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Lv 725,589 points

Vijay D

Favorite Answers21%

An Indian, born a Hindu, who has the privilege of ability to realize that we as human beings are like waves in the ocean, separating from each other from time to time, but being firmly and eternally affiliated to our parent, "The Ocean ". I owe my existence to " The Ocean ". I like all the waves because like me, they also are part of the ocean.

  • Vote for Congress. Else press button on NOTA.?

    Congress has brought our nation to a very high pedestal. These disgruntled elements want to misguide our people and want to actually make hay on the high pedestal that this nation is standing on now. We will be utter fools, if we are swayed by the rantings of these 'Ram Leela Actors' and think of dethroning the great INC in this election year 2014.

    Gujarati mindset is a community minded mindset and we as good Indians should not vote on propagandists of community mind.

    7 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • 3 characteristics by which we can judge the potential for deserving to be the PM of India. Agree or not?

    3 parameters for being a good PM. Do you agree?

    There are 3 contenders for the coveted post. One has declared himself to be the PM in 2014. The other two are being proposed by their respective parties. Besides there is a III front being propped up from nowhere. So we all are confused- who can actually be the best. Here are my tips:-

    1. Please do not think of having a 'Bad- tameez' as our PM.

    2. Please do not think of having a 'Foul- mouth' as our PM.

    3. Please do not think of having an 'Opportunist' as our PM.

    We are a big and responsible democratic nation for the past 65 years. We have developed like no other country over the past decade.

    Please be a good Indian like you always have been, before deciding about your candidate. We all owe a 1) Well mannered, 2) Simple in thoughts and 3) compassionate PM for our country.

    Even though in our type of democracy, we don't vote directly for the PM, yet we should keep these aspects in our minds before pressing the 'like' button

    3 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • 3 parameters for being a good PM. Do you agree?

    There are 3 contenders for the coveted post. One has declared himself to be the PM in 2014. The other two are being proposed by their respective parties. Besides there is a III front being propped up from nowhere. So we all are confused- who can actually be the best. Here are my tips:-

    1. Please do not think of having a 'Bad- tameez' as our PM.

    2. Please do not think of having a 'Foul- mouth' as our PM.

    3. Please do not think of having an 'Opportunist' as our PM.

    We are a big and responsible democratic nation for the past 65 years. We have developed like no other country over the past decade.

    Please be a good Indian like you always have been, before deciding about your candidate. We all owe a 1) Well mannered, 2) Simple in thoughts and 3) compassionate PM for our country.

    Even though in our type of democracy, we don't vote directly for the PM, yet we should keep these aspects in our minds before pressing the 'like' button

    3 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Sweeping wave culture or VIP culture, should we ponder over?

    The latest buzz is on dismantling VIP culture. What about this sweeping wave culture which brings a Vasundhara Raje or a Arvind Kejariwal on the platform from nowhere. I always feel that a good governing body like the Congress is proper for our country. Our public should not vote to bring miracles in politics as if the elections are held to show the performance of the public!

    Elections are held for bringing a good government and not for taking "revenge" on Sheila Dixit ,or for crowning Vasundhara Raje Scindia to please Narendra Modi.

    Think India, THINK!!!

    2 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Is not this Kejariwal the first Jokepal of India?

    This man who is the number 1 trouble creator of India is an IITian! All the fellow IITians should dump this man and confer upon him the title "The first Jokepal of India".

    India in spite of the upheavals in the world economy, has done very well and is on the threshold of a leap for occupying a place of eminence in the global scenario. Should we just fritter away all that we have gained over the past 66 years, just on the advice of a jokepal?

    I think other IITians have a concern for India and they should see to it that this joker does not tarnish the image of the fellow IITians and take India towards a mockery.

    Be serious and ponder over this. You owe it to India.

    4 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Is not this Kejariwal the Jokepal of India?

    This man who is the number 1 trouble creator of India is an IITian! All the fellow IITians should dump this man and confer upon him the title "The first Jokepal of India".

    I think other IITians have a concern for India and they should see to it that this joker does not tarnish the image of the fellow IITians.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Will a 4 head statue be beneficial for Modi bhai?

    Instead of making a one headed statue of Patel, Modi should sincerely consider a quadra statue which can have 3 more faces, that of Modi bhai himself, Shyama Pd. Mukherjee and Guru Golwalkar.

    These 3 are also sons of India and have been neglected hitherto. Besides, it will utilize huge expenditure, and will give Modi bhai a pan India acceptance because the other 2 will be representing different Indian cultures.

    Then Modi bhai will start looking a true Indian and his "only for Gujaratis' image will be corrected. He then can win thumbs down.

    I am his well wisher and he can take this good idea from me. After all this country does not belong to Gujaratis only. Modi bhai should represent full India and not Gujarat alone.

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What is the definition of a "real Hindu"?

    In my opinion, there are three types of Hindus in India:

    1- BJP Hindus, 2- Sensible Hindus, 3. Ignorant and naive Hindus.

    We are fortunate that most of us are Sensible Hindus. India is safe.

    You are free to differ and I solicit your views on this. Cynics- please keep away.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Since they are making such a huge statue, can I make a suggestion?

    Instead of projecting Patel only, they can make a 4 headed sculpture looking in 4 directions. The other 3 heads can be of (1) Narendra Damodar Modi (2) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (3) Guru Golwalkar. So for the cost of one statue only we can satisfy 4 "God heads". That will make everybody including the exchequer happy. And the message will spread across North, East, South and West.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If Patel was not a Gujarati, would Modi still have raised a statue in his honour?

    Modi bhai blames Congress for not giving importance to Sardar Patel. Patel died in 1949 and had no role so as to become a popular figure in India. Had he lived longer and excelled as did Pandit Nehru, the nation would have given him more importance.

    The nation could unite within our boundaries, simply because it was possible to do that geographically. The simple jobs can be done comparatively easily which Patel did as a Congressman, while the difficult jobs like Kashmir need building up strategies. There is always difficulty in encountering border issues which Kashmir is.

    Thinking Hindu and Hindu only, depicts the parochial minds of the cynics who have no consideration for the humanity as a whole. At least these leaders should give proper guidance to our naive public. Every human being is important and everything need not be considered from a Hindu angle only.

    I am a "proud Hindu", and I understand why I am proud of being a Hindu.

    Patel is as important to me as is Netaji or Dr. Rajendra Prasad and nothing more than that. Just because Modi bhai has an extra sympathetic heart for Gujarat and Gujaratis, should the whole nation tow the same line and bow to his wishes?

    Nehru, Indira and Rajiv are more in light because they were executive heads of the government. Patel was not. Ain't you, Mr. Modi, making a mockery of India by proclaiming him to be our biggest man and by raising a statue as big as that?

    I think Modi bhai, you are more important actually than "The statue of Sardar Patel". And you believe in that.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Rahul Gandhi is sincere and honest. He isn't cunning. Let us not be cynical. Agree as a sensible Indian?

    I solicit the views of all right thinking Indians, who of late have been carried away by the propagandists into believing, that some Gujarati merchant can wave a magic wand and bring 'prosperity' to our nation. It should be very clear in the minds of the people that a sober leader is the need for our country's vast population which has now started feeling that they are also the part of the mainstream.

    I am open to discussing this issue in detail with each one of you.

    13 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • My choice is UPA for a III term. I like sober leaders governing the country? Are you ok with the cynics?

    A shiver goes down my spine, when I think about this country being governed by these cynical people whose one point program is to do Congress bashing and somehow come to power. The TV debates that we see every evening speak about the quality of the leadership that is being thrust upon us in the name of this Modi bhai.

    It is not easy to govern this country and I honestly feel that Congress especially during it's UPA experience has done a tremendous job in keeping this country united in spite of the obstructions created by continuous disruptions of the parliament and Ram Leela Maidan/ Jantar Mantar hooliganism's brought about by Anna's, Kejariwal's and Ramdevs. Do you want these very people to be calling the shots and god forbid, which direction these groups will be taking India towards, if they are somehow able to cobble up a combination and form a government?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is Modi bhai so desperate? Are you serious that you will vote for nautanki?

    This man is only playing to the galleries and wants to earn cheap popularity for himself. He is not even bothered about BJP. For him "he" and "his Gujarat" are the only thing that matter. And unfortunately all the BJP "stalwarts" have fallen to his 'sweet dictates". Every BJP'ian is looking a tom thumb in front of this drama actor. Is this what we thought of BJP to be?

    4 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • No projection of Rahul Gandhi as PM. How will Modi bhai respond now?

    Mr. Digvijay Singh has said that the Indian National Congress 'will not name' Rahul Gandhi as it's prime ministerial candidate for the ensuing 2014 general elections. This statement is a serious set back for the aspirations of our Modi bhai, who along with his fans is tweeting day and night about the Feku- Pappu fight. These people take elections as if it is a fight between two wrestlers. Now they have to fight on ideological issues and not on 'one man show' issue.

    Modi bhai has now to come aroound and fight the real battle. Pappu is well placed and poised to take on this Feku now.

    4 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Let us have Modi bhai the P. M., Amit Shah the home minister and Ahmedabad the new capital of India.?

    We can have Smriti Irani as the minister for parliamentary affairs and Minakshi ji Lekhi as the law minister.

    7 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Modi bhai at the center and Kejri bhai at the Delhi state. What a nice political combination?

    Being anti congress both qualify equally. And both are great sons of India. And both are visionaries.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • In the event Fenku Bhai, fails to impress the voters, should he be made in-charge of Lijjat Papad and Amul?

    Modi Bhai should of course continue to remain the chief minister of the 'Great Gujarat' as he could be burdened with these extra responsibilities.

    He deserves to come out from his limited role and play a bigger role.

    4 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • As patriotic Indians, let us all unite to vote for a prosperous Modi's Gujarat.?

    As Modi bhai says, all Indians owe Gujarat for the salt that they have eaten. Shouldn't we as patriotic Indians repay the debt we owe to Gujarat by installing Modi bhai as the prime minister of India?

    Let all Indians contribute towards the growth of Gujarat. Let us all make Gujarat a very very prosperous state.

    6 AnswersElections8 years ago