saying "Not going to be online that much. Too busy. I'm not a person who uses Facebook alot..". And continued answering me once every day or so. But lately, he's been answering me maybe once a week. Whenever I happen to see he's online and message him, he talks to me for maybe 5 minutes before saying he'll be back in a minute and never coming back.

    In school, he kind of ignores me, but it doesn't seem to be purposely. I sit with him and a group of people who are friends with both of us at lunch most days, except for when he's not at school or has work to make up during lunch. He's a bit socially awkward and quiet at times, so I try not to take it personally. I've asked him if he was alright before while sitting with him alone at lunch (our friends had gotten themselves lunch detentions for not doing homework) and he said "Yeah, I'm just usually really quiet.". Around his friends, though, he's not quite as quiet. He's still kind of quiet, but not as much so as he is when he's talking to me.

    Why is he acting like this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago