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ღ My baby girl is almost 2! ღ

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What is success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Cell Phone Plans?

    So I am looking into getting my daughter a cell phone. I called up my carrier, Verizon, and asked about plans. They are REALLY pushing this pay for your phone in monthly installments versus the 2 year agreement and pay for the phone up front. Is there a reason for this? I am super skeptical. I always just pay for my phone up front. Any info appreciated!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • What should I do about my 4 year old and daycare?

    I have a 4 year old daughter who started going to daycare at the beginning of this summer. Before this my mother and grandmother had watched her during the day for me. Every time I drop her off she cries, shakes, and freaks out about missing me. I have never had any trouble before with this situation. She goes to "Sunday School" just fine and a mother's day out program 1 day a week for 3 hours. Never an issue. She is terrified of taking naps at daycare so we even pick her up after lunch and before nap time. When my mom picks her up she says she is happy and having fun and always seems really happy to have gone. It's just around me she cries and says, "I miss you. I don't want to go back." The daycare is an employee only child care facility so there are not an overwhelming amount of children. I have friends that work there part time who say my daughter's teacher is the best at the daycare. Last night my daughter and I were playing and she wanted me to be the child who went to daycare and her "Ms. Molly" the director of the daycare. Through this role playing she expressed how much fun she had and the things they did and how much she liked it. I am at a total loss. I want this to be fun for her and it seems to be after drop off, but the drop off is killing me. Does anyone have advice or experience with this..? I am desperate.


    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What should I do about my 4 year old and daycare?

    I have a 4 year old daughter who started going to daycare at the beginning of this summer. Before this my mother and grandmother had watched her during the day for me. Every time I drop her off she cries, shakes, and freaks out about missing me. I have never had any trouble before with this situation. She goes to "Sunday School" just fine and a mother's day out program 1 day a week for 3 hours. Never an issue. She is terrified of taking naps at daycare so we even pick her up after lunch and before nap time. When my mom picks her up she says she is happy and having fun and always seems really happy to have gone. It's just around me she cries and says, "I miss you. I don't want to go back." The daycare is an employee only child care facility so there are not an overwhelming amount of children. I have friends that work there part time who say my daughter's teacher is the best at the daycare. Last night my daughter and I were playing and she wanted me to be the child who went to daycare and her "Ms. Molly" the director of the daycare. Through this role playing she expressed how much fun she had and the things they did and how much she liked it. I am at a total loss. I want this to be fun for her and it seems to be after drop off, but the drop off is killing me. Does anyone have advice or experience with this..? I am desperate.


    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Anyone have a home water treatment eg Rainsoft or Culligan ?

    Do you think it's worth the money?

    Can you take your filtration system if you move?

    Any trouble with either companies?

    I am in the market to get one I just am unsure of which one!


    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Anyone have a home water treatment eg Rainsoft or Culligan ?

    Do you think it's worth the money?

    Can you take your filtration system if you move?

    Any trouble with either companies?

    I am in the market to get one I just am unsure of which one!


    2 AnswersGreen Living9 years ago
  • Help! Need to know if there is anything I can do legally?

    I have quite a few personal belongings at my grandparent's home. If anything should happen to them I would like them back. It's not items that I have given them or anything, they are items that I can not fit in my current place that they said I could keep at their home. My aunt is the executor of their will, and I trust her normally I guess, but when it comes to making money off something I don't. Is there some type of legal document or something that my grandparents could add to their will, should anything happen to them - until I get a bigger place that could protect my belongings from being considered items to be divided and sold? A lot of it is smaller kitchen appliances eg toaster oven, blender, some expensive china I received when I graduated, and honestly quite a few other things.


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Anyone have a really great recipe for Key Lime Cookies?

    I am sending some baked goods to a friend for Christmas and he LOVES key lime pie, but he lives a couple states away, so mailing a pie, well that's pretty much out of the question BUT I thought maybe cookies would ship better, maybe even key lime bars? Any suggestions or recipes would be apprciated! Thanks!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Which gaming console should I buy?

    It's me and my 2 year old. I realize that she cannot play at this age, but I thought a Wii would be easier for her to grow into, plus there is the Wii fit for me and a few other games that I might like to play. The xbox 360 just seems so much more popular... so I really would like opinions as to which system you would buy and why?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Can you please help me decide what to get a 21 year old guy for Christmas...?

    I asked this in singles and dating but got hardly any answers. I am having a really hard time deciding ... also if you have received an awesome gift you are welcome to give ideas. (not sure which one yet)

    or (again not sure which one)

    3 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Which gift would you rather have? (For a 21 year old guy)?


    If I were to buy the lighter I would buy the lighter fluid too. He already has a zippo type lighter. I have had people tell me you can never have to many zippo lighters and then I have had people tell me to get him something different. What's your opinion?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Need help with a gift for a 21 year old guy... have a few ideas but always open to suggestions:?

    He is a smoker, drinker, he is really athletic and likes to work out and play sports. He is into electronics and music too.

    My few ideas were:

    Ipod nano


    nice cigar set?

    Ideas welcome and appreciated!

    We live in different states, so I have to ship it... please keep that in mind.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Parents, what would you do?

    I am a single mom & I provide for my daughter without the support of anyone including the government. I work my butt off. Well about 4 weeks ago I applied for a new job. Qualified etc etc... and it helped that I had a good reference from a friend who also works there! This jobs pay would almost double my salary... I am not making very much now, but my daughter and I could live comfortably with this job. Anyway, recently I had a falling out with a friend, a truly crazy friend. Long story short she claimed to be hearing voices said that me, a friend's son, and another friend were all possessed by demons and that's why she does such bad things to people when we are around...??!?!?! Anyway, before she went off the deep end she knew I was trying to get this job with this company. After she went off the deep end, I found out from my friend who is actually fairly high up in the company that everyday they would get an anonymous call from someone telling them that if they hired me and she would mention my name specifically, that their company would go under and that I would manipulate everyone in the office etc...

    So today I found out that is one of the reasons that they have essentially taken me out of the running for this job. My friend said they are worried about harassing calls being made if I am hired etc...

    What can I do? How can I get this to stop? I NEED this job and my friend said the boss really liked me, but he is concerned about my "friend" who is no longer a friend... Is there any action I can take to help him know I am willing to do anything to get this chick off my case? I am at my witts end. I mean her parents completely support her so she does not know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck... she is ruining my life !!!

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Safe ways to store shot glasses?

    I collect shot glasses and I have about 150 of them. I also have a 2 year old who thinks they are baby cups. They are out of her reach of course, but I still have a fear of her getting a hold of them and I really just want to store them so they stay in good condition! How do you store your shot glasses if you collect them, or if you have a good idea please tell!!!


    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • How to ship banana bread without it going bad?

    I live in Tx and will be shipping banana bread to Az. I always do flat rate boxes so it takes MAX 3 days, but every other time I have shipped something that way it only takes 2 days. I just want to make sure it is fresh when my friend receives it!


    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Parents: What would you do in my situation?

    Background: I was "friends" with a woman who has always been a tad unstable. The people who have known her longer have just accepted who she is and blown off her antics like constantly throwing the suicide card around, or telling men she is on birth control and really trying to get pregnant so when they try to leave her she tells them she is pregnant and gets them to stay longer by saying she will go after child support. She has horrible relationship issues, most of them I think her parents have caused because she is almost 30 lives in a home her parents pay for, does not have a job yet has a BA in communications/ marketing. She does not like that degree though so she does not want a job, she STILL gets an allowance - $300 a WEEK! So when she does not get her way she goes off the deep end.

    Recently she was dating this guy and she finally freaked out on him because he would not move in with her after 2 months of dating - he said it was too soon. So she took him on vacation to CO, and on the way there began telling him that she can hear 7 voices in her head and one of them was his deceased father. That really threw him for a loop and when they got back he did not speak to her anymore.

    Well now she is taking it out on all her friends, particularly me and my daughter. She grew up in a religious household but she herself always "hated" God. Well now she has completely turned around and she is telling me that I am playing mind games with her, and that she can hear my bf and baby's father's deceased mother. I told him and he got VERY angry and said no more contact, so I respected that. Well, then she kept texting and texting saying stuff about a close friend of mine and her son and how he had a demon attached to him, and how she had to get rid on him... the son and save my daughter. Well I told my friend for fear she would come after her son... all of this I have written in text btw. Well now she is mad at me saying God told her to say all those things to test me and I failed but she still loves me and her holiness can rebuke all my demons and how I play minds games with her and that I am not a fit mother for my daughter.

    I finally text her yesterday and said that she needed to stop. I did not want to hear from her anymore. I then received 71 texts telling me how she recorded convos between her and I and how she has given them to a priest, which I don't care because there is nothing I have EVER said to her that is absurd.

    I am worried that she is going to come after me and my family. Really worried. What would you do in my situation?

    Oh and one of our friends, the mother of the little boy called her parents and her therapist and both said that they want her to admit herself to a hospital but she is not a"threat" yet, because she has not had a suicide tantrum, she is just throwing around religion etc... so there is nothing that we can do. She would have to go herself and she said that she is fine and her eyes are finally open.

    11 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • What would you do in my situation?

    Background: I was "friends" with a woman who has always been a tad unstable. The people who have known her longer have just accepted who she is and blown off her antics like constantly throwing the suicide card around, or telling men she is on birth control and really trying to get pregnant so when they try to leave her she tells them she is pregnant and gets them to stay longer by saying she will go after child support. She has horrible relationship issues, most of them I think her parents have caused because she is almost 30 lives in a home her parents pay for, does not have a job yet has a BA in communications/ marketing. She does not like that degree though so she does not want a job, she STILL gets an allowance - $300 a WEEK! So when she does not get her way she goes off the deep end.

    Recently she was dating this guy and she finally freaked out on him because he would not move in with her after 2 months of dating - he said it was too soon. So she took him on vacation to CO, and on the way there began telling him that she can hear 7 voices in her head and one of them was his deceased father. That really threw him for a loop and when they got back he did not speak to her anymore.

    Well now she is taking it out on all her friends, particularly me and my daughter. She grew up in a religious household but she herself always "hated" God. Well now she has completely turned around and she is telling me that I am playing mind games with her, and that she can hear my bf and baby's father's deceased mother. I told him and he got VERY angry and said no more contact, so I respected that. Well, then she kept texting and texting saying stuff about a close friend of mine and her son and how he had a demon attached to him, and how she had to get rid on him... the son and save my daughter. Well I told my friend for fear she would come after her son... all of this I have written in text btw. Well now she is mad at me saying God told her to say all those things to test me and I failed but she still loves me and her holiness can rebuke all my demons and how I play minds games with her and that I am not a fit mother for my daughter.

    I finally text her yesterday and said that she needed to stop. I did not want to hear from her anymore. I then received 71 texts telling me how she recorded convos between her and I and how she has given them to a priest, which I don't care because there is nothing I have EVER said to her that is absurd.

    I am worried that she is going to come after me and my family. Really worried. What would you do in my situation?

    Oh and one of our friends, the mother of the little boy called her parents and her therapist and both said that they want her to admit herself to a hospital but she is not a"threat" yet, because she has not had a suicide tantrum, she is just throwing around religion etc... so there is nothing that we can do. She would have to go herself and she said that she is fine and her eyes are finally open.

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • What color bedroom funiture would you buy?

    Okay I have a black wrought iron bed, bench for the end of the bed, and full length mirror - all from the same set. My Grandparents just recently bought me a Cherry wool antique armoire. I need a new dresser and I would like to get 2 side tables as well. Would you go with the cherry color or black?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • Parents: what would you do?

    Background: I was "friends" with a woman who has always been a tad unstable. The people who have known her longer have just accepted who she is and blown off her antics like constantly throwing the suicide card around, or telling men she is on birth control and really trying to get pregnant so when they try to leave her she tells them she is pregnant and gets them to stay longer by saying she will go after child support. She has horrible relationship issues, most of them I think her parents have caused because she is almost 30 lives in a home her parents pay for, does not have a job yet has a BA in communications/ marketing. She does not like that degree though so she does not want a job, she STILL gets an allowance - $300 a WEEK! So when she does not get her way she goes off the deep end.

    Recently she was dating this guy and she finally freaked out on him because he would not move in with her after 2 months of dating - he said it was too soon. So she took him on vacation to CO, and on the way there began telling him that she can hear 7 voices in her head and one of them was his deceased father. That really threw him for a loop and when they got back he did not speak to her anymore.

    Well now she is taking it out on all her friends, particularly me and my daughter. She grew up in a religious household but she herself always "hated" God. Well now she has completely turned around and she is telling me that I am playing mind games with her, and that she can hear my bf and baby's father's deceased mother. I told him and he got VERY angry and said no more contact, so I respected that. Well, then she kept texting and texting saying stuff about a close friend of mine and her son and how he had a demon attached to him, and how she had to get rid on him... the son and save my daughter. Well I told my friend for fear she would come after her son... all of this I have written in text btw. Well now she is mad at me saying God told her to say all those things to test me and I failed but she still loves me and her holiness can rebuke all my demons and how I play minds games with her and that I am not a fit mother for my daughter.

    I finally text her yesterday and said that she needed to stop. I did not want to hear from her anymore. I then received 71 texts telling me how she recorded convos between her and I and how she has given them to a priest, which I don't care because there is nothing I have EVER said to her that is absurd.

    I am worried that she is going to come after me and my family. Really worried. What would you do in my situation?

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Anyone have this quilt for their child's room?

    In the pictures it shows 2 different versions of pink. One is more of a coral pink and the other fuchia. I was wondering if anyone has bought this and what color it really is. There is one review but it does not tell much about the color.


    1 AnswerParenting10 years ago