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  • how do I import a folder of music into my iTunes library?

    I have a folder of a few hundred songs that I want to put on to my iPod, but this folder was on my laptop which I don't use for iTunes. I transferred the folder to my computer, but I don't know how to get the songs into my iTunes library; the only way I know how to is to go on "open with" -> "iTunes" on each individual song, but as there are about 500 songs I don't really want to do that...

    is there a way to do this any quicker? to import an entire folder of music to open in my iTunes library rather than each song individually?

    thank youuu!!!

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • in French, what is the correct way to say "I was disappointed that my brothers could not come"?

    I am currently writing a French Oral for my GCSE French exam and I am attempting to use the subjunctive case. From using textbooks and grammar notes, I think the sentence should translate something like this:

    J'étais décue que mes freres n'aient pas pu venir."

    Is that correct, or is it formed differently? (if so, wouls it be possible for you to explain why so i can learn from it?) and also, do you have any tips about pronunciation?

    thank you so much, any help is appreciated! it's just that my French teacher is awful at explaining these things so I have had to teach the subjunctive to myself! thank you very much, have a nice day :)

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • if i buy CDs in Canada, can i play them in England?

    i know this is a very stupid question, but i'm going to Canada and if the oppurtunity arises i would like to buy a few CDs, as they're by my favourite artists but aren't available in the UK where i live (Kate Voegele, Tyler Hilton, Wakey!Wakey! etc). so i just want to check that if i buy them out there I can play them in England! because i know that DVD players and games consoles are region coded so i can't get games/dvds etc.

    i know it's a stupid question but thanks anyway!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Canada: what is the weather usually like in Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto in summer?

    hey guys, i'm going on holiday to Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto tomorrow, but I've never been to Canada before. so i was wondering what the weather is usually like at this time of year in these places, so i know what to pack! any information would be great: temperature, humidity, rain/thunderstorms, etc? thanks a lot!!!

    6 AnswersToronto9 years ago
  • Facebook: how do i invite everyone on my friends list to an event?

    i want to invite everyone on my friends list to an event, but i can't be bothered to go down and click names however many hundred times!

    is there any easier way i can invite all my friends to an event?

    3 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • Will you continue to watch Grey's Anatomy in Season 9? what did you think of the season 8 finale?


    warning, huge rant coming. skip to the last line for the question..

    a question for all Grey's Anatomy fans. i was devestated by the Season 8 finale, and even more angry than upset (which is saying a LOT). let's start with the minor details...Bailey and Ben appear to be moving away, or else Ben is and there'll be lots of drama about their long distance relationship. April Kepner is STILL ALIVE which i am genuinely disappointed at. her story's run out, all that's left for her to do it get with Jackson and move away. Jackson, Alex, and Meredith and Cristina are all leaving, if the latter two haven't died of depression. Teddy's going, and Owen and Cristina aren't together anymore by the looks of it. Derek's hand is ruined, he probably won't be able to operate. Arizona and Mark can still very probably die. and finally... LEXIE'S DEATH. i think it's ridiculous, she was the only honest, kind, interesting character left. she had so much potential and her death was UNNECESSARY. her and mark were supposed to have their happy ending and now it looks like Mark is going to die of depression and heartbreak... the Lexie/Mark storyline was the only thing left on the show and now it's gone. so will you watch next season?

    i understood George's death, and Burke and Izzie's leaving: the actors fell out with Shonda. i even got to accept Denny and Henry's deaths, because as tragic as it was, they weren't main characters and they could be lost. but Lexie was a MAIN character, and she had the most storyline left. and Shonda said herself that she's going into season 9 with no ideas for the future. why kill lexie, when she was doing so well and developing so much as a character? i hope they realise what they've done and that they'll have lost a LOT of loyal fans, because Lexie was a favourite for most viewers. i believe they've ruined their own show, but if enough people show how much they want Lexie back they'll find a way to incorporate her again, bring her back: i mean, Meredith was dead for 12 hours, wasn't she?

    so, will you watch season 9? what did you think of the season 8 finale? i'm curious as to how many other people were as outraged by this ridiculous ending as me!!!

    7 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • what will happen in Glee Season 4?

    i've only just started watching Glee (if i'm honest until about 2 weeks ago i hated it with a passion, but then i saw a few episodes and loved it) and i've watched about half of season 2, a few episodes of season 1 and all but the latest episode of season 3. i really love it, especially the later seasons (i watched a bit of season 1 and didn't really like it), but season 3 is almost over and i realized that most of the main characters are graduating!!!

    so what are they going to do when Finn, Rachel, Kurt, Quinn, Puck, Tina, Mike, Santana, Mercedes and all the other seniors (i'm thinking Brittany, Artie, and Sam are as well?) go off to college? will they follow their stories all over the place, or will they just disappear and never come back? or will they make guest appearances? i'm worried cause i think that's why they've brought in so many new characters (Teen Jesus, Rory, Sugar etc), to replace all the originals. and the only reason i watch the show is because of Finchel, Will/Emma and Kurt and Blaine! will season 4 be worth watching?

    basically, just curious if anyone actually knows how it's going to work next season!!!

    3 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • boyfriend's told people we got to 3rd base, do i have the right to be angry?

    i'm 15 years old and he's 14, and he went on a school trip to Greece and told a load of people that he'd felt me up, i'd given him a handjob and done a few other things! this isn't true because i'm just not that kind of person i feel like we're too young anyway, the furthest we've ever gone is kissing! and he's told quite a few people that we've gone further than 2nd base and now a few people are talking about me behind my back as if i have some sort of reputation. i think this is completely unjustified and direspectful to me and i am LIVID about it (and really hurt too!!!), but am i overreacting? i don't think i am i'm just wondering if i have a genuine right to be angry because i feel like he's betrayed my trust and is just using me as an object to make him look cool infront of older people (he was talking to some 18 year olds about it)!

    so is it right for me to be upset about this?

    also, what do i do now?! we've been together for a very long time and i really like him (i'd say love but i'm 15 so i don't know if that's true or not tbh) but this is just unforgivable!

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • in which episode of Season 2 of Glee do Will and Emma get back together?

    i know they are together at the start but they break up in the like a virgin episode. but then i watched the New York one and they seemed to be together, and then i watched the start of Season 3 and they wake up next to each other. i thought i'd seen all the episodes but i must have missed a few because last time i checked she was married to someone else and he was with Holly Holiday...

    i've only just started watching Glee purely because of Will and Emma (and Finn and Rachel) so i don't really know what's going on, i'd like to start watching properly from the episode where they get back together!!! thanks!!!

    BQ: also, i was wondering if anyone knew whether the guy who plays Artie and Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz in the Big Bang Theory) are related, because they look and sound almost identical and their acting styles are so similar!!!

    2 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • how do you download a free album off a website (

    dear Wakey!Wakey! fans (or anyone familiar with or indeed any other music label site)

    i have purchased a band's free download album off using paypal. i had to use paypal even though it was free, don't ask me why! it came up with purchase confirmed etc. but it didn't give me the option to download it...what do i do?! any help would be useful, thank you!!!

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • can a seizure be triggered by an image of something?

    skip to last paragraph for basic question.

    my friend (he has certain...issues, my parents who are doctors think he has Asberger's) claims that he has been having seizures recently, which i obviously thought was a very serious condition. but he claims that these seizures are primarily set off by seeing pictures of people, especially myself, with their shoulders or legs exposed. which i think is ridiculous...and seeing as i've witnessed one of these "seizures" and it consisted of him closing his eyes and poking himself in the eye, saying he feels sick and he's gone blind and that his eye hurts (the eye with the finger in it... >.>), i'm beginning to doubt this and think he just wants attention.

    i understand seizures can be triggered by sudden movement, bright flashing lights, migraines etc, and it is especially common in people with epilepsy, but can a simple image of a girl in a dress cause a genuine SEIZURE?! i just want some clarification from someone who understands the brain and general medicine, because i'm only 15 i don't understand neurology but i'm pretty certain that specific images can't trigger violent seizures!!!

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Of Mice and Men: negative traits to pick up on in Curley's Wife?

    i'm doing a project for a court case on Of Mice and Men, it's an imaginary trial where Curley's Wife is accusing Crooks of assaulting (throttling and pushing) her. i'm cross-questioning Curley's Wife so obviously i have a pretty big job as she is the presecution's main witness.

    i'm not asking you to tell me what to ask her, i just need some negative traits to pick up on her to make her seem unreliable, make her vulnerable and prove that Crooks is innocent!

    there's her problems with Curley, her promiscuity, her lonliness, the racism and prejudice of everyone...but i can't think of many more!!! any ideas?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • POLL: Teenagers, do you read fiction? (+BQs if you want)?

    hi! have to write an essay on teenagers and fiction, so thought i should get some stats. so.

    1. Do you read fiction?


    2. How often do you read fiction?

    3. Do you enjoy reading?

    4. How old were you when you learnt to read?

    5. How old are you now?

    6. Any thoughts on why fewer teenagers read nowadays?

    thank youuu!!! much appreciated :)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How to fix a dropped laptop, makes noise inside, startup screen then blue screen of death?

    ok, i dropped my laptop about a foot onto a relatively soft carpet, it worked fine for about half an hour after then randomly stopped responding, i tried to restart it and the screen went weird and crashed. inside it made a weird whirring and crackling noise, i shut it down holding the power button for 4 seconds. now when i turn it on, the startup screen comes on, then it goes into very old font and says "loading computer files." lots of pop ups come up and disappear very quickly, then it goes to a pale blue screen with a responsive mouse. but there is nothing to click on and the keyboard doesn't do anything. however the whirring iside has stopped

    basically, my laptop comes up with the blue screen of death and won't respond after being dropped. anyone know how to fix it? (there's a chance it could also be a virus as my norton security ran out yesterday)

    or should i just take it to the repair shop?

    thank you!!!

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • my best friend (age 14) has been having seizures but won't tell anyone?!!?

    my best friend is depressed, extremely underweight, and has insomnia. he harms himself and says he often has strange dreams, almost hallucinations, and has said recently he has been having short-and long term memory loss. now, he just told me he thinks he had a seizure, and he won't tell anyone about it. his dad is a neurologist so would be able to treat him and make him better to some extent, but he refuses to tell anyone except for me. i was wondering if there were any organisations or numbers i could call (eg, Childline or something) in the UK to let them know what's happening so they can help him. i've been trying to help him get oer his depression for years now, but he's 14 years old and i'm only 15 and i have no idea how to help him!!!! any suggestions?

    (ps sorry for the diorganisation etc but i'm freaking out here!!!)

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • do i need to tell my boyfriend that i met up with my best friend who is a boy?

    i've been with my boyfriend (let's call him J) for about 2 and a half years and i love him. but i also have a best friend (let's call him O) who i'm really close to and i feel like he needs me, because he has a hard life and i'm his closest friend. he might as well be a girl for the way i see him, it makes no difference to our friendship. but there's always been a kind of rivalry between him and my boyfriend, J gets quite jealous because i'm friends with O.

    it's the summer holidays and i hadn't seen him in a while so O came to my house yesterday. but seeing as i'm 14, most people think that if i meet up with a boy then something must be going on...which it isn't.

    i wasn't planning on telling J. i'm not hiding it from him, but it just seemed unnecessary because it's not really any of his business. do i need to tell him that i met up with O? i love J, and O is just a friend but people seem to think O likes me in a different way but i know he doesn't. i don't want to hurt J for no reason, but is it wrong if i don't tell him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • thoughts on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2?

    i just watched the latest film for the second time, and i thought, for a harry potter film, it was a pretty good adaptation of the book. just wondering what everyone else thought.

    what were you favourite parts? did you like it? bits you didn't like? any bits annoy you? just say anything you like about the new film, i love talking about harry potter ;)

    you don't have to read the next bit, this is just my thoughts on everything ;)

    for me, my favourite bit was in the Room of Requirement, after Goyle tries to kill Hermione. Ron goes charging after him yelling the best line ever... "Oi, that's my girlfriend, you NUMPTY!!!" :P

    my least favourite part was when snape was addressing the school and harry just appeared out of the ranks of was so unrealistic and fake! :S

    i was disappointed with some stuff too..firstly, they missed out the whole dumbledore, grindlewald and ariana part...that was one of my favourite themes in the book and it was if it never existed. on top of that, the film was called "the Deathly Hallows" and they never really explained much about them, they just had the tale of the three brothers and left it at that. they could have done the whole Severus/Lily/James thing much better too...and also, they overused the avada kedavra-expelliarmus scene. that connection was supposed to be for the twin cores alone, a one-off, amazing spell to make a clear, decisive winner of the duel. and yet, every time harry and voldemort met they used it a few times, and it lost all meaning. finally, i was also angry they missed out the final confrontation and conversation between harry and voldemort...that was the only time harry truly figured something out on his own and fought voldemort completely solo. i love in the book how he tells voldemort everything, tries to get him to understand and change before it's too late...that scene was a bit too "avada kedavra oh no the wand doesn't work voldemort's dead he just exploded into a load of feathers the end." >.<

    so...tell me what you think!!

    8 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • is parsley good for wearing down rabbit teeth? ie, does it have high fibre content?

    recently one of my rabbits got diagnosed with spurs on her back teeth so we are taking her to the vet for an operation to sort out her malocclusion. i got told to give her less pellets, more hay and more high fibre food to keep her teeth short (i knew about this before, i just didn't realize how many pellets she ate and how little hay she ate :S )

    we have a huge parsley bush in our garden, and i was just wondering whether parsley is good for her to chew to keep her teeth ground down? does it have a higher/lower amount of fibre to hay?

    also, can you reccomend any other good sources of fibre i can give her?

    thank you very much! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what is the name of the street singer who perfoms in gilmore girls?

    i am currently watching the girlmore girls series for the first time, and i really like the guy who performs on street corners a lot. only thing, is, i don't know his name.

    you probably know who i'm talknig about, he's they guy who stands there singing in the season6 finale after luke and lorelai break up, and in the 1st episode of the 7th series. and quite a few times before and after that...anyone know what his real life name is? i would love to hear more of his music!

    thanks :)

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • buying my first accoustic guitar?

    hi, im going to learn how to play acoustic guitar and im buying my first one soon, but seeing as ive never held one in my life i dont really know what to look for. i want one thats simple, easy to use, and good for a beginner but also for later on when i can play it properly. hopefully not tooo expensive either :P

    what sort of qualities do i look for? sound, size, strings? can you reccomend any good makes? i really dont know anything about them so any advice will help!!

    thankyou!! :D happy weekend

    5 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago