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  • Attachment image

    Does this buzzcut work for me?

    Do i have the right shaped head? does it look ok?

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • I need to find a gaming pc?

    I am new to the gaming pc market and i wouldnt have the slightest idea where to look. I really want some solid performance and the most i can spend for a tower is 1500 bucks. Any options or ideas? I want this thing to be somewhat future proof so i can play the latest games

    Any ideas is appreciated

    1 AnswerPC7 years ago
  • Business Math Question?

    the question reads something like this:

    A company earns $800,000, a bonus of 2% is paid to each employee, then a state tax of 6% on the profit is paid after bonuses. Then a federal tax of 34% is paid after bonuses and state tax.

    The question then goes on to ask to compare bonuses from 2% to 10% and to see the difference in profit between each bonus.

    My problem is i cannot set up the system of three equations that would correlate to this problem.

    I dont necessarily want answers but i cant figure out how to set this up

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • will i be able to sell digital copies?

    I am trying to sell my xbox one because i have a ps4 now, but i bought about 4 digital games and if i sell the console will those be included? is that possible? or do they follow my xbox account?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • I dont know where to turn?

    In the wake of the last shooting just a few days ago it has only exacerbated a rather irrational fear of mine. I am afraid i will one day lose my mind and do something so horrible as to shoot other people. As i sit right now its the last thing i want to do, i dont ever wanna take another life. However i see my lifestyle as very similar to the people who commit these crimes. I am quiet very introverted without many friends although i do have them. I have had my share of mental illness trouble (OCD), but I am healthy and off medication for years now. Its just im scared i will lose my mind and become a monster. I cant tell my parents i dont know who. Is this a stupid fear to have? Anyone ever fear losing their mind?

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Should i go for it?

    I am currently a college sophomore, my major is accounting and although its not a bad major i really want to try meteorology. However the problem is its very math and science heavy, Math has never been what I'm good at, but I've never really invested myself as completely as possible. Knowing math is my weakness would it be foolish to pursue a degree in meteorology? Has anyone ever tried going after a degree that seemed really daunting?

  • Is this bad on a college transcript?

    I failed two classes in my sophomore year of college, i was stupid and lazy and i paid the price. I retook both classes and got a B in one and an A on the other retake. My school's policy is that if you retake a class it will fix your GPA, but the F will still be on your transcript. So i will still have those F's on my transcript. Problem is i want to transfer to another school this next fall semester, My GPA is still a 3.4 but im worried about those F's just being there. Do colleges frown upon retaken classes? I just had to grow up and get serious to refocus myself. Will this be a problem for getting into colleges? (not like Harvard or Michigan) Im talking about just regular schools that may not be extremely selective.

  • Why do I feel like this over a tv show?

    I just got done watching a show on Netflix. 8 seasons of it and I feel sad that it's done. I grew to like the characters and I just loved watching it. I don't wish to be like the people in it. I think it's because whatever happens in my day I could count on It to cheer me up, but is this normal? I'm attaching feelings to a tv show. It's just weird.

    1 AnswerOther - Television7 years ago
  • Dipole moment?

    I have a table of compounds that ask if it has a dipole moment? its a yes or no, how do i determine this?

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • What hair gel to use?

    I just wanna slick my hair up a bit. I have very thin hair and i never style it... ever. Well now i do. And i have no clue which brand to get or how much i should spend on it. I couldnt find any at my local store probably because i already knew i didnt know what i needed. Any tips? I am a guy by the way.

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • How can i overcome this fear of parties?

    Tonight i skipped a friends party because i was too nervous (im 20). I didnt want to be left out because i only know her and no one else and i would have been alone. My biggest fear is people thinking that im a loner at the party. I am a great conversationalist in groups but my fear is starting one with people i dont know. its just in big parties i feel lost in the crowd and have trouble finding a place to have fun. Whats a good way to overcome my fear of going to parties alone?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What PS4 game should i get?

    I just ordered my ps4 and it will be here tuesday. Just wondering what the folks who already own one recommend. I do already have the XB1 so games like BF4 COD madden and AC4 i have already played. Any good exclusives? preferably one that really flaunts the power of the PS4

    Thanks all

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Meteorology question?

    The question is What can you say about the layer of air between the surface and about 925 mb?

    2 AnswersWeather7 years ago
  • Question for my meteorology assignment?

    My assignment is to match the average high and low temps for Jan and July to 6 cities in north america. Although i can look up the averages and find out, how can i use their location to deduce what records belong to what cities? ive researched in my textbook but cant find anything this is for a college level course, thanks!

    1 AnswerWeather7 years ago
  • Why do i feel so horribly about myself?

    Im in college and 19 living on my own off campus in an apartment. I live a ways off campus and have lived here for 2 years now. When i first got up here it took me a semester but i met some friends finally, one of which became my girlfriend. However since then i have lost contact with all those people including her. now i only know 2 or three people and we dont hangout very much. I just dont know anyone up here and i feel like no one wants to be my friend. makes me feel worthless, hell i could go a while without texting any of my friends from home or my family and NO ONE calls or texts to see how i am doing. sometimes even my parents i just feel forgotten. How can i change this or start to change it?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How should i get a sports sponsorship for my hockey team?

    I am on a mens league hockey team and we only have one jersey and we need two in case the other team has the same color (blue very common). I was thinking about asking a car dealership locally if they would want to. A sponsor would have to cover 300 dollars at most to afford hockey jerseys as they can be incredibly expensive. Where are some other places and what are good ways to ask local businesses to sponsor us?

    1 AnswerHockey7 years ago
  • Why do i feel this way?

    Im single now but when i remember when i was dating a couple of months ago i think about when we got intimate and i get disgusted with the thought of myself kissing another female. The thought of me getting intimate with a woman just seems weird to me. I wasn't weird while doing it or anything just looking back and thinking about it i feel disgusted with myself. What is this? why do i feel this way? Im a 19 year old male. Thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What to get a girl for christmas?

    Im buying for a friend NOT A GIRLFRIEND. I am a guy and i don't have the slightest clue what she would like. it has to be under 30 dollars too, She's just a close friend and i want to get her something that she will like. Any ideas ladies?

    6 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • I need some good advice?

    Hello all,

    I am a 19 year old college student, I work and go to school and that consumes most of my time. But i will cut to the chase, I am not happy in life right now. I have hit rock bottom and it hurts... I guess it all started when my ex girlfriend broke up with me (I'm not sad over it anymore) that was 8 months ago now. Since then i have gained 15 pounds, left my job (i just started a new one that is better for me so there is that), lost contact with any friends that i have, in a mountain of debt, and my grades in college are slipping as i have failed 2 classes this semester and i never fail classes. I guess what I'm asking is for everyone who has been "here" what did you do to get back on track? Because right now I'm just exhausted, lonely, and feeling hopeless. I just need some good old fashioned adult to young and dumb teenager advice... Thank you everyone

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Some good movie suggestions?

    Im looking for crime thrillers and some of the best of all time. I saw the movie prisoners recently and i have taken a liking to this genre, Any good classics that i should watch?

    6 AnswersMovies8 years ago