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Lv 2708 points

Glitter whiskers

Favorite Answers14%
  • Christmas themed names?

    I have just got two new female chinchillas for Christmas and I want to give them a christmas themed name, one is going to be called holly but we need a name for the other

    9 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • Chinchilla information?

    I want a chinchilla for Christmas, I have been doing research about them but I was wondering what your experiance with chinchillas has been like and how would they get on with my cats?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • does anyone have some really good/ fun ideas for the sims 3?

    i have pets and supernatural and i want some good ideas, i have ran out of them.... please help

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • In recipes how much is a cup in grams?

    Alot of recipes that I have been looking at is written with cups, but I don't have a measuring cup.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago

    My rabbit has been pregnant for 32 days now, she's started to make a nest but it doesn't look complete, anyway, she's become a little wobbly but she can walk, and she has also been laying down a lot today, she also freaked out when I went to feed her, she went to the back of the cage and pushed the bedding and just layed there breathing quite fast, HELP PLEASE ASAP

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Rabbit breeding help please...?

    My rabbit had one kit on Monday it was over due and stillborn (as far a we know) her baby was alot larger than it should have been and after my rabbit was swollen around the area for afew days, do you think she would be ok having another litter, I don't want to re-breed her if it's dangerous for her

    5 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • how to convince hard to convince parents?

    theres this thing that my school is doing, most of my friends are going to theme parks for it, but i have to stay in school to do crappy activities, this thing is three days long, how do i convince my parents to have this time off, my attendance is 100%, and i have tried all the "ill do house work" stuff, but still NO,

    i want answers not " just go" comments, please please PLEASE help

    3 AnswersOther - Education9 years ago
  • Help with rabbit pregnancy...?

    Right, I put my male and female together around a month ago, maybe longer, and she hasn't had them yet, she has had signs that she pregnant and she nested two weeks ago but destroyed it but still diggs around in there, this is her first litter.

    She's had signs like

    Digging in hutch

    Aggressive (the first week not as much anymore)

    Protective (won't let me stroke her)

    Eating and drinking more

    Has been laying down on her side a lot breathing quite fast or sometimes slow

    I'm just confused if she is pregnant or not, I mated her afew times and she should have had them around earlier this week ish, but I am unsure.

    Please help

    Thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Why has my pregnant rabbit become sleepy?

    I've seen her laying on her side asleep it's been going on for around three days now she's not always asleep but often

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Rabbit pregnancy questions...?

    Just afew

    Can I keep the females of the litter stay with their mother until I find them a home? (in the same hutch)

    My doe has been a little sleepy, has this got anything to do with her kits ?

    When I put fresh hay and straw in she was digging around in it and going in it all, why ?

    She started a little nest weeks ago but nothing's happened and she has destroyed it but is still very protective over it...

    Is she atcualy pregnant (with the symptom questions above)

    Thank you, and if you can awnser all the questions I'll be glad

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Rabbit pregnancy questions...?

    Just afew

    Can I keep the females of the litter stay with their mother until I find them a home? (in the same hutch)

    My doe has been a little sleepy, has this got anything to do with her kits ?

    When I put fresh hay and straw in she was digging around in it and going in it all, why ?

    She started a little nest weeks ago but nothing's happened and she has destroyed it but is still very protective over it...

    Is she atcualy pregnant (with the symptom questions above)

    Thank you, and if you can awnser all the questions I'll be glad

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • rabbit pregnancy......?

    right, my rabbit mated with my male around 2 and a half weeks ago (maybe 3 weeks ago) shes had the signs of:

    digging in the hutch

    eating loads

    being aggressive (not so much now but was at first)

    nesting (this started like a week ago and shes been doing it since)

    as this is my first time i just want to make sure im doing every thing right for her and that she IS pregnant and if you have some tips about caring for the young (if say she abandons them, or just any old tip that can help with anything) that would be great, thank you

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • What to do with bunny's nest?

    I have been trying to breed my rabbit, as far as I know she is pregnant and she has a very small nest in the corner of her cage, and she really needs this part of the cage to be cleaned out, could I take the small nest out and then put it back in the same place or not?

    4 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Is my rabbit pregnat?? Or is she not?

    She has been acting different latly (she mated with my other rabbit just over a week ago) she has been more vicious and she has been getting out of breath easily too

    I am trying to breed her so I wouldn't mind extra tips and information on rabbit breeding

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Rabbit pregnancy signs...?


    I have a male Rex (about 14 weeks old and who we just found out is a male) and a female mini lop (1) they mated around a week ago , I was just wondering what is the chances of her to be pregnat and what are some symptoms of pregnancy in a rabbit

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • What is the iTunes email?

    I'm starting to get a little annoyed now, they have a new security question thing and for some resin it says "a error has occurred, unable to save your changes" and I can't download ANYTHING because of this I'm trying to email them so can ask for help but I have to go through loads of questions which I dont know the answer to.

    does anyone know the email that I can just email instead of going through the hassle or better do you know how to solve my problem please help it's really annoying me

    Ps I've tried off and on and the simple things but no still doesn't work

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Help in bonding two UNSPAYED rabbits!?

    I have a two year old mini lop and a 9 week old Rex both unspayed, my mini lop is quite aggressive but is friendly aswell, today I introduced her face to face with my Rex and it was ok until she tried to mate with her.

    Can I please have tips on bonding these two rabbits, I really need this to happen please

    Ps if I would HAVE TO spayed both how much would it cost (uk)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • What is the best way to get rid of dandruff ?

    It's pretty bad I want to know The best shampoo or/and other tequnics please


    Ps I've tried one called t-gel but it doesn't work very well

    9 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • If you got a bunny for Easter what would you call it?

    Boy and girl names

    I was just wondering..... I heard my dad talking on the phone about it ;)

    8 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago