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  • Female problems,... is it possible I could have a chemical or hormonal imbalance?

    I was suspecting that I might be pregnant before I got my period, it lasted 3 days, completely regular, however its been a week since my period ended and Ive still had cramps and mood swings, and I have been having hot flashes and I've been sweating more which is also abnormal considering it is winter and freezing out lol. I took a pregnancy test yesterday because I was still kind of worried but it was negative which wasn't too much of a shock considering I had my period last week. So that is out of the question, but if its not some sort of imbalance than what other things could cause these things? Thank you for your input and sorry if I sound confusing or dorky, only had a moment to type it up lol

  • im in my 20's and i have no idea how to date!?

    I was in a relationship for almost 3 years and he was my first everything. I usually declined every offer of dating before I met him. So I don't really have any experience other than him. We have been broken up for 2 months now and I was thinking about maybe going out on a date with a guy I know but I'm sort of shy and I don't want it to be awkward. I miss my ex still so I'm not looking for anything serious but I would like to go out on dates for distractions or to get a good guy friend.idk. any advice on dating, or where to go and what to talk about or do would be helpful lol. Thank you :)

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • recently turned single, attempting to get to know someone new?

    I have been single for 2 months, and I just started hanging out with another guy, but I have known him for quite a while, and so were going from acquaintance to friends.

    We are both shy so it takes a bit of effort to not be nervous and quiet around each other. Were both in our 20's Btw . Can anyone suggest what kind of dates should go on, or maybe some epic convo starters, or subtle ways for me to let him know i like him without it being too obvious cuz I'm shy lol. Any advice would be helpful, I don't really need a relationship, but I would like a good friendship with him, and maybe something in the future, who knows lol.

    Thank you :)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • omg i dont want to feel this pain, i miss him and everything i do reminds me?

    I recently broke up with my boyfriend for cheating on me and we were living together,we were together almost eeveryday for 2 years. He's my best friend and I was going to marry him! Idk what to do. I'm not getting back with him but this pain. Its been 3 weeks and he keeps messaging me and I just need to talk to him but i just cant. Omg!!! I dont know! Everything reminds me of him, please advice me of something, I can't feel this, I don't want to, please, I can't cave. I won't. I just need some advice. Something else to think about!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • date suggestions for 2 shy people?

    I'm 22 and pretty shy, I just got out of a relationship I was in for 2 years. He cheated on me. Anyways i am trying to hang out with other guys as a distraction. I know this guy and we have mutual friends even though we aren't friends we still hang out when our mutual friends do. And he's shy and so am I. I would like to hang out with him because he's sweet and I know he's not going to feck me up even more than I am. So how do I initiate convos and what kind of date things should I suggest? Were both quiet with each other so what would break the ice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • i just want to forgive him, and take him back, i cant deal with the pain?

    My boyfriend of 2 years was cheating on me for a month or 2 and when I found out I kicked him out and ended the relationship. I haven't spoken to him and its only been almost a week but it feels like my life had been ripped from my grasp. I don't want to be right. I want to be wrong. I don't know what to do. He keeps messaging me and I haven't messaged him back because I know when I do it will lead to more and I'm very emotionally unstable at the moment. Please give me advice. Is cheating forgivable? If he's sorry and he realizes his mistake would he do it again? Please I don't know what to do. Please

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • questions about cheaters? idk what to do?

    If your fiance cheated on you, you broke up with him and sent him packing when you found out. Then he messages you saying your all he wants and he'd do anything to have you back, what would you say or do?

    And once a cheater always a cheater? Is that true?

    Please. I'm so hurt and confused

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • good man-bashing songs? i really need to be mad instead of miserable?

    Today I ended my relationship, and kicked him out, for lying and cheating on me for months. Everything was fine yesterday, and I found out the truth this morning and my world is upside down now. Its over. I need to feel anger, I'm tired of sobbing. Please give me angry girl music. Please. :(

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • should i result down to snooping if hes lying alot?

    I'm not normally a snoop however my boyfriend of 2 years has been lying like crazy, about random things. Being weird about me seeing what he's doing on his phone, or borrowing it to call someone. He's been evasive and short when I ask how his day was and what he did. He told me that its easier to lie sometimes than to face the consequences. Since he's lying about stuff would it be wrong of me to snoop into his fb and messaging?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • should i be worried?do you think lying, being sneaky and evasive are signs of?

    Cheating or what if not that? Idk if I'm over thing it but I've caught my boyfriend in numerous lies lately, there has been no confrontation though. We live together and have been together for 2 years now. Normally I trust him but he's been very evasive when we discuss things, our day, or even simple questions I ask. I called him on 9ne lie and he said it was easier to lie than to deal with consequences. If he lies sometimes then he might lie about more things I haven't found out about yet. He won't let me use his phone unless hes right there. Idk what's with him. I'm worried. Idk what to expect. He's my first every everything so I'm inexperienced with relationships. I'm 21 btw. Please, any advice or ideas on what is happening? Please

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • my boyfriend is an being evasive, sneaky, and just plain wierd! ill explain a bit?

    He has been evasive, not answering questions, or telling me how his day was except, eh. Or ok. He hasn't been home much and we live together. He was super paranoid and stalkerish the last few times I've borrowed his phone, following and grumping at me because I pace while I talk on the phone. He has hadhis phone up his bum for about a month. Won't leave it for a second, even tho I'm not a snoop.

    He has lied numerous times about random things and I only called him on one that was super stupid but he said its easier to lie sometimes than deal with the consequences. That insinuates that he lies often. Please help. Am I just over thinking? Should I result down to snooping? Idk what he's hiding! Help me please!!!! :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • are a drunk mans words a sober mans thoughts?

    Like for instance if your partner starts a fight with you and then drinks, and apologizes after they're drunk already, do they mean it? Idk sometimes my boyfriend is super argumentative when he's drunk too and it drives me crazy but sometimes he actually gets nicer when he drinks. Idk really. What's your opinion on the matter?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • how to fix matters in a relationship? better ways to argue maybe?

    My boyfriend and I have been on mostly bad terms for a few months already, it seems every time we make up a new argument begins. I've been trying not to say mean things but our fighting obviously still leads to more miscommunication and misunderstanding. Anyone have any advice? Or ways to stay calm while arguing? It seems I just need to communicate better and more efficiently but everything I've tried has failed. I love him and vice versa so werenot breaking up lol thanks guys :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • guys; i have a couple questions concerning alcohol?

    If my boyfriend drinks every night, only skipping 1 or 2 nights a week and drinks 3-9 a night, is that bad for a guy?

    And I had him agree before we moved in together no hard liquor because it makes him mean, does that make me a controlling gf?

    And if we got a house in his name only, would it be only fair that he drink hard alcohol because the house would be his? Or should I still have a say?

    Please don't be mean, I'm trying to meet in the middle with him

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • poll; can love overcome all?

    Whatever your opinion is, why do you believe that way?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • if someone drinks almost every night, 2-8 beers, could they become an alcoholic?

    Is this really close to becoming an alcoholic if you still skip a couple nights a week?

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • poll; did you know,....?

    What are things that you believe others should know?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago