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Lv 59,642 points


Favorite Answers25%

I love watching movies (my DVD collection is massive!), reading books (I can never get enough of the written word!), writing (something I've always loved, but only recently started doing in the last year) and hanging out with family and friends.

  • Help my fish to live!!?

    The short story is...

    My betta died sometime today, I've lost four zebra danios in the last week-and-a-half, and my red fire dwarf gourami is on his way to the big fish tank in the sky. I just performed an emergency water test and found chlorine, ammonia, and nitrites at zero and my nitrates are at about 5. My temp is at 79F (same temp it's been at since day one). Water changes about every 5-7 days, since it's an established tank (4+ months). I am hoping you can help me save my red dwarf gourami with your fish intelligence. Right now (and for the last few days) he has been quarantined in a little breeder net box on the inside of the tank. I came home today and thought he was dead because he was lying on his side on the bottom of the box. After poking the net near where he was lying with an eyedropper, he started moving a little bit but now he is down there again. It seems he has trouble staying afloat. He manages to swim to the top, but floats back down again. Additional details ...

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Not your typical Disney question...?

    I love answering Disney questions because I love Disney movies. I am a Disney kid at heart. But all the questions I come across ask about your FAVORITE Disney movie. Well, I want to ask the opposite question. As great as Disney is, I'm sure everybody has a Disney movie that just annoys them and they can't stand. I want to know what your most annoying Disney movie is. What movie just gets under your skin? And why?

    For me, it's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Why? She does not look a day over 12. She is way too young to be thinking about her Prince Charming. In fact, she's way too young to be swept off her feet and ride off into the sunset of marriage with some Prince. Not to mention I think her voice is really annoying. Very high-pitched and not in a good way. That's just my humble opinion.


    What Disney movie really annoys you, and why?

    P.S. The more answers, the better! Thanks!

    23 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Yahoo! Answers email problems?

    I have been trying to email somebody back through Yahoo! Answers and it won't go through. Here's what's happening:

    I recieve the email from another user in my email account on Yahoo! Mail. It says click somewhere to continue this conversation, so I click on that spot and it brings up the email screen in Yahoo! Answers. I type in my response and click Send. It then brings up a screen that says

    Oops -- You do not seem to be the owner of this account. Please sign out and sign back in again.

    So I sign out and sign back in and then it brings up this error message

    Oops -- You must enter a subject of appropriate length

    Then I click on My Profile, go to the person's profile I am trying to email, type in the email again, click SEND, and then it starts all over again.

    Does anybody know what is happening with my Yahoo! Answers email? Or could anybody at least tell me how I can contact the Yahoo! Answers people directly so I can complain about this to them?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Bubble Wands?

    How do I clean a bubble wand?

    When I first installed my bubble wand, it gave out lots of bubble streams. Now it's down to two or three bubble streams. I tried pulling it out last week to wipe it down with a cloth, but it still only gives out two or three streams. Does anybody know a good way to clean those things? It's about 18 (or 24) inches long.

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Fishkeeping professionals...Help?

    I had asked a betta question a couple of weeks ago and got some detailed information from Magicman (I will include a link to that resolved question in details so that you can refer to it for more details if needed). Basically, my betta has a stringy-looking thing hanging down from under it's head. Actually it's a little farther back from the head, before you get to the fins.

    I grabbed some tweezers (sanitized) and managed to pull some of this stringy stuff off (not all, though). I'm not sure about how long it is, but I managed to get about 2/3 off. My questions are:

    1. What is it and how do I treat it?

    2. How do I get him to stay still so I can try and get the other piece off?

    I had come home on my lunch break and saw it, but I did not have enough time to check everything about the tank. The water parameters have been good for the last few weeks since I introduced my last fish (a dwarf gourami). Temperature is 78 degrees. Water changes about every 3-4 days.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • For all you Numb3rs fans...?

    In the season finale shown on May 18, 2007, does anybody know who Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch's character) was quoting at the end? I loved that quote and I was disappointed that they didn't refer to the author who penned it (ex. "'So-and-so' was right..."). Anybody know who it was? And can you also post the complete quote?

    This is the quote referring to death. Death came and said I want him. And he went and died in peace. Something like that.

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Aquariums in Movies...?

    I was watching W.S. Romeo + Juliet last night (the one with Leo and Claire) and I was admiring the aquarium that separated the restrooms and it got me to thinking about other movies with really nice aquariums in them.

    So, what other movies have you guys seen with nice aquarium setups in them?

    9 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Classic Question...?

    I tried searching this question in Yahoo Answers and nothing seemed quite right in answering my concerns.

    Classic betta fish is not eating.

    He hasn't eaten in about two to three days. I have tried feeding him Hikari betta pellets, frozen bloodworms, and frozen brine shrimp and he is eating nothing. My water parameters look good (Ammonia and nitrite at zero and nitrate at about five). My temperature is at 78 degrees and has stayed constant. It is a 55 gallon with 8 zebras, 5 neons, 1 dwarf gourami and 6 ghost shrimp. Right now he is in an isolation / breeder net box, so I can see him easily. The only thing that really makes this question different from the similar ones, is that, when I look down on him, it looks like his body is crooked, almost like a crooked spine. Could this have something to do with his loss of appetite?

    Please help. I will post additional details as needed.

    P.S. The pet store didn't seem to help too much in suggestions, so I come to you.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Best miscellaneous freshwater creatures??

    I know, I know. Everybody's opinions are going to be different, but I want to know what everybody's opinion on this would be. What is the best miscellaneous freshwater creature for an aquarium? I'm talking about crabs, shrimp, frogs, snails, etc.

    I have a 55 gallon and was just looking at something compatible with my neons, zebras, betta, and dwarf gourami.

    What's your opinion?

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Stephen King's The Stand (Book and Movie)...?

    For those of you who have read the book and seen the movie...

    I want to know if the movie lives up to the book. I read the production notes on the DVD and it seems like Stephen King was very involved in how the production turned out. He was listed as the writer and executive producer.

    I just want to know, from the opinions of people who have both read the book and seen the movie, was the movie just about as good as the book?

    It's sitting on my DVD player waiting to be popped in this evening to be watched.

    P.S. I thought I would get better responses by asking it in this category versus the movies category. Thanks a bunch!

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Name of Song?

    Just after September 11th, 2001 happened, there was a song released on the radio that was a tribute (or in memoriam) of the victims of that tragic day. I'm pretty sure it was a special version of "Amazed" by Lonestar, but I'm not for sure. Basically it had the song playing and in the pauses a little girl was talking to her father. Her father had died in the tragedy and she was just talking to him like he was there. Telling him about her life. Asking when he's coming home.

    I would like to know what the EXACT name of the song is and if it is available for purchase or download and where?

    Can anybody help me?

    8 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Water Quality Tests?

    I have liquid and strips that I use, sometimes using both just to compare readings. In the case of my pH, my strips say it is at 6.4, whereas my liquid test says it's closer to 7.8. How can they be that different? I would take it to my pet store, but they use the same strips that I do.

    My other concern is that last night, with the exception of my pH, everything was at zero. Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. They had all been a little above zero, but that's expected since I had recently introduced a betta. Now they show they are all at zero, even the nitrate. I think I did something wrong in testing. Is it a good thing or a bad thing when they all drop to zero? Would it be safe to introduce another batch of fish, or should I wait a couple more days and continue to test the water?

    My questions are:

    1. What should I do about the wide range in difference in my pH readings?

    2. How should I approach everything dropping to zero?

    Details about tank listed in additional details...

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Has this ever happened to anybody else?

    I just got an email from Yahoo Answers saying I got a best answer on a question, so when I clicked on the link this is what happened. The question related to typing in every one of Dr. Seuss' stories and poems complete with titles for the asker. I was the only answer and I pointed out that what she was asking sounded illegal. I was hoping she might add more details to what she was looking for. She then proceeded to name my answer best, but her comments went like this: (paraphrasing) "this is the worst answer. i just wanted to see if the story i had this story right. why are you criticizing me. this is why i'm so lonely and prone to self-mutilation."

    I was furious with this response and proceeded to tell her that if I was right, what she was asking was illegal, she needs to stop blaming strangers for her problems and get help, she can take her 10 points back (if only it were possible), and that a library is available for what she was asking.

    (continued in additional details)...

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is anybody else annoyed with...?

    Is anybody else as annoyed as I am with people who sit there and promise 10 points to the best answer of a question and then are too lazy to actually pick one? All the people who then answered have to vote for their own and hope they get the 10 points that were promised to best answer.

    Sometimes when I am bored, but not in the mood to answer questions, I will vote for best answers. Usually I'll go to some categories I frequent and start with the oldest questions in there and help out by voting on them. I came across one the other day from about 8 months ago from someone who was promising 15 points to the best answer. Not only had he/she not picked a best answer, but they were also promising something they couldn't deliver on.

    Anybody else annoyed with people like that?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Star Wars poll??

    I am currently watching the Star Wars movies and I was curious what everyone's opinion was of my question. I find that Star Wars has a lot of different environments and planets and I was wondering, if current inhabitants and adequate shelter was no factor into your choice, which Star Wars environment would you love to live on?

    The deserts of Tatooine

    The high-rises of Coruscant

    The icy tundras of Hoth

    The forests of Endor

    The valley of Naboo

    The waters of Camino

    The air cities of Bespin

    The marshes of Degobah

    Where would you like to live if the locals and adequate shelter was not an issue?

    28 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Used Gravel??

    Earlier today I posted a question about some fishy questions I had. One of the answers prompted me to take a trip to Petsmart on my break (don't go telling me how bad Petsmart is and how I need to go to a good fish dealer. I'm working on it. ;-)~ Any help is appreciated). Anyways, I went there to check out the availability of getting used gravel from their tanks, and they are going to help me out with that.

    I just want to know what I should put that gravel into. Their gravel is brown and mine is blue, so I don't want to just dump it into my tank, cause I don't want to have to pick it all out later. I was thinking about cutting the foot part off of a pair of nylon hose and putting the gravel in there and putting it in my tank (after washing the hose in water...or even tank water during a water change). Are the tiny holes in the hose big enough for bacteria to move in and out through, or is there a better idea out there somewhere. Thanks for putting up with me and my silly questions

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Test Kits??

    My 55 gallon tank has been set up for about a month. The first two weeks it cycled with no fish, and for the last two and a half weeks it has been cycling with zebra danios. They are doing great, but my ammonia level has been hanging around .5. My question isn't so much about bringing the ammonia down (I know my tank is still cycling), but about test kits. I decided to search through the old questions on here to see what some people have recommended for ammonia adjustment and I came across a question that dealt with test kits. Then searching for just test kit questions only produced two questions out of the 150 I looked at, so I'm going to ask it to get everyone's updated opinion.

    What are the best test kits to use in aquariums?

    I am looking for the best in ease of use, accuracy, shelf life, etc. I currently use a test kit from Petsmart. I can't remember the name off hand (it starts with an Marcin or Maracin...something like that). Test strips.

    11 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Stephen King starter book?

    I have heard Stephen King is a great horror author. Truely a master. I tried getting into his books and actually started with four of his short stories because they were supposed to be his first. The first one I read was about a walk that was highly praised by society, but they started doing away with the competitors that fell behind or lagged while walking. Anyways, the point of this question. I got through two and a half of his stories before I started losing interest. I am still hearing about how great and scary his books are. What I want to know is, what book would be another good starter book of his? Something to try and get me hooked on his works.

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Quarantine tank question?

    I have got my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium set up and am looking to get my first batch of starter fish tomorrow. My question is, while main tanks are best set up from scratch, is it alright if my quarantine tank is a 5 or 10 gallon starter kit? Obviously, I don't need to get the best of equipment, since my fish will use this tank temporarily while ill or getting ready for the main tank. Is this okay? Just something that does the job?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago